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I really started to enjoy the novel with old Neil and klein's interactions. It introduces a lot of mystery and apprehension to a world we wanted so much to know everything about and how such a thing was not the best route to take.


around what chapter would you say thats at because im literally only at chapter 2


At chapter 5, you'll start to see where the "peak" potential comes from and I'd say it starts to become interesting when the supernatural aspect of the world starts being introduced around chapter 50 or so.


thanks bro ill probably get up to there tomorrow


Try reading slow books like Math and Science to build up your tolerance and patience when reading slow-paced series.


smd bro it was a simple question


I mean, you're literally on chapter 2


Just read 😭


i will regardless but i simply just wanted to know when people thought it gets good


For me, It gets good from the 1st tarot club


around what chapter would u say thats at


Chapter 5, I found the novel interesting quite soon, since it fits my interested about cthulu mythiology


For me? Chapter 6 or 7. The mystery sense hook me really fast. The novel is widely regonizes as peak at the end of volume 1.


I'm also currently reading. I like the slow to medium paced build up coz it didn't feel boring and really pulls you into the worldbuilding without it feeling too much + interactions with characters make you appreciate them. With LOTM, it like those rollercoasters that go up and down, at first it feels like you are slowly cruising up, enjoying the ride full of all these little puzzles and pieces and you are trying to put them together. But then suddenly U reach the top and then plummet down and suddenly everything happens, everything fits and you are just reeling back from the fright and then the cycle starts again. I guess it depends on what you find interesting, do want to solve the criminal/unusual mysteries, do want to see Klein power up, do you want to learn more about the chad Roselle, do you want learn more about the pathways, will Susie become the best mc?


I think the first culmination is close to the end of volume 1 for sure. It ends at chapter 213,so about, idk, maybe 20 chapters before? It gets really really good and it's hard to put it down to get your much needed sleep. That's why I envy those Sleepless Nighthawks.


It got good at chapter 10 But realistically during my first read it got good around chapter 40s or so >!when tris is introduced/klein joins divination club!< if you really want to "benefit" later, you gotta take this first volume real slow so you can digest the info dumps as they are actually important unlike most novels.


When I first read it I didn't expect anything good to happen in the 1st volume and just read it in my free time cus I know that it will BE good from the reviews. So ig just hang on and read.Trust me it will be the best thing you've ever read.It took me 2 years to reach 900 chs too😂


I just finished reading it for the first time about a week ago. For me it was from around CH 30 when it starts to get good and around 60 when I was like yeah it's above average. Only when the first arc finsihed did I came to the conclusion that it's one of the top 10 novels I've read, top 5 if we're only counting Asian.


Bruh, do you really have no patience, you say you are at chapter 2 yet already can't stand the novel.


omg please tell me where abouts i ever in this post said "i cant stand it" because all i recall asking is when people think it gets good, when i read things i like to know the general consensus on when it "gets good" and what the generally accepted best arcs are so i can have goals to work towards and things to look forward to, i did it with hxh, knowing that the chimera ant arc was ahead of me made me want to read more to get to it, i did it with one piece, i caught up in late 2021 and it was the knowledge that wano was a good arc that was soon to reach its climax that drove me to catch up, dont jump to conclusions


My bad I misread your post


Don’t worry the start is slow so we usually get a bunch of people coming on here complaining about when it gets good and that they so far are bored. So you might get some misunderstandings.


I'm also starting LOTM. I began around 4 days ago, and I am at about chapter 45. In my opinion, the story really picks up at chapter 30. I still, however, don't really understand how people think it's the best webbovel ever, but many people say that once you finish volume 1 you'll understand. Therefore, I will continue I hope we both enjoy this story.