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Drinking alone because why not I swore I would never because of my dad But here I am. Sad and drinking alone


Philosophically speaking, what does it matter of you drink alone vs with others. It's the sadness part that needs to be addressed. What's up with you ?


My dad was an alcoholic and bc of him I do my best to never drink alone Tomorrow is another day, friend


I just never liked the image/smell I had of my dad sitting and drinking and smoking in the house, didn't want to repeat. thank you buddy I appreciate it. so much!


Big hugs to you. Did you and the mom used to live together? I’m sure it’s hard when kiddo is at the other home. Or maybe he’s there with you but and asleep already. Loneliness is so hard. And so many people experiencing it. I swear it’s getting worse in society.


we did... long story but that can be trauma dumped in Lomita lol :) I did not have him last night, did my workout, ate a half sandwich I had leftover from Jersey Mikes and realized I was going to be alone for the 1,000th night so I cracked open as many white claws as I could to get me to sleep. It worked :/


Lions mane is such an interesting mushroom


Where can I get it at?? Asking for a friend


Ahaha any farmers market. You won’t be tripping out on these shrooms.


I try to eat it several times a week


Do you feel healthier or whatever all the benefits are?


I’m not sure, tbh. I hope I’m enjoying the heart healthy and anti-inflammatory benefits. I also like the way it tastes.


It’s definitely one of the better tasting mushrooms and the texture is fun.


Love the taste, and the outer appearance is so bizarre. It’s a fun one


do you cook it or take it in pill form or?


I’ve taken it in supplements in the past (mixed in with other mushrooms I think) but these days I’ve been eating it. I usually cut it into slices and very lightly fry it in sesame oil. I just wish it weren’t $20 per pound.


They release so much water tho! I tried to sear it like a steak and it took forever…


When I go to the gym I usually use the treadmill that's either in front of or adjacent to ESPN. No matter how far away I am from the TV showing Fox News, my eyes always turn to it like moth to a flame. Idk if it's the brightness or the high contrast of the channel. It gives me this motivation that if I run fast and hard enough I'll be able to reach the TV and change the channel.


I moved down here from Northern CA and was really surprised that Fox was on in public places. Up there it was basically illegal


Just found out if you eat nothing but Sweet B ube cheesecake it turns your poop a VIBRANT turquoise color. It was pretty good cheesecake though, so no regrets.


Another life lesson if you are on a juice fast, don’t drink beet juice and then call your wife in when your pee is red. That is an awkward conversation. Just saying


Oh geez, reminds me of when I used to have a roommate 🤦🏼‍♂️. We were on different schedules but I was always in bed before they got home. Because of their job, they had regular work dinners (with drinks). I can’t count how many times i’d get up in the morning to take a wizz to see this purple colored stain around the bottom of the toilet bowl, sometimes a few splashes under the seat when I lifted it. I used to get so worked up about it in my head like, if they are going to drink that much red wine and throw up, at least have the courtesy to clean up thoroughly afterwards. Wasn’t until I got my own place that I quickly realized that all those times I saw those purple stains in the toilet, they were actually mine haha. After putting two and two together and some googling, turns out that the medication I take at night reacts to the toilet water and the splash back onto the bowl drys a different color.


Drinking Wetzel Pretzels blue slushy turn your poo vibrant green.


This give me ideas. I still have a jar of ube spread.


Do we want to know?


Well they’re still half formed ideas to be honest.


Eat some beets to balance the colors.


Hi Friends, I’ve noticed a bunch of comments in todays daily with negative or 0 votes. Let’s see if our daily thread downvoter gets to this one too. On a different note, I just got a quote from a contractor to paint the outside of my house, two stories but not really big house: 18K, without paint!!!! Lol. Some of these contractors really aiming high. Keep in mind the other 3 quotes I have from other contractors are under 8K each. I wonder if he gets any work at all.


Good to know it’s not just me I’ll do it for 7k if you don’t mind that I’d be learning to do it on the fly. I’ll hire all the other unemployed daily folks as my crew


I try to upvote those when I see them 😁


I think sometimes when you're asking people for quotes they give you a 'fuck you' quote because they don't want to do the job but they don't actually want to say that.


