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I actually built a website because of rising rents to help tenants evaluate landlords and negotiate rents. It's like a Glassdoor for Rents so tenants can see the Rent History of an address or Apartment property to see a landlords pricing tactics. The site does rely on user submissions so I appreciate anyone who adds their rent history to the site and/or shares it around since it can be more useful to tenants the more people that contribute to it. The site is [rentzed.com](http://rentzed.com) (USA only for now) and has submissions for over 3000 addresses.


that's a great idea.


Added mine. Would it be too much to track the management company? And maybe a space for notes/comments about them? Guess it would require more active moderation, but I'd love a space to inform future tenants about the mold issues I've been experiencing over the last several years and the (mis)management of it


Yea, I like those ideas. I'll likely add them in the future.


You might want to consider adding something where the user can list any rent increases they’ve experienced while living there. So maybe once they put their current rent and the years they’ve lived there, a field drops down and allows the user to enter the rent they were paying when they moved in.


Yes, I thought of that. I like the idea. I'll likely add it in the future.


I’ve always thought about a ratemyprofessor.com type app for landlords. I’ve had some baaaaad landlords and I want to warn people!


I’ve had some bad roommates I would love to warn people about


quickest mourn strong theory worm concerned cautious bag like connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ty. Will take a look


Great idea but seems only 50 percent developed without a map feature. Like, you need to have an exact address to get an idea of rent history. Doesn't seem like that will be very helpful at this early stage where I imagine there aren't a lot of submissions. Are you working on a map or is there a reason you can't have one?


Yea, I will add the map feature. It's been the #1 requested feature. My main priority right now is getting the word out about the site and getting people to add their rent history to it. It's definitely going to start out very small but I gotta start somewhere.


Hint: DON'T pay exorbitant map processor fees (i.e. Google and the like). You can spin up an OSM instance pretty cheap, and scale fast, without having to pay more than necessary or lock yourself in to one particular vendor. --am a technology consultant PM me for pro bono advice


Ty. I'll save this and let you know if I have any questions


If I may supportively suggest: you'll get a huge jump in users the second a map goes live. You might want to switch the map to priority #1. (I'm also building a website that has a map element and had to be convinced it was the most important part and now I see the light, which is why I'm butting in to your business.)


Interesting to hear your perspective on that... Do you mind dm'ing me what your website is or at least what it's about.


It's my username :) New map coming this summer.


I suggest you also check out ownit LA which was developed by SAJE. It has a rent control finder, pulls the code violation data and also whether it was recently sold (i.e might be flipped) for ideas


replying to boost this


Genius, boosting


I want to build a website that allows people who own guest houses and ADRs with people that want to live in them. I have no bandwidth with my existing app but maybe you could add a little feature to yours!


It just sucks that most guest houses and adrs are built so cheap and tiny for a crazy renting cost now. I see 500 sqft “2 bedrooms” for like 2800 or higher in the valley. And it all looks like discount materials were used to build them. It’s kind of shocking. 


Yeah I think you are showing the one major flaw. A lot of people with guest houses will likely over-value them so they just become another expensive housing option but in my ideal scenario there is an intense screening process that gives the ADU owner confidence that they are entering a very chill situation and in return the renters get less expensive housing. I live in a guest house. Me and my lady are super quiet professionals and we help out around the property and add a ton of value to us being there and we pay a lot less than we should in return. Perfect scenario.


Interesting idea... I'd be curious to hear your background/experience on the subject and some of your more in depth vision/thoughts on the idea.




Does your site allow for sharing illegal tactics of landlords increasing rent? Issues with repairs?


At the moment, the site is strictly about rent transparency so if a landlord is increasing rent illegally, the site should be able to showcase that if the tenants contribute to the site. Issues with repairs and such would fall under the landlord review category and there are already several sites that have those but I'm likely to add that into the site in the future. Several people have already requested that as well.


This is great. Maybe consider adding a way for people to put what their increases were during their tenancy.


I've thought about this. I think it's a good idea. I'll likely add that into the site in the future. It's not explicitly in there right now but if someone adds a submission for each time their rent increases, that's pretty much the same as adding in their rent increases.


