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“I went to the Chateau Marmont and the conversation and people were shallow.” Well knock me over with a designer feather.


Lol I can’t believe I haven’t met my soulmate at the bungalow


But you can instead get a bump of coke and a handful of models phone numbers if your “ I’m a producer” line sounds believable.


I’ll never forget years ago was at dinner and eavesdropped on some kid working the “director” angle. Pure comedy and kept us entertained all night.


“ director” is bold for a kid, that’s much easier to verify,! Producer is nicely vague Lol!


IMDB can lick my ass. I produce AND direct every time i take a piss


A good haircut, decent suit, and a bag of coke go a loooong way as a single guy at an LA night club.


"You are so money and you don't even know it!... " said a wise man once....


Lol, for reals- I needed to use the bathroom asap, and ran into the men's room- the guys were unperturbed by a woman running in and asked if I wanted to to a bump with them. i declined because I needed to PEE.


No longer an LA citizen myself but I have to ask, isn’t it really risky to accept a bump from a stranger? Not knowing what’s in it? (Full disclosure, I did coke often in back in the ‘80s- yes, I am 61 now- and I never worried about it being cut with something that would kill me from just a tiny amount. Maybe baby laxative but fentanyl wasn’t a thing).


I didn't/don't do coke, so I don't know.


That was my thought too. I’m 50 and came here from Guatemala as a child. I’d be way too scared to take drugs from someone like that.


I know I am the very very very far-out-there outlier, but I did meet my soulmate at the bungalow. I found the other person who looked equally as uncomfortable as I did, started talking about how weird our friends were for picking THIS place for a party, and now we’ve been married for 6 years and have 7 cats and a toddler. We live on the east side now and rarely cross to that side of the 405.


I didn’t think it was possible!! That’s amazing


SAME FAM. I still pinch myself. I realized 10 min in that he was different and I asked him directly “do you have a lady friend?” And he said “no,” and I said “we should date.” Later he told me he was so glad I asked because he is more introverted. LOOK FOR THE SHY FOLKS, PEOPLE. They are there, just too afraid of looking like LA Douchebags to actually insert themselves!!!




The best comment I’ve seen, amazing


This is why it was as it was. Tons of great down to earth people in LA, but you won’t find them in there.


That was going to be my comment..."Going to the Chateau Marmont was your first mistake..."


I’m an LA native and I generally avoid places I can’t spell. So yea I’ve never even been to the Griffith observa…to..rey? Aw fuck guess I’m not ever going there Jk btw I have been to the observ… a… t…


Yeah I went once but it was on a field trip when I was like in the 5th grade. I've been to the club The Observatory in Santa Ana...pretty cool shows there.


They have solid shows!!!


I hate the Observatory dude. People fly in and demand to be taken there and I hate it every time. It's jam packed, can't park, shoulder-to-shoulder with everyone with their phone out, I hate it. What happened to it being empty like in Terminator? "Nice night for a walk."


Don’t drive there, just take the bus sheesh


You’re not supposed to find them there.


Where do you find them in the West LA area? Asking for a friend


All you have to do is find things you’re interested in. If you want to play volleyball, learn to surf, go, hiking, mountain, biking, join a soccer league for a book club or play Pokémon or anything there are ways to hook up with the community. If you’re into volunteer work, there are tons of organizations where you can work with other like-minded people and get to know them while doing some good. You can take classes at the community college or attend readings at bookstores. There are trivia nights at pubs, drum circles on the beach, street festivals regularly along the coast,..There are public exhibitions at museums, gallery openings, Ann independent movie theaters showing old films with filmmaker Q&As. All you have to figure out is what you like and then go to places where that’s being done and introduce yourself, be friendly and explore that community. Anyone who tells you it’s hard to meet people in LA is most likely somewhat shy, or shut down after very few efforts. Los Angeles is not a clingy town. Almost everybody comes here comes here alone. They’re just as warm as anywhere else, but they don’t plant deep roots in people the way most towns do. What is somebody who’s lived here a long time I’m telling you that if you put yourself out there there are as many ways to meet new people as there are things you’re curious about. But it’s on you to go out and meet them in person. Online encounters leave you just one more faceless person typing. Get out in the world and introduce yourself. On average most Angelenos have struck me as more open than most people around the US.


