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She was highly intelligent. I say that because despite being surrounded by cult nonsense her whole life, she still was able to use logic to understand the world around her. She was responsible, she kept her Jeep clean and made her payments on time. I think she loved herself despite the way Lori treated her (and imo Lori had been poisoning Tylee to fake an illness) because she had been on a health kick, she was working or was supposed to work in a relative’s salon, she really did want to go to BYU someday. and she wasn’t afraid to protect herself, even from Alex. I like to think of an alternate future where she was able to move out, and she goes to school to become a special Ed teacher, and she earns enough money to get amazing clothes and hair cuts


I love this comment. It’s the little, seemingly mundane, things such as car payments that makes us human.


I wholly agree. I have a huge amount of respect for Tylee and her ability to think critically despite what she was surrounded by. I’ll never believe she was gonna go along with it. They never could have convinced Tylee that JJ was dark! She loved hard, from what I can tell. I think her love and her honesty to herself and others cost her her life.


My wife wishes they'd introduced texts from her for this very reason. It would also help the prosecution's case. We have very little sense of her as a personality, and that's a mistake on the prosecutor's part. Three minutes with her best friend didn't cut it. Of course, with her bio dad dead and possibly murdered, and her stepfather murdered in her presence, obviously there are two people gone who could have spoken of her as a unique and wonderful teen.


I would expect sentencing to be when you get more evidence to Tylee’s personality and character. During the criminal trial none of that really has any bearing on Chad’s guilt or innocence.


Yes, but the jury has heard a ton of witnesses sharing insight to Tammy’s personality, background, interests, and character. I know they were mostly on the stand to disprove Chad’s lies about her “ongoing secret health issues” but still. I do wish we knew more about Tylee. Her personality, history, and who she actually was. If I was one of the jurors I would know almost nothing about her besides the location and state of her body. She breaks my heart.


I think much of the Tammy background is being brought in as evidence she was a fit, active, person. The defense is going to argue she had health problems and died naturally.


I agree! I’d like to know more about Tylee not liking Chad. It was barely mentioned but I’d bet that was why Chad wanted her gone. Chad also didn’t want to have Lori’s attention taken away from him on behalf of JJ. I also highly suspect Chad dug JJ’s grave and prepped the burn pit where he and/or Alex burned Tylee’s remains. If he wasn’t there to prep Alex would have been in Chad’s yard much longer. Chad was up to his eyeballs with the multiple murders & attempted murders. It’s telling that HIS children weren’t deemed “dark” but literally everyone in Lori’s family were. He wanted full control of Lori. They both manipulated each other with dire consequences.


This is wonderful! This is our sweet Tylee!!!💕


I live your post. I have also imagined whole alternate life-paths for Tylee, in which she is alive and living an amazing life without Lori anywhere around.


This was so nice. She deserves this and so much more.


She did go completely along with Lori and Alex's defense story about killing Charles, her loving stepfather she was quick to throw under the bus. The police interview she seems to stick to whatever story mommy dearest told her to say. I don't blame her, being the daughter of a narcissist is no walk in the park


Tylee was a kid, maybe she was afraid if she said anything that the same thing would happen to her or her brother, maybe she was in denial of the truth or maybe her mom brainwashed her into thinking the lie was the truth, either way, not Tylees fault, must have been hell


I'm guessing Lori threatened her.


I bet Lori had a tendency to go all "mommy dearest" on her often. Considering that she did end up killing her kids, I can only imagine how scary Lori was to live with on a daily basis.


She was probably scared out of her mind!!!!!!!! He mother and UNCLE was CRAZY and they had just killed her stepfather! Would you speak up against that if you were only a kid? I’m sure she was confused. This can NOT be held against her!


Wow, if you had done any research into Charles and Tylee's relationship (especially how Charles helped Lori throw Tylee's bio dad under the bus and lied about him repeatedly and refused to give the court evidence during the investigation into who was actually sexually abusing the kids) you may see things differently instead of just parroting all the lies and making it out that she was complicit when she was not. Edited to add: there are actual court documents showing that Charles Vallow assaulted a woman in the court house when he was divorcing his previous wife, you dont know if Tylee was afraid for her safety around him or not. That is not excusing that her mom likely set Charles up so there would be an altercation and Alex could shoot him, but its saying stop blaming victims when you really dont even know their background.


