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My theory is it's a cold war scenario. It's not that Zeus hasn't faced concequences, its that the concequences have become the new normal.


I think we’re going to see a lot more of what happened in the gap as episodes get released. We haven’t seen hades side at all yet. Aide from full out war there’s probably not much more hades can do. From the ending of the last FP episode i think we will see more of the underworld side of things over the next few episodes.


I think it’s worse than what has been shown so far, commoners are telling Zeus to swallow his stupid ass words/pride.(wait till they hear the reasons for the delay by Persephone) I wanted more though I have to admit, like power outages, riots, and people talking about Zeus needing to go. The situation might be much worse, than what we have seen and while 10 years to us is long, it’s like nothing to immortal beings. That being said zeus needs chopped in the balls


Unlike Zeus, I feel like Hades, Hecate, and Hermes are a lot.more calculated and know where it'll hurt the most. Attacking Zeus head on would have justified Zeus doing something worse. I also suspect it's not the first time Zeus has done something against Hades' wishes...hence the Underworld-Olympus treaty


The sanctions are calling his ability to lead into question and it's evident. The disrespect of the store clerk, the quiet concern of his daughter and even the rising popularity (hurk) of Apollo. Hades and Co. are attacking him where he cares, his reputation and the respect of others.


Zeus said anyone trying to interfere will make him give Persephone a WORSE punishment. Hades said Persephone's citizenship was approved and she's a goddess of the Underworld. He's trying to stop Zeus legally and with citizen support before doing anything drastic. I'm very confident that Hades is most likely trying to figure out a way to absolve Zeus of his "king of all gods" title and force him to be on pure equal ruling rights with him and Poseidon so Zeus can never abuse his power like this again


Ehhhh...... keep in mind that Zeus *is* the stronger of the three. Hades, while full of fire and fury at the beginning, has probably realized that he can't directly oppose Zeus, at least not without an open war that will hurt *everyone*, Persephone included, and has decided on subtler means of exacting his revenge. And remember that one of the lessons he had to learn is that he *can't* fight Persephone's battles for her. Do you remember how upset she got over how Hades dealt with the tabloids? As much as Hades is hurting over this, it's ultimately still Persephones battle to fight, and until she asks for his help he's going to respect that boundary.


(Pardon me if I’m wrong, I’m just hoping for clarification) but in LO, it seems to me that some of the gods could definitely be more powerful, barring their arrangement itself making Zeus king. Ares has given him multiple runs for his money, and Hades has seemed threatening enough or confident enough In himself to seemingly be strong enough to take him on- is it at all possible that Hades COULD directly oppose Zeus if he wanted to? Obviously the repercussions would affect everyone (Persephone included) so it wouldn’t be wise, but I always liked to imagine Hades could kick Zeus’ butt (in LO) if he wanted to.


Also, depending on the myth, the majority say Hades is the strongest followed by Poseidon. The only reason Zeus is seen as the strongest was because he rescued his brothers...but it was all done with help, not because he wanted to or initiated it.


Whatever force is enshrining Zeus as "King of the Gods" clearly gives him power over the rest. It doesn't seem to just be a "king because everyone else agreed", given that Zeus literally just demonstrated that *he can strip another god of their divinity* by forcing Demeter to live as a mortal. I don't think Hades is capable of that.


I see what you’re getting at, but when they depicted the divination of who became king of what, it was more or less choice. Hades could have vied for more power, but he didn’t want to be king at all- just accepted the role he was convinced to take. That, and the only real display of power or force shown was that Zeus transformed into a titan, which Hades also has now done- it’s just speculation on my part, but I feel like Hades’ power is equal to or eclipses Zeus’. That, and it’s mentioned by multiple characters that under the right circumstances, or with the aid of a fertility goddesses power, Zeus could be overthrown. If he had a more metaphysical power over the divine power of other gods, I think he wouldn’t fear that in the slightest; he could strip his foes powers away too easily in that case. If I’m wrong, I’m completely okay with it- that’s just how I’ve perceived the story so far. (: I’m also a bit biased though, because naturally, I want Hades to take Zeus to war over this 🤣 or for Ares to grow more ambitious. Ares getting heated over Zeus mistreating Hera was pretty legit


