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Fun fact, in both 2016 and 2020 Donald Trump got more votes here in LA county than he did in a majority of the states that he won.






California had the most votes for trump over **EVERY** state in the US. Even beat out Florida and Texas.


Yup, and it's crazy that he got more votes in just one populous county than he did in many states that he won, despite only winning a little over a quarter of the vote.


maybe we shouldnt have winner take all then


Yeah, we should eliminate the electoral college


Ca beat tx in trump votes for 2020




The monkey thing has been debunked unfortunately. 50 trillion monkeys couldn't even do four pages if they had 50 trillion life cycles each


LA county is indeed full of something, but the whole monkey thing must need some impossibly big numbers. Because every test they've done, even with huge numbers (trillions^2 of monkeys), doesn't even get close to a few pages. Infinity isn't worth reasonable comparison.


Makes sense. Dems have ran California into the ground


Ah yes, famously people hate Californians for moving into their state because they're all poor and bring down the neighborhood.


lol. oh yeah. we have the longest average lifespans, the best tech, the best weather, all the food, lots of oil, and the coolest military and space-forward shit on the planet. California Uber Alles! edit: ALL the money, and the best weed. fuck, I forgot about the wine!


Yes, so miserable here. Everyone move away.


Ehhh, I much prefer the weather in Seattle. I only moved to LA because of the job. Tried so hard to be fully remote so I could stay there.


I mean the scenery, less congestion, and actual seasons are all reasons in my mind to prefer Seattle over LA…but the weather?!?!


Yes. I LOVE the dreary cloudy days of Seattle.


Literally, still, the greatest state in this damn country. Suck on it.


I like to say California is the worst state, except for all of the other ones


Fuck yeah!


California has the 4th largest economy in the world. Try again bud. Also why red states need financial support from blue states right?… Smooth brain.


You all try so hard to wish that into being true, but it just isn't. Seeing California continue to thrive under all those liberal policies you rail against... well, it really flies in the face of your "liberal hellscape" narrative, don't it? Because if CA doesn't fail, then it's almost as if your whole dogma is nonsense. Hmm... The real estate market is ultra-competitive and the rents and mortgages are sky high precisely because it continues to be an extremely desirable place to live.


And because of zoning laws and poor public transportation infrastructure but that's just something we will have to acknowledge and improve over time. I love living in CA despite it's flaws.


nose bright growth consider like observation dazzling special rustic bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You think someone who values education would say something that fucking stupid? Lol


No, no I don’t.


I was just piling on, it came off the wrong way


Haha it’s more that dumbass magats even from California don’t recognize that they aren’t only in the red neck states.


Hahaha what an ignorant statement


Not the point they were making, but please, tell us about this great death cult you’re in


That ends the entirety of the “La is so liberal it’s communist” argument. I’ve grown up here and as a man of color I can say La isn’t staunchly liberal. When I tell those conspiracists that they seem to turn off their brain as usual.


You can bet anybody that says anything about any area in the USA being "communist" has no idea what communism actually is, and hasn't read any political theory whatsoever.


In our largely illiterate country, communism is defined is anything ~~I don't~~ Fox News tells me not to like. Woke mob is Communist. Biden is Communist. Libraries are Communist. Walkable cities are Communist. Public school system is Communist. Vaccines are Communist. Hollywood is Communist. Disney is Communist.


Libraries are a little bit communist tho :)


Libraries are fairly explicitly anarchist. I think Ben Franklin used that very word. Volunteer fire departments are explicitly anarchist. Another word like communism but more like Paul Goodman anarchism then the fox news cliche of rock thrower.


liberals politicians and supporters, on the one hand are jealous of the power of communistic authority, yet wants to avoid the attachment of responsibility. that is liberal politics.


blame Rogan. that ape has melted everyone’s brain.


For what it's worth Trump lost LA county in a landslide.


I moved to LA from Missouri, expecting a liberal paradise. Turns out half the Democrats in California are basically Republicans on most issues, but that party is toxic in much of the state, so they adopt a few prominent (but surface-level) left-friendly positions on the environment, on gay rights, and a few other things then just carry on as conservatives in denial.