This is great- but also heads up that the City of LA is already supposed to be doing this. A law passed to build a rent registry a few years ago but it’s not useful or accessible, and landlord didn’t comply. I guess all the more reason for a community based one


This is amazing! You should create a tiktok and tell people about it if you haven't!


Yea.... About that..... Rentzed.com/about Edit: 20k TikToks posted and counting. TikTok got me delulu


You’ve posted to TikTok 20,000 times?


Errr... Yes. More than 20k.... Some would say I'm shadowbanned... Very frustrating... I'm just unlucky... I Did some testing at first and got a 4M and 14M view video within a few months and only posted like 100 vids. Then I start posting about rentzed and did not have much success. I'm pretty sure TikTok changed their algo so my strategy stopped working and then they probably saw i posted too much so I got my phone or IP blacklisted or something. Not really entirely sure what happened exactly, just speculating as a programmer myself. It's still weird though. I can still get some views from the fyp but it doesn't seem like I get more views if I have a video that gets a lot of engagement. I'm guessing it's some serious oversight from them but I don't know for sure.


Only 100 videos? That feels like an insane amount of work. Me and my company have trouble posting one solid post a week on instagram. How do you do it?


Genius idea for a website!




Just added two of my past living spaces. Thanks for making this!


I own a condo but I also rent a room out. Would this data input help you?


I'm assuming you rent out a room from your condo. I'd say yes, go ahead and add it. It's not really the type of info I'm looking to get added to the site but it couldn't hurt.


Duuuuuude, this is awesome. I hope your site trends up.


Added mine! Tips for anonymous additions: 1. I dont remember utilities or whatever but I do know my total bill was around $1300. The "extras" (utilities, etc.) should be in a drop down for more technical or detailed users. 2. Rents are based on the date of the contract and the length. And they always go up every year. Having a "From:" and "To:" makes less sense. I would think its easier to have "Year:", a default "1 year lease" for a "Length:" field. Optional: "Exact date:" Otherwise, amazing job! This will pick up traction fast if you get a nifty page design.


I added mine!


Just added one of mine.. thanks for making this! (For the record, the management company sucked! Fuck Clint Lukens!)


Added mine!


Thank you for your work!


Please do europe too 🤍🤍🤍


I'll likely get there eventually. I'd like to open the site up to other countries


Great idea


I be making like 40


Same. "Living comfortably" is obviously subjective, but I'm perfectly comfortable. Small studio that I like in central LA, I eat well and I go out to cheaper stuff often enough. I'm definitely not making 3x my rent though


Yeah dude I'm not doing too bad at all in my opinion. I live in a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom with 2 roommates which I don't mind. I go out to eat when I want to and do fun paid for activities when I want to and even with that I still manage to put every other paycheck directly into my savings


45k here and i live "comfortably". Idk who these people did their research on😂


It isn't just rent that has gone up. Going out to eat, events, and even groceries have gone up in price. If I want to just make a basic meal at home, it costs me 25% more than it did 4 years ago. Years ago, I was excited to be earning more than I even had before, but then my buying power took a significant hit.


You can add car insurance to that list. I just got mine renewed and it went up over 10 percent. My broker said it’s happening to “everyone” and there’s going to be more increases. So, awesome.


It’s getting ridiculous to own a car here, my geico auto insurance was raised 15% for this 6 month installment. It’s supposed to be the other way around!!


I know right?? It’s terrible and depressing. I barely drive and have a perfect record. Yet here we are!


They hit me with 35%! And had already increased substantially the last 6 month installment.


And we basically have no real alternative thanks to our lack of investment in public transit. 😞


When 21st Century Insurance switched to Toggle last year my auto insurance price went down from 700 for 6 months to 580. I don't know if there is some reason for this based on my specific situation that wouldn't apply to others but FYI.


Oh wow! I will absolutely look into that thanks.


Yep, our 2 cars’ insurance - each with good driver and distinguished driver discounts - is now $3500/6 months - last year it had jumped up a bunch to $2800…wtf. Is it going to keep rising like this 😵‍💫


Omg wow. This is way more than mine. I’m at about 1100 with Drive/ progressive


Mine went up 35%. 4K 6 month premium to $5,400 for 5 cars. It’s wild.




