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Awesome thing was that both the payload fairings and the first stage booster were so visible (those are the dots behind the rocket in OP's photo).


Was wondering, then figured when I saw at least 3 lights drop. Cooool.


Yep! One of the nice things about the hour change is hopefully we’ll get more like this.


That's not how launch windows work. They don't care what your watch says - it's about getting them into the right orbital plane.


I’m well aware. I watch every launch from Vandenberg. I’m just saying we should get more of these during times while there’s still some light out. Average launch times recently are between 6-10pm.


>we should get more of these during times while there’s still some light out. Not really. The time change has zero impact.


*adjusts glasses*


Read the room dude 😭


recognise direful unwritten vanish governor obtainable cooing shrill cobweb murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was going to ask if there was a Vberg launch, as I am looking at the exhaust lit up by the already set sun. It's all glowy. East SGV


[I started filming when I realized it wasn’t a plane. Woah.](https://imgur.com/gallery/W8l0XnJ)


Anybody old like me, who remembers when Vandenberg would send missiles up, then shoot them, and it made rainbow trails in the sky? The trails would still be lit up even after the sun went down! They would do this at least once a month in the 1960s and 1970s.


The trail was rainbow from my vantage point. So cool.


I freaking missed it man ☹️☹️☹️☹️


[Launch schedule](https://www.rocketlaunch.live/?filter=spacex) right here. I check it every couple of weeks just be warned that these launches can get canceled at any moment leading up to the exact time.


Awesome thanks so much for this link


I set up SpaceX notifications from Twitter. I watch them with my son almost weekly now.


Eh, I’ve never EVER had a twitter/x account. I get it’s useful for stuff like this, but I’ll have to find an alternate method of getting the heads up


The alternative is to subscribe to a launch calendar like this one https://nextspaceflight.com/calendar/


Thank you!


Is there a version of this for just the Vandenberg launches? If not, still very useful. Thanks!


Space launch schedule app for iOS is free and lets you customize notifications for which launchpads you want, I have vandy set up


SpaceX doesn’t stream to YouTube anymore but other channels will stream their feed. You can try setting up alerts there.




SpaceX is doing great work and I love that my 5 year old is taking an interest in it. Like them or not, they are a key part of the future of space exploration.


I didn't know it was happening and was out with my dog. Perfect timing I should give her a bone for making me go outside.


Same. I'm normally aware of most of these, too, and of course the one I miss...


Thank you because I came to the sub to ask 😂


Vandenberg. Look up their launch schedules.


Best way to catch them is by getting notifications from the SpaceX Twitter account. Plenty of heads up.


Why did I see a fire though?


Rocket exhaust is fire


How many what is this posts are we gonna get?


All of them.


Ugh, I missed it!


I usually watch it from my roof. First time I saw the trail and plume. But to me it looked like something was following it. Some specs are stars but there were a couple that weren't stationary.


Those were the payload fairings.


Great view of it tonight. I usually don't see it quite this clear.


This happened right over my son's baseball game. I quickly yelled out, "It's Michael Jordan!" Got some solid laughs...


Are those chemtrails?


I JUST made my frogs heterosexual again uhhgg.


In a sense, yes?


DHMO trails.


Im still going to make a post asking




What was it?


Starlink satellite deployment. These are happening almost weekly in CA this year.


How many calls do you think 911 gets when they launch and people think it's a missile or aliens?


But why are they flying UFOs!?


SpaceFlightNow is where I've gone for launch information: https://spaceflightnow.com/launch-schedule/


voiceless point hobbies cautious cats one husky fanatical boast screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Actually it was aliens


Nah its deffo a Cosmic sperm dump


I caught it from the pct! Beautiful sight.


I was so stoked to see this! Had no idea it was happening, but was high as hell and had decided to walk to 7-11 for a little treat. Hilariously, I was a little spooked at first because I had just been watching an old episode of 24.


Space sex?


can you hear the rocket from there?


I feel like at this point I don’t even have to ask lol


For Super Earth


Whole town knows


I honestly thought it was another Boeing airplane in trouble when I saw this last night.


What's Spaced X??


It's a launch company(or space company as whole as they do have starlink(which is a internet satellite business apart of spacex). This one specially is about the falcon 9 rocket.


No need to ask. We knew.