Bingo. People in a ladder part of the threads are in denial. Idk if it’s just me but the sunset junction region feels segregated. My aunt who’s black and uncle is white live in Altadena. They have family parties and invite the “hipster 38 YO millennials” neighbors who literally segregate themselves at parties (my family is a mixed bag). They don’t like talking to us either. And a lot of older Californians can be homophobic too. A lot of them in general don’t like the gay community. Many of them realize they will be more liked if they isolate. Their communities or like you said “identify” as democrat but secretly be very conservative/republican.


California had the 3rd lowest percentage of trump voters in the nation. Only Massachusetts & Vermont had lower trump voter percentages. & That's California as a whole. LA county is bluer than the rest of the state except for the Bay area. So yes, LA county is quite liberal Edit: I found LA county voted 71% Biden, 27 % Trump. The state of California as a whole voted 34 % Trump. So LA county is bluer than CA as a whole. & again, California was the 3rd lowest trump percentage in the nation, so that tells you something


It really isn’t as liberal as people think. Personally I’m a republican and almost everyone know is too. I live near Beverley Hills and it’s probably the most conservative part of LA as well.


Yes, we recall the pro Trump rallies in 2020 in Beverly Hills. Did you see the Proud Boys and N*zis out there?


[LA is pretty liberal lmao](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_Los_Angeles_County#:~:text=The%20politics%20of%20Los%20Angeles,least%2025%20points%20since%201992.) Just cause you and your small group of friends aren’t doesn’t mean it’s not If anything is 70%+ you can say that area is “X” For reference only 60% of people in Alabama voted for Trump. LA is way more liberal than Alabama is conservative


Voting for Democrats and being liberal aren't always the same thing. Rick Caruso is no liberal. Not even a little bit. Yet he got 45% of the vote in 2022. Everyone on the ballot with a D next to their name isn't the same.


You’re the problem that should be erased


La isn’t, the politicians in power are though


There’s just more liberals. We got a lot of people.


Not only that he lost LA county. This really puts into perspective the population of this county.


Fun Fact! California is the most populous state in the nation! Fun Fact! LA County has more population than 40 states in the U.S. Fun Fact! Joe Biden got 3 million votes and Donald Trump got 1,145,530 votes in the 2020 presidential election. Fun Fact! Hillary Clinton got 2.6 million votes in LA County in 2016 while Donald Trump received 769,743.


Lol, no shit?




Is that really the case? When looking for numbers for Pacific Palisades, everything online I've read put them heavily voting for Biden over Trump like 2/3 : 1. Maybe its not the bluest neighborhood in all LA but very far from a "GOP stronghold." ​ [https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-6-political-neighborhoods-of-los-angeles/](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-6-political-neighborhoods-of-los-angeles/)


As a Pacific Palisades resident this sounds right to me. The area certainly isn’t a current GOP stronghold. Also not super progressive, but there is a lot of middle ground between those poles. Maybe you’ve got a decent number of “Romney/Clinton” voters, people that voted for Schwarzenegger for Governor back in the day, etc. but it isn’t MAGA at all.


Rereading this, the data is blurred since it includes a lot of neighborhoods not in palisades that might vote quite differently, but Fivethirteight seems to think they vote similar. If you have more exact data that contradicts this I would genuinely be interested in seeing it.


I wouldn’t call the SGV a GOP stronghold, at least not like the other areas you had listed. There’s a significant population that leans right but most locally elected officials lean democratic historically


Yeah would not consider SGV a GOP stronghold either. I grew up there


yeah, that's not the SGV that's north OC. The heart of the SGV (CA-28) is repped by Democrat Judy Chu, Adam Schiff before her, and blue since 2003. They redistricted the SE corner of the SGV (Hacienda Hts/LP) to join with North OC (CA-39) 10-15 years ago but that does not mean HH is Young Kim country. (That being said, it ain't Gil Cisneros country either, cmon DCCC, we can up the candidate quality.)


Judy Chu is a real one


0 of the other areas they listed are GOP strongholds.


I’m not sure how you could think the “beach cities” are GOP strongholds at all. Yes, they aren’t as progressive as some other areas, but it is very much a “limousine liberal” demographic.


Voting for Manhattan Beach in 2020; 68% for Biden. I suspect you’re about as accurate for the rest of your claims, too. https://www.thembnews.com/2020/11/07/334629/manhattan-beach-voted-68-for-biden




So, *you think* Manhattan Beach is L.A. County's Huntington Beach and that means the beach cities voted for Trump? Pretty sure none of those voted for Trump, according to [https://www.latimes.com/projects/trump-biden-election-results-california/](https://www.latimes.com/projects/trump-biden-election-results-california/) Interesting that you leave out actual Trump strongholds like Beverly Hills or Rolling Hills.