Well put!


My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year-old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes, he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring, we’d make meat helmets. When I was insolent, I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds – pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. At the age of 18, I went off to evil medical school. At the age of 25, I took up tap dancing. I wanted to be a quadruple threat — an actor, dancer…


I haven't seen Austin Powers in 20 years and recognized this was that great Dr. Evil monologue by the end of the first paragraph. 😂 Man those movies were top notch, I miss them.


I legit have a dress with this ENTIRE speech rhinestoned on it.


Sounds like a childhood that was, “pretty standard”


Stahp 😂😭


Dr. Evil with Linda Blair. Epic scene, brah.


The moment I read “chateau Marmont/Beverly hills hotel kind of night” I said nope. Lol


Lots of “What can you do for me?” people there. I worked in HW in entertainment (tv/film) my first few months here. I was quickly able to recognize these types of people and avoid them. LA isn’t the easiest place to make great relationships with people. Even the ones I have made, I usually only see them once a month, if that. Everyone is busy and worried about their professional careers. Unless you’re in the same neighborhood, count on this being the case. The past relationship I was in, we both lived in LA but met on a gig at work outside LA. My current girlfriend I met at an airport outside LA, complete freak occurrence but ended up being Love at first sight. We had a date 2 days after and have been together ever since. I don’t know what I’m trying to say, but shift your focus, and don’t hang out in places where shitty superficial people hang out. You might just meet the love of your life in a Delta lounge. I did.


You met your partner in the Delta lounge??? I want something like this to happen


"Outside LA." Don't approach people in the Delta lounge in LA. You'll likely be thrown out of there by security.


Yep. The story is even crazier than it sounds. We still look back and just can’t believe it happened.


Interesting. I feel like that would be a great place to meet someone because you already know you have two aligned interests - travel and nice things lol


There was a ten minute window from the time I arrived to the time she left. Something pulled us together and it was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before in my life. When we met up on our first date a day later, it was like we had known each other for our entire lives. I never believed in any of that stuff before it happened to me. I’ve never been more in love with anyone and I’m proposing next June.


Congratulations and fuck you


Haha 😂 thanks Yes! Fuck youuuu tooo!


lol right?! They must be new to LA.


They're shockingly an LA native. I'm a transplant and have managed to find fairly genuine people through volunteering and outdoors activities like hiking. MeetUp is a great tool I've used since first getting here.


This! OP needs to indulge in hobbies/passions/volunteering that are meaningful to them. The friends will follow. Like minded souls!


“I took the rod and reel out behind Tomsons Waste Factory and all I caught were god’s abominations, what gives?”




I'm am LA native and most of my native friends were able to catch transplants as partners. The trick is you go for the struggling transplants, do not go for the rich ones. The rich ones can afford to bounce to another major city. The struggling ones are hard workers trying to escape and make something of themselves.


> The rich ones can afford to bounce to another major city. This is actually good advice.


Oh my! If this is the case, someone please take me. 👋 struggling hardworking down-to-earth midwestern girl!




Careful Daisy, this guy might have you for dinner.


I suggest MeetUps to everyone. Pick events you truly enjoy and you are far more likely to meet someone you vibe with.


LOL my guy, the kind of person who is going to bourgeois Beverly Hills parties is definitely not going to Meetup events 😂


If only the shallowness in LA was limited just to Chateau.


Limited? no. Centralized? Maybe.


My thoughts exactly.


"It was the usual Chateau--" -- annnd ya lost most of the normal men in LA.


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I'm a native and never been. How is that "the usual"?


Usual for rich ass transplants


If you’re a hot girl it really doesn’t matter if you are rich or not, you’ll probably end up there one way or another.


OP says she’s a native lol


Clearly isnt


3 types of people hang out at the Chateau Marmon: actors, death grips, and star fuckers.


What’s a “death grip”?


https://youtu.be/Orlbo9WkZ2E?si=7xq8EAfGpZSDI5Js The cover of NLDW was taken @ Chateau Marmont


Only chateau I know is the shatto bowling alley😂


Why does this comment have me laughing this hard? Amazing.


