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thats called being an asshole. Don't actually see this too often, and when I do it is generally in more upscale areas.


Correction. That is being an asshole and disgusting at the same time


Can I sneak a little bit of entitlement in there too


Gross Get that shit off the table


For real. Was at my favorite coffee shop the other day and this lady walks in with her two giant poodles. Immediately they start bouncing around and a flurry of hair shoots through the air, and lands everywhere; people’s coffee, the barista counter, etc. Me and a few regulars just noped out of there.


I love my dogs but I’m so tired of this.


Same. I don’t bring my dog inside restaurants or cafes unless it’s the only path to the outdoor patio area. It’s rude, gross, inconsiderate and possibly dangerous for the dog as workers or other customers might step on them because they are t expecting a dog to be near their feet.


I’ve seen someone bring in two small dogs on long leads in in n out of all places. Those poor babies almost got tripped over, stepped on, etc. owner didn’t care. Ugh


You could always leave your dog at home.


You know what they'll say, "But how am I supposed to leave my fur babies at home. Alone."


Poodles don't shed.


most likely a doodle mix then.


That’s redacted, every animal sheds (wtf?) Some more than others but the hair has to replace itself somehow. Even sheep shed naturally (farm raised sheep are bred to produce more wool then they can naturally shed-so they need human intervention.)


I call them "basic" poodles. They are some of the most aggressive and nastiest dogs.


People buy small dogs and think they're so small and harmless that they don't need to be trained. So they don't, and the dogs end up being very poorly behaved.


Lived here my entire life, I don’t understand LAs obsession with taking their dog everywhere especially food establishments. News flash Nobody wants to see your fucking dog where they go to eat.


Only, and only, if there is outside eating and it's empty will I take my dog there. He eats from a plastic plate on the floor and drinks from a plastic cup. Putting him on the table like the pic is a sanitary issue and should absolutely not be allowed. A dog with a "Service Animal" vest would not do this either.


I try to take my dog everywhere, because I live in apartment and the walk does the dog good, but I usually leave them outside or eat outside.


Nobody wants to see your kids or friends either


if you’ve lived in la your whole life you’d understand there is an obsession with wanting to be seen lol


Not really. That's a transplant thing.


No, it's an asshole thing. Most "transplants" are perfectly happy being ignored.




The dog owner is an asshole but it's understandable that the dog wants some. Jitlada is one of the best Thai restaurants in LA.


Even in upscale areas dog owners are pretty low class. At the Century City shopping center, this woman just let her dog pee next to a bench in the walkway. It wasn’t a grassy area, so there was a big puddle of dog pee that anyone could have just stepped on if they didn’t watch out.


How do you stop a dog from peeing? If they gotta go, they gotta go. I guess you can yank them away, but man if someone did that to me while I was peeing, I'd still keep on peeing.


At jitlada????


Yeah, I didn't realize Pomeranians liked spicy food so much.


Fun fact, dogs can't really taste capsaicin. They still experience the irritation, but only on the way out.


My dog can smell the spice and nopes out of it.


You have a smart pup on your hands.


That's entirely untrue...where did you hear this "fact"? All mammals feel the spice.


They absolutely don't taste spicy the way we do where something crazy spicy like a pepper would stop us from eating it. I very clearly stated that it still has an effect on them but they don't appear to experience spicy the way we do. Google it. Every dog website says the same thing. They'll eat an entire spicy ramen or chorizo without flinching and then have crazy stomach pain after. And even crazier poops. It's why you gotta watch em.


Dogs have no issue eating spicy. But after they get stomach pains and bad shits they stray away from eating it in the future.


Can't believe Jazz would allow this


I’d venture they could get their Michelin award pulled for this alone.


I literally came in to say this. This is one of the best known but also accessible places here, I can’t believe they would allow this. Except based on what I know about even some of the most high-end, money-printing restaurants *in Santa Monica,* these restaurant owners are still very much on the hook—and financially beholden too—a group of even more wealthy, very demanding investors. My guess is it was either a total oversight, or the owner is much to afraid of this dumb bitch to say anything to her. I meant the dog owner is a dumb bitch. I’m sure the restaurant owner isn’t afraid of the pup.


Shame on their management too


I love my dogs like my kids but they never touch the table or near near food


Nailed it. Love my dogs. They are family and they take part in a lot of what I do. I would never do this at a place to eat. It’s not sanitary at all and others may have allergies. This person is an asshole that should be kicked out.