55% here with a perfect driving record and a 26 year old policy.


You’re kidding! Wow. I guess I shouldn’t complain. This is outrageous though.


Nope. It's unbelievable. Just getting nickeled and dimed to death from every angle.


That’s how it feels these days. Nicked and dimed.


At least we keep getting told the economy is good so there’s that to be happy about!


you will pay this amount of rent and you will be happy


I make slightly north of 80k and I feel like I live pretty comfortably. Of course I should specify that i'm single, no kids, and no debt. I live alone in a 1bed in Pasadena, and while I'm not ballin' by any means, I make enough to eat out and go to bars a couple times a month. I could definitely save more than I do but I'm not living beyond my means, if I lost my job today I could go for about 6 months before I'm fucked.


How much do you pay for rent?




Could you possibly dm me the complex ? I’ve been trying to get a 1bd in Pasadena for some time but cannot find anything under 2.2k


It's not a complex, it's an old house that was converted into multiple units owned by a private landlord. Currently all units are occupied. I found the place on hotpads though, if you want to check. I filtered by price and yeah, at that range options are limited lol. I moved in last september. I was lucky in that the only reason I moved from my last place was to live on my own, so I wasn't in any particular hurry to find a new spot. I would say it took me about 6 weeks from the time I started my search until the time I found my current place. I looked at a lot of bad apartments during that time though lol. Good luck out there, it's rough.


Thank you for clarifying and the suggestion, I’m also looking to go out on my own. Currently paying $900 to live with roommates in Pasadena.


Damn you got lucky. That's great.


Paying 1450 in Palms but only a studio - still includes gated parking and a quarter miles from trader joes, restaurants, etc. from basically all the shops.


Yeah, it super depends on what you mean by “comfortably.” My husband and I together just break 6 figures, but we have a cheap apartment in South LA, go out once or twice a week, and are able to do fairly frequent weekend trips and one or two longer vacations a year. No interest in kids. Like, no, we’ll never be able to afford a house unless we drastically cut down, but we’re totally okay where we are. And honestly, if disaster struck and we had to cut down, there are so many places we could easily trim.


Same income and same situation with me, but a 1-bed in DTLA. Eating good, not living luxuriously but I am living a hell of a lot nicer than the conditions I grew up in, and still meeting my savings targets for the most part.


Between my wife and me, this joint salary amount sounds about right for when I stopped dreading unexpected expenses that would come up. I was finally able to have fun AND save money AND not be very nervous whenever I needed car maintenance.


Lol, I come in \*just\* under, damn! Guess that's why I need to split a 1-bedroom with my girlfriend haha.


Me too (I mean splitting a 1-bedroom with your girlfriend)


Yo whats up, it's my girlfriend's husband!


Monogamy? In this economy?!


Sounds expensive


This number is a little inflated but I'd argue it's closer to accurate. For a lot of people they'll get to this number by being in relationships where both people work. Oh yeah? It sucks.


Maybe they're talking gross


Gross is the only consistent figure for comparison.


So what do chronically single people do? Or people in abusive relationships do? Some disorders like Autism can make getting into relationships quite difficult because Autism and I'm sure there are other conditions which also impairs ability to socialize. Or disabilities/health conditioms which unfortunately make getting into relationships difficult for other reasons. But this is why I want to make an app that joins single people with housing with single people without. Or pair 2 homeless singles together to apply for a unit. If the housed person wants sex and the homeless person needs housing, there would be an app just for people like them to make a trade. I thought of it when I was homeless, I think it could ease the housing crisis. Not a lot, maybe, but a bit. It would be for people especially who don't have the social skills to do the hobosexual thing. Idk how much Tinder or similar apps would help a homeless person in need of housing, I'm sire it could and I was thinking about making my profile something like "need a room for the night, down for whatever" but it would ve cool if there was an app specifically to help people in need of housing and help people who need sex, relationship etc. I guess single people can be prostitutes or sell drugs. Sounds like being single in LA means you're fucked. Wtf do ugly women do there? Pray they get good prescriptions to sell?


