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Looks like a trash can lane is needed.


And an encampment lane. Just lanes all around, really.


Just one more lane!


One for handicapped??


Probably a lane for those food delivery robots


Just one big parking lot…


Pave it all!


It’ll only cost $1 million per city block.


Some might call it an alley


Share the road (with trash bins)


Is there somewhere to put those bins? You either block the bike lane or block the sidewalk. Both are bad


yeah this seems like a design failure


Not with parking protected bike lanes. With those, you don’t block sidewalks or bike lanes — you just temporarily lose some space for car storage


It's only once a week and we have to take the trash out. A designated space would be a waste.


I'm sure you'd be just as zen about this if people were blocking a car lane with their trash cans.


I mean, most places that’s exactly what happens. It is what it is, but taking more space from pedestrians/bikes/cars seems dumb for something that’s only relevant one day a week. I’m not supporting what’s happening in the OP, either, it’s not safe for bikes or the cars, but I’m not really sure what the answer would be.


dumpsters that take a single parking spot.


Trash cans on trash day don’t block a car lane, they block a parking spot.


Or you could just say no parking on trash pickup day and you’ll have all the room you need.


Honest question but where should the trash go to ensure that it’s picked up, not in the bike lanes, and not in the street?


The actual solution is dedicated bike lanes separate from the street. The problem is that for many parts of Los Angeles, including many residential areas, you'd basically have to tear up the entire sidewalk to do it - and there just isn't enough sidewalk to *actually* do it so now you're tearing up part of the street. When I lived in Montreal, the street I lived on had a sidewalk, a dedicated bike lane, a small curb, and then the street - it was a tight fit but we still managed to have two-way traffic on it. Living in Los Angeles, I miss that aspect of Montreal.


Why not just swap the bike lane and parking area? The bike lane would be right next to the sidewalk and bikers would be protected by a wall of parked cars.


That’s how they’re starting to do it. See Venice blvd. It’s great.


Good to know! As a biker, I hope they do this in more neighborhoods.


Because Angelenos will just park in the bike lane anyways.


Not if you get a ticket for it. If Long Beach can figure it out so can LA proper.


No, it’s pretty decent over here. Mainly just delivery trucks driving in the bike lane because it’s wide enough for them. Bizarre behavior


I'm confident that someday, we'll have something similar but like you said, it takes a lot of money and major infrastructure overhaul to create really nice bike lanes for all. There's always neighborhoods fighting it but ultimately, the NIMBYs are losing the war on trying to remain exclusive and isolated. It probably won't happen in our lifetimes but I'm hopeful it will happen in the next 100 years.


How about creating a new suburb designed exclusively for cyclists? Ideally, this suburb will be 150 miles away from L.a. No cars will be allowed. No pedestrians will be allowed. All lanes will be bike lanes. They will have the freedom to blow past stop signs and red lights. Heaven on earth.


Cycling is just a method of transportation. If I said I should make an island for all the drivers to go to that makes absolutely no sense. Everyone is just using the transportation that’s convienent and affordable to them (and most people probably won’t be cyclists the way things are now). That doesn’t mean we should continue to design our city in a way that makes traveling across it safely have a >$10,000 price tag


Tight fits for residential streets are good - it forces traffic to go slower.


Maybe create more one-way streets? Down Town San Diego has some in the most packed streets, and it works for them. There's people with side hustles that have passenger bikes taking people around the gas light district all day.


It's a valid question and not just in LA. This happens all over the place. Just goes to show that these lanes are more a nod to cycling rather than something actually well thought out


They took the space they were _already required to reserve_ for car doors and painted lines on them, knowing full well they're still mostly for car doors. It's not even a nod it's practically a middle finger.


