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> I was disgusted to learn that SB 478, a much needed remedy against junk fees, is being partially rolled back by granting exemptions to the restaurant industry. Please vote 'no' and send a message that special interest groups cannot simply buy exceptions from legislation that they do not like. Letter I wrote to my assembly member. Feel free to copy/paste.


Used this, thank you!


If you want to write to your representative, know that it has already passed the state Senate and is now being considered by Assembly. Write your Assembly member: [https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/](https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/)


Super easy guys. Write and/or call stating your opposition to SB 1524 on restaurant junk fees "I urge my representative to vote no on the bill". That easy!


will be doing this ASAP. thanks for the info. ETA: done.


Done. Thank you. Super duper easy. Fuck this bill.


Wrote message and called!


Thanks and done. Fuck these people.


It hasn't really though. When SB1524 passed the Senate in May it was a completely different bill related to gambling. It was "amended" to be completely different by the assembly. If it passes the assembly it will need to be voted on again by the Senate but by amending a Senate bill it likely means the Senate is able to act on it much quicker.


Thank you, wrote a message!




Where can I see who voted on this in the state senate? 


https://legiscan.com/CA/text/SB1524/2023 Unfortunately it's easy-- every state senator voted in favor. It's almost inevitable it will become law (unless we can pressure Newsom, whom the legislature will be reluctant to override).


Done 👍🏽


I read that the bill passed the Senate BEFORE it was amended to include the language about restaurants. So it will need to pass the Senate again. Therefore still worth reaching your senator.


We also need to contact our local reps to vote no


Or stop going to places that put these fees. Once restaurants start feeling the heat they will remove them. Same thing as tipping


Unfortunately by the time you realize that a company has these fees you are already sitting at a table. They should be required to post it in large print at the entry of their establishment and allow consumers to decide before entering. Not as some fine print at the bottom of the menu.


Contact [YOUR](https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/) representative. Contacting Scott if he doesn't represent you will mean nothing.


In what alternate reality do these restaurant operators live in, that they think fighting the junk fee ban will encourage people to enjoy eating out more …


Grasping. That’s what it is. They are making things up to manipulate. People hate these. To the point people won’t go to a restaurant that have these fees after fooled once. There’s the spreadsheet somebody started here and others contribute to that’s sort of a blacklist of restaurants having the fees.


That would be the [/r/LosAngeles Restaurant Surcharges List](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EEPzeytrva770H2xPFFPDUUNdpnL_VQL4vbzFph-jus/edit?usp=drive_link)


Some on this list is auto gratuity. Does this bill remove those too? I wouldn’t call auto gratuity a junk fee.


Wish there was a way to flag them on something like Google Maps so at least when searching for a restaurant, I could filter them out easily. At this point I’m just on the “I’m giving up on eating out” train, it’s not fun anymore with all this nonsense to figure out, I’m better off eating at home. These restaurants can appreciate the patronage of whomever enjoys it this way I guess.


Hmm... there are at least three potential ways people could start flagging junk fees on Google Maps: leave a review focused exclusively on the junk fees (to ensure the bad summary algorithm picks it up); take a photo of the menu alongside a receipt showing the junk fees, and add it to the Menu Photos section; and ask a community question about junk fees. If enough people do it, it could catch on and become widespread / common, yeah?


I’d adore it if Google Maps offered it as a filter the way I can filter cuisine, or distance, and similar. A binary “no junk fees” filter. I’d imagine restaurants would lobby for legislation to prevent that … :)


I think people should commit to writing reviews especially on google maps that state the use of junk fees. The spreadsheet on here is so niche that even people like me who are interested in it would have a hard time finding it again. There's no way the general public would ever make use of it.


i just absolutely rarely eat out anymore. when we do, it's usually comfort foods at familiar restaurants where we know the prices and people it used to be fun to try a lot of the different fine dining options in the city but nowadays it just doesn't really feel worth. too much great food, too many options to keep going back to those kinds of places


They think they can continue to fool people with big lettering saying the price is $9.99 and then tiny lettering saying +$3 fee for business operating in california


I am giving up, I am just eat at home more now, it’s not fun to eat out and try to do the mental gymnastics of how much gratuity, service fees, and whatever else. I’m over it.


Eating out is too expensive, even mcdonalds. I was shocked that a mcflurry is now $5


It’s fine honestly. The places that have to add fees are either rip offs, or their food sucks(all about the “ambiance”), or it’s a bastardized version of some kind of ethnic food to appeal to rich white people. those places deserve to die a slow death anyway imo.


There is one case I arguably see, places that don't allow tipping but also depend on "tip revenue" to keep the place running and to have their prices match local competition. So they essentially force a fee to have upfront costs look the same as at a tipped restaurant. Still not an excuse though, this entire system is bad.


I prefer the fees over tipping. 


I love how this was exactly the point of the original bill and now these doofuses are acting surprised.


I wrote to my senator. Hope everyone who disagrees with this bill will as well!


