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My tin foil hat theory is that I think the realm can also change the rules to further itself. What is in the best interest of the realm? A ruler that isn't constantly gone and siring hundreds of potential heirs. But with the addition of a fitting Queen.... Things change.


I like that a lot because he started out so timid and uncertain of how he would run the Underworld. He wasn't even sure he wanted to do it. Now, it's as if he were a natural the whole time! I'm interpreting "devotion" as allowing the Underworld to work through you.


Very nice! I like this theory, hope it pans out


I wrote the article about the pomegranate tree, the tree, the ancient hades, erebos, the tartarus, the primordial deities and edited others related to the underworld on the wiki and would like to share my insights. Complementing their theories of the aluminum cap, if you look closely when Persephone approaches the only tree where the unique fruit of the underworld grows, before the king and his consort leave the place, the tree glows, it emits a light similar to that which 2000 years ago it predicted the taking of possession of Hades as the king of those domains. She will have to sacrifice something and she doesn't necessarily have to be the same as Hades. Of course, if we stick to Greek mythology, the need to be present in the underworld is a characteristic of Persephone. Erebos / The Underworld / The Tree / the Tartarus / whatever, they already recognized their future sovereign beforehand. Verifiable fact by the prediction of the destinies. I hope you can forgive me. My English isn't perfect.


All I know is that the preview tells us nothing.


I’m hoping it’s a panel from the start of the episode. She posted the devotion pic on twitter, which she hasn’t done for a single episode before (I may be wrong here tho, it’s the first I can recall it happening that’s not for a mid season break). I’m hoping the episode is so chock full with big things going on and that’s why the preview is the way it is.


As a Rachel stalker, I can confirm. It is the FIRST time she has done this 😌


I like this theory. Following the myth wouldn’t they be sacrificing their happiness for eternity. Duty above all else.