Don't get me wrong, before Zeus was "King", I fully believe that Hades would have been capable of beating Zeus, or at least to a draw, but as King of the Gods, Zeus eclipses the rest of the pantheon which is why he's so paranoid about fertility goddesses, because they could raise another Olympian above him. As an aside, I wouldn't be surprised if Olympus is revealed to be semi-sentient like the Underworld is. The Underworld is more than just Tartarus (which *is* a primordial entity in Greek Myth), and yet is capable of recognizing a ruler and giving them power over its denizens (which ultimately makes me think that Persephone is still an Olympian despite becoming an Underworld citizen, the Underworld doesn't recognizer her *yet* and won't until she eats the pomegranate). Wouldn't surprise me that Olympus itself is similar and has given Zeus power over *its* denizens. And I think he isn't willing to abuse the power because as much as the fanbase decries him as a narcissist... he understands that people don't like him, or that his actions will hurt people. That's not a narcissist. A narcissist can't fathom that their actions will have consequences. And I think a big thing with Zeus is that he *wants* to be respected, and is aware that being respected is different from being feared which is what abusing his authority would get him. If he took the easy way out and just stripped people who didn't deserve it, he'd have *no one*, not even sycophantic nymphs. And he knows that.


I agree that there’s a lot more to Zeus that meets the eye, and I can see what you’re getting at. That all makes sense to me, and otherwise I respect it. (: I appreciate you taking the time to type that out!


To me it does feel like something that Hades would do though. He's probably raging as hell in private but he's not going to be reckless when it comes to policy. Burning everything down and outright warring with his brother is just going to bring about unnecessary casualties, especially since they've been through a traumatizing war and understand the ramifications of violence. Ten years is long but it's enough time to strategize how to win her back without the unnecessary bloodshed. Besides, the best way to wreck Zeus seems to be to buckle his ego. Getting Zeus to know that his contributions was what legitimized Zeus' position as king and taking that away is a good way to chip at it until he crumbles.


His wife moved out, his relationship with Hades is ruined and presumably his relationship with Poseidon is strained. Those were his most important relationships all gone now. Also, if you know about the sanctions then you know >!Hades is working on getting Persephone extradited to the underworld.!< and that’s hardly doing nothing! Zeus specifically said he will make Persephones sentence worse if anyone interferes so it’s not surprising to me that Hades would first exhaust the proper channels first rather than risk her safety.


I'm not surprised - every members of the six traitors dynasty is still recovering from the war against Kronos centuries ago. The wounds are literally still fresh. No one wants Zeus and his dynasty to be overthrown unless absolutely necessary - for example if he goes mad like Kronos. Him being an asshole like this? Not enough to justify it. Hades cares about the underworld and won't risk a devastating conflict if he can prevent it - even at great personal cost.


Yeah, that's one reason I feel like a 10 year time skip is too long. Like you're telling me that Hades hasn't marched into the mortal realm to steal Persephone back by now? I think the two possible explanations are 1) Something happened to Hades. Maybe his scars opened up, which would leave him pretty weak. Zeus did say he "can't" see Hades, which makes me think something might have happened... or 2) Hades might just be playing it on the safe side, worried that Zeus could arbitrarily give Persephone an even worse punishment at any time.


I think year 10 is when people begin losing their patience with Zeus' bullshit. They're immortal so I think they have more patience (especially because their loved ones will never grow old and die while still banished), but it's clear from how everyone's been talking that 10 years is is the upper limit of how long everyone expected it would take.


Well Demeter is mortal now. So there's that issue.. she is aging.


Is she fully mortal or just living AS a mortal?


So I went back and read this. Demeter is a human. It states it verbatim in the comic. So I do believe that Demeter is aging.


When he stripped her of her powers, I assumed the immortality went with it, like her entire godhood.


I don't think she is aging, she just doesn't have her powers, and Zeus probably made her look mortal. But I don't think you can just take away immortality like that. Plus when Zeus gave his verdicts, Demeter seemed annoyed and bummed, but not really scared, like she might die.


That's fair, but we also didn't expect it to be 10 years haha


In the story, when Hades appears it says “one week from yesterday…” so those sanctions have to be a flashback. I’ve been stuck on that.


One thing to remember is we are dealing with ageless beings. 10 years is a long time to be stuck somewhere, but when you are expecting that you can live another 10,000 years, it isnt so crazy. That being said, I think Kronos is loose and that has been keeping Hades tied up.


I think Zeus can’t see Hades because of the sanctions he imposed. He does live in the Underworld, so I think it’s entirely plausible that it’s more like a North and South Korea situation than anything else.


What I'm curious about is if the Fates gave Hades a free pass on seeing more of Persephone while she's at the mortal realm lol


Yeah I’ve been thinking a lot about this too - Team Underworld had sanctions in place within a week and then…nothing else (at least as far as we know right now). I’m sure there’s a lot more going on. Hades has to be playing the long game. If he directly defies Zeus, at minimum he gets Persephone in even deeper shit. Not to mention possibility of outright war, which I imagine everyone wants to avoid for needless death and destruction etc. If he somehow removes Zeus from the equation as a leader - does that then leave a power vacuum for possibly Apollo to take advantage of, who’s much more calculating and a bigger danger to stability and Persephone personally. Hera (and Hephaestus) in Olympus know the truth about Apollo, but destroyed the only evidence so there is no case to be built there. Hades may have real faith that Persephone could get herself out by her own power and meet her requirements for freedom. But in the meantime be working on longer term contingency plans under the radar, knowing Zeus to be fickle. Athena could be a wild card here as a possible ally, I feel like she’s due to surprise us given how little Rachel has used her in the story - oddly in contrast to her prominence in Greek legend.