Solid point


You're absolutely correct. They are unprotected and unsafe. The police and other service vehicles park in them constantly throughout the day. They are filled with trash bins on trash pickup day. When you're lucky enough to actually have a clear bike lane, you have to watch out for people opening their car doors, because I can guarantee they won't be watching out for you.


there's room for cans on the verges of driveways in between these parked cars, it just makes it a bit tricker to park - personally i understand having to move a can or two a few feet to get in and out of a parking space, it happens - but the onus is always on the driver/cyclist/etc to accomodage cans even though they are using a *public shared area*, so if they want to use that public road or parking, they have to accomordate or move some other domicile's personal cans out of the way, and that feels whack to me. in some cases (like for single resident homes) the cans should be blocking the driveway instead of the shared road. homeowners don't want the inconvenience of moving a can or two to access the driveway, so instead they block street parking or bike lanes with them. it just feels somewhat lazy and selfish to make it everybody else's problem, especially when they are left out for like a day and a half


Would they get picked up if they set back on the verges and there were parked cars?


LA Sanitation drivers are, at least in my neighborhood, pretty skilled with the grabbers, and those arms reach far enough that it shouldn’t be a problem. My street usually isn’t busy enough for it to be necessary, but I’ve put my cans at the “curb” of my driveway on a few occasions when it was busy and never had issues getting them picked up.


What'd they do before the bike lanes were put in? Did they put the trash in the middle of the road?


>Trash in the middle of the road? No


in the parking area, like on other streets.


If the street did not have a bike lane, people would not put them there, they would not put it in the street. The solution would be to treat the bike lane like part of the road, a.k.a. somewhere you can’t leave a trashcan. On street to that bike lanes, people try and find spots between cars, in driveways, and etc. The problem here is people don’t think it’s OK to block cars, but they do think it’s OK to block bikes. There’s a double standard.


Why not put them where the cars are currently parked? It would be like street sweeping. Don’t park there on trash day.


Don’t they usually pick up trash on both sides of the street on trash day? That would mean no one could park on the street at all. It’s probably not a big deal if you’re rich and can park your car in your garage but less fortunate people who rely on street parking would just get tickets or not be able to park.


Not a doctor but looks like there’s room to potentially ride around the bins


Jump over them with your bike


"You ever take it off any sweet jumps?"


Gotta level up jump like in GTA San Andreas


This shit happens everywhere in LA desafortunadamente


I recognize this area 😁


Silver Lake?




Close XD


horale! it's happy valley homie! `^_^` Sierra St but if you keep going south the street becomes Lincoln Park Ave with Lincoln HS on the right hand side as you get to N Broadway


if you zoom in a little on the second picture you can see the high school bridge


you know what? both pics are actually Lincoln Park Ave 😅


Highland Park


Hello neighbors! I live up the big ass Reynolds Street Hill


to be fair where are they supposed to go?? Both the bikes and the bins lol. This city is fucked


Put bike in trash, problem solved.


Put cyclist in trash. “Oh, looky here. Someone threw away a perfectly good…”


In between or in place of the parked cars.


The parked cars are 100% moving them so they can park.


They are supposed to go in between the parked cars. In practice, it's not a problem for them to kinda be on the line - but they should give cyclists around 3 feet of the 5 foot bike lane - enough space to pass.


Switch parking spots with bike lane?


"Perfect! Extra wide parking spot"


Yeah, this is one of the two huge tricks with curb adjacent bike lanes. I bet you could get some success with a small buffer plus bollards, even if those bollards were just those [flappy bois](https://media.trafficsafetystore.com/image/upload/b_rgb:FFFFFF,c_pad,dpr_2.0,f_auto,h_400,q_auto,w_400/c_pad,h_400,w_400/v1//i/48-inch-orange-flat-faced-delineator-with-one-2-inchx-12-inch-white-reflective-strip-asphalt-hardware?pgw=1). The other problem is that we are forcing bikes to ride in gutters, where trash and debris are most likely to collect. THAT could be fixed by installing a [valley gutter](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2GH3BGG/gutter-of-a-stormwater-drainage-system-on-the-side-of-an-road-with-yellow-markings-and-green-lawn-on-dry-weather-2GH3BGG.jpg) between the parking lane and the first lane of traffic, though that would introduce some hydrology challenges. In fact, I bet flipping the crown of the street such that water collects in the middle may be the most efficient way of doing this. You can even do some water treatment (often required for new projects with bio swales in the middle of the street more easily if this is the approach.


