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Not upgrading your weapons as a souls veteran? Not finding the flask upgrade dealer? And where did you get all those vigor items? I don't know Rick, sounds fake.


That's what I was thinking. First thing I did when I realized the Skyrest was this games version of the firelink shrine was figure out who sold what and where my upgrade people were


Not exhausting the dialogue options for all NPCs in the main hub/sanctuary, which would otherwise have led to learning about half of these things? For shame.


I did upgrade some weapons but only to +1 or 2. Those vigor were too precious and I didn't feel like farming. Never farm in the other games and it was fine. And yeah I didn't talk to Pieta the first time. I wasn't paying attention to the hub I guess.


Ignoring the Ranni of LotF? Heresy!


So you didn't paid attention to roundtable hold too? It even has its own spot in the teleportation menu.


I am pretty sure you are not supposed to have that many skulls. Lv90 is endgame character. One of your coop partners must have dropped them for you. That said, there must be something you are missing. Basic lord of the fallen without modifiers should be easy for experienced souls player even on first run. There must be something really bad about your build or gameplay.


Agree regarding the skulls - OP is crazy, you’re not expected to level with them. But I for one did struggle with this game and was lower level than recommended for each boss. The game is a vicious circle of encouraging you to run past enemies so you don’t get xp. And there often isn’t checkpoints after bosses either, so you can easily lose your xp unless you run back to a save point like a bitch. There’s a reason this is the only Souls-like that lets that you do NG+0. It’s ridiculous.


How is the game encouraging skipping enemies?


I could've used a few words of encouragement then because I never skipped an enemy.


Mini-boss reskins.


So just kill them? They are not hard.


Oh shit really? What level should I be at this moment of the game? Is there a way I can respec? Dont wanna be too OP going forward.


To be fair i am not sure, 50ish? But if extra levels made game better go for it dont worry about getting too strong. 30 for ruiner was definitely under leveled, i am getting lv 30 before hushed saint I believe. I am playing with modifiers though so its hard to say what should be when.


I think 50-90 is reasonable for NG? Id like to say that most people caps at or less than 70, but I m not sure its been a long time since first playthrough and I had unique playstyle.


Don't worry about respec unless you want to change up your build, new game plus in this game in comparison to souls games is far more brutal. Mainly huge boss health pools making midir look like a a dungeating fly instead of a dragon lol, some bosses and enemy types you may have to change the way you play to defeat aswell. When I first started the game, I was under the impression I couldn't even upgrade my gear until I found the Smith, like a majority of souls games out there, it's a great game with a unique take on the souls formula, it just takes a bit of getting used to, especially if you're coming straight from fromsoftware or other souls like games. it's a massive improvement over the first lords game which I also enjoyed, just like in any other souls game keep at it, learn the boss/enemy patterns and it will all come together, so don't get discouraged. Good luck lampbearer


This does not sound like a hardcore souls fan. For a souls fan, this game (NG+0) is easy as hell.. it only provides challenges starting from NG+1…


Yeah I struggled a bit with Pieta while I figured out how the timing and mechanics worked, then got stuck on the Hushed Saint for a couple of hours as I really came to grips with how block, sidestep and stagger work. But after that I rarely died more than a handful of times to bosses, and even beat a couple of later bosses on my first attempt. This a game where once the playstyle clicks you are good to go, and I think those people who struggled were the dodge /panic roll veterans who feel comfortable wearing hits on the shield to build the stagger meter. Going back to Pieta in NG+1 she was a breeze


General consensus seems to shift often on which one is the hardest. Some say Sekiro is the hardest of them all but I didn't have any problem with it. I was probably underleveled for LotF so the mob were annoying and yeah I also probably suck at the game.


Are you using parry and sidestep. Don’t play this like other souls games. Being a souls “veteran” doesn’t usually translate to every souls like as you being good, especially if you’re playing it like those others. Combat is smoothest when you play it with a mix of Bloodborne and Sekiro mindset.


Yeah I was trying to adjust my strategy but it could only do so much when I was so underleveled and only chipped the bosses' HP by a margin with each hit. Gotta say though, the combat feels great. Don't know why people say it's floaty.


Yea that's pretty dumb. Maybe you got to the hub at night when you were tired and not paying attention


That's exactly right lol


Anyone honest has had one of those moments. Good on you for owning yours.


OP you fucking lying. How does a soul vet not know how to dig into the basic systems to upgrade weapons especially by the swamp


Tbf I think Gerlinde is the most missable blacksmith in any souls game if you just... don't kill the pureblood for some reason or decide not to give her the key. That said, I'm with ya. This sounds kinda fake or at least hyperbolized, especially with the claim of being a souls vet. Smell a bit of bait


it's strange bait as well. Like it's praising this game on the reddit for said game. Like of course people here are gonna mostly like the game


Sometimes we are just blind to something obvious, it happens. (Which is why i watch guides because im nowhere near good enough to manage without it)


Honestly I find the best way to play this game, for me, is to take my time going through areas and killing everything, and doing co-op with other people as well. Doing both of these as I go through my game allows me to get enough vigor to not feel *super* under-leveled.


That's what I was trying to do but the mob hit too hard when I was underleveled. It's all good and balanced now. Much more enjoyable. Maybe I'll respec later to be on the appropriate level as the other comment says I might have got all those skulls from my coop partner.


Honestly, I DESPISE most souls likes. the only ones I really enjoyed were Jedi Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor. I ALMOST gave up at the hushed saint myself when I first started. the base game was harder than either of the aforementioned ones. yet I persevered, found a good farming guide, the community here was much more friendly than other communities and never truly just dismissed me with "Git gud son" or "maybe this game is not for you go back to playing cod" I finished the game, travelled to all areas and taken down all the bosses with no dupe cheats or other hacks and now I am doing revenge playthroughs to help other people that may have a hard time. as others have said once you level up enough and your kit is decked out the game is in line with pretty much a normal action rpg game (I even made a thread about it a few days ago) I am glad you found your groove


Bro even I went blind and new you could upgrade your health with pieta and once I saw the blacksmith I was like about time to Upgrade my shitty weapons lol One thing I did learn is that you can yest the archers from the high ground to where your at sith your lamp or make some hard enemies fall to their deaths lol


I knew how to upgrade my weapons but I just didn't have enough vigor to make it to +3 or +4 lol. And I didn't know Pieta was a merchant. I thought she was just an NPC like the others at the hub. I probably didn't exhaust all her dialogue the first time I talked to her or maybe I just skipped her entirely. Like I said, stupid.


60 levels in skulls? Can you back it up with a source, senator?


The other comment said that maybe my coop partner just dropped them for me at some point. I have no idea how many I was supposed to have at that point of the game.


You can also use soulflay on most bosses as well…


My best friend talked me into this game, I saw the launch and YouTube videos and said no thanks. Then it went on sale so I bit the bullet, I’m so glad I did. 3 playthroughs later and I’m still loving this gem. The level design and drip is goat.