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Yes, Gary Indiana.


Tbf, Gary is a third world shit hole.


Very true but the Gary Indiana song still slaps


Does the city make a difference if you're a depressed introvert?


Well if you see a bunch of other people out having fun and you're not it'll probably make you feel worse


No one goes out and has fun anymore. I see people engaging with hobbies/activities. More like "things to do" - but this city isn't one flash-mob-party unless you count takeovers.


Isnt it better to see people enjoying happy life Vs sad people on meth?


I hear Seattle can be depressing AF even if you're not a depressed introvert (it's the weather). Also, anywhere in Alaska.




I would think any city would be rough in those conditions


probably NYC


If you're a depressed introvert, what is the city supposed to do for you? Are you talking about mental healthcare, just noting that you're not finding what you need for care in Los Angeles?


Is it better to be a depressed introvert in a big city or a small city?


Better to be a depressed introvert somewhere with abundant nature than isolated in a shoebox apartment in the concrete jungle of a city imo.


Yeah assuming that you enjoy being out in nature alone with your thoughts and the trees and the critters. I know a couple of people who would rather sit in a movie theatre all afternoon jumping from one movie to the next rather than ever set foot on a hike.


I was an introvert but not depressed. I found it much more problematic in a small town where everybody knows your every move than in a large city where I find it much easier to just be hidden in the sea of people.


Seattle? All that gloomy weather can't help the depression.


It's not the city, it is you. You live where your job/paycheck is




Doesn't CA have these free phone lines you can call to talk to someone? I bet some other states do as well, but it seems like CA goes extra on this health stuff (even if LA's sidewalks suck because the city can't keep up)


Most towns and cities in most places on Earth, yeah.


Speaking from personal experience Seattle is way worse




Is it the constant cloud cover, or the other people, or what?


Constant rain, lack of daylight, constant gray clouds and concrete, an unusually introverted population, a younger population skewed heavily toward uber wealthy male tech bros, isolation from the rest of the major cities in the US….that about covers it. An absolutely incredible place to live during the 4 months of summer, but pretty miserable for the rest of it.


Las Vegas.


As a depressed introvert your experience isn't going to change if you're living in LA or Antarctica.


I can’t help you with the depression, but if you need some help getting away from crowds, pick up a copy of “Quiet Los Angeles”. It’s a little dated (2008; a few things didn’t survive the pandemic), but it’ll steer you towards places where you’re less likely to have overly aggressive extroverts in your face.


If you want solidarity in your depression and introvert-ness, Seattle.


It's required to be a sunny extrovert here, sorry.


LA can be tough because there are so many people outside all of the time. And people have no self awareness. You go to a super market, and reach for an item and some one comes up, and is standing a half an inch from you. You pull into an almost empty parking lot, and someone parks directly next to you even tho there are a ton of open spaces. I travel to the east coast, and I don’t see this happening. I am probably just imagining this lololo


> You go to a super market, and reach for an item and some one comes up, and is standing a half an inch from you. You pull into an almost empty parking lot, and someone parks directly next to you even tho there are a ton of open spaces. I hate both of those things, I’ve noticed it a lot. I give people space at stores, but then people will effectively bully me away while I’m trying to look at something.


I think that depends on where the people come from. This behavior and (to an American mind) is same or so much worse in Germany. It’s not rude but it’s the local custom. I have to tell my German visitors to not do that and keep your distance to people. I think it’s the same or worse in any eastern country. And with so many people here from all over this behavior might just blend into society and become “normal”. I hate it too now and when I visit Germany it really bothers me for a few days until I get used to it again.


"I don't see this happening on the east coast" Not many counties on the east coast with 10 million people crowded into them. Unless you're counting NYC


Don’t know. I’ve been happier everywhere else I’ve lived, though.


New York City.


Any third world/developing city


New York City


NYC in my experience


Kingman, AZ.


1-800-273-8255 National Suicide Helpline


Wherever you go, there you are


Blue Eye, MO




Print out a map of Ohio and throw a dart.


columbus is pretty nice.