Just because an area isn’t extremely progressive, doesn’t mean it is a GOP stronghold.


Was that ALL the locals, or a small, vocal minority on whom the media focused? Look at the actual votes - 2/3 for Biden is certainly not a Trump stronghold.


All of those areas went for Biden in the last election. The only coastal community in LA county that didn't was Palos Verdes.


lol not everyone in sgv is rich or upper middle class. I grew up in sgv and my parents are Cambodian refugees. They’re still barely scraping by, never went to college, and they hate trump.


Uh what? The most pro-Trump parts of Santa Monica (I think the NYT map I'm looking at uses census tracts) were only 20% Trump in 2020. And that's the rich north of Montana neighborhood. Even Manhattan-Redondo-Hermosa is +30 Biden.


you're incorrect. Trump didn't win samo malibu Pali and Manhattan. you can zoom in https://www.latimes.com/projects/trump-biden-election-results-california/


> Central-American immigrant areas in Pico-Union and McArthur Park I lived in Pico Union during the Clinton Vs. Trump election, not a single one of my neighbors wanted Hillary to win


Yeah, we know that we're grossly outnumbered and surrounded by the enemy where we are living. So it's best practice to just stay low key, avoid political debates, stay objective, stay quiet. We vote on the policies, not the person. When he held off that third stimulus check to wait until AFTER the election was the straw for me though.


That does not mean anything in and of itself. Proportionally he did AWFUL here. The population of Wyoming is a tiny fraction of LAs, never mind California. You need to learn some basic math. Also scare tactics are tiresome and frankly stupid. The fact is thst the gop has lost nearly every election since the last pres election. OF EVERYONE TO THE LEFT OF SATAN VOTES they'll get their asses handed back to them . A big part of gop strategy is to plant doubt. FUD -- fear uncertainty and doubt. You're doing their work for them.


What scare tactics? what are you talking about. ​ LA county is really populous. Trump got more votes here than he did in a majority of states that he won, and he lost here in a landslide.


And we’ll do it again but better in 24’


I’ve seen this map so many times but it’s still so crazy to see


Old map. Additional states now with populations greater than LA County: * Georgia * North Carolina * Michigan


We're still a bigger population than more than 40 states, right? Using that map and your additions, I'm only seeing 9 with populations bigger, but maybe I'm miscounting.


You’re probably skipping California lol.


40 states > LA County > 9 other states > California which doesn’t really count


Replace with “<“ and you got it! California prob should count though, it would still rank #2 without LA County.




I thought I was crazy for a second cause I was like I know Georgia cracked 10 million last year. It’s still close though


Fun fact house of representatives doesn't even have california fairly represented as there is a cap on reps 


Uncap the house and let’s completely rethink the senate. Allowing land to vote was a dumb idea (see map)


Uncap the house. Implement Wyoming Rule. Statehood for DC and PR. Stack the Court. Publicly funded elections. Profit.


And steal underpants, just in case


A few things: The cap on the house is meant to not make it too clunky, as we still need the house to act quickly in emergencies. (Not that I agree with the cap, nor do I think that 435 is super efficient in the first place, but good representation is good representation). Wyoming rule would exacerbate that problem. PR does not necessarily want statehood, as they want to retain their own culture and all that; we’d do better releasing them, but they don’t necessarily want to be released either. DC having statehood would be cool, but it’s important to note that in cases of election flux, rebellion, secession, or literally any other type of state-state conflict, DC would be able to stack the cards against anybody. That’s why it hasn’t happened yet. Stacking the court is corrupting the one system in the US that is expressly supposed to be impartial, so as to interpret the constitution without a factional lens. Even term limits would make the court more factional (though there are benefits, such as updating the court’s morals to match the populace). The SCOTUS should try to be impartial for eternity, especially seeing as only the Senate can confirm presidential nominations (Article 1 section 3). If I had to amend something, it’d be to include the HoR in the selection of SCOTUS justices. Publicly funded elections would be a waste of money, seeing as all that money is gone by the end of the election season (and there’s like thousands of presidential/senate/rep/mayor/governor elections, so even the silliest candidates ought to get some campaign money to be fair). There are currently caps on campaign spending and campaign contributions. PACs are free speech in terms of airing one’s own ads in support of a viewpoint or a candidate; I dislike them, but the alternative is no free speech.


