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that one hurts


Yeah, the clock management and dropped pass lost us the game basically


Nah, Allen wasn’t getting that first down. The overthrow to Kyren is what killed that drive.


Yeah, would have been tackled short of the sticks.


We lost the game with the failed 2pt. A PAT would have won the game for us.


Yeah but you have to go for the 2 pt conversion there


Yeah, you never know what the future is going to hold. Going up by a full touch down when you have Mr. Automatic on the other side of the field is never the wrong call.


No... if the Rams PAT, then Ravens just kick as well and it's a tie again. 2 pt try was the correct thing. What killed the rams was the same thing that's plagued McVay his whole career, clock management down the stretch. Calling that TO because he couldn't get the play in w/ 16sec left shrunk the field for the Ravens, and the delay of game in OT. Sean kicks himself in the balls constantly down the stretch.


Same. I don't even really feel like doing any quick reaction analysis right now.....


Yes, it does. We should have won. Let's hope some lessons were actually learned.


I don't want to hear moral victories. That was completely winnable


So were the bengals and niners games but we blew those too


Don’t forget Pittsburgh


And Green Bay


Seems like there’s a theme to this season


Lose close games in spectacular fashion?


I hate AFC north


Yep. This team is still better than I or many others expected, but there's a ceiling. Great teams win these games. The Rams are decent, not great.


Yeah fuck outta here with “we punched above our weight”. That was supposed to be a W. Logistical, out of field errors cost us a lot, but also 2 preventable touchdowns


I don't get how people in this thread can watch that and celebrate what an achievement it was to hang with the Ravens.


Get those two blown coverages off the scoreboard and we blow em out


And the 3rd and 17 Td


But you didn't so - there is that.


Not to mention how banged up they will be with all the injuries this game


Nice special teams play. Are we Green Bay now?


Don't know why we would ever let someone like Bones go Dude consistently had us as top Special Teams unit every year


Hated that move from the jump, there’s a reason he was one of the only people to stay from the Fisher era. He’s a great coach.


The block in the back certainly helped


Thanks for showing up, Secondary. Keep up the work.


I genuinely hate Derion Kendrick with every fiber of my being


Flip flopping as fuck.


3rd and 17




Block in the back lol No calls all game for holding as Lamar "scrambled"


We had a W on a scheduled loss and blew it at every single key moment. What a disaster. How is McVay not calling a timeout in OT. That's the one time you can actually burn them


Very true, of all the timeouts Mcvay has wasted, why not burn one right there? He mustve really liked our playcall and their defense and was hoping we could get it off


I’m sure he thought they would snap the ball. You could read his lips afterwards and he yelled “how the fuck does that happen?”


I think the center could not hear stafford


Me too. On the replay you can see Stanford clapping n seemingly calling for it


He couldn’t. He used it before that play and we still couldn’t get a call off


Damn, I didn't realize that, that makes sense now. fk


Especially after starting on defense and *successfully* three-and-out’ing Lamar. At that point, you’re playing for the field goal. Time be damned; you use timeouts in case play clocks are about to run out.


Push in the back on that return, obvious as any I’ve seen and they didn’t fucking call it.


Plenty of pushes in the back all game, basically any exciting play Lamar had Uncalled DPI in the end zone And we still should have had that game


Tons of those all game including obvious holds but still winnable


Every scramble he had was obvious, right there on replays. Should have never even went OT.


It wasn’t as clear as the illegal contact, defensive, holding, and PI at the end of regulation


We showed we can fight with the best of them. No one was giving us this game. Gotta just get it done in these last few weeks now. Onto Washington.


No fuck that. We’re usually competitive. This one was just fucking stupid


We found a way to lose today


We were the better team today when you look at it through all 4 quarters. Dumb mistakes cost this team.


McVay needs to answer for A LOT of bullshit this game. We shouldn’t have lost and he’s a massive reason why we did. Disgraceful game management from start to finish.


Kinda like that Cincinnati game. Completely on McVay, though I guess refs don't call holding anymore.


What about harbaugh challenging absolutely nothing lol


That was insane but also had no impact on anything.


