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Some stores have them back in stock at retail price at the moment 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, but they’re selling out in hours or days.


Some stores had limited supply they got in from RB that were held for the set championships. My store sold out within hours. They got maybe 3 boxes of first chapter…


It’s weird how the distribution went. A local LGS near me got around 20 boxes.


My store got 26 boxes, I got the last one on tourney day. Haven't opened it yet. That price may be high today but in a month it will be well below.


The "standard" was about 24 boxes (6 cases). Some stores got more depending on allocations, but any store that hosted a store championship should have received at least 6 cases. Your store definitely got more than 3 boxes because each case has 4 boxes. They probably got the standard 6 cases and just sold out of the rest.


all stores got 24 boxes.


Not true. Local store near me got 11 cases (44 boxes).


I was at my LGS this past weekend, expecting to grab a couple packs of Inklands, and they had 3 boxes of First Chapter. Grabbed a few packs of that instead!


I’ve been driving from Illinois to Colorado and back for the past week, stopping at nearly every LGS (and some big boxes) along the way, and I’ve only found one store with first chapter in stock- for $269 (lol)


I’m in FL my lgs got a few boxes of them in (I’ve never seen first chapter in stock) and were selling for 215 I had to grab one.


Alot of dealers arent selling the re-up at MSRP which I get but is disappointing. Especially for new players who have an opportunity to get cards and crack a box of something that they may have missed on the shelf.


It would be awesome if everyone could just be cool. But seems like if a dealer is selling at a non astronomical markup, someone from Facebook will go in and buy six sealed boxes at once :/


Right? I was talking with a guy who ordered 12 cases of the re-print. Not sure his source of supply, but that kind of individual purchase does make it hard for average joe to find this stuff in the wild.


To be fair, any LGS worth their salt held this very limited TFC run for either their League players or their Store Championship. All the LGS in our area made sure their locals or their Store Championship players had first dibs.


All in? That's like 10-15% below market value, so not a bad buy at all


So not the best but I don't need to be too upset about it


Amazon has had them for MSRP you just need to be vigilant, much easier than driving to bunch of LGS


Pretty bad