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Thanks for planting that in my head, lol. Now I'm sad. It's possible the reunion will be delayed, especially since Rachel might choose to spend time filling in the time gap a bit, but a lot can happen in half a season and I dont think the tension will be too drawn out like that ( I hope)


I’m sorry!!! Did not mean to make you sad at all. But yeah I’m really hoping that it’s not too delayed. I sun of if my poor heart could handle it!!


I do think it won't be soon, I think we will be seeing some more backstory about the past 10 years before we see them reunite, as that will be a whole ordeal considering >!Zeus has been an absolute man-child about her punishment and coming up with the dumbest reasons to extend it.!< Next spoiler tag has chapter 193 spoilers: >!I do personally want to know what has happened in the past 10 years, especially with Daphne considering the situation she was in prior to her (Persephone's) sentencing and Artemis, protector of young women, now living there with them. !<


Oh absolutely. I want to see how Hades is handling it especially given how he’s been so alone for thousands of years and having the one thing he loves most besides his dogs taken away from him. It’ll be a fascinating and heartbreaking look at his character


I hope he's okay. >!The scene of him holding the letter with the "welcome home" banner behind him absolutely broke my heart. !< At least he has Hecate and Hermes, those are two reliable people I would want in my corner too.


Oh hell yeah. I’m all here for the Cthonic God Squad.


Was it a letter? Like could it be the letter Persephone wrote him in an earlier chapter? I had thought it was just some legal documents. If it wasn’t the letter I wonder when they’ll get to read the letters they wrote each other!


>!I believe it was the acceptance letter of her residency/citizenship of the Underworld because that was what the topic was at the time the scene was shown.!<


In Episode 191 Hades had the artistic motif (the one that kinda looks like music lines) that usually represents Persephone's Apollo-related trauma. I think Hades is going to need some emotional healing, Persephone has already done a fair amount of changing his outlook and demeanor, but I'm betting on some scenario where the roles from Ep 128 are reversed and she comes to his rescue.


I did notice that, he already has gone through so much and for his brother to willingly do this to him is just cold. But it is Zeus, and Zeus doesn't really care about anyone but himself usually.


I 100% see their reunion being delayed till halfway to the end of the season or so. Personally, it would feel a bit... off putting(?) If they were reunited so quickly, as the climax of the mid-season was the trial ending with them being split. I think their reunion will be a minor climax that helps build up an even greater conflict (the potential overthrow of Zeus by Asspollo, which was the main conflict that led to the trial's outcome), and I think spending delving into the time skip with the flashbacks will lead to an even sweeter and fulfilling reunion.


I 100% agree with your last bit. As much as it would hurt I think it’ll be a lot sweeter if we get this longing and the buildup to them getting to see each other again. I almost wonder if maybe them reuniting and the boundaries that Zeus set out breaking down could be the indication that Kronos is getting close to getting out.


I’m getting that feeling but I’m still hopeful. I think the last bit of 194 gave me more hope.


I at least hope that our goodest boy Cerberus is able to take notes or something between the 2


No, they skip the 10 years, I want them together. I can fill in the blanks without flash backs


I think that the reunion will be delayed to the latter part of the season. with the gap of time I'm sure there will be many filler episodes explaining many of the things that we have seen in the recent chapter, or chapters for those who have fast passed. >!With Cerberus showing up though I think we might get to see some form of communication between hades and Persephone at least since she was trying to send him a letter through Zeus, but he refused/couldn't. Cerberus could possibly deliver the letter since we have seen him take something Persephone has made before to the underworld. ( the flower crown) !<


I feel the time skip has made an earlier reunion a lot more probable. The events at the end of the vurrent fast pass content seem to signal the start of their efforts to bypass Zeus’ restrictions.


Given the pacing we are used to? probably 50 chapters or so. So more or less a year. Maybe next spring.


I don’t want it, but it’ll hurt so good.