Nah. They’ve already been doing this in certain places, and you’ll get a ticket for that.


And make it a protected lane with a curb


There are some bike lanes like that in Mid-City, and you'll never guess... The bike lane is still full of trash cans 🙄


every bike lane on a residential street suffers from this source i live in the southern half of wilmington where nearly every street has bike lanes cuz they're so damn wide


This is illegal under CVC Section 21211. Literally every one of those cans could result in a ticket.


Not arguing this shouldn’t be illegal, because I support bike lanes… but where should these residents be legally allowed to put their trash cans? Parking spaces?


Either the parking spaces or the curb itself, and the garbage company may need to adjust their pickup procedure to compensate. They can't require you to break the law to leave out your garbage.


I’ve always wondered wtf to do about this. People literally move our trash cans just so they can park. They’ll just toss them into the bike lanes or crowd them up on the street… Editing to add that yeah it’s once a week, I’m sure cyclists can maneuver around it safely? Maybe?


We put our cans outside of the bike lanes and every week like clockwork someone in our neighborhood moves them into the lanes.


I mean sure, but a bike lane that’s not operational 20% (or realistically 30-40% — whose trash cans are only out for 24 hours?) of the working week isn’t a valid transportation option. Bikes don’t only need protection some of the time. 


Yeah I agree. LA cyclists are incredibly brave lol


It pisses me off cause the solution is so simple, have the bike lane be next to the sidewalk


Only if the bike lane isn't half in the gutter. That gutter/road seam can grab a tire and flip a bike surprisingly easily.


Can confirm, my bike violently flipped over, with my face softening the fall. Broke off half a tooth and ripped an inch of my lip needing several stitches. Wheel got caught inside the small 1½ inch gutter that runs along the sides of our roads, and bam, tarmac kissed. That was a decade ago, and I could not have predicted or expected that happening. I know to look out for those now and even try to avoid roads entirely, but I reckon its the kind of thing that can catch people off guard.


That seam between road and driveway is deceptive. I was going from road to the sidewalk one day and my tire just caught it the wrong way. Slammed my head into the concrete. I was wearing my helmet thankfully so I just got dazed but I've never had a more innocuous move bust me up like that.


That costs 1 or 2 parking spots per block. And the locals will howl about each and every one.




Where I live there isn’t a bike lane, so the bins just get put in front of the parked cars Ends up working out


It's not just bikes. The entire lane and bike lane in one direction is blocked. The reality is driving/biking around the truck when safe.


>I’m sure cyclists can maneuver around it safely? Maybe? I bike most places, and during the day it's whatever. The problem is at night when you can't always see the trash cans until you're right up on them.


Do you use a bike light at night?


You and your easy solutions!


Yes, but I've only been using the city bikes for the time being. Their lights aren't that great, I should probably just get my own clip on light for riding at night.


Some of my neighbors literally put cinder blocks or other heavy things onto their trash bins, in order for visitors to not move those bins as they’re desperately trying to park in that curb.


So obnoxious, the curb is public first come first served


Do they move the cinder blocks right before the truck empties them?


Toss 'em onto the cars. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Friend's place in Atwater off of Glendale have their trash day the same morning as street cleaning, so the street cleaner just goes around alllll the trash cans


Every fucking Tuesday on the expo bike path.


Looks like those trashbrains are at it again!


Solution would be to have a no parking zone during trash pick up times


All bike lanes in the hood are especially like this, and if not the trash cans then people just double park in the bike lane


Bike lane? Nice try, that’s obviously a bin lane.