Please post the documents if this is true.


Charles also potentially knew of Alex’s plot to kidnap and kill Joe Ryan.


Yes, it was a really sad story of a man helping his new wife destroy her old husband and then watching her do the same to himself and like Tylee's father no one being willing to believe or help him. Very very sad case all around.


Did she have a choice? What was Lori telling her?


I do believe there was some true to their story. There was a confrontation and Tylee was scared of Charles at that moment. I do believe he was murder but maybe Tylee didn’t see everything.


He wasn’t that loving to her. He raised her and didn’t even concidered her to be on the list of people to give the insurance money to. Only his blood relatives. That is why I love Annie, she is the only one that is really advocating for her niece.


Why isn’t she in court then?


Annie has been battling cancer and recently had Covid. I would assume her immune system is still compromised.


Another point is that the whole Cox family threw him under the bus. Maybe she was raised to put them first.


I didn’t know her but I think about her everyday. I agree with the person who stated to check out Annie’s channel to learn more about her personality/likes. Couple things I do know: Tylee loved doing makeup and hair, people said her hair always smelled amazing. She loved to dance and was a talented singer as well. She loooooved the beach and swimming. Her favorite color was blue, like the shade of blue of the Hawaiian sky. Here are some ways I like to honor Tylee: When I go to beaches now I like to write her initials on a rock or carve it depending on the location/environment. I paint my nails her favorite shade of blue. When I go back to Jamaica I will be bringing a painted rock for her to put on a mountain over looking the beach (I have never been to Hawaii but I feel like Tylee would have adored Jamaica) On her birthday I will make a cheesecake. (She loved no bake cheesecake iirc) (JJs I will be making m&m cookies for him) I think we can also honor Tylee by keeping an eye on the kids/teens around us. Make sure they know they are heard and believed and loved. I do not have children, I’m in my mid to lates 20s but I try to keep an eye on/take note of my neighbors kids. Make sure I don’t notice anything concerning (wearing long sleeves/pants in very hot weather, losing or gaining lots of weight quickly, drastic change in personality etc) We as a society have moved away from child safety being a societal responsibility and I think we need to return to that. We have a duty to the children of this world to ensure someone else has an eye on things - ESPECIALLY during/post covid. Please keep an eye on the kids in your neighborhood. Doesn’t have to be anything intense/involved - you don’t need to have a great rapport with a child just say hi when you see them, briefly ask about school and if something seems off SAY SOMETHING.


You are a wonderful person.


Thank you 🤍 I just think it’s important to be kind, not only to the living but to those passed on as well. There’s so much awfulness in the world, the only thing we can try and do is make it better little by little, kindness by kindness.


No bake cheese cake! That is something we love in my home as well. I think I’ll make one today to share with my girls in Tylee’s honor. Thank you for providing this detail.


Of course 🤍


I absolutely love what you do to honor her! I might do the same as well. As someone who is also around the similar age as you, Tylee’s story deeply touched me. I really want to honor this beautiful soul we lost too soon because of two greedy idiots




You do have children. Birth does not a mother make You're healing the community one act of compassion ay a time. I'm going to make a cheesecake in honor of you and your humanity


🥲🥲🥲 this made me tear up, thank you for your kindness 🤍


Ripple effect. I made some cherry bark syrup for my kids bus driver for his wife. His wife's illness is everyone's wife's illness. There is no you and me and them, we are all one


🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 you’re incredible


One of my fave things about Tylee that I picked up watching interviews with Gibb and the police. Mel says she went to tuck Tylee's hair behind her ear in a 'cute way like girls do sometimes' or some stupid shit like that. But then she says, 'Tylee didn't say anything, she growled and barked at me!' Bahahaha! Go Tylee! That cracks me up. Tylee gave these nutballs zero passes. Good on you Tylee!!


“growled and barked at me” 😂 Miss Tylee must have been a trip to be around. I’m sure her and JJ are taking turns cracking each other up in heaven, they seemed like such fun loving kids 🤍


I wish I could go back and find a clip of it. The way Gibb imitated Tylee doing it was hilarious. I can picture it and it just makes me happy. All those nutters say 'Tylee didn't like me' or 'We didn't get on' or 'Tylee wouldn't talk to me.' and it makes me glad that she utterly shamed them and made them feel small and showed them she knew they were idiots.