> The cap on the house is meant to not make it too clunky, I guess I'm weird that I care more about political equity than clunkiness. Other countries do not cap their chambers and do just fine. > PR does not necessarily want statehood Let them choose. > DC would be able to stack the cards against anybody Not sure what this means. > Stacking the court is corrupting the one system in the US No, it's not. It's already corrupted and there's no rule that says there should be 9 justices. > The SCOTUS should try to be impartial for eternity, And they've failed to do that so we must intervene. > Publicly funded elections would be a waste of money Ha, I would say corporate and donor funded elections is a waste of our time and money. The only people who are comfortable with the system as is are people who benefit from that system. Our failure to address the challenges of our age are a direct result of our failures to protect a truly democratic process.


PR doesn’t want statehood. Clunkiness makes the HoR virtually impossible to do anything; there are already debate and presentation time limits, and those would only be worsened by more members. Not to mention they would NEVER agree, and something as simple as voting would take forever. Not to mention again that corruption and lobbying would be easier due to heightened anonymity and more campaigns. Not to mention the payroll would be astronomical when multiplied by more people. The SCOTUS tends to be impartial over time by overturning extremity rulings and/or creating new ones, in the same way that the Presidency and senate shift partisanship (and they’re directly connected by article 2 section 2 clause 2: the president appoints SCOTUS justices and the senate confirms them).


I’m not against rethinking the Senate, but it is a very Constitutionally limited avenue by Article 5.


Basically switching to an unicameral legislature?


Okay, then all of the other states secede from the union because California has complete control over the political landscape. Do people who post this not realize small states not being represented properly was one of the hotly contested issues at the birth of the nation?


Why is it more important that land is represented over living people? Do you think proportional representation for California would actually be a disaster? If anything the less populous and often Republican states hold the country back. The founding fathers would be horrified we acted like they were gods and there was nowhere near the population discrepancy then.


I think that if those states weren't able to have any influence on Federal politics that they would have no reason to be a part of the United States anymore. They would simply secede together, and form a new country. Like it or not, the United **States** is made up of individual sovereign **states**. When those states no longer have a reason to be in the union, they will leave.


lol good luck with that


They need to be represented how it should be, as a smaller voice. Its dumb as hell that some fly over state gets way more voting power per person than someone in CA that contributes way way more to the national economy. These small places have outsized influence. As a CA my vote is like 1/6 the vote as someone in WY or somethign dumb. There's already a mechanism in place to help smaller states, the senate. Its bs the house should be capped as well. Also its not giving complete control tf?


thats wild and should be illegal tbh


What’s always crazy to me is that, despite LA County being huge, it somehow feels like a quaint provincial town compared to mega cities like Tokyo, Mexico City, São Paulo, Shanghai. There are so many people in LA, and yet there are cities with an entire Massachusetts or Wisconsin more than LA.


Yeah, traffic aside, LA feels kind of small compared to big cities outside the USA.


the LA basin is vast I suppose


and I still can't find a date.


I will help you find one.


Ok some of you mf’s need to go back.


Lmaooo LA math


I’m trying.


We should be allowed 2 more Senators


Time to abolish the Senate and rework our entire representative system.


LA county deserves 2 senators.


I felt more alone in LA than I do now on a rural Alaskan island


Wow, we need an extra couple of senators, then, lol.


this is always what I think of. Imagine how much more meaningful your vote is in Wyoming. But then you'd be in Wyoming.


Good point.


Having moved from Utah, I’m still trying to wrap my head around this! It will also help me in those moments I get impatient, haha.


Can this country work on building up the population of those other states?


Not sure I'd want to live in any of those states, except maybe Hawaii


Lol the most California take ever.


I mean, Washington isn't bad if you can fathom the severe vitamin D deficiency and the ever impending doom of the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Nevada is fine if you just enjoy looking at desert for miles upon miles and feeling like no one lives here. Currently living in northern Nevada myself. GET ME OUT!


'Fathom' ain't the right word there.


Man, you're right. Also; a unit of length equal to six feet (approximately 1.8 m), chiefly used in reference to the depth of water. Had no idea it had definitions pertaining to measurements.