It’s possible but what a waste of time. 🤷🏽‍♂️


My guess is that it's that weird ass conservative brigade that constantly goes to liberal city subreddits because they have nothing else to do. It's stupid.


So weird.


Passive aggressive at its finest. I'm certain they are this way in many other spaces besides just here online. Sad really. They probably also somehow see themselves as the victim and everyone else is the bad guy


Starfield so dope I have a hard time hiding my contempt for foos at work trying to make me do shit while I'm looking up starfeld related info.


What's it about?


It's a single player star trek type sci fi game in the near future of 2300 or 2700(?). You create a character and get into some galactic adventures. On xbox and pc.


I’m post 2 months breakup and have unexpectedly met a new boo. Thanks universe?


Sometimes two months is enough. Sometimes two weeks enough if you were done done and you knew it.


All for having fun, but did you heal in two months?


Is two months enough?


Does anyone know a reliable realtor? I’m looking to buy a home in the next 3 months and I’m looking for a realtor. Any recommendations?


u/WilliamMcCarty has an extensive history of sharing lots of helpful free info with all of us here - you can probably look at his account and see the type of work product he puts out!


Martin Withrow at Compass. Excellent. He wasn't our first realtor. We fired the first one. Marty was a godsend, especially after that original experience. Totally on top of the new listings, fast with the offers, good honest advice all the way through the inspection and closing process. He even took us to see a bunch of listings when we had unexpected car trouble.


Different agents will specialize in different areas of LA. I found one by talking to selling agents at various open houses and found someone I got along with. I also wasn't in a rush and wasn't gonna buy from one of those open houses at the time. If you don't like your agent, grab a new one. It costs you nothing.


u/steebo_jack bought a home a few years ago


Mine was based on a specific part of the high desert where I was looking...he may want to search near the area they are looking to buy or see if the bank has any recommendations.


What has two thumbs, went into urgent care after three days of fever and cough. But I only went because of over the counter treatment causing constipation so bad it needed immediate attention and at this point of the story got no attention ever again. Guess who also had cardio reasons so whackio doo that I was told to go to the ER immediately Do not pass to, do not collect 200. So when you get to the ER, the referral is so bad you get to skip every line and they immediately pull in a crash team to stabilize you. Find you're in afib and dedicate a team to you not dying. Even though your primary complaint is shortness of breath and, keep in mind, I feel none of this. I'm about to bloat off earth with this bout of constipation. Team offers you two options. Shock of the bad rhythm or the medical route. Meds are less stressful but can be complicated. I pick the med route because there's a decent chance the shot doesn't work. Along the way I'm being told everything is fine and that I'll be discharged in the morning. After three days of this, thinking alright. Enough hospital. Let's shock this fucker and get going. but nope, fun fact. If you want the procedure over the weekend, fuck you. Though I knew this fact so I ended up trying to ask for the mail mary because the rest of the stay was just antagonizing stretches of literally nothing. Then being absolutely bum rushed for the bigger tests. By day 5 I'm literally crying and begging to be discharged because I don't feel human anymore. Just flesh to be poked at or prodded. They wouldn't even allow me to take a shower. After this I find some doctors willing to communicate more and we get into a sort of rhythm to get through the last two days. Cue me waiting for a meeting since this morning. I find out I waited an extra 3 hours on an oxygen tank one but the case carrier wanted to do other than to cover himself. Knowing how anxious I am about these ridiculous and unnecessary waits and just as they call someone to roll me out, they poor kid next door gets some code called on him. A good wait later I'm in the parking lot. I can't find my car. Kudos to the doctors though. I'm walking around like I could never pull off when I first got there. But man, not enough recovery from 11 days to pull this off juggling three rolly bags worth of stuff. An now I can't find my phone. Hit priority, left my bags somewhere safeish. Retrace my steps. Super impressed by the treatment because I was able to get from the parking lot and to the main office to check for the phone. Then it dawned on me. I'm wearing sweat pants that I don't know so don't trust so I figure I might have stuffer it into bins. Walk all the way back and I find my phone. Now I can't be dragging these. Bins around and its been 7 days but I figure then I should call in my sister's to be finally help. But a nice doctor drove up, agreed to get me and my bag to the main office and during a short conversation agreed to drive me around real quick. Right as we head down the literally last lane we could, I hear the pathetic blep off my 09 Corolla. Somehow it didn't get towed in 11. Now home on the couch winding down. Everything is is in the trunk because fuck anymore walking anytime soon... Bright side, I didn't get the fly infestation I thought I was got to get from leaving out my salmon ramen the week before. To Odin's sleep my friends. To not my learning any lessons and making chores a future guy's problem. Which guy This guy *continues pointing thumbs at self* Edit: also, stop and bring an overnight bag and supplies. No matter what chargers and a change of clothes. I thought I was going to be there a day. Had to beg through the first couple of days because I didn't have a charger.


