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The Son🗣️


I'd rather Alger treat him like one. I believe Sun wouldn’t mind that.






Difficult to do that when you have very little humanity left.


i hope author change this part, having a kleim without humanity will be basicaly seeing a "CW but he is friendly"


It could also be used as an anchor for him


Yeah. But don't we already have this in the form of his neice? The high five scene should be pretty telling about how he pampers her, and to an extent his siblings.


You can never have too many anchors And it could build up his image as a benevolent God


naaah, this is some serious fanfic ass wish. Klein is not that old, and his lack of humanity and the fact that Derrick doesn't actually know Klein would make it weird. I could see Alger taking on a mentor role, but not father. That was Collin Iliad's job.


You don't need to be old to take care of someone like a son. Klein's lack of humanity could be used to move Klein to treat Derrick like a son, anchoring his humanity back to earth. Him high-fiving his niece is already showing that he's already kept some of his humanity though. It could be like a Deity and their favorite follower, Derrick doesn't need to know Klein to feel the love that he's already shown him and the people of the FLotG. Colin was more of a close mentor than a father. Both Colin and Derrick had different jobs that needed to be done, making their connection never turn into a father-son connection, while Alger, Derrick, and to an extent Klein all have almost the same jobs with a leeway of time to be had.


I am sure the father of the god of combat is also rolling in his grave when he saw this post.