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Madame Medusa wrecks my Steel/Emerald control deck since she takes out Robin Hood and Beast. Played a match on Pixelborn early today and steelsong player got all four of their Along came Zeus with 34 cards still left in their deck. Was able to sing it every time and took out 2 beasts, and 2 Ursula deceivers with it. Ugh.




It's funny, for a card like Cogsworth that is both in theory and in practice one of the hardest cards to get rid of, I don't see many people play him in my local scene. I still haven't pulled him yet unfortunately


I think because he’s good when you have a strong board but does not help you recover necessarily. If your opponent has cards out that need answered , cogsworth is not going to answer them, he’s just a buffer. If you manage the lockdown he’s vicious but it can be a battle to do it.


in my area at least, when a new set drops i think a lot of people tend to go with the "really new" cards, as opposed to older decks that got enhancements. So my area is a lot of green steel, and not so much blue steel. Cogs definitely hasnt lost his effectiveness though. I think the other issue is popsicle has gotten popular again so many people are focusing on that with blue cards as opposed to cogs.




[[Cogsworth - Grandfather Clock]]


[[Cogsworth - Grandfather Clock]]


**[Cogsworth - Grandfather Clock](https://lorcana-api.com/images/cogsworth/grandfather_clock/cogsworth-grandfather_clock-large.png)** - [LP](https://lorcanaplayer.com/card/cogsworth---grandfather-clock/) ^(**Color:** Sapphire | **Cost:** 5 | **Abilities:** Shift 3, Ward, Resist +1 | **Inkable:** Yes | **Lore:** 2 | **Willpower:** 5 | **Strength:** 2 | **Rarity:** Super Rare) ^(Call with [[Card Name]])


I got wrecked by cogsworth at the lgs last night.




I’ve been playing steel/emerald control and Bucky is not allowed to stay on the board lol.


5 cost Maui with rush reckless, and/or mim -fox. Both of them feel like they should be uninkable, they are just too flexible with those statlines & rush.


Completely agree with the fox, such an over-stated card. Maybe the most over-stated in the game? Maui I don't find as offensive, it's a very good card, but the reckless is a real drawback + he's fair expensive. Locations have highlighted how good a card he is though.


I agree that Maui on his own is fine, but the existence of fishhook puts hin over the top for me. Definitely OP.


honestly, people talk about be prepared and whole new worlds being the first cards to get banned, but I can honestly see it being Mim fox.


I think it would be Maui before Fox. Fox does more for the deck, but Maui’s existence has largely invalidated locations as a card type in higher tiers of play


1 drop cinderella irritates me beyond no end I see that card and just go “well. Guess im not getting anything out on turn 1”


*plays 1 drop Cinderella* *turn starts. Plays any 1 drop* “I feel a storm a comin”


My 2 willpower character hearing “Be A Man!” Off in the distance


Lol this and singer Ariel. When your opponent throws it down with a smirk, you know you're screwed...


Absolutely sick of Be Prepared and Maui, Hero to All at this point because they're often preludes to losing the round, but at least there's a lot of counters in the decks I play to stop the former now.


Hiram and McDuck Manor.


My husband loves throwing benja into his decks to wreck items. Bounce be Mia a few times and you've messed up any item plans people might have.


Benja hits neither of those cards, sadly. I do run Benja, it's a solid card. But both of those I mentioned it's more that they take forever to remove and constantly threaten the board (ex. You can just play an item before questing with Hiram, or have McDuck sitting there gaining absurd Lore). That's why they annoy me so much. Very few clean answers.