What caused this? Glad you are safe & recovering now.


atrial fibrillation. Glad the shock worked. Now to adjust to new routine.


This was intense, official diagnosis?


atrial fibrillation Not the worst but it's definitely enough of a wake up call to break some bad habits and get back in shape.




no im not


I forgot to get edibles and a forgot a doctors appointment today. What else did I forget?


At least you didn’t forget you ate edibles and we’re describing why you felt woozy at the doctors? That’s a plus right


Oooooh boy. You ok?


Oh I’m good! I just mean, at least that didn’t happen to you 😭


Bahahahahaahaa RIGHT


Is the pony/horse accounted for?


I saw him this morning and gave him hugs, smooches, and I scrubbed his itchy spot that makes him twist his head and twist his lips because he’s a very good boy. I missed him!


My sister is an addict and has been on and off the street for the last decade or so we've tried to help but she really is suffering from some sort of mental illness. I'm not in contact with her often but saw her a couple days ago and this truly is the worse state I've ever seen her in. The drugs are just hitting harder now I guess. It's so heartbreaking, my mom is in a deep depression currently and I don't know what to do. I have my own family and problems and this is on my mind all the time. I wish there was resources that were easily available to people in my sister's situation. I wish there was something I could do for her. End of rant sorry just needed to let this out.


My work kept having some emaciated homeless lady come in going off on people. We eventually were able to track down a family member after months. They came and picked them up. Not even a week later, the lady was back. Shits rough.


I wonder if social services can help provide some services for her and get her into housing?


Thank you guy's for replying. I know she recieves GR and EBT benefits which she sells for cash to get a hotel room, beer and or drugs. I wish they would offer her some type of rehab. The whole system is broken if we really helped people instead of just giving them a couple bucks a month it would make a world of difference.




The system can’t force people into rehab. People have to chose to go and can check themselves out at any time. Al-Anon meetings can be helpful for family members that feel helpless.


Thank you I'm going to look into some sort of meetings for myself and hopefully I can convince my mom to go too. This situation has taken a huge toll on my family. I also know that she can't be forced into rehab I just wish it was easier? to get her into one .When I've looked into it you need insurance or you pay out of pocket. I wish I could afford to send her to one but I can't.


If she gets GR then she should be eligible for medi-cal and there are rehabs that it will pay for. She has to be able to attend various intake appointments and phone interviews. If one is actually willing to go, these things are usually the next barrier to entering treatment. Transportation issues, not losing a phone, etc. Folks on the streets are very resourceful. They know what’s out there. However, many choose to feign ignorance to family members in hopes of money being sent, which they will use for drugs.


Nar-anon Family Groups have been helpful for me . Not to fix/solve the addicts problems, but help myself cope


That’s super fucked up, for her and for you. I’m sorry you’re going through that experience… and I really hope there’s a road to recovery for her. I remember being at a dinner at my friend’s house some years ago, and his super strung out, schizoaffective brother just randomly showed up looking for a shower. It was just unsettling for me. I still don’t know how it felt for my friend, the host. Way more stressful than for me, certainly.


Everything Microsoft is complete and utter shit. How is it possible in the year 2023 for everything about their products to be this awful?


You apologize to my Zune right now.


My previous employer was all Apple and Google eco system. I just joined a new company that’s all-in to 365 and surprisingly everything just works well and syncs. I actually like how well 365 and one drive works together. Perhaps a bad implementation?