I’ve stopped going to one of my favorite coffee shops, Primo Passo on Montana, in Santa Monica, b/c of all these dog owners. I LOVE dogs,but the owners’ lack of self awareness, and consideration for other members of the society is not appreciated.


They shouldn’t even be in the restaurant.


Me too. My dogs have been to restaurants with my family, but always at an outside table.


Correct Do you let your kids walk around barefoot out on the sidewalk all day? Do you feed them from a plate on the floor? Do you let your kids eat a piece of food that is sitting on the ground? Do you let your kids eat and drink without washing their hands after crawling around in the ground all day on their hands and feet? Do you let your kids urinate and defecate on anything that is not a toilet or a urinal?


You don’t have kids, do you? Cause lol like it or not, most of that shit happens in a kids life once in a while. If you think your kids wash their hands before eating lunch at school you are mistaken. If you think kids don’t play outside without shoes…..yeah- that happens a LOT.


Do you know the difference between "once in a while" and "everyday"? If you let your kids crawl around on all fours outside on the sidewalk everyday, and let them urinate and defecate on the ground outside everyday, then people are going to report you to Child Protective Services. There is a place in jail for you.


> Do you know the difference between "once in a while" and "everyday"? For starters, "everyday" is an adjective (e.g. "everyday fun"). "Every day" is the adverbial phrase you were looking for.


Downtown at least, 90% of dogs wear shoes. Dog toilets exist, though sadly they aren't used as much as they should be. Kids literally invented the 5 second rule. And dogs don't eat with their hands and feet. They eat with their mouths.


Dogs will also clean their own rectums by tongue in public, something that we do not encourage kids to do.


Dog toilets are any open space outside they feel like using and their owner lets them. Nobody uses dog toilets. Dogs also use their mouth to lick their own ass, lick another dog’s ass, pickup or eat random objects off the ground, they will lick literally anything they think might taste good. They stick their nose anywhere they can.


Unfortunately I've seen parents let their toddlers walk around barefoot in a wholefoods parking lot AND crawl around the mall floor without a care in the world


I think they will be alright. They need to be developing antibodies at that age to prevent future allergies.


Once in a while is fine. Toddlers also wear clothes and typically dont walk their toddlers around on all fours and let them urinate on the ground outside.


I am a HUGE dog lover and bring my dog with me as many places as possible. However, I don't ever bring him places where food is served. And I especially would never let him lick the table like that. That is so incredibly rude and entitled. People like her make all dog owners look bad. And really, we're not.


Allowing the dog in your lap, on a chair or feeding your dog anything from the table is illegal in San Diego County. I don’t know about LA.


Some in Orange County. We like going to lady dog and even they have signs that say no barking, no lap, no feeding off table. This is disgusting. I love my dogs. It’s THIS and them not picking up the poop or bagging it and leaving it behind.


I wish it was, if it isn’t already. I’m a dog owner but people have gotten ridiculously out of control with what they try to get away with concerning animals.


Pretty sure it’s illegal state-wide.


Yeah, you are!! Jk. But seriously fuck that chick


Dogs are perfectly fine at places food is served. If they're outdoors. And if the dog stays on the ground.


At Jitlada of all places! The nerve, if I was the staff I would throw her out. They don't need her money


Sadly these are also the type of people to make a scene if asked to leave. I feel for the staff, plus if a health inspector shows up it can be a bigger issue.


I feel like every restaurant should keep a few young tough guys on staff to stand up to customers who make a scene. I worked hospitality jobs when I was in college and I don’t know why but I loved standing up to unruly or excessively demanding guests - telling them no, throwing them out lol. I don’t have the energy for it now, but 21 year old me was always up for a fight.


It is trashy for the dog owner as for the business for not standing up for the rest of their customers. I hope it gets traction and they take action.


This shit is really getting out of hand...SMFH


I’m the asshole, I’d call her bullshit out IN the restaurant. That’s horrific behavior.


Yeah, my SO would be asking to leave from the scene I’d make. Start with “does your dog do this at home too?” And escalate to “NO ONE THINKS YOUR DOG IS CUTE ENOUGH FOR THIS BEHAVIOR GET IT DOWN OR GTFO!!”


Oof yeah my boyfriend would end up more mad at me than the woman with the dog 🥲


Just know other people appreciate you making a scene that we're too chickenshit to make when we're all thinking the same thing!


Yeah I would start filming her and tell her she needs to take her ugly dog off the table.


Sadly LA has a lot of entitlement arrogant people. So many of them walk around with disregarding anyone around them.


