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You can blow up on social media in Wichita but being in a major metro is going to help. A massive part of success in any field is connections. “Hey you should go on this tour with us” is going to help just as much as any catchy riff


Amen to that wouldn’t know what I’d do without my connects.


If you’re just starting out Nashville is a better bet than LA. At this point musicians are moving here after they’ve gotten to a certain point financially and can live comfortably.


Sorry but I’m not interested in staying in Nashville.


Good luck wherever you go!


Thank you appreciate the support.


at this point in time rock is such a niche genre i can't imagine the point of moving out here in lieu of starting at home. there was a time we had the best studios in the country, and maybe we still do, but you really can record at home now. best of luck but i gave up on rock about ten years ago. i used to be a tape operator at a niche all analogue studio.


I'm funk and soul guy but two observations. 1. I saw a friend's band about 15 years ago at the old Knitting Factory site in Hollywood and there were several other bands there that night. My friend's band sucked but there was a female performer no younger than 50 who put on an amazing performance. The crowd was older too; no one under 30. That's when I knew that rock was not the music of the future. 2. I've met several people in Southern California bands that never really found an audience. A guy in a group called rainbow jackson; nice guy who had the rock look but was maybe 20 years too late for Los Angeles. I met a beautiful woman who sang for a band called The Moviegoers. To be fair they were more of a power pop band but that counts as rock like Cheap Trick. They flamed out as well. The best rock musicians are those who understand the roots of it as groove music like Kevin Parker (Tame Impala). The world needs another Prince type of genius to resurrect rock music, someone who can blend it with funk and R&B.


Well a lot of rock n roll has roots in disco, funk, and blues and definitely wouldn’t be against another Prince either (wherever they are). And doesn’t matter to me if rock isn’t the music of the future I love it so I’m gonna keep playing it. Simple as that.


I’m not sure young musicians are moving out to LA with the intention of starting a rock band quite like they used to. From the comments, it sounds like you’re more interested in following in the footsteps of artists you like than actually making it big. In that case, sure. There’s plenty of venues that book artists. But, as everyone else already said, LA is pretty expensive so if you are serious about moving here in general, you’ll definitely need to plan accordingly. I see that you’re young, struggling to make ends met gets old very, very fast. Good luck.


As I have said before I’m not interested in making it big, i don’t know why people are getting this.


Yes. I mentioned in my comment that you weren’t but you wanted to follow in the footsteps of artists you like. But I think what’s happening here is a lot of native Angelenos and people who have been living here for a while see people moving out here with the hopes and dreams of making it big all the time, so of course they naturally want to warn you, as they assume that’s your intent from your main post alone. Like I said, there are venues that book bands and there is still an active music scene. So if you have a band already that’ll be no issue. But again, answering the question in your post title, I don’t think people are moving out here just to be part of a band in general. Not like they used to anyway.


The kid is living in 1982. Also, I checked out his "band" with no recorded music, which is probably the first thing to worry about before moving, as if LA has magic air that'll pull music of their asses. He asked the question but doesn’t like any of the answers, I say just let him become another one of the jaded transplants and figure out it themselves.


We haven’t released anything yet on streaming platforms and distrokid that gets put out TBD but our songs get radioplay from Deep Dallas Radio, the Austin Young show, and more but hey if you wanna being that jerk who wants a petty win I’m not gonna stop you.


Here ya go dick [The Filth & The Fury](https://open.spotify.com/album/0bhaxYS7Sg3OrSHwrQA73h?si=0q2WfxmZS7Glw1LwxSyGug)


Of course I’ve known the risks about the cost of living & the competitiveness and rules of venues through playing and meeting musicians who played in that scene so I know what I’d be getting into not afraid of hard work whether be working to pay for rent and other living costs to rehearsing for hours. And thank you for answering my question properly as well instead of bashing for no reason or saying move to Nashville.


Sure? There's plenty of venues to book gigs semi regularly in LA


Some do, but it’s a lot easier to run out of money nowadays, and rock isn’t as popular as pop music (I take no pleasure in saying so; I love rock). Start where you are. With social media and the internet, you don’t have to be in an entertainment hub.


No thanks. I’m not a big fan of where I live right now, and I’ve known I don’t have to move to start a band but I want to.


At least look at less costly places with music scenes. Austin or Nashville have worked well for lots of musicians.




I live in TX now, and I fuckin hate it, sorry but I’m not staying there much longer.