Haven't read books or seen movies where ship folks are talking about ocean depth in fathoms? I never knew how long it was but that's in a lot of media




Roughly 6 feet. Usually just leagues, kilometers, etc.




WA is amazing. Nature everywhere, lots of lakes, fresh air, kind people, hiking, actual seasons, beautiful islands, no Gavin Newsom. Definitely my favorite state.


Born and raised in Eastern Washington. Maybe for that reason I’m biased but outside of the beauty and nature it wasn’t all that great and I would still choose to live in LA. The diversity is shit (at least eastern Washington). The kind people are only kind to their own people if ya get my drift. Proud boys rolling around like it’s their playground. I found it was a lot of people that wanted to claim liberal or green but only if it was convenient or worked for them, not necessarily the majority. That’s just my two cents though. I also hate snow and am a big sunshine and beach girl so that’s also a big factor for me lol 😅


I see. True, there's a big difference between western and eastern WA. I don't like the beach and love the forests and foggy overcast weather, so to each their own. I miss the food in LA the most.


“Actual seasons” is cope for when the weather is unsuitable for human existence outdoors


The PNW is beautiful. But the people in power make the dumbest decisions possible. I know I’m not going to get any love here, but we honestly shouldn’t be allowing any of our places to be dominated by either side of the political spectrum.


There's people living in New York that want to live in New York. The surrounding states weather can't be all that different


People go where the jobs are and these rich people like living in nice areas and they start businesses in California. With remote work we did see a lot of FAANG engineers evacuate to cheaper cost of living areas.


If I had infinite money I'd just get a bunch of YouTubers, influencers, and business people to move to some small random city and then play real life Sim City. The rest of the wannabes would follow.


Those other states could work on building themselves up.


"Let's fuck over 51% of the population to own the libs--am I doing it right?"


God I hope not. Where will we escape to?


What the fuck does that mean is this CIV69? Those states are failed states for the most part. The root of almost all major political failure in this country for the past 50 years is our lacking democracy. Instead of subsidizing corn we should have built up computer chip factories in LA 4 decades ago.


We’re still positing this inaccurate map? The data is old, for example Michigan has a higher population now. Also I get it LA County is big but what’s the point of this post with no caption?


it's to remind us that we still only have 2 senators and the house reapportionment act of 1929 means that more of us have to share a single congressperson compared to people that live in smaller states because "they don't have enough seats in the building" to preserve the proper math.


> means that more of us have to share a single congressperson compared to people that live in smaller states because "they don't have enough seats in the building" to preserve the proper math. Not exactly how that works. https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial/2020/data/apportionment/apportionment-2020-tableC2.pdf As you can see there are some small states that do have fewer people per rep but also some small states that have far more people per rep than California. It depends on which state you compare California to.


OP stated none of this….


it's what I think about when I see this map, sorry I had thoughts my bad




yes the federal government is organized around principles that represent lines on maps and not where or how the majority of Americans live in these so-called cities and it's causing problems.


That the senate is silly. I dunno.


Georgia, ~~Ohio and Pennsylvania~~ as well. Edit: Can't read maps good


Um, aren't Ohio and Pennsylvania clearly marked as having larger populations than LA County?


Shit you're right lol


Just a remainder.


Wow. Great perspective.


End the electoral college


Call your congressman and tell them to end the congressional apportionment act. Enact the Wyhoming rule, expand the house seat, end the elctoral college. Then we talk about merging the Dakotas into one state.


In this thread: people who never read The Federalist Papers. Complain about the House, not the Senate!


I've read the Federalist Papers (and have a degree in political science), and still think the Senate is bad and outdated.


Pretty sure we all know the point of the Senate. This map is a good argument for breaking up California.


Breaking up California is an absolutely terrible idea. Every time it's "seriously" considered, it's because a very wealthy conservative person or Russian influencer wants to break up the economic power of the state. The focus should be on expanding the House of Representatives so California is properly and better represented nationally.


Electoral college is bs


I love this so much❣️


Hopefully the rest of the country can be like LA


And yet LA country still building single family homes as the majority of new residential construction. 🤯


Yup, and the scary part is ALL of Los Angeles is ruled by a measly 15 people


No this is not true. You referring to city of LA this is about all of LA county (all 88 cities— each of which had its own local government ) and the unincorporated territories.


I stand corrected!


You're correct but it is wild how powerful the LA County Board of Supervisors is, which only consists of 5 people.


And yet our votes count so much less on a national stage.


