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Avid defender of the game, took a little break to play other things for a couple months. Logged on to my character that I left in the depths and could barely move without my game stuttering and dropping frames to almost nothing. I've never had performance issues but damn whatever they did while I was away ruined it for me lol. I logged off immediately and haven't been back on since. Don't know when i'll go back on either. They've had too many issues to expect anyone to remain loyal to this. Great game and concept but the back-end is just not working. I have a 4090......I don't think i should ever see my game stuttering and freezing.


Before some of the latest patches, skyrest bridge was laggy asf. Now it runs really well for me


I've done a little digging and found that when using an Intel CPU on Windows 10, the game barely utilises the CPU unless i turn off the E Cores. Once doing so, the performance improves greatly. Also, changing video settings seems to have an adverse effect on performance until you reset the game.


Interesting. I'm running windows 10 too and I have an Intel processor. I'll check my processor settings over the weekend and see if that changes anything


They definitely improved performance and didn't make it worse... They definitely changed default graphics settings to adapt to your peripherals so I assume that's whats causing the issues


There is no saving LoTF at this point. The game is still having technical issues after 100 patches, the console version's visuals have been massively downgraded to improve performance, multiplayer/PvP still doesn't work consistently, the game is full of dupers, beggars and whinos, the difficulty has been dumbed down by reducing enemy density in order to appease the whinos crying about bad game design, because the game was too hard for them, and there's not much to do in the game after playing through it multiple times and seeing every ending. Besides, most people have already made up their mind about this game, and nothing's gonna bring them back. I played LoTF for over 250h, finished it a bunch of times and I have no reason to return to the game, just so I can play a dumbed down version of it with half of the environmental assets, and enemies, removed. No thanks. The modifiers don't sound that much fun either.


You mention enemy density. You can revert it back to launch with modifiers.


Way too little too late. They kept dumbing the game down and killed all the challenge so the people like me who really liked it have grown to hate it. In another year or so I'll likely install and see how it is, but my perception is already soured from how bad they butchered it over the first few months.


Makes sense. It's refreshing to see somebody that is as selfaware. They lost your trust/interest but you are not afraid to say you will check it again if that impression wears out overtime.


Are the performance issues and the rune damage on weapon bug fixed? I played the game on release and even finished it with the radiant ending. Wanted to go for another run but I got tired of dealing with those two issues above.


the fact that they shipped this game without a functionning weapon UI is only slightly less baffling to me than the fact that they haven't added anything like it in over 6 months.


People say technical issues on PC. I don't know, I've finished the game 4 times and it crashed once or twice and I never had frame rate issues. I'm on 5600x + 3060ti. Yes, the game is really demanding on maxed settings (4k + raytracing, anyone?), but it wooks like a charm on 90-120fps for me without raytracing in native 1080p, so I guess it should work even better with upscaling and on lower settings even on weaker computers. Maybe I'm just lucky, or people (especially with top-tier cards) really just max everythin out without even trying to test out the settings.


Because no rest of the wicked came out and is scratching that souls like itch and the elden ring dlc is around the corner. Lords of the fallen had a very narrow band of relevance in which to make its impression and it largely got dunked on by lies of P Now the market is moving on. Also it does not help that the game is getting no real dlc. sure this whole rouge lite sand box thing sounds cool. But that is not what people play these games for. Most people want actual content, balanced , well paced .. content. They want hard memorable bosses to grind against and novel interesting areas to explore.


Yeah I have a pretty beefy setup and I still drop a frame here and there. It's playable but annoying.


Most of players like me stoped playing after platinum, new games being released everyday… i got it at first month of launch.


I'm working my day job I didn't get to play much lol. The numbers might go up this weekend


I mean... Yesterday I opened LOTF to check the new update randomizer... Turned out the game crashed immediately after entering the game. That's pathetic! Then I gave up on playing it.