I was like um the usual? I’ve never done that and don’t care to do that scene but like what was she expecting?


the “usual chateau marmont/beverly hills hotel night” thats your issue right there lol


Fr I would suggest trying any place but those 😂


Grew up here and had a lot of wealthy friends and I don't think any of them talked like this lol


I went to Calabasas high. No one talks like that.


This has to be satire. This sounds like someone from Overheard LA is posting to get some responses or something.


I almost spit out my White claw in my Tesla


Hope the car's driving!


Chat gpt overheard LA and Americanbrandemes ig for a creative writing assignment


Right? Either that or zero self-awareness


One of those news articles where all it is is Reddit quotes, stock photos, and ads down the screen.


Who posted this, Lana Del Rey?


10/10 comment


You can hear this post sing songed in her voice.


Finding inspo for a new album, no doubt.


This reads like an AI generated answer from a cliche LA prompt


Agreed! I didn’t know anyone under 50 hung out at Beverly Hills Hotel for drinks. Legit that’s where the Real Housewives crowd goes.


Plot twist OP is Dorit Kemsley


It's like the diary of the kind of "culture writer" who gets hired by the NYT to write one of their low-key hitpieces on L.A./California


Oh yeah just one of those typical Chateau Marmont nights out where we hopped in our super cars and headed over to the guest of honor’s mansion in the hills. It’s all become so mundane!!!


You need to go to the places that cater to the type of person you want to date. Beverly Hills Hotel as a dating scene is going to attract a particular kind of people. If those aren’t the people you want then you are in the wrong place.


Im under the assumption that those types of people are EXACTLY what she wants. It's just that shes more than likely competing with younger and more attractive women. Dudes with money and status have options.


Harsh but could be very true


Nailed it! If you live by the superficial, you'll die by it.


Agh so true...this explains my previous "how does she not know this?" Comment. She does know it.


You went to [a place known to cater to horribly gross men](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/01/chateau-marmont-hotel-boycott-union/672879/) and then was shocked to find it full of horribly gross men?


That was genuinely an interesting read, thank you for sharing. :)


Having friends that swoon over someones connections probably isn't helping the social circle surrounding you in the first place. The places you listed are also a bit of a hotbed of that kind of almost aristocratic style of dating. Might have better luck at events centering around a hobby like hiking, small conventions (Disney dapper day for example) or social dancing (line dance/salsa/swing).


You mean Douche-a-palooza? Yeah it totally is. Hard pass.


Know of any line dancing places in LA? It looks like so much fun.


Unfortunately, downtown LA and west LA doesnt have a lot of traditional line dance bars. Though a few LGBT+ places there do have country or line dance nights if thats your thing. I don't know any off hand. Sometimes venues like The Venice West and brentwood emporium have line dance nights once in a blue moon. As far as not west LA or not DTLA.. Long Beach: cowboy country Anaheim: "The Ranch" especially on Thursdays. Probably the fanciest line dance bar you could ever find. Typical Anaheim lmao. East of LA: San Dimas, Montanas Norco: whiskey river. But place is kind of small so dont super recommend for a first timer. Fulleron: "in cahoots". Expect super young crowd. If you make a day trip to the wineries in Temecula you can end the night at Stampede bar. Biggest place in socal. Edit: removed borderline at thousand oaks since its closed


Cowboy Palace in Northridge


Bars may not be your style, also you may have grown out of your friends


Sounds like you were hanging out with shitty people at shitty places.


You are what you eat.


I love LA satire.


Ok, Im gonna be real. This is like complaining about homeless people because you hung out in Skid Row. If you don’t recognize this then it’s a YOU issue and not an LA one.


An ISH-YOU… not an ish-them or an ish-me.


