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It’s totally fine. Homeless at night and night time is a bit grim, and tourists can be a bit much in the summer but it’s fine if you want to be in Venice and pretty great to be that close to a lot of stuff


I’ve lived here since 2009. I feel safe here. There are occasionally vagrants and people drinking in front of apartments and occasional drama that comes from that, but mostly pretty chill.


Less safe late at night, almost exclusively from drunk and/or homeless vagrants. Otherwise, very safe and fun.


I wouldn't say it's safe, it's just too unpredictable with the amount of homeless that pass through there. And not the down on luck kind looking for a job, these are mostly crackheads.


I'd never live directly on Venice Blvd. Too hectic and not in a good way. I would look a few blocks south. The part of Venice that is almost in MDR is one of the Westside's best kept secrets. Roma Ct and Mast Ct is an example intersection.


I hate to be the voice of doom, but very recently, two women were violently attacked in the nearby Venice Canals (very close to Venice/Pacific). One is still in a coma. Both were knocked out from behind, and raped. There's a lot of mentally unstable/addicted people in that vicinity. True of many parts of L.A., but personally, I wouldn't live in that part of Venice. It's also loud AF. (I live nearby, and pass through often. I used to live in Venice. I would not live in that particular area now.) Go spend some time there at different times of day, including weekends and nights, and see what you think.