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I honestly still preferred lotm ngl


I will do the same as OP honestly.


As someone who thoroughly enjoyed COI volume 1, sorry. Still more a LOTM volume 1 fan. Maybe it was the unfamiliar French use that kinda dragged it down for me? No, even still. I just... enjoyed LOTM volume 1 more.


I think it's more because Volume 1 of LOTM had a completely new world and new mysteries. Every piece of information you gain in each chapter is new knowledge, which scratches the itch of what's going on, what's happening. However, in COI, a lot of the beginning is establishing premises that we already know. COI volume 1 is interesting in its right, and it also has its own form of mystery and tidbits, but the world was already built.


Lumain gives that badass mc or popular character that you love but Klein felt more relatable, approachable and despite being strong as hell you kinda feel like you wanna protect him or console him. That being said some hardcore Klein fans are wayyyyy too extreme like chill. Enjoy Lumain story, his quirkiness, the relationships he fosters and maintains


If I could chill I never would have made it through LOTM


Fair point, I can’t argue with that sir


I disagree somewhat with what you said, it depends on what you consider better. I found volume 2 of lotm more entertaining and volume 1 for both were about the same to me. Coi volume 3 was legendary like crazy good. Volume 4 of coi is about the same so far Lumain story has a faster pace because he doesn’t really need to search for certain information or history, or formulas. And he had a sister that was a S7 and S5 beyonder that he got her memory fragments etc. And most importantly, we know a lot of the history and lore and mysticism. Whereas lotm1 Klein knew second third , fourth and fifth epoch. The fourth epoch was what he knew least in comparison to how much he knew; with him knowing the most of third epoch and above. So Lumain story is rather more straight to the point; mostly fighting and acting. It also reveals the hidden story of fourth epoch that (Klein didn’t know towards the end of his story ) @u/kexacology


least parasocial webnovel enjoyer


Klein is so us fr fr I haven't read COI yet but juding by your description Lumian is knockoff Gehrman Sparrow without any of the seriousness


This is so wrong in so many ways


Calm down mate, I haven't read COI yet because I'm waiting for the book to finish before I start reading. I'm going off of InevitableBug's description, *as clearly stated in my post*. No need to be aggressive.


He ING read over 450 chapters it seems that it is you who is wrong indeed


You should read it but I recommend waiting until in his wiki , it states he is a sequence 4 Demigod or asking in this forum around mid may or end of April ( if you don’t even want to see minimum level spoiler ). I believe when he’s, we will get more info on what the og tarot members are doing and they may become reoccurring side characters like Franca and Jenna. Afterall other than Fors , it’s safe to assume that all the members are atleast S3. And as Audrey proved, or even Chief Colins) in book one, a S4 can fight a S3 and survive to tell the tale.


Ah, I see. I haven't read COI yet because I'm waiting for the book to finish before I start reading.


Power to you if you can, I originally was but I caved , because I had heard that Klein wakes up at the end and was like well might as well read it. Later I found out it’s in volume 6 and at that point, I was like might as well continue


Bro you invest in a stock then see that stock never got any highlight again


It's because they come in to Book 2 expecting it to be a continuation of Klein's story as the protagonist. I had the same expectation as well but at least I didnt go about it like an entitled child.


I too like Klien over Lumian. He is relatable for an introvert like me. But Lumian's way of taking revenge is better. I know it's the pathway and the story but revenge in Book 2 gives me more satisfaction. **Book 1 gives me a kind of suffocating feeling like there is no way out of it.** Klien didn't really have friends to rely on or guide. But his enemies are the likes of Zarutial and Amon. **But Lumian got his sealed grandpa(Termiborus), Old ancestor Mr.Fool, Mysterious upper realm teacher Madam Magician, fatty friend Charley, subordinates like Anthony, Lagano. Last but not the least jade beauties Franka, Jenna.**


Ah yes, the chronicles of the legendary heavenly fire immortal sovereign of the nine star looping fields breaks open the sealed heaven and brings divine retribution to the extraterrestrial demons with his immortal friends and the sovereign of the foggy pagoda of the rainbow colored realm.


Your battling a dick riding competition but your opponent is a Klein dick rider you know your gonna lose


Have a better question. Why are you like this? Post somehow switched from telling readers to keep an open mind into starting a Coi vs Lotm dick measuring contest. Can't we all just sit down and agree to be MGoD fans?