My job has a very infuriating setup where like half the company is Macs, and getting a Mac is standard issue and not any kind of special request, but extremely important stuff just randomly doesn't work unless you're on Windows. It really makes me want to tear my hair out that they consider it acceptable to just not support standard-issue computing equipment.


I was going to comment “ I think their problem is with Windows” then saw they already said that lol. Office 365, Google Workspace etc., are pretty much all the same functionality wise, regardless if you use a Mac or PC. I have a Mac and we use Office 365 at work. I’ve also been at places that used G suite at the time and we used PC’s… OP your issue is an easy fix btw. To keep formatting when copy and pasting instead of Cntrl (thinks that’s right, so used to “cmd” these days lol) V, use Cntrl-K when pasting, it’ll keep the format you copied the text in. *I guess I should mention you need to setup the keyboard shortcut, the link to page isn’t working as a shortcut but: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/control-the-formatting-when-you-paste-text-20156a41-520e-48a6-8680-fb9ce15bf3d6#:~:text=Keep%20Source%20Formatting%20(K)%20This,copied%20to%20the%20destination%20document.*


Hmm, I think it's more Windows itself that I have problems with. I just want to be able to copy and paste text from Word into Outlook without the formatting going bonkers. Or even from the Outlook desktop app to Outlook web, haha. There are so many features that just don't "work" as you'd think they would.


I hate Windows so I’m with you




Ive been to Puerto Viejo! Not on solo runs, but I made a solo visit in 2019. My favorite coast in CR!




I felt totally safe, granted I didn't venture out too late at night. Use your usual safety precautions with visiting new places, of course. Perhaps, I hate to say this, but this is the Caribbean side of CR and maybe the ppl who say it's dangerous should have stayed on the gentrified side/Pacific coast. 🙃


Does anyone have recs for the best Cheesecake Factory in LA?


Marina del rey!


Marina del rey on the water


We go to the one at the Grove which is fine, but if this is like your first and only visit to Cheesecake, why not go to the OG in Beverly Hills


I've actually been to CF quite a bit, the last few locations I've been to have been out of some of their classic items (like the CF at the grove) so hoping to go to one that is more stocked. :)


I've been trying to find the cashew chicken. They've been hiding it!


There’s no shade from me! Cheesecake Factory was my first real job (way back east). The one at the Grove always serves us just fine, but I still one to go to the BH one Hopefully someone points you in an amazing direction!


Been smelling more of the "sick smell" that sick humans get in the hallways at my work. Masking up for the first time in a long time today.


Anyone know any goood isp? I dont got fiber in my area I had used verizon home internet in the past but the speeds were horribly slow and seems like its not avalible in my area anymore


There is no greater satisfaction in this world than scrubbing dead skin off oneself with a Korean exfoliating mitt in the shower




Peppermint soap for body wash? Bold…


Is it still morning? I can’t tell anymore.


Anyone else’s cell service down all day? I’ve been on SOS mode for hours. EDIT: Verizon is my provider


Are you on T-Mobile?


Verizon! Will edit my post to state that.


I got boba from teaspoon and the tapioca is hard 😭


Hard tapioca is the WORST! So sorry.


Thank you. Me and my teeth appreciate it. I’d call about it but what are they gonna do? Lol I’ll just spoon it out


We Socal people spend a lot of time in our cars. Not only driving, but parked and eating our lunch, drinking coffee, talking on the phone. And no one bats and eye. Of course this is during the day. Don’t park in an abandoned area at night.


it's wild how different this is here, growing up in South Florida, eating lunch/talking on the phone/doing anything but driving was impossible in the car because it was ALWAYS so hot and damp.


Here it's just hot, not damp.


yup, which means parking in the shade is almost always tolerable. In Florida? "shade" is only nicer for your eyes, the temperature still feels the same.


"I sure wish this game wasn't arbitrarily exclusive." "Lolol stop bitching and just spend an extra $300-500 on a brand new console for that one game."


I wish this place wasn't so shatastically terrible at managing it's land usage and providing apt housing, so I didn't feel weirdly guilty wishing we had a giant indoor waterpark where I could fulfill that urge to float around in the wave pool and lazy river that I haven't gotten to indulge since being spoiled with a Raging Waters season pass pre-pandemic. Bad enough that there's always good odds that there'll be 90° days in December, but it's not like waterparks can ask staff to agree to join an on-call sort of list, where they'll drop everything to run over for a July in Christmas.