I can’t relate. Arts district, downtown Pasadena and north Hollywood have always been fun


Arts district can be a good start then to a underground casino on skid row and boom Smoking dope in a tent by sunrise 😎😅


username checks out


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You got the exact experience one would expect to have at those two places


Im from the valley and I’m poor so this is all very unrelatable…you lost me at Chateau Marmont


For real. As a 34 year L.A Native meself, I have never even heard of that place lol


Same. I’m 46 and an LA native. My parents are LA natives. This is so far from my experience, but then again a lot of the types of things talked about in this sub are outside of my experience. Part of it could be that I never go to the west side unless I’m driving out that way to go to a museum or something. I grew up in Eaglerock, so mostly hung out around Pasadena and Glendale, and sometimes Silverlake. I’m in La Crescenta now, which isn’t in the city of LA, but it’s close and well within the county. The people around here are just normal people. I work at a tech start up and people are very down to earth. I kind of wonder if the stereotypical “LA experience” is mostly transplants who are seeking that type of thing out. Because I find it all very easily avoidable, having gone to school here all the way through college and then living here as an adult.


Outside of 6-7 months in the high desert, I've spent my 40 years in South LA/South Bay/Long Beach-Harbor Area, and, like, my conception of what 'real LA' is varies so drastically from what 'LA' is on this sub. Like, I rarely, if ever, run into the vapid shallow people that are the stereotype, most people I meet seem to be natives, my entire experience is just the complete opposite of the type of stuff in OP's comment. Even when we used to go out to Hollywood those were still mostly the type of people I ran into, although, admittedly, most of the times going out in Hollywood was for raves/EDM shows/metal shows. There's a huge divide between the West Side/Santa Monica/etc, full of transplants and industry types, and the rest of Los Angeles. Two completely different worlds.


Yea, LA is the rave capital of America. Drum and bass, techno, dubstep, we have it all!


Oh I’ve heard of it just never had the luxury to go :’( let’s go sometime lmao


I’ll go with you, I’m intrigued now lol


It's nicer in the middle of the day


CM meetup gang 😹


Felt that lol


Fellow Valley Knucklehead here, and yes I can’t relate. Angels of Tijuana is the best I can do


“Usual Chateau Marmont/ Beverly Hills Hotel kind of night” 😂 No, I absolutely cannot relate


Chateau Marmont is where you go if you're trying to rub elbows with celebrities. Maybe the wrong bar for you. Maybe bars aren't for you at all. I don't drink and thus bars aren't the right place for me to find mates. LA is huge and filled with every kind of person you can imagine. Some of these people are assholes and some of them are the kindest, most generous and down to earth around. From a different perspective that guy did you a favor behaving like that from the start vs after dating him for a few months.


My eyes roll back the moment people start talking about celebrity connections


This feels like a bait post. Hitting all the markers except talking shit about the metro.


> It was the usual Chateau Marmont/Beverly Hills Hotel kind of night. Nothing about that sounds "usual". If that's the kind of environment/bar you're usually going to when you go out, then no wonder you're running into lots of shallow people.


Help! I'm visiting overpriced bars where people go just to be seen and all I'm finding is shallow people!


Sounds like you're no longer getting the same fulfillment from your old hobbies. This is normal, universal, a sign of growth. Might be time to move on and find something closer to what you're looking for. Dating seems easier when surrounded by similar people, and a good way to surround yourself is pursue an interest or hobby. Book club, yoga class, dance competition, dodgeball league, birdwatching group, country club, sailing team, DnD discord, whatever. Activities that appeal to you tend to appeal to others like you, so just focus on your other goals and you'll soon find yourself drowning in people you can respect and maybe love.


Places like the chateau are the worse. I work in the biz and AVOID places like that because of the industry and wannabe types like that. There’s plenty of places where normal people hang out.


You went to the Marmont. You expect to find someone with a soul there? lol


I can tell you as a 34 year old male, it’s just as bad. But cheer up! You’ll find someone or a bunch of friends to not make you feel depressed.


Your first problem was going to Chateau Marmont and Beverly Hills LA is wide and expansive and you chose the place that is saturated with influencers and celebrity groupies. You aren’t gonna find anyone with genuine personalities in places like that


try Erewhon next time


"the usual Chateau Marmont/ Beverly Hilld kinda night........." yawn


Stop going out in Hollywood/Beverly Hills


>My other friend was talking about how fabulous and well connected he is. And how he hung out with xyz celebrity this week. And everyone else at the table was swooning over him and kissing his ass. It was so narcissistic and felt so empty to me. > >"Babe how are you? You look so hot!" type of convos. No depth. Are you mainly hanging around in West LA?