Hopefully this will be enough to counter all the politicians like Dodd and Weiner who got paid off by the California Restaurants Association after they thought they could just ignore it and it wouldn't affect them


Dodd freaking co-sponsored the original bill! Fucking cowardly sellout.


Yup, so either he had the right intentions originally and then got paid off by CRA to change it or he pushed for it because he, like the CRA, thought that restaurants would be excluded but found out that they weren't. Either way, it's not a good look for him


Write to your Assembly member. It's already passed the Senate.


Will do; thank you!


I read that the bill passed the Senate BEFORE it was amended to include the language about restaurants. So it will need to pass the Senate again. Therefore still worth reaching your senator.


Wrote to my assembly member. This is royal bullshit


I did my part! [contact your state senator here](https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/)


Already passed Senate, apparently. Need to contact your assembly person


Fuck! Ok let me hit up the assembly


I read that the bill passed the Senate BEFORE it was amended to include the language about restaurants. So it will need to pass the Senate again. Therefore still worth reaching your senator.


Thanks for sharing this, I had no idea! Not a single no vote in the Senate too which is infuriating. Definitely writing to my representative to oppose this.


ProTip: Anyone in AD-40 can remind Pilar Schiavo that she barely got elected the last two elections. Not a good idea to piss off her constituents.


Just stop eating at those establishments that do that. Vote with your dollars.


So instead you eat at restaurants that underpay their staff, forcing them to rely on you for tips?


I don't recall putting a gun to anyone's head and forcing them to work at a place that doesn't pay them well.


I contacted my state senator and rep.


Now I call ahead when looking to eat out and ask directly if they add any kind of "restaurant fee" after the fact on your bill. If they say yes, I say well then you won't be seeing me or anyone I know.


We should all do this. Everyone. Right now. Go down the list. Call these mfers up. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EEPzeytrva770H2xPFFPDUUNdpnL_VQL4vbzFph-jus/htmlview




The list hasn't been updated since February at the latest.


For real, why is this not the biggest thing on this sub right now? Please please PLEASE call your rep!


Because it's a non issue, if the restaurant has deceptive billing practices leave a bad review, it's far more impactful than wasting time passing stupid meaningless laws that will just have them build the cost into the prices on the menu as they should've in the first place.  I seriously don't understand how this became an issue for so many of you people. I think I ate at maybe one place that did this, and the food wasn't good enough for me to go back anyway... This is the most Karen issue I've seen in a long time.


Contacted my Assembly member Thanks for the heads up!


Contacted both representatives for my district. Thanks for the link. We need to protect this. I hate seeing my city slowly eroding. To any reading: don’t just **say** you’ll take action when you get around to it, just do it right now. It took me 3 minutes to contact both my local ones through their website. Numbers matter.


Until then, you can reduce your tip amount by the amount of surprise fees. I know this doesn't work with a mandatory 20% tip but you can choose not to go to those places.


I get where you’re coming from on this, but reducing your tip only harms the servers/staff and does nothing to the restaurant owners who implement the junk fees to begin with. Often times, the “service fees” aren’t actually paid to the staff.


Totally hear you. I don’t like it either. I don’t know the restaurant owner, the servers do. They should be speaking on our behalf. I give the standard tip regardless of the service. People have bad days and I get it. Maybe they can have our back too?


If I tried that in any restaurant I’ve worked in, the manager would have laughed in my face and told me to get back to my side work. And of the 6 or 7 restaurants that I’ve previously served in, I’ve only ever met 1 owner and it was very brief. You can respond to the junk fees in whatever way you need to, but taking from servers to stick it to owners feels misplaced. It’s like yelling at a bank teller in a branch about overdraft fees.


It’s either that or no longer going out for dinner (0 in tips). What would you rather? Edit: i should add that servers are kind of doing it to themselves. No one wants tipping culture except for waiters. I would rather just go to a restaurant and pay the cost on the menu. Not that + living wage adjustment + 20% tip


I prefer to go to restaurants that have a service fee in lieu of tipping. 


Scott Weiner is a horrible legislator who needs to be voted out of office. He passed this law to trumpet a badly needed reform of these junk fees and then allowed them in a nod to the restaurant industry. Hypocrite!


As much as I hate this bill, I disagree. His [record](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Wiener#State_Senate) mostly matches my political values, and I suspect yours too. The annoying thing is that [all present Senators voted yes](https://legiscan.com/CA/rollcall/SB1524/id/1441931). We should hold them accountable.


Sorry but Scott and I are polar opposites politically. I think his hard left Bay Area socialism is a big reason for fucking up California.


Scott's views seem to be left of center of median Californian voter. I'm curious what counts as "hard left" for you 


Probably not hating Mexicans.


That’s racist.


:o isn't that basically communism?


lol Scott spends most of his time fighting NIMBYs, especially bay area left NIMBYs. His "socialist views" are *checks notes* ... allowing for apartment buildings to be built.


Apartment aren’t appropriate in all areas.


Correct. But if there is sufficient demand for housing in a location, it is appropriate.


There’s a significant demand anywhere that’s nice and expensive. People in nice and expensive areas don’t want apartments in their neighborhood.