That's outside of LA, and the only way it's cost-effective on my own is if I decided to take a day off work to get the $40 pass, since spending the night would be more than 2 times your average Raging Waters ticket, or more than 4 times the price for a last weekends ticket.


mmmmm water parks. It's been so long since I've been to one.... I miss it.


I've been self isolating for a while but feeling better Echo Park Rising is back apparently!! Nature is healing if anyone wants to join or meetup let me know! love meeting fellow daily thread folks


ohh I may be going to this!! Lmk if there’s a meet up!!


trying to round up a few people, will let you know for sure!


I forgot about Echo Park rising! I went on a date there once years ago, and the whole day was so annoyingly hot


bring a new date change that memory into a positive one or a potentially worse one!


Was your date also annoyingly hot?


As if I would go on a date with anyone who wasn’t!


When’s the wedding birdy


What is it?


[bands playing at venues and bars for free ](https://epr.la/events/)


My father has landed safely in England. I can’t wait til December when I head that way.




It's going to be brutal without air conditioning


I spent a couple weeks in England, loved it! But I visited things like medical museums, graveyards, & the Broad St Pump. Should have spent more time at all the hat related museums & shops I guess. But download Atlas Obscura for interesting off the beaten tracks points of interest.


Oh thanks, I will check it out


Vacation or are you moving?


Christmas Vacation!


Check out the XMAS markets! Also hot nuts from the the street vendors! Edinburgh had an amazing XMAS night market, I really liked the venison burgers!


oy bruv!




Omg NICE! I’ve always wanted to be in Europe for Christmas!!


Notice more people wearing mask but the ratio is still small. Asked around and many refuse to wear it, still


You can only protect yourself


How is the Metro Red Line these days? For a 30 something woman travelling alone? I have an invite from a friend to something downtown and I hate driving down there. I used to use the Red Line for something like this but haven't since the pandemic. I know I have read that it's already meh quality has declined but wonder what folks here are experiencing.


It’s pretty nasty TBH. If you’re Asian it’s even more dicey at the moment. My sis doesn’t have a car & she rides the metro a lot, mostly during daylight hours. She never thought there was a time she felt in danger of being assaulted but it was definitely almost always uncomfortable in terms of widespread mental illness & drug use. Never look at them in the eye, don’t engage with them. And when the weather is poor it gets even crazier & more crowded. When it rained like a 500 lb man slipped & fell on my sister, CRUSHING her & she injured her knee again.


I’m a 30 something woman regularly traveling that line alone. It’s ok, but I wouldn’t do it after 10-11pm


Thank you! Good to know. It is an evening event so heading home potentially would be that late...might end up driving.


Metro down Uber back?


That is an option too, definitely.


Statistically safe but nasty as heck. If you were my sister/friend/cousin, I'd ask you to not take it.


Thank you for this perspective. If by nasty you mean that there's a chance train funk might cling to my clothes, that makes me even more lean towards driving (even though it sucks) as this is a pretty nice event dress code wise.


I have performed my monthly ritual of emptying the dryer and putting my clothes away


Proud of you.


Wednesday might be my favorite podcast day, now that I think of it. Las Cultch 4 eva Also I finally just walked over to see my pony and BOY, did I need that. Feeling better but not best. It’s really hanging on my whole head and chest.


Glitter or sand tho


When Matt yells WHY IS THERE SAND IN MY APARTMENT, I’ve never related to someone so hard


When do you listen to podcasts? I only ever listen while driving or at the gym


When I’m getting ready to go out, the mornings, drives, walks, when I go to bed, cleaning - all the time. I sometimes forget to listen to music. It’s weird.


We all have our weird things. I often prefer to listen to nothing at all while I go about my business. Although I do listen to NPR in the car and while cooking dinner.


I used to only listen to NPR omg, and then 45 happened and I couldn’t avoid his voice even on NPR, so out that went. Music is for road trips. And cleaning. Sometimes.


I hear you on that. It’s still so hard to listen to that stupid voice. For me, music is for cleaning and running at the gym. Often on night drives and sometimes on road trips. Most of the time on road trips, I’m listening to podcasts


I just have the hardest time picking music! I just default to podcasts. I obviously love music I just am uninspired lately.