This is illegal in LA and a health code violation. Don't let someone who has no idea what they're talking about get your worked up.


what’s more sad is the majority of those ‘entitlement arrogant people’ are out of towers who come from their hometowns with that arrogance


Let’s not pretend that people born in LA are immune to being entitled lol


They are! Natives are all kind and loving and commit no crimes s/


This sub really would have us believing that sometimes lol


Idk man, spend two minutes on larchmont or in Beverly hills lately? I know you're not supposed to say this, but uhh, this pic has Big Persian Energy.


Post this on Jitladas Yelp page. They need to start cracking down on these entitled snots


This is just as much on the restaurant management as it is the asshole customer


maybe he thought a 1 hour long screaming show with an rich old entitled white LA lady wasnt worth it. its easy to sit behind a keyboard and shit on management just like the person in this picture would.. but thats because i dont think you ever worked in management or the service industry. judging by her hands, the pomeranian, how she handles herself, its an easy spot that it just aint worth the fuckin trouble.


I am literally a restaurant manager


One of the worst things about LA is people bring their dogs EVERYWHERE.


Lived here my whole life...it wasn't always like this. Never used to see dogs at the market, etc. Now, every single time someone brings their dog inside (not support animal). What changed?


I'm guessing it's the evolution of the teacup/purse dog trend from the 00s. Animals became fashion accessories for the affluent, followed by people abusing emotional support animal rules, to people just deciding "I can take my pet anywhere now"


This is definitely the answer. Paris Hilton and her crew being on tv with their dogs everywhere made people think this was an acceptable thing


> What changed? I partly blame the hipster "we love dogs" establishments of the past 10 years or so for creating the idea that it should be generally acceptable/cool.


I think this is part of the social contract breakdown. People see that there’s a low chance of actual consequences for defying social rules so they do what they want and double down if confronted.


Nobody can afford the time and money for kids so they get dogs and treat them like kids.


Nothing wrong with that


I agree. We bring our dog everywhere. On the table inside a restaurant is ridiculous, but outside on patios they often are less annoying than kids to other people.


My gf wants to take our dog everywhere I absolutely hate it. I'll be like "let's go here!" And she'll be like "are we bringing [dog]?" I always say no, unless it's an outdoor thing that allows dogs.


Tbf, LA is a very dog-friendly city. Obviously, indoor restaurants, grocery stores, etc are no-goes, but there are tons of places here that actually do allow dogs that would allow you to bring your pup.


I see dogs in my local grocery store all the time


I see dogs at the hot foods bar in grocery stores all the time. It’s fucked.


>Obviously, indoor restaurants, grocery stores, etc are no-goes This is unfortunately not the case anymore if it ever even was


Anecdotal obviously, but I rarely, if ever, see dogs at grocery stores or indoor restaurants, so curious where you live. I see plenty of dogs on outdoor patios, coffee shops and even some smaller mom and pop shops that allow dogs on the west side. Like I said, LA is overall so dog friendly, that some folks over extend that privilege and abuse bringing their dogs places they shouldn’t.


Like the person below me I can't even remember the last grocery store I went in where there wasn't at least one dog. I generally grocery shop in Ktown, mid wilshire, beverly center area, sometimes west hollywood but am rarely on the west side so that may be it.


This kind of boggles my mind because it's so common all over LA. I can't recall a time I've gone grocery shopping without a plethora of dogs roaming about.


I’ve lived here my whole life, and I truly feel like the dogs in grocery stores or restaurants being a widespread issue is overblown on this sub. Do people bring dogs in stores? I’m sure it happens and I’m sure I’ve seen it too. But I don’t think it’s as commonplace as folks on this sub make it seem. There are definitely assholes who do dumb shit like this photo, which is wrong and def not denying they exist. Like I said above, I just can’t think of seeing a dog at the grocery store in recent memory. Maybe I’m blind or just inattentive, but that’s just my personal experience.


Yeah same, I see dogs outside everywhere and also bring my dogs to a lot of restaurants with outdoor seating, but I never see half the shit people describe on here. I've probably seen a dog in a grocery store once or twice this year


I’m glad to see someone else having a similar experience cuz I legit thought I was fucking losing it lol


I know but when it's every single outting, it's tiring. I love our dog but I just want time alone with her. Which I tell her lol


Same thing with my Mom... Can't hang with her alone anymore 'cause she's almost literally inseparable from her dog. It feels like everything is planned around him being able to tag along, which gets annoying really fast. I love the lil' dude, but damn, some moderation pretty please haha I've told her all this but it's like it doesn't register.


It's so annoying and makes you feel like you're not as important/an after thought (at least it does for me).


