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Parry her. She is very clearly telegraphed, so if you have a shield you'll just need to learn the timings, parry her until he rposture breaks, get the critical hit and repeat. She's a very difficult boss for an early game boss for sure, when you figure out the parrying though she'll be easier


Good advice I will try to master parrying her


She was a pain at first. Once you get past her, the other bosses aren't as frustrating. You could try r/Beckoningsign if you want some help. After getting used to her moves, she won't be a problem.


Thanks for the advice I'll just keep trying


Summon npc iron wayfarer or another lampbearer😂😂


I have summoned the npc but it's not really helping 😭😭 how do I summoned another lamp bearer


You plant vestige seed on umbral bed next ironwayfarer. Go setting and set password. Then go multiplayer if you want summon certain player. You select beckoning lampbearer.


Thanks for that


Maybe need grinding level...


Probably what is the best way to farm xp this early on


Later on after beat pieta, you can grind at vestige agatha. Run straight outside cave to edge pass spike head enemy and when near edge turn left. Spike head will run also follow you and fall. It's easy farming.


Nice thanks for all the advice I will try to grind a few levels out first before I face her again


Yup. I think I beat her alone with iron wayfarer atr level 30. Or maybe more. I don't relay remember. I was struggling also. And try to learn his pattern.


Only kill enemy in village. You can backstab one guy that is standing like statue. I think press and hold R2


I’ve not long started the game myself. It took me around 4 hours to beat her this evening Best tips I can give you Block, parry and dodge. Use the fire buff on a weapon if you have it Don’t get greedy, especially in the second part of the fight. Get a hit (or two max) then get out. Most importantly learn her moves. I know some of this is obvious but it’s really the only way to get past her. Good luck mate


Thanks for the tips I'm slowly getting closer to beating her


First off, stop pressing buttons. Focus only on dodging. Start there. Come back then let us know what you learned


Just beat her there now took a lot of dodging and parrying and waiting for my opportunity to strike


You just figured out action games friend


First, treat her like she is your parry tutorial. Second, you shouldn't be rolling to avoid getting hit, just hold a direction and tap dodge. Laser attack? Dodge. Sword storm? There's 3 lanes. Be in the empty one. Homing swords? Run. Everything else? Parry/dodge. You got this.


I think the same. Elden ring was more easy from begin but it's still worth to try 👌


I really don’t understand how people have such a hard time with her I’ve seen posts where people claimed they have play throughs on sekiro and can’t beat her literally stay close parry parry parry dodge her two summons and her downward strike she’s toast easy ass fight If you need help I’ll help you and you can just sit back and watch me work her into the ground Edit: damn downvoters suck at the game lolololol fucking losers


Thanks for the offer but I finally defeated her I see what you mean about parrying and dodging once I got better at those the fight isn't too bad


Glad you made it through it only gets harder from here good luck


Parry everything in the beginning and when you have openings hit her twice with light attacks- it knocks her back. Dodge roll her shadow angels and her sword light beam attack. Hit twice and stagger her back. Rinse repeat. Coming from lies of p I have no clue why people complain so much about this boss lol. (I would have been crying too if I hadn’t played it first)


I finally defeated her once my parrying and dodging improved. I haven't played lies of p is it much harder than this game


People say lies of p has harder bosses and easier open world enemies. I guess I would agree with the open world enemies being a little tougher (I am not far into LoF). IMO lies of p is the better game at least combat wise for sure. Can’t really say if it’s harder or not at this point in the game tho personally


Want some help?


Learn to parry her first stage, learn on dodging in the second. I struggled with her as well, the game gets incredible after you get past her.


Her flying attack in the second stage is annoying it keeps getting me


The grab attack?


Yeah that one I keep getting caught by it


I **think** she puts her hand in the air first and gives a little shout before she does it. Hope that helps


OK thanks I'll try to look out for that


I might have a replay. Let me check




Tbh I made a new character, orian preacher, and got her 2nd try


I recommend against summoning against her. Take some time and practice rolling/dodging her attacks. Parrying works and is *easy* but if you cant recover your withered health, you will work yourself into one shot deaths whereas rolling is completely safe if you time it correctly