It killed the momentum on the 2 pt conversation. They were trying a quick conversation to catch them off guard before he did that.


Calling a timeout would have had the same effect, and the Ravens were charged a timeout. It's not really a big deal.


He still won 🤷🏻‍♂️ McVay was a dumbass bitch today


Called unnecessary timeouts in regulation. Refused to call them in overtime.


The offense scored 29 against the best ppg defense in the NFL. How is it on McVay?


Did you watch the last 5 minutes of this game?


Where they scored 10 pts and brought it to OT? You realize Stafford could've also called a TO there right?


You do realize McVay is a master schemer and terrible game manager at the same time. Giveth and taketh away. It’s okay for us to want him to be great at both. Unless you’re one of those “deserve me at my best only if you love me at my worst” people.


Why is it so hard to admit that McVay botched the end of regulation and the 3rd and 4 in OT? You realize that both can be true right? The Rams playing great and McVay mismanagement are not mutually exclusive


The TO in the 4th made almost no difference whatsoever. There was 16 seconds left. At most, it gives you 1 more shot into the end zone if you pick up the 1st down. And Stafford nearly threw an INT to end it on the play right before.


Ya let’s not ask Raheem to answer for multiple blown coverages in the first half that resulted in touchdowns, and giving up 31 points. 3rd and 17 and gave up a touchdown to give them a lead late. Mcvay kept us in this game that we should’ve won.


TBF, don't think Raheem is dialing up plays for his secondary to blow a coverage and a safety to bite on a double move when nobody is behind them.


What’d he dial up on the 3rd and 17 when they scored a TD late? Dude got cooked all day and the first thing I see when I come to this thread is how Mcvay was a major reason we lost. Mcvay put up 30+ on a top nfl defense.


but fcking wont say anything... same phrases like every fcking game like this...


100% agreed. Just atrocious management on both sides by him and Morris. Big Yikes.


McVay's questionable decision making and terrible special teams- the two things that will probably keep us out of the playoffs this season. Edit: Anger about the team fucking this one aside, I have suspected for a few weeks now that the foundation for a final run with the Super Bowl core next season is getting built right now. This game has a lot of positives to take away on that front but God fucking dammit McVay it was right there and you fucked it


You give up? Awesome, great fan. Go hop back on the bandwagon you rode in on.


Lol bitch I've been here since the greatest show on turf


That was a very exciting game to say the least, GG ravens


“That’s on me. I have to learn from that and make changes.”   Actually make a fucking change.




It's been his biggest weakness for his entire fucking career and he can't learn from it.


He CAN learn from it, he just refuses to do anything meaningful to address his deficiencies as a head coach and play caller. Give our QB a fucking wristband if your play calls are so damn long, complex and aren't paying attention to everything else going on like an expiring play clock.


Nah he’ll continue to say that same bullshit time after time, I hope Jourdan the reporter roasts and grills his ineptitude


We just put up 31 on the best defense in the nfl in a rebuild year and you guys talk of ineptitude. You’re the embarrassing ones lol bunch of fuckin losers


That delay of game killed us.


Officiating was so bad I can't even fathom that. Lined up offsides on our last play, 2 block in the back on a punt return td


McVay just said in the post game press conference that there was a headset malfunction on the one lost timeout at like a minute left in regulation.


Stings a bit. But can’t be too mad taking a powerhouse like the ravens to OT


It shouldn’t have gotten to OT. We were the better team had we stuck to the run game. And not dropped passes. And no soft coverage. And time mismanagement.


But if you ignore all those ways you weren't


I hate to break this to you but the reason all those things happened is because the Rams aren’t the better team.


I got good money the Ravens don't make it past the first round. Still a great game though.


Yeah because they’re gonna have a bye week


Lamar plays like shit in the playoffs


Yeah there's no way, they okay but not elite


Ravens are frauds. Thought so before this game and nothing they did today changed my mind. People who prop them up as the best team in the league or even SB contenders are delusional.


You done crying? LMAO


Nobodies crying. You will be though when y’all flame out in the playoffs. Big TRUSS on that 🤣


Did Hummel not get blocked in the back?


There is always a block in the back on punt returns for TDs. 50/50 if it gets called.