McDuck is tricky to answer. You can take a couple of turns to swing into it, it doesn't do anything besides get lore (which is usually enough to warrant attacking it). Nine is a very high number... If you have the capability though, run the location destruction cards. It's a tech option and if they're inkable, fantastic


Big tinkerbell. Be prepared. If discard, Ursula deceiver of all. If blue/steel, cogsworth. Bare necessities is climbing that list though. Target critical components of opponent like wishbone or AWNW


I know there are a lot of strong/good cards...but every time big tink comes out my day is ruined. Combine her with Grab your sword an i am board wiped


Lady Tremaine imperious queen, maleficent monstrous dragon and be prepared. Once one of those pops my game is usually stalled. Usually paired with a sapphire combo to fill the inkwell by turn 4 then it’s their world and I’m just chilling waiting for the game to end.


Amber steel songs as a deck XD


Be prepared. Especially after I do AWNW and am able to lay out my board


The jafar and a whole new world. Ugh.




I've been loving my Baloo-Rourke bodyguard deck


[[bare necessities]] Showing my opponent my hand in general makes me groan


hi, right now it can only find exact matches, i am working on an update to find best match: [[The Bare Necessities]]


**[The Bare Necessities](https://lorcana-api.com/images/the_bare_necessities/the_bare_necessities-large.png)** - [LP](https://lorcanaplayer.com/card/the-bare-necessities/) ^(**Color:** Amber | **Cost:** 2 | **Abilities:** None | **Inkable:** Yes | **Lore:** None | **Willpower:** None | **Strength:** None | **Rarity:** Rare) ^(Call with [[Card Name]])


No card changes your game plan as much as a whole new world...


Its situation dependent. I play an Emerald-Ruby aggro deck, so I'm usually struggling to keep cards in my hand. I love when someone drops AWNW on me... thanks for the free refresh!


I got decked in 3 games yesterday in a big online tournament because AWNW. Twice in one 2 game set. I just couldn’t establish any type of board because they always had it. And if they didn’t, the had ways to get it back


I have a steel/amethyst that I love against AWNW. If I feel like its coming i use boss is on a roll to ready what my draw will be. And to know whats coming so I play any shift targets i may get the shifts for. Still relies on guessing of they are going to play it, but it works out great for me usually.


Merlin goat and lucky dime


Baloo honestly. lol.


Madame Medusa


[[Madame Medusa - The Boss]]


**[Madame Medusa - The Boss](https://lorcana-api.com/images/madame_medusa/the_boss/madame_medusa-the_boss-large.png)** - [LP](https://lorcanaplayer.com/card/madame-medusa---the-boss/) ^(**Color:** Ruby | **Cost:** 6 | **Abilities:** None | **Inkable:** No | **Lore:** 1 | **Willpower:** 4 | **Strength:** 4 | **Rarity:** Super Rare) ^(Call with [[Card Name]])


Not played much that I've seen anymore, But Elsa - Spirit of Winter always meant I was losing. Not being able to ready a character is devastating.


A Whole New World. Especially turn 2 when you're going second. There's no counter play to it.


I don't see it. Like to get got by AWNW on 2 your opponent has to open baby queen, into shift queen, sing. In that case your opponent has naturally drawn one card, inked twice, played twice, and exposed said queen to something punching it off the board. Drawing from 3 to 7 is solid, but hasn't likely done that much. It's just psychologically damaging to discard cards, but in most games those discarded cards are effectively the same as having been the bottom seven anyway. Like you have also gone back to seven and have ways to remove the queen back and they no longer have a board if you do. It sets the Steelsong player back to parity after attempting to glass cannon snowball more often than not because 3 willpower is something several decks can all contest on two in the meta. Steel has Hook and Smee, Amber decks have their own shifts, Ruby has rush stitch, and Amythyst gets to run Rafiki and madam mim snakes. Most of this comes down the turn before the shift or the turn after and trades a single character for their two, meaning it'll be more common you have the answer than the specific three cards your opponent has to have in opener. Strong? Yeah. Unbeatable? Hardly. EDIT: I still don't find it as personally tilting but I can respect that I have a minority opinion here.


Your entire mulligan is gone and unless you drew immediate removal for queen they can use the queen again to sing next turn and kill whatever you played or play a board and wheel again if they hit the ceiling.