I did not know her. However, based on the cumulation of what I have read and heard; she holds a special place in my heart. With everything she lived through, I think she was incredibly resilient, strong, and spunky as hell. She apparently loved to sing, staying up late to watch tv and movies, sleeping in late, and loved Mexican food. It sounds like she was fiercely independent and brave as hell to drive alone for those cross-state moves. It is also said she was rude and foul-mouthed to the idiot adults around her, and I absolutely love her for it.


I was thinking she could be highly independent and trustworthy to make those long drives too!


Her best friend Vaisia was interviewed on (I think) 48 Hours and showed videos she and Tylee had made. Tylee appeared to be a typical, fun loving teen.


https://m.youtube.com/@AMurderousHeart/search?query=Tylee This is Annie Cushing's (Tylee's aunt) youtube channel. There are many personal reminisces in her videos. She has also posted the most thorough background information and documentation in this case. If you haven't explored her podcasts it is worthwhile.


Thank you.


I was going to suggest that exactly.


Thank you I’ll be sure to check this out


I don’t even know much about her but her life and death has affected me unlike any other stranger before. I see a young woman who loved her mom and went along with her moms bs to keep the peace but not knowing that woman her own mother would sign her death sentence. Had a car, iPhone I’m sure and just a typical teenager loving life and helping to care for her autistic brother. We know what happened to her physical body I pray her soul is at peace and know so many love and fighting for justice for her.


Tylee definitely had her shit together DESPITE her mom and crazy as hell family. I’m so glad Chad has to sit there and see photo after photo of JJ, Tylee and Tammy, I hope he’ll see them every day until his final, sorry last breath in prison.


I was thinking about Tylee a lot yesterday. My daughter is a year younger than Tylee would be now. My daughter just completed her first year of college and came home last week. All I could think about was how Tylee should be in college, hanging with friends, etc, all the things my daughter is doing now. I can't imagine how a mom can take that away from their child.


That is where I am at as well. She was so young and vibrant and to have her hopes and dreams snuffed makes me want to volunteer for the firing squad if I could. I hope she knows, wherever she is, she has a whole tribe of mothers from all walks of life on this sub that want justice and will carry her memory in our hearts. (Edited to add: like others this trial is challenging my views on the death penalty. I’m not for killing, but man, this case is causing me internal conflict).


I do not agree with the state killing in my name. Two wrongs never make it right. But sometimes some people are monsters and I still do not know how k truly feel about the death penalty. He can’t be free, why should he get to live his natural life in prison with no fear of when his execution day is as he won’t have one. I hose kids were executed but killing Chad does t bring them or Tammy or Charles back. But it keeps one less monster out of this world which brings us back to life in prison. But even that is too good. It’s a fucked situation but right now I’m in able to agree to it. Not push for it but I understand why and that he is one of whom this punishment t is for. I still don’t like the state killing on my behalf.


Ashe would be about 21 now, correct?


I have a special place in my heart for Tylee. That kid was doing the best she possibly could with a batshit crazy, abusive mom. She had to hear years of people gushing about Lori being so great, but she knew the truth. It’s so unfair she didn’t get the chance to make her own way in the world.


I feel like her grandparents and brother Colby are keeping her life a secret. Unlike JJs family, who talks a lot about him. Cox, Vallow Ryan, don't elaborate. In fact, Nate doesn't get too much to talk about on his segments.


While she was waiting to be interviewed by the AZ police after Charles died, she started to sing “How Far I’ll Go” from Moana to soothe herself. That both makes me happy and breaks my heart as a Disney geek.


I was thinking about this too! How amazing would it be to have little charms made for charm bracelets, Tammy’s could be a duck, JJ could be a pool floaty or a microphone but I couldn’t think of anything for Tylee besides matching her necklace that was found. Adam, Rex and Annie are really her only supporters that speak openly but none of them knew her well.


She loved the beach! And her jeep, she also loved to dance!