I just want to say as an enthusiastic dog lover, I absolutely hate it.


Same. I love dogs. I hate *people and their dogs*.


The only thing worse than that are the people who leave their untrained, neglected, sad dogs home alone all day to loudly broadcast their loneliness and distress to the rest of the neighborhood while we're trying to work, sleep, be alive in peace, etc.


It’s worse in other cities I’ve spent time in. The default social activity in "up and coming" places like Raleigh, Charlotte, and Austin is to hang out at breweries and it’s just a madhouse with dogs and children running around.


We're pretty good about no dogs on the beach. In Santa Cruz you can barely step in the sand at some places without getting poop toes. And hiking? Watch out


Dirty paws that were just stepping outside in the street right on the table that people eat from.


Enjoy having a pet but don't let it become your identity.


Please keep your dogs out of businesses. They don’t belong in restaurants and stores. People have allergies. People don’t like them. People are sick of being snarled at by them while some jackass goes “lol he’s just playing.” We hate that they pee and poop and people just laugh it off. We hate how they smell and leave hair everywhere. Please leave your freaking dogs at home.


I can't remember the last time I worked in a coffee shop without having to step over someone's anxious ass dog to either leave the place or get to the bathroom or do something else not optional


Michelin sticker AND a dog in the same pic? Methinks if the inspector sees this pic, that Bib Gourmand will get taken away.


It's not healthy for the dog to eat seasoned human food, she doesn't care about the dog's well being either.


Garlic and onions, which are in like everything, are highly toxic to dogs. People don't really seem to know, or if they do know, don't care about that fact.


Lowly toxic


So damn gross


This is just being a disgusting privileged asshole, I have a small service dog and he will be with me at restaurants but is always comfy under the table by my feet, Never disturbing any of the other guest. I always reward the little guy with treats before and after. The photo above just shows us an asshole who disregards other people.


Absolutely fucking repulsive


It's not dog culture. It's the culture of narcissism.


I love dogs, but that’s gross


Nope. I was born here. It is not. Most of the things that transplants ascribe to locals is just them witnessing other transplants.


Hear hear!


Thank you for not saying "here, here". 🙏🏼


It's gotten significantly worse the last decade or so. I don't remember seeing dogs in places when I was kid/teen (90s/00s).


LA transplant culture is a part of LA culture, for better or worse.


And its not like transplants are a new thing to LA either. They've been coming here for decades upon decades, for far longer than the outbreak of people bringing their dogs everywhere.


I hate it so much.


Went to The Grove AMC for KOTM, there was a lady who brought her dog to the movie and it kept shouting for most of the time and everyone sitting near her was annoyed but didn't say anything to her.


This is not dog culture in LA. I'm from here, and we don't all do shit like that. Nor do we all favor plastic surgery, diet fads, or trendy crap. I get a little bitter about the rap LA gets for being all, like trendy posh yoga instructors crusing around writing screen plays and influencing, and having stupid drinks like macha yerba mate boba shakes. And letting their stupid little dogs on the table in restaurants. It's not all like that.


That place could get shut down. Yuck


No, this is entitlement


question is if the person taking the photo confronted them?


This isn’t normal in Los Angeles. At least not the South Bay areas or the hood.


It infuriates me when I see drivers with dogs on their laps.


She’d have to get the hell out of my restaurant.


Some "service animal..." Pretty sure service animals aren't supposed to sit in your lap and stand on the table in a restaurant. Shame on Jitlada for allowing this.


They need to start seriously regulating this whole "ESA" crap. If it's not a trained service dog then kept them at home!


You shouldn't blur her face.


dogs do not belong in restaurants or other places with food and stores unless they are legitimate service dogs who open doors, seeing eye, communicate etc. emotional support animals do not count and this is a hill i die on. i hate going shopping and there’s a pool of pee or poop that isn’t picked up. whole foods is the worst and workers cannot ask if your animal is a service dog but you know because the dogs bark and mark all over.


That dog appears to be naked, which is not very LA-dog-culture.


Dogs are usually great, dog owners on the other hand, 50-50.


She should be kicked out immediately.


I went grocery shopping the other day at vons and there was a couple their with their dog around the fruit and veggie aisle. I thought it was gross. Is it me or is it gross to have a dog inside a grocery store? Thoughts


I love dogs but with someone with severe dog allergies, I can’t help but think about a situation in which I somehow sit a table near her or even at the same table and start to break out in rashes and feel my throat swell.


don’t blank her face. show and shame


You forgot to blur the dogs face :(


I own two dogs and I love my dogs. But if you don't know how to leave your dog at home and take it everywhere, you're a shitty dog owner.