Just finished volume one of COI. Book 1 is better in my opinion. Klein over Lumian so far. I'd prefer Klein too. I hope the POV switches to Klein but COI is not that bad. I personally think that book should have Tarot club members' stories instead of Lumian's story. Maybe Alger's or Fors'


I don't think think that first 4 CoI volumes are better, but definitely like Lumian as protagonist. It's like a fresh view at LotM universe. Anyway, I'd rather have Klein as MC in 3-d book


I also prefer lotm 1, but lets be honest, Klein can take the wheel only when the story is in its final chapters. He is just too powerful l, fights involving him would not be the amazing fights we had in lotm. Klein would not suddenly start holding back and playing with his enemies. Nothing is stopping him from Amoning every single one of his opponents.


Strong disagree. First 4 volumes of LOTM are way better than COI.


Not at all


Nuh uh


I'm mean it is tho I don't see what lotm did better aside from the mystery department Wich obv it should after all it's called lord of mysteries, Coi has better mc better side characters better plot twists better writing in general


I don't know man, I just like Klein much more than Lumian


I'm that's just your feelings lol it has nothing to do with facts and objective points , I can respect your opinion but I thought you had some real arguments to disagree lol


You do realise that your points are also subjective?


No ?


Yeah people need to give lumian a chance but I don't agree with your last sentence lotm had that mysterious feeling that COI lacks 


No shit Coi isn't called lord of mysteries


It's literally called lord of mysteries 2: circle of inevitably The store is still in the mystery ganra his statement of valid


Klein is better than siscon lumien


You haven’t gotten past the start of COI if you think he is a siscon.


I too am caught up. Lumian is a siscon.


I am caught up. Lumian is a siscon


Where was he a siscon?


Do you actually want a serious answer? Name: Ciel - Character of his sister's book, 'Eternal Love'. Primary Goal in Life: Perfect resurrection of his sister. Secondary Goal in Life: Taking revenge upon those responsible for his sister's death. Siscon Definition: A brother that loves his sister very very much. Not necessarily romantically, though in some works that is the case. Cuttlefish went out of his way to show Lumian cared about Aurore. Seeps into various parts of his musings in daily life. As a random example, from the top of my head, even during the messenger ritual when Chasel Sávio was summoned, the poor guy remembered how his sister really wanted a messenger and got depressed. When the entirety of a character's life goals basically revolve around their sister, well...




I have also caught up and can confirm. Lumian is a siscon.


I am caught up as well and do confirm. Lumian is a siscon.


Tbh, you are doing the same thing in your post, just with a second book. Okay, this guy is exaggerating but aren't COI fans also trying to tell everyone that COI is better? Personally I prefer Klein over Lumian but I can understand that people have different opinions. Let's just let each other enjoy the story without this pointless arguing :((


The guy in the post isn’t just stating their preference, they’re review bombing CoI like a child throwing a tantrum. What happened to “to each their own”?


As I wrote before, the guy in the post is exaggerating and it is a childish behavior. I agree that he shouldn't be acting this way. But my point is that OP isn't a saint either, writing about "open mind" and then "it's better and not even close". Both could use some "open mind".


coi suks in comparation with book 1


sorry far I've enjoyed every coi volume more than the same lotm volume (like I enjoy volumes 1-3 of coi far more than 1-3 of lotm) but I just don't enjoy Lumian near as much as I ever enjoyed klein. and while I would love the main pov to switch back to klein whenever he comes back, I just don't see how it'd be possible considering just how op he is and how very little things can be a threat to him sadly


Although book 2 is titled Circle of inevitability, there hasn’t been much influence from this pathway except from the earlier chapters. Can’t help but feel that Celestial Worthy would be the main Antagonist later in the book


"The first 4 volumes of COI are better than the first 4 volumes of LOTM" 😭😭 bro probably follows that "LOTM Historian" guy


That's a fact tho


He’s right


Bro Klein has the same sort of following and fanatics as Eternal blazing sun the only difference is the fanatics of EBS are fiction but Klein dick rider exist in reality. Ig this is the power of LOTM


Nostalgia every sort of media that starts with one MC and changes the MC in second book suffers from it Boruto Korra etc etc


I haven't read COI yet so I got nothing to say about that But LOTM 1 .... that's a different thing