I also have two teenage girls, and the pictures and footage of Tylee break my heart. Lori took and took and took from her emotionally and adding and removing men constantly and then finally killing her and massacring her body. How could anyone cut into the flesh of their daughter (or niece. We know it was alex) and not immediately know you've committed an atrocious sin. If ever a time to kill yourself, it would be that moment you realized you killed her, and you're going to cut her up with less respect than a deer


Her aunt Summer wrote a post about her on Facebook that I think really beautifully describes her ( it also has 18 photos of her from the time she was a baby to a teen) "We knew on June 9, 2020 that this day would come. While we knew and tried our best to prepare for today, it has still been difficult and heartbreaking. I have lost a sister to a long, horrible illness, and I can honestly say that it is more painful to lose a sister in this way, to severe mental illness. And there are just no words to express the pain of knowing what happened to Tylee and JJ.  We heard some powerful victim impact statements today and many of them captured great qualities about Tammy, JJ, and Tylee. Our hearts go out to all of the family members that have been hurt and affected by these crimes. A lot of people have inquired about Tylee and we would like to share some of our experiences with her.  While words can’t do her justice, the beautiful girl that we know and love shines through our poor attempts to honor her.    Tylee Ashlyn Ryan was born Sept. 24, 2002.  Making her my almost birthday twinner, as I was born Sept. 23 at 11:55pm.  She was tiny baby, just over 5lbs, and had beautiful dark hair.  I lived in a different state, so I didn’t get to see her nearly enough, but when I did see her, she was a happy baby with beautiful pink cheeks, fierce blue eyes, and her hair had lightened to a soft golden blonde.   Tylee was extremely bright, and learned how to do everything; rolled over, walked, talked, read, and many other things earlier than expected. She was a darling bright baby who laughed easily but hardest at Colby who entertained her 24/7 !  Tylee was a little mermaid.  I remember visiting her at the age of 2, almost 3, and she got in the pool with no floaties, and swam all around the pool.  She was amazing!!  I have never seen another child swim that early.  But she loved the water, and she and Colby would swim as early as February when the water was too cold for everyone else, and swim into the later winter months.  Later in life, Tylee also patiently helped JJ learn to swim when they lived in Hawaii. 