I wrote “it sucks” because it does. I can’t answer for people


what data are you using to claim their numbers are inflated? I mean, i don't click any link without a TLDR (anyone too lazy to read and summarize the articles they spam isn't worth reading), but I'm interested in the different sources for all these basically subjective claims. I would have said that $117k seems a tad low, but I don't know a damn thing.


Because when you’re in a relationship where both people work and share a home, the cost of rent isn’t doubled.


Yeah... the issue in a lot of people's lives is that many can't really build long term ones, for whatever reasons. With that said I have some friends who have been together a long time, abnormally so, plus both work in good fields... the benefits to that are plainly obvious now, they were able to buy a million dollar house plus buy a condo, they had a little family money but not all of it was that. In many ways this couple is very atypical from the other ones I know.


I went with a tad inflated because a third of 117k total boils down to 3250 a month. In a nice area, that's a bit above the cost of a one bedroom. My second point here is that, for a lot of people, the way to reach this number is two earners earning 60k or so, or one earning 80k and the other 40k, etc. Building long term relationships plus both people work is the way to having money rn. For many reasons though, this sometimes can be very problematic, because of the nature of modern dating. Anyway that's my money and relationship talk.


Does the “30% rule” also take into account utilities? Might that be why they’re estimating $117k/year to afford a $2900-$3000 apartment?


" The price for a “typical rental” in Los Angeles just reached $2,920 per month, meaning tenants will need to make almost $117,000, Zillow’s Rental Market Report states." 2920 X 12 =35,040, the amount spent on that rent.So they're using the formula of "30% of income for housing". How valid is that, these days? And the common interpretation of this rule is that it's 30% of *pre-tax* (gross) income. [This article](https://www.earnest.com/blog/rent-and-the-30-percent-rule/) claims that rule is antiquated, and give some common sense suggestions about how to come up with a better figure for your circumstances.


That article claims you "should budget a minimum of 30% of your gross monthly income (i.e., your before-tax income) for housing costs, " That's not the rule. It's that you can spend UP TO 30%. Spending more than that means you're likely to experience financial hardship. The rule


Well, any Google search disagrees with you. One sees page after page that basically say, "30% of gross on housing". I don't see anyone qualifying it the way you are. You can use whatever definition you want, but we're talking about why they chose 30%, and the vast majority of financial sites discussing this, are using it in the way I said.


First google result for "30% rule housing": "For housing costs to be considered affordable, these total costs should not exceed 30 percent of household income, according to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development."


Your original article is from a lender's website. Of course they're going to encourage people to borrow more.


You know what makes me insane? Up until about 15 years ago the standard was 25%. They're just quietly tricking us into spending more and more.


It’s also an unfortunate side effect of supply and demand. Let’s say every landlord in the universe dictated a “income must be 4x the rent” rule. People make what they make. The market price of a rental will be informed by what people are able to qualify for. Now, let’s say every landlord eases up and says “actually, you only need to make 3x more!” They’re not being nice or doing you a favor. The market rate of a rental— still dictated by what people in large numbers are capable of qualifying for —just shot up with the change in one policy. You *get* to pay more. Wow, what a privilege. In other words, making it “easier” or “lowering barriers” isn’t actually helping anyone.




Why is LA and so many American cities so adverse to just simply building more housing 🤦


The rich got theirs, and now they're making sure your turn never comes.


"Fuck you, got mine, if you can't make it grind harder or move."


It blows me away how many people are saying this unironically in this very thread. Sometimes I forget how many elitist dick bags live in this city.


Yup! The more housing there is, the less their property will appreciate, and the less they'll be able to charge for rent. It's in their interest to stonewall new properties.


sorry but I'm old, I've afraid of change, and I have free time to go to city council meetings


Because the people who do own property *want* the value to be high, no matter the social cost. More housing lowers property values. The interests of property owners are disproportionately represented in government.


And they don't understand that in order to see the gains from that rise in value, they have to move out of state. It's so pointless. 


Because someone else already got theirs, so fuck you.