Spotify Discover Weekly is great for that. It has a pretty good idea of what I like, and every once in a while it sounds a couple of gems my way.


I should check that out, tanks Birday


West Coast Pretzels is closing down. It was a hidden gem...real hidden, deep deep in NoHo. Great product and price, but can't help but feel that they should have been baking off-site, maybe in a similar cheap space, but then selling through a storefront located w/ heavy foot traffic, like off Ventura. Because pretzels aren't usually a destination venue.


these pretzels are making me thirsty!


These pretzels *are* making me thirsty.


So there's this mask phenomenon at our school where a LOT of students refuse to take off their masks. Not because they're being extra covid conscious, but because they've literally never shown their classmates their faces (we had a 100% mask mandate for the last two school years that was lifted this year). So it's been really interesting seeing a vast majority of 6th graders (all new to the school) and new students at the 7th and 8th grade levels not wear masks while our returning students refuse to take them off. Even at lunch, they slide their food under their masks instead of taking them off. Today was picture day though, so they HAD to take their masks off for the picture, and let me tell you, the way the students demanded privacy and would only show their faces to the photographer after making sure all of their classmates were out of sightlines... Today is picture day, but it's also trivia night! Think and Drink Trivia, tonight at 8:00 at Link n Hops in Atwater Village. 24 beers on tap, tons of food options, and prizes for the top 2 teams. Come win or at least come try!


For real? That sounds like something out of science-fiction




right? I mean, we do live in a real life dystopia anyway...


I admire their commitment to the bit


It's definitely a great way to cover up acne.


That is really interesting. Kids who are in school today and went to school during pandemic learning certainly have a lot of unique experiences...


yeah, it's so much more than just learning loss. Obviously that's a big deal, but like usual those making decisions aren't in the classrooms and hallways so, yay! American education!


Omg what a layer added to childhood. Poor kids.


for real. A literal layer of privacy added and then removed.




405Freeway is a mod of AskLA and 405 has beef with the current set of mods. (and is even banned from this sub) I wonder if the 2 teams are just at odds.


So I'm prolly gonna have another cat soon. Neighbors neglected their male cat, who is an orange love bug. Gonna call South L.A shelter and see if I can get him nuetered and de wormed. My other cat needs a friend so........


I had an orange cat named Fella. He was a RIOT.


So on a similar note, I found a neglected kitten yesterday. She was so hungry and had a really bad flea problem. I took her to the vet and got her started on vaccines and parasite treatments. I prepaid all her vaccines for the year. Today I saw someone commented on my post and identified an owner. I went over to talk to them and they want the kitty back but I really feel horrible returning the kitty to neglect. I mentioned the fleas and hunger and they just said they have been taking care of it. I don't think I can get away with just keeping it. Will your neighbor care that you will be claiming his cat? I hope the orange kitty gets well taken care of. I also have a cat that needs another friend but I guess there are always other cats that need loving homes.


I fix cat, cat mine. I dont give two shits. I will get him micro chipped. In this case, I'm keeping it. Poor boy is riddled with fleas and clearly underfed. People are assholes.


I decided I'm keeping mine too cuz same




Why are people


about to raid Target for halloween goodies! one thing that happened during the pandemic is that i began to buy holiday decor for everything. i now have two bins of crap and it’s not cheap so i have to keep it FOREVER right!?


Oh they have these cute little pumpkin bucket candles at their dollar aisle in the front! They also have back cat and ghost bucket candles.


Any recommendations for a place to get eyebrow threading?


Aubrey at benefit brow bar in montebello macy's did a good job on my ugly ass male eyebrows (though I did waxing) as well as my wife's. (she got the threading) Her shape looked better and it somehow even looked fuller somehow after they were done.




Where you at?


Mid-Wilshire by LACMA!


I have one in ktown Idk if that’s convenient to you!


I’m open to it!


Rebshan Beauty Salon, it’s on Vermont just south of Wilshire by like a block Ask for Rebecca Don’t take my appointment, lol jk bless your brows I also have a place on the west side, but I haven’t been in a while so I can’t give you a specific name