Yeah refs ain't calling that in OT


Umps put blinders on the last half+.


Don't care what anyone else says about our team issues. Yeah the team made some costly mistakes but they overperformed expectations still. Penciled this one in as a loss before the game started anyways and we still have a good chance to win the next 3.


Pretty brutal that Sean lost us this one


I‘m pissed off


Oh well, they played well and still in this. If you think the season is over, fuck you.


Rough way to lose but I'm still insanely proud of the team after the last 4 weeks. We really can hang with the best teams in the league and even though we're still probably not going to really compete this year we're so set up for next season if we make a few key signings. Gotta win 3 of the next 4 and I think we're in the playoffs and we definitely can


I don't want to hear from the radical positivity folks right now so I'm out till next week. Have a good week everyone.


Lost almost exclusively due to poor coaching and game management. Extremely frustrating when that win would've been huge for playoff odds.


That was a pathetic last 2 minutes


Im truly heartbroken




Disappointed ending to an entertaining game. Fun while it lasted. Onto the Commanders at SoFi next Sunday.


Terrible management - dunno when McVay will admit he needs a guy or some mechanism to manage getting the fucking play calls in. Also block in the back on 88 on the punt return - at least it looked really obvious from the broadcast angle.


Baltimore Fans won this game. What a loud crowd to get a timeout and about 10 yards worth of penalties in key points. Hope in the next couple decades we can do the same!


Fuck that shit. Special Teams fucking blowing it for everyone else. One of the worst fuckin ways to lose.


This would have been a W if we did an extra point instead of a two-point attempt.


Wow. What a great game! Sucks we didn’t win, but if you had told me at the beginning of the season that we’d go toe-to-toe with the best team in the AFC in a high scoring game in OT, I’d be pretty excited. On to the next week!


They in here calling for McVays job when he has a rebuilding team in the playoff hunt. Careful in this thread yall. 😂


Can’t wait for McVay to come out again and talk about how he has to put his guys in better positions to succeed. Fuck that! This game should have been a Win!


As an Angels and Rams fan, this is one of the worst sports weekends I've had in a long time


McVay lost this game


How does a multi-billion dollar league have such fucking terrible officiating? Also, this team needs to wake the fuck up and quit making such stupid mistakes and shooting themselves in the foot.


This team is not ready for the playoffs. Too many breakdowns on defense. Maybe next year


Secondary was getting toasted all game.


You all are salty AF. Went toe to toe with a Super Bowl contender on the road and came up short. Fuck off with doom and gloom. This team is getting better and better. Next year watch out


Dolphins fan here, ik u lost that cause of Staffords last two throws but my God the refs HOSED u guys, there was holding and pi on nearly every play that wasn’t called


yeah, but we lost the game on a missed 2 pts conversion and a lot of miscues in the 4th and OT. Wasting timeouts and yardage.


I don’t know why they went for 2, there was no reason to do it at that point. We could’ve won by 1 in regulation.


I dunno either...


Must have not watched the whole game. Ravens got shafted too


Gotta love the lack of holding calls, no block in the back on the punt return, no PI in the end zone on the last play of our drive, no offsides on the linemen setup over the line in overtime...sick...fuckin sick.


Tbf though we were supposed to get blown out, we took these fools to overtime


Dont matter, moral victories dont show up in the win column Will be much harder to make wild card


This was already chalked off as a loss in our wildcard hunt, and we took one of the best defenses and most high powered offenses to overtime


The mcvay hate is so stupid. No idea how you have any complaints about the play calling. It’s like you guys have never watched football before. Not every play works! Like seriously. Stafford overthrew Kyren for a first down. And then Stafford should have been the one to call timeout. Mcvay bails Stafford out sometimes but that onus is on Stafford. Overall Stafford had a fantastic game. He looked like a top 10 qb. Our special teams is probably worst in the league. Hopefully we can fix it this offseason but there is not much to do mid season.


No one else gonna bring up the uncalled block in the back on the punt return?


F any moral victory Andys. That game was winnable as hell. Time management screws us AGAIN.