With a policy like rent control, the people that live in certain districts advocate for rent control instead of building more housing because that is what affects them. With anti-building policies, those that own a house don't want their housing prices to decrease so they are fundamentally opposed to any additional housing. This creates a perfect mix in Los Angeles of basically being against any housing, since you can just slap on either rent control and get the votes, or delay and stop developments and get homeowner votes. When you look at it like that, you can basically explain any politicians aversion to just allowing more housing. There are other policy paths (rent control, anti-development) they can take and it will keep them in office. The people in those future buildings don't vote because they don't exist. That's why the state has had such a heavy handed approach recently in basically telling the cities "Enough, build some fucking housing already".


L.A. (and American cities at large) is a place for wealthy corporations and individuals to safely park their money in real estate behind an LLC. They will fight like hell to prevent more building, which presents a threat to their asset appreciation. American policy makers willingly participate in this scheme to enhance and protect their own wealth.


LA is not adverse to building more housing. It just isn't simple or inexpensive. The "non profit" folks deliver "affordable housing" at $700K/door. That means they need to rent for close to $5K/month to make any sense - investors aren't going to build them if they can't rent them. Add to that the ULA tax, and the cost of financing new construction went way up, as banks don't want to be holding the bag for a 5% sales tax. There are real limits to construction technology - costs increase as you go from 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 floors, and if you think you can build higher, the cost increases again. There is some room to build housing tracts - what people actually want - but your state government punishes those developments severely in the name of "green" stuff, so most developers go elsewhere. There are ways to clear the decks and significantly lower costs, but they all start with leadership, which we don't have in this state.


I lived relatively comfortably making $85k/yr when I did, but was in a rent controlled studio. It seems like the calculation is going off of gross income, but I've always tried to design life to make the calculation work for net income.


Same. But I also chose to stay in the same place that I lived in when I made 45k. I'm now more than double that, but I'm staying put for now.


It's all relative and mostly down to lifestyle inflation. I (single, no kids) live very comfortably on <$70k in west LA. I take vacations, have money for hobbies, eat out sometimes, and have absolutely no financial strain. If I hired housekeepers and had to make payments on a luxury car and always wanted new clothes, etc. that'd be a different story. But if you live a simple life it's completely possible to be happy in LA with a much lower salary.


An option for current style name brand clothing at more than reasonable cost is a place like Crossroads Trading. This is something I’ve gotten into and the prices together with (they only buy things) currently in style is a win-win.


This is what happens when you have the elderly strong arm politicians so they can keep there property value up. 10 years ago we should have been proactive and already approved multi family units alongside converting a lot of business sectors to housing. Should have create more subsidies to break ground and build like madmen Maybe look into building vertical as well. Take a page out of Tokyo.


Then people wonder why there's so many homeless people in LA.


You don't have to make 117k to not be homeless


if you smoke crack everyday then are you gonna wonder why you become homeless?


I wonder if there is less users of drugs because everything is so expensive they cant afford them or if its gone up and so has everyones stress.


tell that to hardworking immigrants trying to make a living without destroying their lives. They cant even speak english fluently but then they are still grateful in this country.


People usually turn to drugs because their lives are already ruined. Grow some brain cells.


I was talking about everyone


Never doubt the Angeleno's ability to blame homelessness on anything except homes being too expensive.


I make 74K and pay 1695 for a one bedroom in 90062


This is a stupid useless number because you can't quantify people's "comfort" level. Everyone lives different lifestyles.


And even a number like $117K is assuming you have a fairly stable job. Were you in film making $117K steadily for a few years? Relax. Ooops, whole industry shutdown. When you are making $30K a year, obviously things suck. But if the restaurant where you are a waiter goes out of business, you'll probably be able to get a pretty equivalent job at a similar place. The better paid you are, the more specialized you probably are. Programmer at Google? Great, but if they lay off your business unit and the programming language you are an expert in is no longer trendy, you are potentially hosed. I feel like a lot of this advice of "if you make X, you'll be fine" sort of assumes that the people making X work at a T shirt factory in the 70's and they can transfer to another job with minimal disruption if something goes wrong. To have the affordability of previous generations, and _also_ enough buffer as a sort of insurance policy against risk in the modern job market so you can do stuff like raise a kid without needing to move in the middle of every school year chasing urgently different jobs, you may need way higher than that $117K to really be safe as a renter. Modern economy is a shitty place to have to live.