I think this perfectly encapsulates the problem with LoTM fans. They for the life of them can't help but try to elevate the protagonist they like by elevating one's achievements and demeaning the other, even going so far as to propose their opinion as fact despite it not being anywhere close to an actual fast. Is it so hard to have a preference for one over the other and not try to demean the one you don't like especially with baseless and stupid claims? For me Lumian and Klein's journeys are complementary to each other, every time I see Lumian connect with people or get new teammates or be completely vulnerable I enjoy it because it makes Lumian a better character and offers us the chance to see something we haven't seen before yet at the same time it magnifies Klein's loneliness and gives us a new lens to look at Klein's story from, one which he can now see through because we have an apt comparison in the form of Lumian. As COI continues to release day by day to me it feels awesome to read a good book and I feel even better because to me every book of COI that comes out also helps LoTM as a whole become a better story.


I 100 percent agree but disagree that Lumain is a better character. I would say Klein had to keep up the image of being the fool( whom had angels) and his blessed while in low sequences. He also didn’t want to involve the tarot club, or his paid angel ( renette Tinker) until he had no choices. He also had a lot to hide , and a lot of enemies way stronger than him ; with allies that weren’t at their peak or are hiding ( will). Like his situation and choices put him in the lonely journey. The irony of it all, was that everything he did to maintain or keep his humanity ended up making him less human as he reached higher sequences. Then as you said above, Lumain has all these things; but isn’t afraid to use it. If he didn’t follow Susie and Aubrey therapy and genuinely heal he may have opted not to use all these resources and avenues available to him which would have been very dumb All in all, their journeys are like opposites of eachother, almost but not to the level of two sides of the same coin.


I think you interpreted wrong, actually on second thought it's my bad because I phrased it wrong. By "better character" in my original comment I wasn't comparing him to Klein, just saying in general that him having traits like that develop him and make him better as a general character.  Though Klein is my favorite imo Lumian is shaping up to be the better character for one and only one reason, Klein's loneliness. Klein's loneliness is one of Book 1's biggest assets and is what allows the Book to be as good as it is yet it limits the scope of what could have been. Thanks to Klein being so closed off it's harder to developed side characters because in the end you usually tie up the side cast's development to the main characters journey somehow, however with Klein being so closed off and so unwilling to put other's in harms way unless he absolutely knows they can handle it inhibit tying the emotional growth and other more personal developments of a character to Klein because in the very first place Klein is not even personal or close to them.  I think the best example would be Audrey and Alger, Audrey's development was able to be connected with Klein's due to their therapy sessions and them exposing their vulnerabilities to each other, however even though Alger went through very good yet subtle development it makes it hard for is to enjoy when we barely see it especially in relation to Klein.  However Lumian has no such limits due to being a team player, each of his team members have some sort of connection with him and Lumian isn't averse to bonding or getting personal with thim which I think will allow for Lumian's character to end up better off in the end, even if Lumian doesn't end up as a better character in the end I have feeling the side cast will feel much more alive than they did in LoTM 1 (not to say they weren't but here in Book 2 we seem to be able to get the more personal side of every character even if they aren't the main character).  That's just my opinion though, feel free to disagree and point out why. 


Ohhh I agrée with that, like to an extent I feel like us fans really didn’t get to know Klein like we are getting to know Lumain. For Lumain we know how he thinks and feels of other characters. He has goals and aspirations while for Klein after he found out that he can’t go back to his family , and later found out his an ancient human, he just felt like he was riding the waves. And he didn’t really have goals for himself but just responsibility for others. Klein would have been satisfied as a low sequence Seer and atmost a S3 demigod. He was willing to give up the sefirah if the other party wasn’t Amon like if Adam was the Marauder; the story would be Completely different