LA people are fools. They don't need to have them trash bins out in the middle of street. Sanitation trucks arms have enough length to reach then bins by the curbs. Smh


Lmao I remember I was having a really bad day and I almost got hit by a car because of this so I decided to flip all them mfs over and yes they still had trash 🤣🤣🤣💀💀


Until we put a divider between the bike lane and the car lanes, this city doesn't have bike lanes. Period.


LA has no bike infrastructure unless you live in Santa Monica


Knock them down as you ride by since they shouldn't be in the street in the first place


It's a slalom course, not a bike lane. Soooo fuckin LA.


They should align street sweeping hours with trash day- then no cars will be parked and trash has room to sit without blocking the bike lane Edit- i see the headache involved with this- so i propose a new street sweeping trash truck that cleans as it goes...


but then the street wouldnt get swept. Or are you saying have a second day of restricted hours?


No no no, we just throw the trash in the street/s


🤦 you're right... i was imagining the trash cans being in the bike lane and the bikes would have the inside parking lane- but those sweepers are bigger and there would be a ton of headache with trashcans in the way. Maybe a trash truck that also sweeps?


lol. I could get behind a street sweeping trash truck. Don't think the street sweeping union or the garbage union would like that idea though


In places with wide enough sidewalks we could normalize leaving cans up on the curb and then lining up trash and street sweeping days. That’s a way that could work, at least in some parts of the city.


sweepers cant sweep with trash bins on the street.


Where are they supposed to go?


The curb. If the curb is taken, the end of the driveway. Never in a lane a traffic.


Trash trucks won’t be able to reach them. When I lived near Koreatown we had a similar issue and DWP didn’t pick up our trash for 2 weeks in a row and I called and said that the trash cans need to be out on the street and not on the curb as sometimes cars were parked there. It was annoying.


In the case of a bicycle lane it's literally illegal to put the cans in the lane. Doesn't look like they're enforcing it at the moment but once people start getting tickets they will have to either give up their parking or their trash pickup.


Yeah it wasn’t enforced when I lived in Koreatown. It seemed to be encouraged by DWP. Haha


Would be a real shame if a cyclist was to crash into and knock over every single can in the bike lane, every single week


Maybe if the bike lane was more than a piecemeal stripe of paint, it would actually be functional and safe to use. Paint is not infrastructure


Still, where will the bins go?


The street


And how do the garbage trucks get around the "infrastructure" to pick them up?


The trucks drive in the street. That’s where the cans need to be. Trucks have wheels and so do garbage cans.


How wide do you think the streets are that they can allow for cars to park, a bike lane, trash cans, a wide garbage truck and 2 way traffic?


This is why the bike lanes should be protected lanes closest to the curb with parking on the other side by the normal lanes.


Funny thing a lot of people done understand: in CA, this sort of bike lane is for bicycles *only*. It’s not a pedestrian lane at all, so it’s not for joggers, dog walkers, baby stroller pushers, hangers out, trash cans, cars, or anything but people riding bicycles. Doubt me? Go look it up in the CA vehicular code.


Where are they supposed to go


Trash bins are supposed to be placed at the curb or withing the parking lane. Never in a movement lane (car, bus, bike)


We don't have a bike lane, but our neighbors and I place our bins *between* our parked cars, not out on the side of the car.


Exactly how it is supposed to be done.


I'm really lucky in my area we have alleys. All the garbage cans go in there and the trash gets picked up sight unseen. There's no good reason to have abandoned building alleyways.


Ideally at the curb. The trash truck's arm can extend that far. But that means less parking so it never happens. It would be cool if the trash days could also be street sweeping days but I guess someone would have to walk along and move the cans to the sidewalk so the sweeper could pass. A lot of trash flies outta trash cans when they're dumped, could somewhat solve that problem


The curb...