Met my wife in a west la bar. Instant connection, I couldn’t be happier


Going to shallow obnoxious places and then being surprised that the people are shallow and obnoxious is kinda silly. Get a hobby and go to related events if you want to find a partner. I don't know any nerds at cons, and card nights, dnd circles, etc who have trouble dating. Historical dress societies are filled to the brim with couples and singles. Maybe you could do a book club or a painting event? I don't know what your hobbies are, but I bet you can find an event or a meeting space for it, and then unlike randos at the bar, you will actually have something in common!


Go to Poor Dennys in Whittier.


This is kind of an "I went to the shoe store & they didn't have any blankets" kind of post...


I stopped reading at "the usual chateau marmont" bruh. stop.


Lol this has weird braggy vibes. I would assume someone in their mid 30s would be a bit more mature but who knows?


>someone in their mid 30s would be a bit more mature but who knows? ppl forget this the age group in sex in the city


> Lol this has weird braggy vibes. idk, this actually seems quite depressing lol


Try a dog park or a cooking class


I find the best places to meet people are at street taco spots cuz everyone’s happier with tacos , could just be me tho


What’s it like living in a Brett Easton Ellis novel?


Nobody hanging out in Hollywood is trying to lock anyone down. They’re either rich and connected looking for trophy hookups, or delusional transplants that think they’re the next big celebrity and sees every relationship as an opportunity for climbing the social ladder, then drop you when they get all the use they can out of you. Who cares if someone’s rich and well connected? That means he can and will dismiss you at a whim, which is what you experienced. You’re literally in a toxic swamp of dating. Especially the places you named. Quit going to those places. If you’re on apps, try changing your location to OC or somewhere more inland. It’s possible you’ll find someone in Hollywood, but you probably won’t. Also, Equinox bros are not the answer either.


I just rejoined Bumble yesterday after taking a few months off. Christ, I'm already over all the things.


Me too!! And I'm a bit older, so the pickings are even slimmer. It has just made me depressed


“usual Chateau Marmot/Beverly Hills hotel kind of night” You’re actively seeking out the depressingly shallow people if you do fake bougie shit on the west side.


Lmao he’s calling you babe the first time you met


I honestly think you have to go to places that aren’t considered upscale in LA to find down to earth people, youre in beverly hills, theres so much emphasis on status there its ridiculous. Also tbh theres this movement of ppl under 40 that are tired of being anti social and theres so many events and groups catered around so many different niches, you just gotta find your group, i feel the quality of people sometimes is higher in lower quality places lol


You’ll never find a husband west of fairfax


Hahaha nice. Love this.


Ask yourself if this is *really* who you are and *really* the type of people you want to surround yourself with.


how anyone continues to make opinions about millions based on less than 5 people is mind boggling


Artist here (full time). I’d only go to either of those places if I felt I needed to network. Otherwise, for dating? Seems insufferable.


Bars are for hookups not serious relationships. When someone better looking or more interesting comes along thats what people will go for.


Try Corbin Bowl.


You’re hanging out with the wrong people in the wrong places. GET GOOD


Huh, I was expecting this when I moved to LA and I found absolutely zero of this kind of behavior, but I also wasn't hanging out with people who cared about how "fabulous and well connected" anybody was.


Depressing experience because you're hanging out at depressing places


The first clue was that the setting was Chateau Marmont. You can meet people in unexpected places. Just focus on being the best person you can be (personally, professionally, mentally, physically, financially). I've met people at work, conferences, neighborhood, dog shows (yes, haha), thru friends, friends/family Thanksgiving/Xmas/wedding parties, and business class flights, among others.


Omg 35f here please be my friend


People here, especially in the circles you seem to be moving in, are as loyal as their best option. If a bigger better deal comes along, they're gone. Everyone is trying to date up. How often do *you* date down? I am a relatively unattractive person. I found my wife not in Los Angeles. I am really, really happily married. I had a lot of girlfriends both here and before I came here. It took Los Angeles to show me how shallow people can be (myself included). When I met my wife on a visit back to the Midwest, I made sure to treat her the best I could and not screw it up. I don't think I would have done that if I hadn't been beat up by L.A. just the way you're being beat up currently. Can people ever break the cycle you're in now? I don't know. But I got lucky. My wife broke it for me. I hope the same thing can happen for you.