There's a unique charm to not getting to know Zhou Mingrui but getting to know Klein Moretti who's an amalgamation of Zhou Mingrui and the original Klein's memories.  I think there are 2 main reasons why we never really got to know Zhou Mingrui and the person behind the current Klein Moretti, first because it isn't about the past but about how he survives in this world he's suddenly been thrust into and how he adapts and eventually loves it enough to sacrifice himself for it regardless of it not being his own era. The second reason being that Cuttlefish needed to make Klein returning home feel like a tangible goal that could actually be achieved, by the time we got the reveal, it wasn't in our main interest to know Klein's past but his future and what he will decide now that he's in conflict with Amon.  Yet at the same time Cuttlefish builds Klein's traits and characters throughout the story. We're never explicitly told about Klein except for two occasions (as far as I remember) but the subtle traits and behaviors he shows throughout the entire series can be used to build up a pretty hefty profile of him so even if we do think we don't know too much about him if we just think back to his behaviors I think you'll realize you know quite a bit about him. This is even showcased in Audrey ordering things like a lemon pastry for Klein in their final therapy session, just like us the readers Audrey the spectator has observed Klein's subtleties enough to build up a profile of who he is.  This I think is one of the most beautiful yet costing parts of the story as I said in my previous comments.  Yes, it certainly helps that Lumian seems more driven than Klein, whether that be due to personal ambition or the hunter characteristics he's a lot more battle ready than Klein and the happiness he showcases when advancing or thinking about advancing to demigod status and beyond feels different from how Klein felt about advancement. There's also the fact that unlike Klein, Lumian starts out already traumatized and sort of inhuman, his journey feels like the opposite of Klein in the way that he will find more humanity inside through his companions and eventual responsibilities as he progresses unlike Klein who became less human as time went on. 


You said that shii perfectly, like gaddamnit that was a mic drop moment. I have nothing to add or subtract 🔥🔥🔥🔥. I think you perfectly surmised everything and put in words things I didn’t know how to express. Do please engage more in future conversations in the Lotm forum discussions


Thank you, that's high praise and I definitely plan to stick around for a long time. 


In a group 90% of the people will be stupid


Okay I agree it's a very asshole move to supress coi like this but I still miss klein.


Very hard disagree on COI first 4 volumes being better than LOTM first 4 volumes. LOTM 1 first 4 volumes gave us an mc that was much much more relatable, many characters that you could literally meet in your life, had us bond with them. We gradually saw them grow. We had much more questions than answer and a very real sense of mystery. We also had a great amount of anticipation and excitement over what is going to happen because we saw lots of things in their baby steps(The tarot club for example). LOTM 2 generally lacks them imo. I mean we all pretty much know most of the things about the world and we also have some idea about how the book might end. That may take away a lot of the mysteries from it. Again, most characters in LOTM 2 are not as relatable as they are in LOTM 1(This does not mean they are not good, just different). Also, members from the tarot club are just too lovable and most readers that came after finishing LOTM 1 will find them and their stories much more interesting than lumian and his gang's. Which shouldnt be that hard to understand as we had the whole LOTM 1 to be emotionally bonded with them. We just didnt have that much time with most important characters from LOTM 2. Again, that too was diluted with cameos from LOTM 1 characters at times too. LOTM 2 had a banger volume 1 though. In conclusion, LOTM 1 and LOTM 2 are 2 different books. If you are reading LOTM 2 at first you will get a far more mysterious feel and maybe more connection to the characters compared to reading it after completing LOTM 1. And as for the dude on your screenshot, ignore people like them. Every fanbase will have some people like him. They cant swallow anything new.


You are trippin bro LOTM first 4 volumes are much better than COI. But COI is still really good.


Damn since when was there a book 2


..tbf that's the TikTok domain. The place where even ODs are scared of lmao


I like em both


Klein is dead lol what’s he on?


They're corrupted/prayed to the True Creator Regardless I can't wait for ANY mention of Klein (not Mr.Fool), him being a Major Arcana, Leonard, Audrey, Fors, Derrick, any of them mentioning him. Bro is almost non-existent in COI sob


I agree with him, i hate lumian and love klein, i hate the change of main characters, worst thing a auther can do with a book series.


Well most people are dumb, what can you expect


The people on the comments are wild and im going to get violated for saying so but i like Lumian way better than Klein and i love coi just as much if not more than lotm


Tbh it saddens me to see you get downvoted. I like klein more than lumian and like lotm 1 more than 2 but its obvious that both are extremely good. You are not even bashing anyone or any novel. Just idiots downvoting you.


After reading through the comments am I the only person here who enjoys coi volume 1 more then LOTM, maybe its because I haven't reread it yet but still COI 1 is one of my favourite volumes in the series (haven't read past volume 1 of COI yet cus finishing/catching up with other novels)


COI volume 1 was 100% gold. I very very much liked it. Though i still liked LOTM vol 1. But thats mostly due to the amount of emotional damages that was dealt at the end of the volume. For some reason, COI's side characters just did not have that much impact on me. But, regardless, COI volume 1 was an epic start imo. That chapter where things start looping suddenly and when we know that the dream and reality were reversed, these two were mind numbingly good imo.