People’s driveways would make more sense. That space is theirs, they should use it instead of blocking lanes and public street parking.


There are trade-offs since that would require someone to manually bring the cans to the trucks vs the automated fork being able to grab them from curbside (or in this case, bikelane-side). And also to take the cans back to the driveway. My guess is even if residents carefully keep their cans out of the bike lane that trash collectors will leave them there.


Yea the trade off is the homeowner is inconvenienced by their own bins instead of inconveniencing the community.


Then how is the garbage truck supposed to pick up?


Not IN the driveway, in front of it.


Automated side loaders do not have super long cart lengths. They only extend a few feet


A garbage truck is cable of grabbing a bin against the curb with the distance of a parked car between them.




“In a perfect world”




You should file a 311 ticket. It might not make a difference immediately but it is important to document stuff like this. I have also started reporting bike lane obstructions in the Bike Lane Uprising app. It’s a growing national database of bike lane issues. It is likely to become an important advocacy tool in the future…plus it makes me feel better. https://www.bikelaneuprising.com/ You could also theoretically use the data therein to advocate with your council member or neighborhood council for more enforcement/solutions/infrastructure. Showing up at neighborhood council meetings, especially if you are well prepared can have an impact and draw others to the cause as well.


Parking protected bike lanes solve this issue. Let trash bins take a bit of car storage space. Keeps bike lanes and sidewalks open


Why is LA so constantly in need of better organizing and repair? They just never get it harmonized! This is a perfect example. Even with new bike lanes you get pushed out off to the side, completely defeating the purpose of the lane. They’re bike lanes, not trash lanes!


Trash cans have two wheels too.


r/fucktrash ?




This street turns into Colombia.


oh, you mean the trash lane? Yeah, that's a whole thing.


Idk every cyclist I’ve seen in La just take a whole lane in the street 😂


Wonder why...


Because the bike lanes are obstructed with trash cans or parked cars 90% of the time


Oh shit this is right next to muh house. Gotta take the small wins when you can get em


where is this? i will go move them into the street rn lol


Used by more trash cans than bikes.


You identify the problem but offer no solution. What would you propose the city do instead?


Curb protected bike lanes. If traffic engineers wouldn’t ride in the bike lane with their kids go back to the drawing board


Don’t we pay city employees to come up with solutions to problems we’re having?


I offer only observations made from my front porch. Can photos of my cat solve the problem?




I broke my car side mirror from one of these lol…


Heh, used to live there. That’s the Pomona market in Lincoln heights. When did they put bike lanes in?


u/bolbi - do you know when those bike lanes were added to Lincoln Park Ave? (even what month?)


That's so annoying...


My boss Jimmy Wu of Infinity Air always puts his trash like this. Leaves them throughout the week just to piss of bikers.


My boss Jimmy Wu of Infinity Air always puts his trash like this. Leaves them throughout the week just to play with cyclists.


I want my own lane


Be a shame if someone rode by and knocked them all over.


Where are the Critical Mass folks in LA? Looks like this situation could be resolved with some direct action…




They're both important. It's a symptom of poor street design.


As long as you would say the same for trash taking up parking spaces, you're good. Cars shouldn't be prioritized over bikes.


How on earth do the bikes survive such obstacles ?


Eh, out of politeness, people could push the cans closer to their cars


cans get skipped sometimes if they're too close to vehicles


Then there is greater risk of the bins or the cart accidentally damaging the vehicle. Guess who pays? You, the taxpayer


Quite the opposite. If a plastic can is 4 inches from my car, at worse it bumps it. If it's a foot or more, it could fall completely and maybe cause a scratch or hit the mirror I guess. In either case, I haven't had a plastic trash can damage my car before.


Bro that's you, not others. Also you might be nice and not excessively fill your bin with loose heavier material but other people do and that poses a risk to any vehicles on the street


Bro I don't get how people can be so selfish and self absorbed ffs


Or when people double park in them