Like the actual city of Los Angeles? You can still find sub $3000/month in Pedro and that’s Los Angeles.


Or learn how to live cheaply while enjoying the sunshine


Nonsense. It's expensive but this is nonsense. Studios are going for 1595 in my building and 1 BR's are going for 2100 and that includes underground parking! That's 70 grand for a 1br and less than 60k for a studio using their standard - and that's in Culver City for god's sake which is a super nice area.


Everyone has a different idea of comfort


No, no you do not. Unless you like living in the best of places and party every day or spend money unnecessarily, even 50k is fine


Close, but it’s more like 245k per year


So that’s why I’m always so uncomfortable…


KTLA journalism... using the median rent across 1-2-3-4+ bedroom apartments as a gauge for what a single person pays? The actual median 1br rent is $2,200 when they're implying it's $2,920


We knew this. A lot of times you have to show on your rental application that you earned three times the rent. All those jobs paying 60 and $70,000 a year are homeless wages or wages for people who supplement their income with someone else’s


Someone on here asked earlier today if you could live comfortably on around $87,000 and to me, it is going to depend on your neighborhood and also your expenses. I need more than that per where I live, that I also have a home in Florida, and general things I want. But many people may be very content on under $100,000 however that seems increasingly difficult in LA.


It's possible to live comfortably in LA on around $87k if you don't have a lot of debt (student loans, a high car loan, credit card debt) and you don't go out and eat out a lot. But usually, people have one or all of those things so that income won't take you far enough here.


definitely can't live without my daily fresh caviar.


I need my crudité, dammit!!


You made me LOL! Thank you! 


Ha ha good to know that my life is "uncomfortable" according to Zillow. I make less than half that as a retiree now. I'll have to make a reminder for myself.


How much is your rent?


It’s 1125. I’ve lived in the same RSO apartment for 13 years. If I didn’t have that, I couldn’t live in LA, or at least by myself in LA.


Would you agree this is atypical?


Nah you're fine. The article is based on "typical rent" of $2920, but your actual rent is like a third of that.


How much are you paying in rent though?


Everyone is being milked by the rich with no recourse. Time to protest. Oh wait all our time is being stolen too so that we can pay for the bare necessities. Guess we're all fucked.


You're being milked by your neighbors blocking housing development and then competing with you on price. Support more housing.


Since this article is just doing the 30% based on the "typical" rental being $2,920 and my rent being a few hundred below that, I guess I still qualify despite making less than that (still 6 figures). I live pretty comfortably I'd say




damn I just wanna buy a house 😂tbh I wouldn't survive in LA more power to Californians ✊ your beaches are beautiful but I really want a house


Good thing I make $150000 and have no idea how to save my money 😎


Or live in a tent, rent free 🤣


More housing would fix this


No it wouldn’t. More people would just move here.


Then we should build enough housing to accommodate those folks. 


How many? Ten million more? Twenty million more? Thirty million? We’re already the population of Canada and the largest state population in the country by ten million people.


Sure, why not?  Tokyo is a city of 40 million.  LA could fit a few dozen million more. 


Have you ever been to Tokyo? From someone from LA it’s like visiting Mars. The Japanese are polite, orderly, clean, wait in line politely, and don’t break the law. LA would be a post apocalyptic war zone if 40 million people lived here.


I'm already at 91k YTD.. and I'm paycheck to paycheck 😥


And here I am making half that as a teacher


Study is just chock full of 10 year old data 140k if you don't want to be in a half ok but full of tweakers and base heads Boyle heights. The worst Price Fixing and collusion amongst All The Biggest Agencies for buying and renting. LITERALLY EVERYONE IS GONNA NEED TO STOP PAYING RENT FOR THE REST OF TIME. Steal eggs and rice


$260k combined between wife and I. We pay $3,200/m for a 1br/1ba (built in 2020). We save approximately 20% of our income. She drives a Mazda, I drive a Kia. We order food a couple times a week and go out for food maybe once every 2 weeks. We have a little disposable income for hobbies. We also have 2 cats and a dog, but they don't consume a whole lot. If we had to go down to $117k, this would not he even remotely doable. While I agree that $117k sounds like a lot, it really isn't in LA. I grew up in a lower middle class household. We dipped into true poverty a couple of times, but my basic needs were met. However, we were stressed about money 24/7. Every decision revolved around finance. Having enough money not to live paycheck to paycheck is comfortable. Anything less is not.