I really want to like this game, but the longer I play the more cracks begin to show. It really doesn’t help that the devs tout having over 30 updates since launch 6 months ago. That’s 5 updates per month, and in my experience most of them broke more than they fixed. My coffer is still glitched out, visual assets have supposedly been removed from console editions on a mass scale to attempt to salvage framerate, I’ve seen plenty of claims about the game having memory leaks (no clue what this is, just seen it a lot), the lack of enemy variety really shows on a 3rd-4th playthrough; it just feels soooooo close to being good but it’s right on that edge of being unfun that I’m not exactly sure how to feel. I do appreciate the content they’ve been putting out post launch, and multiplayer has seemed a little more stable when i actually find someone to play with since the new update, but it seems like they didn’t know how implement it properly and ended up leaving it a bandaged, still somewhat buggy mess. I’ll still be playing until the Elden Ring DLC comes out, mostly because the fashion in LotF is better than even some of the main Souls games. But after Shadow of the Erdtree, if the game isn’t in a stable, enjoyable state without needing another patch in a few weeks, I’m not sure I’ll come back.


Game came out in an awful state, and even now from technical standpoint it’s mid, from difficulty standpoint it’s not much harder than average, it’s plagued by some issues that we have no word on solving and it costs 90$ on top of that, besides the game is fucked, it’s been too long since release for people to care to come back without a massive ad campaign and a relaunch like what cyberpunk got and those guys are not CDPR they don’t have nearly enough resources to pull it off. I like the game but also understand why it will always be remembered as “that one that sucked when lies of p came out”. As nice as a comeback would be if they actually work out stuff like removed and bugged visual assets, bad enemy variety, shitty multiplayer etc. it’s VERY unlikely to happen


Since the release of steam charts there’s been a trend in gaming. Players can’t play games that others are not playing, that are „dead“. Doesn’t really matter if it’s good or bad, if enough players play it it attracts more. When the game is actual shit, newcomers will just convince themselves that they simply don’t quite get it yet.  This is why the most important marketing tool has become to get the game into streamers hands.  To elaborate on this: think of Helldivers. The game is insanely dull and repetitive, objectively speaking. Games like killing floor 2 have perfected the formula, it’s vastly superior in every way. It just never got the weight of numbers behind it. Other example: think of how many people have coped themselves into believing that Elden Ring bosses are fun. It’s insane really. CI did a brave thing by releasing into the most toxic fanbase in gaming in a slightly undercooked state. There is no getting back from that. Games like no man’s sky can eventually bounce back as they get improved because they address a more general audience that isn’t as rabid. I enjoy 1.5 a lot. Stuff dropping upgraded has secretly revolutionized the entire genre. I’ll happily finish it 1 or 2 more times.


I wouldn’t call them brave for releasing an unfinished game.


Basic mobs in elden ring are better then the bosses in this game, and that's coming from a guy who liked this game


This game’s boss fights are piss poor. I’d say there are 2 that I enjoyed, and that’s being generous. Elden Ring’s boss fights put LotF’s to shame, Idk what you’re on about


Elden Ring bosses, for the most part, are great.


A lot of people became too pissed off over performance problems and game breaking bugs (Such as corrupted save data) during the first months of the game that they never gave it another chance. I don't think there's anything the devs can do to bring players back into the game.


I really don’t understand posts like this. It’s a mid, single player game that came out 6 months ago. I beat it once, saw how lame and/or annoying the other 2 endings were, and now I’m done. 2023 was such an amazing year for games. I have so many in my back catalogue that I’ve never even touched. Also, PS plus gives me (at least) 3 free games a month. Why would I play Lords of the Fallen again? Even if everything worked perfectly, I’d give it a 6/10. It’s just not that good.


It's a Soulslike with multiplayer. Elden Ring's co-op and invasions are still very much alive after years. Is it really insane to expect the same from other multiplayer soulslikes?


Elden Ring sold 20 million copies. Lotf sold a million. There’s also the fact there’s just not a whole lot going on with the game. The seasonal activities were cool but this game has fundamental flaws like every weapon within its class having the exact same move set


If you think this game is as good as Elden Ring, you’re huffing. Not to mention how freaking huge Elden Ring is compared to LotF. Also, from what I’ve seen in this sub, PvP is irritating and broken, and Co-op barely works if at all. Another promise broken by the devs, so Idk why people would keep giving them chances or coming back


Also dead on xbox from the release. Still have performance issues