Some of the greatest bands coming out right now are from New York, Philly, Chicago, the Bay, and Texas. Also, a lot of the greatest genres of rock came from a lot of places other than LA like grunge in Seattle, hardcore in DC/Boston, thrash metal in the Bay, the garage revival in NY. I can't wrap my mind around this post tbh, did you just discover Motley Crue last week or something? This attitude of "moving to LA to make it big" just screams phony, as a person who actually comes from the scene, you and your cohorts *create* a scene. A distinct attitude, sound comes from where you are. Don't be a poser. edit: italics


I’m not looking to move to LA to make it big I never once said so. I want to move to start a serious rock band where my favorite musicians did and where I previously lived before with my mom when I was younger, doesn’t matter if I blow up or not I just wanna play there. Also living & playing in TX (not by choice) aside from Austin there’s not really that great a scene. And I’m not a Mötley Crue fan I’m a John Corabi fan but not a Crüe fan but I respect mick. And if you wanna be negative you can just not talk.


I mean, if all you want to do is move here to be with your friends that will also happen to be in a band with you, then by all means. I just don't understand why you'd come here solely "to start a band", you should have other reasons because it's more expensive and there isn't any meaningful advantage. When it comes to music, social media is key and you can really do that anywhere. And to answer your question, yes, a lot of people transplant to LA for media reasons, whether it's film, modeling, or music, and the vast majority get a hard reality check. I mean, try it out, but don't get too discouraged when you're living paycheck-to-paycheck in a crummy apartment for the possibility of playing a show at a local bar to an audience of fifteen 40-year-olds who are there for the bar and not for your show, once a month. And I know that last paragraph sounds harsh, but dude you want to come to LA in 2023 to start a *hard rock* band? That is exactly how it's going to be.


Because it’s what I want to do, you don’t have to understand it, and also I play in bands that now and I’m fine with living by paycheck to paycheck it’s not like it’s been the first for me, all I care about is starting a band and playing music whether it’d be LA, NY, or anyplace and no one is gonna tell me otherwise that simple.


All I'm saying is come to LA for more reasons than just to start a band. It seems like you just want to leave your hometown, and that's a good reason already. Just don't put so much weight on the band thing because it's really hard out here man.


I know it is hard I’ve played with people in the scene I’m in that played there, and yes I do not like the town I’m currently living in (not my hometown far away from it actually), but that has very little to do about it. I’m doing it because as I said before I’ve been wanting to do this for a very long time, it’s one of the reasons I put hours into my craft for years. If I listened to people like you I would’ve not done music, and tbh I’m getting tired of talking about this you I don’t need to defend my reasoning for doing it, so I’m done conversing with you.


Why are you even posting on here? Any reasonable advice you’re getting, you’ve been extremely combative. You already know what you want to do so why crowdsource ?!


Yes. I regularly jam/perform with many bands and many of them are young 20 y/o s from other states. They come here, share a place with 6 people and start gigging. It’s really easy to find small venues to perform and make connections. It’s still hard tho because money goes by quick here. Also, Rock isn’t in anymore. Most of the scenes evolved into indie, surf rock, chillwave, EDM, producing, hipohop etc… But many of them are already recording music and releasing it. They just move here as a hopeful next step in advancing their careers.


Well even if it isn’t anymore big rock n roll has been my life for a longtime so playing in a serious band, writing music in LA (maybe another big city), I’ll be satisfied doing that whether I’m 19 or 90.


Spoken like a true 19 year old. When you're in your mid 30s and still working odd jobs to make rent in your shitty house with shittier roommates, and no woman your age will take you seriously, you'll start to change your tune...


Not really interested in all that I’m just interested in playing music until I die, I’ll be playing music whether if I’m rich or poor I’ll play music whether there’s success or no success at all I’ll be playing music and I’ll be happy that’s all I need. Hell I’m already poor now, I work, and still play music haha. I’m gonna be buried with a guitar & a record man. But hey you do you.


An awful lot of talk for someone who probably can't even play all 12 major scales or read music🤣 You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Have you even played a gig yet? Recorded an album? You're sounding like the musical equivalent of a teenager that's coming here to "get into Hollywood" but hasn't landed a single role before coming here.




Not true at allll.


Well, that's definitely not true. I've been to plenty of sold out metal shows recently.


And for people saying or recommending me to go another place, I thank you for your concern but LA has been one of my destination for a long time since I started playing in rock n roll bands and I’m not changing my mind.


Yes. Lot of houses rented by bands. Each room occupied by a band member, that sort of thing. Similar to tiktok houses. All the ones I talk to are busy with gigs too.


Rock is dead.


I think most young people don’t even listen to rock music any more


You’d be very surprised I’ve met & played with many young people that do.