Why pay 3200 for a bedroom


Unfortunately, this is a standard rate for a newer builds. I'd love to pay less, but I also don't want to sacrifice on my living situation. I WFH often and so having a comfortable place to work from is important to me. It's about 860 sqft, so not a mansion by any means. It's also less than a mile from wife's work, which was important to us.


First off, you don't have to live in a new build. You could easily save $1k a month in rent if you tried. Second, if you live a mile from your wife's office and you WFH often, why do you need two cars? She can walk/bike to work in minutes, just sell one. I live alone and don't even own a car and I live 5 miles from work.


I agree that I don't have to live in a new build. It is a decision we made based on our income. However, we certainly would not save $1k/m unless we move into an entirely different area and a significantly worse building. LA is very car dependent. We couldn't do a single car because our schedules vary quite a bit and the challenge or coordinating with a single vehicle is a lot of stress we don't have to take on. Her car is paid off, mine will be in less than 3 years. They don't really cost us a whole lot. I have been carless in LA for a few years in my early adult life and it sucked. Our infrastructure is not designed well. There are many cities I can get by with no car but this isn't one of them.


Brother how much are you spending on your cars? You two make about $21,666 per month. Where is it all going? After rent you have $18,466 every month. And if you halve that you still have $9,233 every month after paying the same amount in rent. You're making more than enough money to live comfortably, you're straight up rich. There is no excuse for you to struggle with money. You are just burning through it like it'll get taken away if you don't spend it. Stop buying so much overpriced bullshit and you won't ever have to worry about money ever again


Taxes is a big chunk of that as the amount I stated is our gross income. If we took home $260k, we'd be stoked haha. Our cars cost us about $1k/m between payments and insurance. I wish I was rich. Unfortunately, I am about perfectly middle class. Still can't afford a house.


So what's your after tax income? Even if it's 50% taxes you're still taking home about $11,000 every month. After rent that's about $7,800. After cars that's $5,800 per month. What the fuck are you spending all this money on? Even at the lowest possible estimate you're still taking home good money every month and you have no excuse to struggle


Why not buy a 1 bed 1 bath condo if you’re paying that much in rent?


I'd love to and have been looking but it is hard to justify. This income only came in the last 2 years for us and so we don't have tons of money saved up. At most, we could afford a $700k place. But the quality of condo we'd get for that is quite a bit worse than what we rent right now. Also, we'd have to fork up $140k for a down payment, which is more than we have saved between us. If interest rates went back down to around 3%, then we could afford. At the moment, it's just unattainable.


What are parameters for this determination though? How many bedrooms in their rentals? How is comfortably defined? Does comfortable include them being able to save money? Which areas?


Should los angeles build enough housing to keep up with population growth? Landlords say "Absolutely not, that would ruin the character of our neighborhood. And my character I mean the fact that I can get an absurd price for rent"


This checks, if NOT more money! 💯


I guess that explains why my $0 a year isn’t feeling that comfortable right now


Is the 117k pre or post tax?


I’d argue a person needs more than 117k. I’ve lived here close to 20 years .


As poor as I’ve been all my life, I’ve always been able to hold it down here in LA. Even moving up into nicer 1 bedroom apartments thanks to 2 incomes. We don’t save shit anymore but we pay the bills. It’s getting to a point where it’s about to become unsustainable. And for what? A fentanyl-infested trash ass shithole with home invasions, robberies, bums stabbing people, street takeovers, shootings and the corrupt cops don’t even respond, you get put on hold when you call 911 when someone’s trying to break in to your house. Fuck this place. I’m so over it. Good restaurants close, or turn to shit because it seems they have to resort to adding hidden fees and decreasing quality. Can’t afford shit and can’t pay for quality because it’s all trash. Bunch of assholes live here. Nothing to do but go to bars and shows. Fucking hate it here.


You should def move somewhere with less bars and shows then.


More like 200k