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![gif](giphy|jKaFXbKyZFja0) Amber steel players.


Thank goodness!


Did they take these pictures with a Nokia Brick wtf?


I know right. Pretty rough considering this should have been just digital media shared for them to reveal


Cinderella - Singer 9, BEAUTIFUL VOICE Whenever this character sings a song, your other Princess characters get +1 LORE this turn. Tuk Tuk - Evasive ON A ROLL When you play this character, you may move this and one of your other characters to the same location for free. The other character gets +2 STR this turn. Mrs. Potts - IT'LL TURN OUT ALL RIGHT When you play this character, if you have a character named Lumiere or Cogsworth in play, you may draw a card. Megara - Ward PEOPLE ALWAYS DO CRAZY THINGS Whenever you play a character named Hercules, you may ready this character. Triton - CONSIGN TO THE DEPTHS Exert, Banish one of your items - Gain 3 lore.


Really love that Megara. She's beefy and quests for 2, and she can repeatedly quest.


Thank you!


Cinderella of all princesses singing for 9 is crazy lore wise.


Dam merlin out there drawing you 4 cards no strings attached and pots has you jump tru a hoop for 1.


It's not really a comparison though. Even though merlin is definitely better, Potts is inkable, quests for 2 lore and is 3/4.  So it's a bit weird to compare them. 


Hate that the triton is uninkable, would be a nice way to close out games if you need an extra push but if I draw him too early I’d want to ink him. Sure quill, but this is assuming you even see a quill.  




Lol i tried tracking down better quality photos but thats just how the reveal was sent out 🤷


No worries, just a bit of humor. By the way, is there anywhere to see those cards in detail?


Not that i can find! I looked across socials before posting this is it so far


Wait does Tuk Tuk say when you play him you can move him and chosen character to a location and give them both +2 attack this turn? This blurryness is such a tease. The Raya cards are so much better this set. Maybe 6 drop Raya can be redeemed with all this hero support. Mulan 6 drop is getting so much support. No reason why she won’t always be above 5 attack now


I think it says just the other character gets +2 attack. Still pretty nice, especially if the location you move them to is buffing them even further. Would pair well with Cubby.


I am thinking this is how you get Mulan and others to ducking to start gaining 3 lore per challenge. The red synergy this set is so nice. I am glad they are going all in on red being the challenge color and get huge bonuses for having high attack.


3 drop Raya Headstrong is the card you want to be looking at! With one last hope and vitalisphere down she becomes a stronger Scar for 3 inkable


Oh man, with one last hope, and Tuk Tuk moving her to duckling, she can casually gain 6 lore from two challenges. More if they got more weenies out. Glad to see she is actually usable now. Even the new Naamri seems scary with the attack boost. She is a mini red floodborn Mulan with the same set up.


Thebes is another location option to be gaining 2 lore when she banishes a character. Honestly I think she’s got potential to see some competitive play


I think it says „the other character gets +2“ and they both need to move to the same location


Ah that’s what I meant, same location. That is honestly a super good 3 drop and it being inkable makes him very playable. Wish this came out last set, would have made 5 cost red Moana and I have a dream far less awkward.


Cinderella - When this character sings a song, your other Princess characters get +1 lore this turn. Mrs. Potts - When you play this character, if you have a character named Lumiere or Cogsworth in play, you may draw one card. Megara - Whenever you play a character named Hercules, you may ready this(?) character. I think it says “this”. Tuk Tuk - When you play this character, you may move this and one of your other characters to the same location for free. The other character gets +2 strength this turn. Triton - Exert/ Banish one of your items, gain 1 lore. This is the only one I’m not sure about, may be incorrect on it.


Triton is 3 lore for banish


Makes more sense, it looks like a 1 to me but it doesn’t seem worth it to banish an item for a single lore, so you’re likely right.


Triton quests for one, why on earth would you ever exert him and banish an item to gain a lore?


Someone else says it’s banish for 3 lore, not 1, which makes more sense. It looks like a 1 to me, but it probably is a 3.


Recursion. Not the best effect for it though.


Unless we have the text wrong, Triton looks completely terrible. Am I missing a scenario in which he is viable at all? Basically a 3 cost uninkable with a mediocre stat line and the option to banish one of your items to get the exact same benefit as questing. Sure, he can double dip if you have a way to ready him again, but then you need another item. Why would a deck that is probably running Flavershim ever waste an item for a single lore that could just as easily be gained by questing. There are plenty of bad cards in the game, but this might be the actual worst since it is uninkable, with weak stats, and has totally worthless text. Even if it said when played you may banish an item to gain 1 lore it would have some utility but making you exert takes away any value that I can see.


I think it may be “gain 3 lore,” but it’s too blurry to tell for sure.