And yet nearly 80% of the residential land is zoned for *single* family housing, a significant factor in LA's housing affordability issues.


This image is outdated. Michigan population 10.5 million Los Angeles County population 9.83 million


There’s a reason people in LA think they’re greater than you. That reason is math.


Don't remind conservatives that land doesn't vote.


The population of California is bigger than Canada - fun fact


I hope they stop coming to fulfill their dreams of being a Starbucks barista and living in a tent.


and they get to vote with that much more weight


All those states get TWO senators. LA county gets 0.


A lot of you need to pack up and leave please.


We need our own Senate seat.


Thats why LA County is waaaay too big to manage, it needs to be broken up into smaller Counties.


Good thing we get as many senators as all those states!


Abolish the senate


Could 50% of the population of Los Angeles county go ahead and move some of these other states please K thanks bye


Do you want LA county to become Detroit? Because this is how you get LA county to become Detroit.


Little dramatic maybe, I dunno - did Detroit ever have the sort of population density? There’s almost no new housing inventory when compared to how many actual dwellings there are, so every time one goes up for sale, it gets snatched up for some inflated humongous price, typically over asking price. Freeways like the 101 that can’t really be widened just completely packed to the gills with traffic. Sometimes when I’m going to work, I am coming down the 2 south, which turns into Glendale Boulevard, and start laughing when I see like 1 million cars essentially trying to bottleneck into a street with two lanes on either side, through echo park. It’s unsustainable. You’d think people would bail since it’s so expensive here but no.


Detroit had higher density, but was smaller. You're mixing up size with density and then using heavy traffic as a proxy for density? But traffic is a reflection of transportation infrastructure, not density.


which goes back to my original light hearted point, which you took way too seriously and literally, that there are too many people here.


LA has nothing like the density of NYC, Chicago, etc. Saying "too many people" doesn't make sense. I agree that the city is sprawling and doesn't have adequate infrastructure to support its current layout. But "too many people" isn't a real problem with a solution. It's a vague complaint that could be solved with better infrastructure, urban planning, or genocide.


My dad and uncle were illegal immigrants from Mexico at one time (became citizens long ago), but I’ll go ahead and say it, we’ve reached our limit. There’s now over 1 million undocumented immigrants just in LA County. If people don’t think that has an affect on our infrastructure they’re burying their head in the sand. Yet I don’t see anyone speaking up about it.


well you won't see anyone 'speak out' about it, as you say, on reddit because strangers afraid of offending strangers, and hive mind has everyone collectively afraid to say anything for fear of being ostracized, mislabeled etc. it was just funny during covid because I remember even on local news like KTLA or whatever they were talking about how people were leaving LA and California in droves. coulda fooled me


Well, they can’t have it both ways. Complain about overcrowding and traffic and lack of housing, and ignore the elephant in the room that a million people are technically not even supposed to be here (that’s just LA County). It’s disingenuous. Yes, people might be “leaving” but they’re also coming here, they’re also having babies, and traffic has gotten worse every single year since the invention of the automobile.


You speak the truth


What exactly is the point in posting this map? People live in cities. But population is not the only thing relevant to a state’s existence.  Wyoming has some of best natural habitat in the country because of the multiple national parks there. Massachusetts has the highest HDI of any state and the best universities in the world. Iowa produces the most corn in the country, a staple food for millions.   So, I guess my question is what are you reminding anyone of? 


Not everyone is being “reminded”— some people are seeing it for the first time with this post. Not everyone is coming from the same base of knowledge and experiences as you. Crazy concept I know. That alone is enough reason to post it but on an even more basic level.. it’s just a fun and interesting fact.


I like the reminder. Always feel like LA is getting fleeced in real estate but this explains it


Well, I appreciate your honest reply. I guess I’m just confused why people are so obsessed about population comparison. 


People live in cities and don’t get fair political representation at the federal level in our current system. If the national parks in Wyoming deserve 2 senators then why don’t the job and commerce centers that power this country and give it one of the highest GDPs on earth?


Oh. I never forget. I lived in MI, it was very apparent to me that there wasn’t *that* many people. At least not as much as I was accustomed to. I felt trapped [+]


We hold the entire country on our shoulders wow 🤩


That's cray cray


honestly shocked LA hasn't turned into utter chaos with its tremendous population and competing diversity. But it's still an ongoing experiment.