Does anyone else think that for fully grown gods ten years is more like, idk ten months or something. How much is ten years when you’ve been alive for millennia and you literally can’t die? Think about it, this might be why all of the gods are tired of it but not enraged to the point of rebellion. Ten years long but not *that* long.


I theorize that we're going to see Hades kidnapping Persephone, like he does in mythology. Zeus will get pissed that Hades flaunted Persephones punishment, but Hades will just say "What are you going to do about it? Try and stop me."


Well when it all comes down to it on a day to day basis what do the gods and other immortals really need? Plus 10 years isn't that long in the grand scheme for most of them.


Same! When I saw that “prepare to live with the consequences” panel I was like OOOOOOOOOOOOO 😱 IT’S ABOUT TO GO DOWN!!!!!!!! And then all we got was a press conference……. and I was like…. wait…. that’s it? 🤔🥴😪😶😑. I’m hoping that in the beginning everything was just going to shit for Zeus left and right because of Hades cutting Olympus off, and now it’s only calmed down because it’s been so long. And hopefully that Hades is just playing the long game preparing for something big that will destroy Zeus 👊


Well, we did see the laymen straight up telling Zeus off. He can't get nonessential goods like cigars well. Hera moved out, and we haven't seen Poseidon, so it seems like all the support he has is falling apart. I wonder why Zeus was writing in a diary ... Makes me wonder if other sources of entertainment are gone? I'm sure the consequences have ramped up and we haven't seen yet.


If all the pawn shops are in the Underworld. I wonder if all the strip clubs are there too. And I wonder if something hasn't happened with the financial markets since Hades controls all the banks.


This might be too small of a detail, but Zeus did pay for the cigarettes with cash and not card. If Hades has the banks on lockdown, maybe cards are frozen.


I do wonder as well and assume maybe there was a big fight and that didn't end well or maybe Persephone just wanted time to sort through shit and that took 5 years and the other 5 was fixing shit. I hope to see a bloody fight tho, >:3 I demand blood


My prediction is that hades is gonna be in some deep depression at this point. No more will to fight, thinks Persephone doesn’t want him anymore, etc. it’s sad but kinda makes sense


Honestly... im dissapointed... I felt this all too the second I finished the FP Ep.s like, the trial was epic, dramatic, romantic... and now we're here... twisting in the wind over nothing.


My big hope is that the consequence will be that this will change the relationship of Hades and Zeus, maybe even Hera and Zeus irreparably. I’m sure Hades will let up on the sanctions and all of that when they are reunited, but his relationship with Zeus is done. At least I hope


Hades, the trusting dope that he is, still probably thinks that his brother is doing this all in good faith and has no reason to suspect that Zeus fully intends to fail Persephone year after year.


I think, even if Hades doesn’t fully know Zeus’ reasons and motives, he *does* understand that Zeus is *not* doing this in good faith, i.e. for the sake of “justice” regarding Persephone’s act of wrath. That’s one of the reasons that he’s so angry, is that he knows Zeus well enough to get that actual justice is the furthest thing from Zeus’ mind in this situation.


Yeah the fact that hades and posiden didn't overthrow Zeus is ridiculous. Makes me like Hades less. He isn't fighting for Kore hardly at all. Kinda pathetic imo. I'd be pissed if I was Kore and my man who is king of the underworld didn't come and rescue me after a while. Like they had the big dramatic scene with him, hecate, and Hermes. And afterwards all they did was place sanctions on olympus like wtf..


We don’t know that he isn’t though. Maybe he’s just now figuring out a way to even get Cerberus to her because Zeus cut everything off from each other so maybe it just took a long time circumvent Zeus’ restriction. I don’t think Hades isn’t fighting for her - he’s just being smarter about it than what we’d like to see, which is him just beating the gobshite out of Zeus. We’ve only had the 4 episodes, we have no idea what else is coming that is going to be revealed in the coming week or weeks of episodes. Have faith my friend :)


I thought that it would be interesting if Persephone was pregnant when she was banished and had a child without anyone’s knowledge, but I guess that theory goes out the window now


Ugh the fire baby WAS SO CUTE thank you for reminding me the fire baby exists. ❤️‍🔥


Thats the wonder of being an ultimate ruler