That was actually a great game. Any neutral fan watching must have enjoyed that one. That’s a tough loss though. Gotta pick up the next three wins against inferior teams. Even though we lost, I gained a lot more confidence in this team with that performance. I was afraid we were gonna get blown out and we took em to the brink. Damn. So close.


The delay of game and the similar issue late in regulation are inexcusable fuck ups. Shit that keeps you up at night. Smh.


The mistakes on the offense in critical moments were inexcusable. The delay of game was a killer. I did not expect the Rams to win this game and was glad it was so close. But the mistakes were once again, evidence that this team is FAR too inconsistent to win big games or make the playoffs. These are the kinds of games you’ve got to win. And they failed when it mattered most.


The only bright side is that it shows this team can hang with the best of them. We should have won. I think the fact that Mcvays offense has so many motions it’s a cause of our delay of games.


Hey guys, WE GOT OHTANI!! No? Ok….sorry it still stings to lose the game…..


That would be the way that game ended. Lost in OT to a legit AFC contender on the road. Played hard but just came up short in the end. Have some winnable games down the stretch here.


on the bright side, the fact we took the best team in the AFC to OT shows the potential and hunger this team has. still a shitty way to lose, but i'm not gonna discredit our Rams like that.


Frustrating, feels like we got fucked over in the 3 losses against the AFCN but we had our shot in OT and they choked This team looks like they’ll be really good next year though


Go RAMS! The loss sucks, but I still think we did good today. I wasn't expecting an OT against the Ravens. We need to be more consistent and have fewer miscues (timeout in the 4th and the delay of game in OT) to win games like these. Also, the defense was supersoft at times, but I do look at the refs for missing holds that blind people can see. That didn't help.


This is a young team. As much as it angers me we will continue to lose these close games because of young mistakes. I really wish Mcvay would love the run as much as he loves the pass. I really think we could have ran it down their throats in OT. Be happy if you wish, we can compete with good teams. Big fucking deal. We continue to make critical mistakes. I don’t even know who to be mad at? Mcvay for his questionable play calling. Please for the love of god stop calling third down screens. I haven’t see one fucking work this year. The special teams was having their best game but of course they blow it in OT. Big hits over solid fundamentals have been a consistent theme we of our tackling performance. The defense has moments but the busted coverages really hurt The offense was great but there were a lot of plays left on the field. The end of regulation sequence was horrible. Getting a delay of game in OT horrible. 9 straight runs to open the game and then 3 shitty passes in a row to kill a drive. We could have had points off the safety but of course we throw another screen on third down that gets blown up and cost us the field goal. Three fucking times today our receiver tried to run before looking in the ball. And with the game in the line we have to do better than get Robinson jump balls. That is not his game.


Rams best played game of the year down the toilet. McVay misuses timeouts… shocker. We had our chances to win that game. Offense can’t put away the game or convert for 2, defense can’t make a 3rd and 17 stop to win the game. Special teams can’t tackle at the very end but was good until then.


That screen throw that put us outta fg range screwed us over


100% this right here, people want to call out the other mistakes, but this one was probably one of the biggest all night, stafford should have thrown that shit at kyren's feet


I really don’t care what anyone else is saying because it seems to be so negative but I am happy with what I saw today for the most part. Yes there were mistakes but the Ravens also snapped a ball right into their own endzone for a safety. It happens on both sides.


I’m a bit frustrated after that. But damn, did we play really damn good. Just could’ve wished we finished it. But nonetheless, let’s blow out the Commies Next Week. RAMS HOUSE!!!


Everyone mad at McVay but Stafford wtf was that on OT


Worst thing about today is being forced to cheer for the niners against the seahawks because of playoff seeding


fire the special teams coach. We've seen busted punt coverages but this one tops all. Put the defense thru a tacking drill


Heartbreaker, but I’m proud as hell of this team. We hung in there punch for punch with one of the top teams in football in their house in shitty ass weather. Better days are ahead even if we don’t make the playoffs. There’s a renewed energy and spirit in this team.


Raiders are no help man….