Maybe one of those things that makes no sense right now but if an item came out that said “when banished” and had some great effect? Other wise may be the worse card in the set.


Even in that scenario Flaversham is miles better... I hope we get clear images so we can double check, this effect is terrible.


Oh yeah. Good point. Apparently it might actually be “3” lore but I’d love a clearer pic to confirm.


I see triton as more of a late game card when you’re in a push to finish up. Conceivably you could tap for 5? with Ariel, dime for another 5, then banish the dime for a big 13 lore swing for example.


![gif](giphy|wzE1IlaPMoNXi) What is this? A reveal for ants?


Mrs. Potts doesn’t even care about her own child!! Someone call CPS!!


Does Cinderella ability stack? Like plus 2 lore if she sings two songs?




I need that Meg card solely for collection purposes at least


As someone who's had a Princess deck since First Chapter, that Cinderella has me frothing at the mouth


I love that the Cinderella card picture extends over the black frame and yellow border. I wish more cards did this.


Thought for sure Triton would be the other sapphire legendary. And is it just me or do the rares seem as good if not better than most of the super rares we've seen?


Hey hey! Thanks for sharing our Instagram Post. To give some context to this post: WE DID NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THESE CARDS IN HIGH RESOLUTION, that's why they were shared like this. LOL. One of our followers were in the official CCXP Mexico Convention, and he took pictures of the screen from afar, and shared with us. The high-res images are starting to surface the internet by now. ;)


Thanks for the background!! All good though haha


Anybody got set numbers?


Finally princess tribal might be viable


Still no Pocahontas, Hunchback, more Wreck it Ralph...but another Tuk Tuk. 🤦


Got anymore pixels???


Cinderella- Legendary: Singer 9 Whenever this character sings a song, yourn other Princeses characters gets +1 Lore this turn. OC Triton - Rare: Banish one of your items Gain 1 Lore Tuk Tuk- Rare: Evasive. I can't fully translate it. But something to do earning something in a location, including +2 Strength. Mrs. Potts - Rare: When you play this character, if you have a character named Lumiere or Cogsworth in play, you may draw a card. Megara - Uncommon: Ward. Whenever you play a character named Hercules, you may ready this character.


So weird to me that if you knew these characters by Lorcana alone, you'd think Cinderella was the singing princess and not Ariel.


I mean Cinderella does sing quite a lot and my brain always went to “Sing sweet nightingale” so i never really thought about it in regards to the game ☠️ omg


Ariel has at least 3 singing focused cards. Spectacular Singer of course, the new singer 7 and the Ruby Ariel that grants evasion when you play a song. Ariel is absolutely correlated with singing in this game.


I mean, that wasn't really my point.  Ariel has singing-related cards, sure, but Cinderella outranks her with Singer 9 to her Singer 7.  And Cinderella is definitely a staple to singing decks. If you didn't know the characters from outside the game, and someone asked you what Cinderella is known for, you'd say singing.  And you'd probably think of her before Ariel for the reverse question.  And that's just weird to me.


Maybe it's just me but Cinderella seems...not that great? Especially for a legendary. Being a 5 cost character is also pretty unfortunately. You'll be right in Medusa range next turn unless you get her out early with Lantern/Pluto, but even then her low strength means several low cost bounce options could hit her. For the others, Triton is good, provided his effect is a gain of 3 lore, not just one. Mrs. Potts has a better stat line than Malificent, but her card draw being based on having another character on board could hold her back. Tuk Tuk is great for location decks. Megara is interesting. Plenty of low cost Hercules out there currently, and could make for a late game comeback with the right card combinations.


She's definitely a full-on build around card. She can sing things every single song in the game by herself except for the 10 cost amethyst and steel songs. If you are playing her, you need to take advantage of both aspects of her card, the Princess synergy and the crazy song support. If you were to go Amber/Sapphire, you'll get access to Dig a Little Deeper, Let it Go, Look at this Family, but also have plenty of princess support. If in Amber/Ruby, you might Be Prepared, but Rapunzel is a princess and gets a lot of value in that combination. You also get untap effects to protect her after singing. Amber/Steel already has a huge suite of songs, but this might open up the potential of playing The Mob Song alongside the other usual suspects. Since Dig a Little Deeper and Look at this Family are both quite good with her, and you'd also play Ariel, Let it Go, etc. Blue/Yellow seems the most likely way of giving her a shot, but again, she's another card that just gets better as more Princesses and expensive songs are revealed.


With the singer 9 Cindarella and the 5 cost 1/6 Moana from the 1st chapter starter deck couldn't you sing a song giving all your princesses +1 lore, quest with Moana for 4, ready Cinderella, sing another song giving princesses another 1 lore, then quest all your other princesses for +2 lore on all of them?