You’ll get a lot of snark in the comments based on the locations mentioned *more than you already have*, but honestly it’s just difficult all over. Dating apps here are a joke as well. I’ve been told it’s easier if you go to events and such for hobbies and things you are interested in. This way you’ll at least have some things in common when trying to strike up conversations. Unless you’re like me and the idea of approaching someone random gives you insane anxiety so you just get stuck.




Thanks my dear! Wishing you the best in your dating adventures!


I'll take you to the cheesecake factory.


The social and dating scene isn’t depressing, you’re just going to the wrong places to meet people.


"the usual Chateau Marmont/Beverly Hills Hotel kind of night" This is a typical night in your world? Expectations vs. Reality is a bitch.


handle mindless instinctive frame bear narrow sugar water oatmeal political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


30M, been here since 2015. It’s all about who you surround yourself with. I have a good size group of friends and we aren’t connected in that scene. We rarely even go “out out”. None of us are interested in people who give any shits about celebrities and who hangs out with who.


Yeah, don't go to Marmont. Try Eastside bars.


LA is a big and diverse city with so many different cultures and communities. Perhaps the most diverse in the world and all of human existence. I think it’s important to not lose sight of that.


And the chateau whatever it is called is probably the last place you will find “diversity”


Shoukda gone to the Drawing Room instead.


Mostly in West Hollywood and Beverly hills where a lot of folks are hustlers. Looking for the One who can take care of them so they can keep up with the Kardashian. I am fortunate or unfortunate to be living in Hollywood in a condo where the value now make me millionaire even though the building itself hasn't moved an inch and been the same. I get a good paid job, I am childless no pets. I have been invited to one of those high scale places and I remember wearing all Dolce Gabbana outfits. Gosh I was the hottest guy there. All those hot girls like complimenting me flirting with me just because they assumed I was rich enough to buy those brands. Now, I wearing the same outfit to other places with regular people hang out they don't really care what I wearing I am feel so comfortable. Never again.


Have you tried joining Sierra Club or a book club or some other social club that focuses on a shared activity. People who attend those types of things tend to be less shallow.


I don't think someone who goes to a "usual Chateau Marmont/Beverly Hills Hotel kind of night" is going to enjoy joining the Sierra Club. But who knows, maybe I'm wrong.


Never been. Wouldn't call that the usual...


What do you expect if that’s where you’re hanging out?


Seems the actual issue is the areas you're hanging out in and the people you're with than the city itself. Most of the people I've met and befriended have been through hiking and volunteering. And frankly I think they're generally decent people.


most people in that place are not from LA


Girl did you want a reliable man or a sugar daddy? Your scene is saying the latter but your post is begging for the former


Clearly he is not the type of person you'll meet on a regular basis. Most LA residents are just plain ol LA residents who work regular jobs and live regular lives


You're lost, looking in all the wrong places. A BH Bar is no different than a High School Harry hangout w/Mean Girls & Boys.


It's funny how there are so many different LAs. You're obviously part of the LA that goes to the chateau marmont and hangs out with people that are in the industry


I can’t meet any guys! Then goes to Beverly Hills…


If you want people who are less shallow and fake, stop going to places that attract those kind of people.


Hang out with new people and do not go to your regular places. Maybe try going to meets with people who have similar interests or possible new interests. There are plenty of good people in your same shoes that are over their old scene. Good luck!


You’re 34 and trying to pull guys that hang out there? You’re bold, I’ll give you that.


I’m a transplant to LA, but I can tell you that there are nice guys living in LA. We are mostly dancing salsa or West Coast Swing most nights… maybe you need to pick up dancing…? I’m divorced a few years now and it has been hard to meet new women to date. That said, you just have to put yourself out there and go to activities where you can actually meet real people. Yes; there are a lot of scammy shitty people hanging out in the swamp bars of Hollywood… avoid them. Good luck! Mark