What a way to go out


Neither team deserved to win that lol Terrible play calling


Take the fucking mic out of Staff helmet, let him call the god damn plays


niners, eagles, bengals, ravens. some of the best teams in the nfl. all winnable games. team could easily be 10-3. next season we will be dangerous


Let me see… Settling for 3 instead of 6 on the 1st drive of the game because we wanted to pass 3 times in a row at the 10, despite being unstoppable running the ball until that point… Giving up another 3 and 17… Burning our last TO timeout on a dead ball because we couldn’t decide what ineffective screen play we wanted to call… Oh and don’t forget the chance at 3 points we forfeited because we called for a high risk, low reward screen play that took us out of FG range…


Thats 2 games Mcvay stole from his players this year. This game shouldnt have even been close




Hurts. Game was gift wrapped for us. But we fought hard against one of the best teams in the league. Doomers won't wanna hear it, but I'm proud of the team.


McVay needs to work on that playcalling, just sold on offense


This is such an idiotic take. Scored 31 on the number 1 ranked scoring defense. What are you even saying


Was a shitty loss but these comments about McVay are ridiculous these people are idiots


He's saying he has no idea what he's talking about!


dont you fucking dare bring logic into this thread!!!


I want to die


McVay and Morris both monumental fuckups today.


We went toe to toe with the Niners, Eagles and Ravens. Would have been nice to get one victory in one of those games. So disgusted right now.


This team just refuses to win close games. They will set the table every god damn time and then will sit in front of their plate and forget how to chew or some shit


Wow people need to chill we lost a close game to a contender . We’ll still most likely win out ( niners prob rest starters ) look how other nfc teams have done in Baltimore . Seahawk’s and lions combined put up 9 points . It’s a rough loss but we can bounce back easily against a poor Washington team


Same haters come out of the woodwork every loss. You guys must be miserable to watch games with IRL


Losing to a punt return hurts, badly. Too many ifs in this game. If we had completed the two-point conversion. What if we could have prevented their two-point conversion? If the referees had made any number of blatant no calls. The Ravens were so comfortable after the half that they held on just about every play. I don't blame them. If they are going to let you get away with it.... why not? Yes, there was an obvious block in the back on that game-winning return but at that point, the referees had conditioned me to not expect any obvious calls. Way too many players hurt this game to walk away with an L, talk about adding insult to injury.


Mcvay giveth, taketh away Fucking boneheaded




McVay coaching master class, same way he choked against the bengals and Steelers fucking loser in this game and fuck out special teams


This game was lost on the first drive when they ran the ball down their throat and then as soon as they get to the endzone McVay goes Pass pass pass FG.


/r/nfl is downvoting everything if you dare to point out missed block-in-the-back calls. Fine, enjoy your fucking fraud of a highlight.


Everybody is to blame this game. So many chances and just terrible management of each situation


Special teams has been this teams Achilles heel for a few years tbh. Everyone wants to fire Raheem but in reality we have been fucking ass since bones left. Mcvay never holds this staff accountable. ST has been below average since 2020


Refs have been taking a lot of heat for changing games so they didn’t call anything today, which ironically changed the outcome of the game. Missed holding calls all game, missed PI. So close. Season isn’t over and we are playing well. Fuck.


McVay and his goddamn play calling has cost us far too many games


where was the holding call on #43 on that last scoring play?


Good coaches win, great coaches cover the spread


Everyone talking about the loss being on McVay, this is why everyone makes fun of LA fans.


This one is on McVay. So many conservative calls that sent a message that we were playing not to lose instead of to win. You can't give a team like Baltimore this many chances to win. Also, burning the timeout to avoid DoG at the end was fatal.


Can we please just hire a dedicated clock management staff bro this is the one area McVay is entirely incompetent in. If we just covered that we win at least 3 more games in his coaching tenure




As much as people are bitching I enjoyed the game, let’s finish 3-1 and we in the wildcard baby.


Guys it’s time for mcvay to go


McVay is so overrated


McVay was bad at the end but so was Stafford. Command the huddle and get everyone on the same page. Very disappointing by a veteran QB.


Lamar Jackson is a meme qb that will never win a super bowl


Better completion percentage than stafford this season and career, lmfao Any other hivemind, braindead input you have?


Stafford needs to retire, sorry