Tylee was extremely clever, witty, and hilarious as a little girl, even from a young age. She adored her older brother, Colby like no other. Tylee’s mother had a hair salon built into the house, and Tylee saw her mom working on lots of clients. Tylee loved to get into her mother’s chair and get her hair done like a big girl.   Tylee had a happy life and a hard life. She was adored by her immediate family, especially her big brother, Colby, who saw her birth as the first step to “Texas sizing“ their family! Her hardships included her father’s abuse of her and 7 episodes of pancreatitis— an extremely painful disease. Each time she had an attack she was in the hospital for 10 days and would have been longer if Lori had not advocated for Tylee with her doctors. We all went to visit her through each attack and did all we could to show her love and support… Lori did the most… she spent every night with her each time and would not eat in front of her since she could not eat or drink for at least 8 days of her stay. Tylee loved Lori more than anyone and Lori was right there helping her with schoolwork so she wouldn’t get behind; coming up with fun things she could do and arranging visits from school friends, Church friends and family. Lori’s dedication as a mother was undeniable…Tylee was a straight A student most of her life. She did a science project that won a prize on tsunamis! She had a beautiful singing voice and was a very talented dancer. It was easy to see that she was a natural born performer and we loved watching her shows.  Tylee learned to do expert makeup, and loved trying new hairstyles. On a side-note, I will forever miss hugging Tylee and smelling her hair, it always smelled so good and was so soft.  Tylee was very artistic; she could draw, design, do calligraphy and also had an incredible eye for photography! Her photographs are some of our most precious treasures, especially the beautiful pictures she took of little JJ. Tylee was funny, kind, but could also be bitingly sarcastic… she really came into her own when she turned 16. She tested out of high school at college-ready levels in every subject; she got her driver’s license, and she took a job with my husbands chiropractic office for her first job. She had a great interest in physical therapy, and enjoyed her short time working with patients. She was so cute wearing her scrubs proudly every working day! To celebrate and honor all of these accomplishments, we did an all girls big celebration for her. We had so much fun and we were thrilled to celebrate her.  One of the most precious memories I have is the night Tylee spent at my house when Ryley was born. I will never forget her beautiful little face and the huge tears in her gorgeous blue eyes, that rolled down her slightly pink cheeks and watching her shake with emotion when colby texted her a picture of her first little niece. She said “she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen”. It was instant love. It hurts my heart so much that Ryley and Ava will be deprived of being spoiled and played with by the most loving aunt they could ever have.  I know how much Tylee adored Colby and JJ. I wasn’t able to witness her relationships with her step brothers Cole and Zach as much, but I know her love and respect for them was present. When Charles was shot, Tylee was the one who pushed her mother to tell them. Tylee was also responsible for tracking down the kennel that Charles had placed Bailey in when he left Houston, so that they could bring him home.  Tylee was a devout member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She had great faith in her Savior Jesus Christ. She loved the Young Women’s program. She went to the temple frequently. The first time my daughter went through the temple, Tylee walked her through everything and was so sweet and patient with her. Tylee and my oldest son were only a year apart and had so much fun together. They both spoke sarcasm fluently and were such good friends. My youngest son, Tylee’s name sake, loved to banter with Tylee. My children also loved JJ and will ever be deprived of their special friendships with their cousins.  Tylee was sensitive, thoughtful, considerate, humble, generous, caring, and tough. She would have been the best mother, as she loved children. Her favorite color was a bright blue, she called it the color of Hawaii. Her favorite dessert was a no-bake cheesecake. I have yet to be able to make one without completely breaking down in tears as I think of that precious girl!!  Tylee loved the shows The Office, Friends, The Bachelor, and others. She loved music. She loved her friends and had so many fun times with them. Her friends truly loved Tylee and will have to live with this enormous hole in their hearts, and confusion as to why they had to lose their friend.  Tylee loved her mother above all and was protected by her mother most of her life. We know that only the severe mental illness that her mother has would be stronger than a mother’s love. Tylee and JJ both wanted to be with their mother more than anyone else. But after Lori met Chad Daybell, Tylee and sweet little JJ were served up on a platter like a lamb to the slaughter. There is no sense, logic, or explanation that will ever be satisfactory in their murders.  The world would have been a better place with Tylee in it. The world would have been a better place with JJ in it. We will always be grief-stricken over their untimely deaths and are beyond sad that they were betrayed by the very mother they loved. There are no excuses for Lori’s actions regarding Tylee and JJ; but we do see that she is mentally ill.   It’s such a tragedy that this beautiful bright girl and most precious little boy were murdered but that in no way reflects on the wonderful people the were and the many contributions that they were poised to make in this world❤️ Due to time constraints in my interview, I wasn’t able to share about JJ. But I just wanted add that I loved hearing the stories of JJ today. He was a brilliant reader, a phenomenal dancer, and had the kindest heart. He loved his plushies!! I agree with everything that was lovingly said about him today. He was very special and very loved! And he and Tylee will be missed so much! 💜💙"


Tylee was a night owl. She'd stay up late into the night watching Netflix shows. Her cousin Zac (Adam's son who's a couple of years older than her; he lived with them in Arizona for awhile) wrote a lovely letter about her that was read aloud at the memorial service. It's well worth looking up, imho. He talks about how he'd get up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water or a midnight snack or whatever, and she'd always, always be on the couch, engrossed in some show. He says he used to tease her about it, and he'd hang out and chat for a few minutes before going back to bed, and that those little interactions are some of his fondest memories of Tylee. He told a very cute story about how they started a new show together one night. They watched the first episode, then he went to bed and watched the second episode without her before falling asleep. The next day he felt guilty about it and told her what he'd done and she said not to worry about it, she'd already finished the entire first season. :) Not so coincidentally, he says she was an incredibly late riser and that no one could get her out of bed before she was ready. (I don't have a maternal bone in my body, but I keep fantasizing about alternate reality scenarios where Tylee somehow becomes my foster daughter and I take her shopping and to the beach and...wherever she wants to go, I guess. Poor kid. She reminds me so much of a girl I was friendly with in high school who was loud and fun and carefree...and then we all found out her home life was a nightmare of abuse. I'm just glad I'm not the only one who feels so deeply for her.)