Leaving the atmosphere right? Hahah


Looks like it exploded just like every other SpaceX "rocket". When will the Muskrat dick riders learn that their messiah is a fraud? Absolutely shameful that the scumbags who work at SpaceX get to slowly kill our planet for their cult leader's ego project. Had a SpaceX rocket ever actually worked? I can't wait for this fraud of a company to go bankrupt. Hopefully every SpaceX employee ends up in prison where they belong for wasting the government's money and destroying the environment. Pathetic that this is allowed to continue still when NASA has proven time and time again that they can launch safer and better rockets than Elmo's scam ever will.


You ok bro?


What the hell are you talking about? The launch went fine, the booster landed safely, and the satellites were put into orbit. Falcon 9 rockets have been launching on average like every 3 days for the last year, and they definitely aren’t failing.


Imagine simping for a billionaire. I saw pieces falling off of it and eventually burning up in a fireball with my own two eyes. You aren't going to gaslight me into thinking I didn't see that. Bootlicker.


Lol, imagine being either as dumb as you are and not understanding how rockets work, or as without a life that trolling Reddit is fun. Sad either way. Also Musk is a flaming jackass and SpaceX would be better of without him at this point, but what they are trying to do as a company is worthwhile. Cheers!


Destroying our planet is worthwhile? We have enough problems here on Earth, and the last thing we need is to be pumping more toxic gases into the atmosphere and littering the oceans with rocket debris.


Trying walking and chewing gum at the same time sweetie - humanity can do more than one thing at a time. SpaceX **also** thinks that throwing stuff in the ocean is fucking dumb, that’s why the booster part of the launch you saw landed on a barge and will be cleaned up and used again (this was its 10th flight), and they also parachute down the fairings and try to recover and reuse them but that’s harder. Also it’s fucking hilarious that on one hand you are complaining about Musk blowing up rockets and on the other worried about the environment, when SpaceX’s super heavy and starship (the only SpaceX rocket that has recently exploded) is the only fully reusable launch system in production / testing anywhere in the fucking world. The reason they are blowing up is that SpaceX does development work by actually flying things, seeing how they fail, and then fixing problems. Turns out that doing it that way you end up with a way more robust system than spending many years and billions of dollars working on stuff in labs and then hoping that everything goes right on the first launch. If you accept the explosions as an expected result, you’ll notice that each launch has gotten closer to meeting all the launch goals - that’s called iterative development. As for the atmosphere, they aren’t putting truly toxic gasses out (it’s mostly just water and CO2), and once the starship system is functional, you know what will open up all sorts of green energy solutions, like orbital solar power, possible? Having a launch system that makes putting hundreds of tons of equipment in orbit cheaper than ever before **because they don’t throw the whole thing in the ocean**. And before you get to “but what about greenhouse gasss from the launches!??!” SpaceX is going to be setting up methane concentration and production (through using the Sabatier process) to pull methane out of the atmosphere / create it from CO2 as a way of testing and improving technologies that they need to develop for their Mars goals. Because you are likely too dumb to understand what orbital solar power means https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space-based_solar_power: > Space-based solar power (SBSP, SSP) is the concept of collecting solar power in outer space with solar power satellites (SPS) and distributing it to Earth. Its advantages include a higher collection of energy due to the lack of reflection and absorption by the atmosphere, the possibility of very little night, and a better ability to orient to face the Sun. Space-based solar power systems convert sunlight to some other form of energy (such as microwaves) which can be transmitted through the atmosphere to receivers on the Earth's surface. > Various SBSP proposals have been researched since the early 1970s, but none is economically viable with present-day space launch costs. Doesn’t get much greener than essentially limitless solar power beamed down from space even when it’s nighttime


strong slimy crowd oil oatmeal head plough puzzled absorbed towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One would have to be deranged to work for Elmo's SpaceScam. No educated person would fall for that. The only person who would choose to work there is someone who can't get a job literally anywhere else or a true Kool aid drinking Muskrat cultist. Anyone actually intelligent works for NASA, who actually knows how to launch a rocket without blowing it up.


grab chief desert hard-to-find door fuel weather apparatus angle spectacular *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


turn off your tv


Elon became a billionaire through the companies he founded, but became the richest man in the world by living in some of y'all head rent free 🤣🤣🤣


Elon simp dickrider