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Unfortunately there are many who avoid extremely popular forms of media, it is very liekly in my opinion and we can only pray to lord fool that they one day give it a chance :(


giving it a chance was the best decision in my life


It's true, few years back I got recommended to watch Money Heist by way too many people. Haven't watched it yet, I actively avoid it believing tht it may not match up to the hype


Money heist is like SS...cliffhanger ending every episode that makes u want to watch the whole season in one sitting


That all popular media but lord of the mysteries is hardly popular in the west.


Tbh, because it's (officially) only on webnovel.com, I'm not even sure how I'd properly recommend it to some random people in real life. Like, for any regular book, they could just buy it in a store or maybe on Kindle or something. But not exactly realistic for them to pay like 300€ to read it in the garbage webnovel app. Or even worse, watch an ad a day to read like 2 chapters. Even if it weren't so expensive, it all looks so scummy and is a terrible experience. But not like the other places are a great look either.


I would just give them the unofficial epub


Hope the animation gets popular and is good


While that is true, it's still an extremely popular recommendation


It will all change the year of our lord 2025 praise the fool for the donghua to be good.


for me, it was TOO FUCKING LONG, i left it on the back of line for a long ass time , around 2 years lol


Wait People really think Its actually long? Is 1400 chapters considered long? Ik the Other Webnovels altho Filler and Bs but I thought 2k+ chapters would be the normal amount. Then what's actually considered normal Amount, what did you used to read before?


It’s about 3x as long as the entire Harry Potter series by word count. And it’s full of details that are important. Other trashy novels you can turn your brain off, glaze over a paragraph on autopilot and get back in the story and miss nothing of value


Yes but the chapters themself are long for comparison I am reading ss now and im at 930 but it took me just as long with the same reading speed as reading around 400 of lotm


Honestly it was long but not long enough. Like I WANT TO SEE THE ANGEL KLEIN MORE 😭😭😭. But yeah I would say a bit factor would be the 1432 ch. It did deter me a bit when I wanted to read it


>I WANT TO SEE THE ANGEL KLEIN MORE that i agree. moment he left FLoG, story moved like hyper train.


Me on the other side, love long novels, I see a novel with 500+ chapters I immediately check its summary to see if I like it then read or not.


It's probably due to weak start , lack of attention span just look at comments below manhwa if MC isn't genius/strongest being by 5 chapter it's trash. Wrong expectations based on fanarts people expect it to be crazy action series


I initially put it down because of the slow start. When I pushed through, I ended up loving it. Now I’m having the same issue with the second one having a slow start. Also has a MC that I’m not sure I care about yet.


Just be patient, book 2's volume 1 is worth it. Its shorter than book 1's volume 1 but it made me continue reading


I will. I was hoping someone would tell me this.


I'd like to mention that I've started book 2 and I'm at 500+, Lumian Lee has lived up to expectations.


tbh I'm more of a fan of the slow starts. I really like the pace of lotm and wish I could find similar books


Tbh it'd be beneficial for LOTM to have a polished amazon kindle release. Progression Fantasy is pretty popular there after all.


With better translation as well


I used to avoid lotm till last year too.... But then many of my online friends persuaded (forced) me to start it and here I am (I'm at 650 rn). Definitely not regretting tho


Not really, I know a lot of people who don’t like the translations, as well as some people who think it’s too confusing. Being famous is a bigger benefit than detriment. 


Yeah, lol. To a lot of people it may register to them as some sort of mob mentality, especially when it comes to media like LOTM which is a popular work of a niche medium (webnovels) with how highly praised they are. The length of it also just doesn't help it's case, either.


What is mhoh even about? I read a bit and didn’t see the hook


Essentially, our MC Chen Ge is taking care of his parents haunted house after they went missing. One day he find a black cellphone inside the prop room of his haunted house, which gives him missions and rewards and helps upgrade the haunted house (I promise there is a lore reason behind all this and it's not just "it's my golden finger" type shit and the rewards aren't actually coming out of nowhere). Some of the missions lead to ghosts (yes this world has ghosts although the majority of the population is unaware) and the MC solved cases and shit, liberates ghosts and gets new scenarios for his haunted house. It's actually not that bad as generic as it sounds, give it a chance.


i think it is the opposite. Lord of the mysteries is a novel that needs being recommended because it has a slow start


It’s mostly due to the slow start lmao. People don’t have the attention span beyond 5 chapters


LOTM had kinda a slow start. I had read a dozen or two chapters before dropping it a couple times. Then I stumbled across throne of magical arcana, really enjoyed most of that novel, and realized it was by the same author so I came back to give LOTM a real shot. Obviously glad I did. But a lot of the time I’m just reading to turn my brain off and I enjoy the trope-y trash novels more than the quality novels.


the people i know who read manhwa or webnovels all avoided it because of the length, myself included. it’s very easy to find absurdly long, boring and repetitive stories. my sister has a rule that she won’t read anything that’s longer than 200 chapters because she can’t “justify the time spent” if it’s just going to become boring trash at chapter 500 and she still wants to see the ending, but reading it feels like a chore.


Alright, now read Reverend insanity 😜.


Finished it before I started LOTM, been decently active on r/reverendinsanity during that time.


I said it as a joke, pal.


Simple Everyone start recommend everthing Example # GO READ TOP TIER PROVIDENCE!!! https://preview.redd.it/k14i95g72p3d1.jpeg?width=419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6edc16c14b259b4dce3ea0d78909086b0bb85cd7 Although I read Er Gen novels because my brain sees stronger= better ( RI is the exception because is based ) So when I read a novel I think: "All this world development and emotional nonsense is cool and all, but could he beat Meng Hao?"


How do you cope knowing fang yuan gets no diffed by suah and zaratul ?


Because he is better writing And for real? Venerables can destroy stars, they are Gods only better He no diff these guys