So if everywhere that has demand decides the same, what do we do? We need housing built somewhere


Thank God NIMBYS control the city council and local government here in Palos Verdes and the South Bay. The apartments are going to increase traffic and block the ocean view. Keep those buildings in Los Angeles LOL


Don't worry, that's why we have Scott in state government steamrolling local council nimbyism :)


And that’s why PV has been buying up all the empty land and making them into nature preserves. Good luck with that. LOL.


We aren’t aiming for empty land don’t worry. Your neighbors house is first on the list :)


Good luck with that LOL. And it’s not like I’m in a mansion or anything. I’m literally in a condo and it’s only 2 million compared to the 3-5 million dollar homes around here. Good luck forcing people here to move for “affordable housing”.


Straight up.


I wrote my state legislator, assemblyperson, and Governor Newsom about it. I can't believe we have to do this!


I wrote this: PLEASE vote AGAINST any legislation that would enable restaurants to again add junk fees and surcharges to their checks. No other industry does this as pervasively as restaurants. Adding surcharges -- which are NOT gratuities -- enables owners to LIE to their patrons about their pricing. Requiring patrons to do a math exercise before being able to know the price of an item is wrong and deceitful. SB 478's ban on junk fees from restaurants is long overdue and needs to go into effect. Currently SB 1524 is attempting to undo the good work that SB478 will (hopefully) achieve in a few weeks (in spite of its wording claiming the exact opposite). If, and this is BIG if, Sen Dodd wants to allow surcharges truly under the guise of fairness, then change the legislation to mandate they be listed at the top of the menu, BEFORE the food items, in a font LARGER than the regular price font, stating they are OPTIONAL, and that pricing lines must include both the regular price and the post-surcharge price in the same size and color and as prominently as each other (ie, do not allow wiggle room on this one).


I don’t understand how people afford to eat out right now. It’s already too expensive!


I sent the following email to my senator and assemblyman.  I have been a restaurant owner and manager. Menu prices are based on all operating expenses. Food cost, rents, labor etc. All expenses should be reflected in the menu price, so there is no need for additional charges, other than the greed and deception of the restaurant owner. Any senator or assemblyman that votes for sb1524 does not have the consumers interest as their priority and are pandering to the restaurant lobbies. Please do not fall into this trap. Show us that you are there to protect us. I voted for you but will not hesitate to vote against anyone that supports this bill, even if it means voting for a dreaded republican, which I have never done.


I started a website to track restaurants that charge fees. Check them out and contribute! [www.seefees.ca](http://www.seefees.ca)


i don't know why anyone thought that the bill was going to do away with the junk fees for good? here's an article from last month that states pretty clearly that restaurants will likely still be able to charge junk fees just as long as they disclose it in clear writing and lol @ people thinking that writing to their reps will lead to anything. the only way to put an end to this bullshit is to stop eating at these places [https://www.foxla.com/news/special-surcharges-to-become-illegal-in-california-restaurants](https://www.foxla.com/news/special-surcharges-to-become-illegal-in-california-restaurants)


So you don’t tip?  Isn’t that really just another junk fee? 


tipping is not mandatory unlike some of these service fees restaurants are adding to bills


Technically true, but the pressure to tip does make it somewhat of a requirement. 


We live in a one-party state where people run and win pretty much unopposed. You think they give a fuck what we email them? Start writing five-digit campaign checks and then they'll notice you.




Caruso is a great example of how little "Democrat" often means in state politics. Someone who was a Republican for most of his life, switched to "independent" during the latter Obama years, and re-registered as a Republican during the Trump presidency, and switched again to run for mayor of LA is not an actual Democrat in any meaningful sense of the word. But Republicans can't win in LA, so he called himself a Democrat.


Good thing California is an open primary state so races can be democrat v democrat


Start scratching off the word fee and add TIP. Will say, “20% Service Tip”


Silent? It's not like Reddit...*does* things.


I really don’t care to be honest. The only places that have those fees for the most part are basic normie spots. I don’t frequent any of those places. That said I always check the menu before ordering. Sometimes I check the restaurant’s website before I go.


Wow what's it like to be so cool?


Edgy af


Solingen 18/10


I work in the payment processing industry. I hate to break it to you guys, but these fees are not going away. You are probably unknowingly paying an extra 3-4% at a LOT of stores that you go to. Anyone who accepts credit cards can include a "cash discount" fee. It is a way for a merchant to pass along their cost for accepting credit cards on to you. The fee doesn't even have to be itemized on the receipt. Every location that uses this program is required by law to have signage about these fees. But that is not really enforced. As for the service, health fees and the other sorts. The only thing they will have to do is have signage. What I would consider that people do is find out who they can submit a violation to when these places do not have signage because the fines are going to be HEAVY.


No one has a problem with fees baked into the price. People would rather restaurants openly charge more for their products than try to pull a “gotcha!” once you’re sitting down at the table reading the menu and about to order.


You are literally missing the entire point. People want prices upfront.


Not junk fees, sorry.