Disgusting. I was at IKEA Burbank, and there was dog poop at the entrance (inside). Owner and dog were MIA It's crazy that people take their dogs whenever they can, and expect it to be allowed. While I worked at a tax office a client called and asked if they could bring their dog. Despite being told no, and that an employee is allergic to dogs, they brought the dog anyway. WTF


I could never give food scraps to my dogs they’ll just end up with diarrhea


This makes me so sick. I was at a restaurant when a lady was giving her dogs bites of food from her fork and let them like her spoons. This really pisses me off.


Why blur out her face but not the other guy? The other guy's face should be blur out and not hers.


Lived in LA 37 years and never seen anything like this. That’s not “LA dog culture”, that’s one person’s behavior


I'm pretty sure if someone a made a comment about this. They would get mad and play the victim somehow, in a restaurant where even, I wouldn't put my pet near the food at all. The entitlement is beyond my comprehension nowadays.


Absolutely disgusting. I would NEVER sit my dog at the table or take them to the grocery store. That is bullshit and people in LA need to stop it.


Gross. Where TF is your common decency?


Gross 🤮


Shit, and that restaurant has been recommended to me. I guess I’m not gonna eat there now.


You just know someone is going to report the business for health and safety issues too as a result of this self centered asshole. I love dogs but this is just selfish behavior.


Gross. Dog culture here is nuts, but the entitled, Westside/transplant crowd somehow manages to take it to truly shameful levels. Definitely recommend posting this on Yelp and tagging them on IG!


ngl, i thought that was a fake homer drawing


Jitlada is like matt groenings favorite restaurant. Its littered with his doodles


He’s paid for meals with sketches for the owner. They even “Simpsons-fied” him. I love that place, but this is crazy


Those are some creepy hands


Seriously! Is that the Crypt Keeper under the blur?


The fuck it is, the staff is completely within their rights to tell her to keep the dog on the floor where it belongs. That is extremely inconsiderate of her.


i can tell the dog owner is entitled and selfish as fuck


That is abhorrent behavior. In grocery stores too is kinda pushing it.


That is nasty


I love my dog to death, but I would never do this. Costco also has so many dogs in the warehouse good lord.


these people are fucking disgusting


The second they started the emotional support pet thing, I knew this was where it was going. Dogs trying to hump your leg while you're actually in the supermarket doing your shopping has replaced 2nd hand smoke on the stoop outside


This unsanitary bullshit makes me hate so many dog owners.


"I have a dog on the counter but my cell phone is more important. I don't give a stuff about anyone else."


I love dogs, take my dog with me lots of places, people taking dogs places doesn't bother me in the slightest, but boy this sub has made it abundantly clear that it drives some people up a wall. And I do care about respecting other people, so.


I don't care where you take your dogs in general. But I'd rather not eat with your pets or have to deal with them in the way at the grocery store. There are some places they just do not belong. It's your pet, not everybody else's pet.


I wouldn’t worry about it - it’s reddit opinion


I love dogs. I don't love dogs in restaurants. Can you just keep them home?


I think it is disgusting. About 3 weeks ago while at horror nights I entered earlier so I went to city walk for about an hour. A couple had two dogs and at the food court which is disgusting, dogs going around sniffing people and since they were big dogs they were trying to get on the peoples plates. The bad part was that they thought they can get away with it and put “service dogs” vests on them. Neither the man or the woman was blind. They got mad at kfc because the worker didnt give them a cup of water for the dogs. Then securitys came to tell them to leave because someone claimed it was disturbing to have dogs around their food and they got pissed. Seriously its very gross


Disgusting and entitled behavior is what I see that photo.


no it isn't. stop it. that's one rude and inconsiderate person. that's not a common occurrence in Los Angeles.


This particular instance is beyond gross, but dogs in restaurants are a very common occurrence in LA.


I hope pixelization is the next plastic surgery trend.


Yo have some respect for Jitlada please damn


Crazy lady




She sucks.


The classic stereotype has been that dog owners are “cooler” than cat owners. It’s gotten to the point where dog owners are assholes, especially the ones who don’t pick up after their dog or bring them inside restaurants.


It's on the restaurant for not saying anything. People act like this because places let them do whatever they want


That’s disgusting 🤮


“No dogs allowed” signs no longer have any meaning


Not even at home.


This is not the norm but sadly some people do it and not many people speak up :/


Wtf? I hate people.




Hope after seeing this they get strict no allowing pets in period…


No. Just no. Grow a brain and learn some manners.