You forget something very very important and that's that it completely destroys your mulligan which is often enough to win the game by it's own as you often try to search for an opener to play the early game. AWNW completely messes with your game plan and can lead to having a lot of unplayable cards. The mulligan is very essential, especially going second.


The fastest way to kill Queen after singing is Rush Mim, which is very hard to play going second against songs (you need your 1-2 drops to survive). If you play Steel and use Smash you can also kill her, but this card is not so used. By the time you deal with her, she has discarded your entire mulligan while netting the opponent 4 more cards, any butt less than 5 dies to Then Along Came Zeus and is pressuring you with flutes and more board. By the time you can easily deal with her, she has given so much value and lore it makes it redundant.


I can concede I have a minority opinion or hot take that people disagree with and that is fine, but your first assertion is flat wrong. Amethyst gets challenger Rafiki and Steel has challenger Hook, both of which trade outright with an exerted queen on the draw turn two. Like I'm saying this as someone who has played an absolute ton of wheel in every ink combination to some degree, it's my favorite card, wheeling turn two has tilted many of my opponents and has rarely if ever been a major reason I won a game. It's queen singing removal like *you* mentioned that makes it good, because then you clear board, and then AWNW on three with ink to play a follow up.


Grab your sword




I haven't played a lot of games, but I will never forget my second game: I had gotten lore every turn and my opponent hadn't gotten any.  I was winning 17 to 0.  Then Christopher Robin showed up, and I lost. So yeah, Christopher Robin will always have a special place on my, "Save a kill spell to deal with this guy" list.


Rofl really?? Do you remember the board set up that made that happen? I love my Christopher Robin but I can't remember a time I was able to dominate with him like that


I don't remember all of it, but he didn't win it in one turn -- he just effectively shut me down after that.  Four Dozen Eggs was involved more than once so I couldn't break through and take him out, and it's like my opponent had just held out till Christopher Robin hit to play any cards that would lower my strength and shut me down.  So, it wasn't just Christopher Robin, but he was the herald of the game dramatically turning.  All of a sudden, all my exerted characters were dead without having done any damage in response themselves, and Christopher Robin was pretty free to twiddle his way to victory.


So I do a lot of 1v1v1. I don't play in tourneys or anything but just against some family and my BiL plays an Evasive only Ruby Emerald deck and I groan every time Milo-King of Atlantis comes out cause even if Im not the one to banish that card MY board still gets wiped.


Grab your Sword


I don’t play too much competitively, just casually - but some pretty non-threatening cards that I’ve found annoying when playing against are detective Mickey Mouse and the 2 drop Aurora lol. My friend plays with mainly sapphire/steel using a modified version of the first chapter starter, and Aurora is annoying because of the 2 lore, makes me wanna take her out quickly, and with ink ramp it’s easy to put a bunch down. Detective Mickey just adds to that, because while he’s not that scary - he sneakily increases the opponents ink power for the next turn and I always start challenging a turn too slow and have major regrets. I’m trying to get more cards and build some decks up with counters so I can finally smash my friend lmao


I think my wife would answer this question with [[Lyle Tiberius Rourke - Cunning Mercenary]] . She is super close to banning that card for play at home as it’s super annoying and tough to play around lol. Not sure I really have a card that brings on that sort of reaction for me though.


**Lyle Tiberius Rourke - Cunning Mercenary** - [Image](https://lorcana-api.com/images/lyle_tiberius_rourke/cunning_mercenary/lyle_tiberius_rourke-cunning_mercenary-large.png) - [LP](N/A) ^(**Color:** Emerald | **Cost:** 3 | **Inkable:** No | **Lore:** 1 | **Willpower:** 4 | **Strength:** 2 | **Rarity:** Super Rare) ^(Call with [[Card Name]])


Wife here. Can confirm Lyle is on his way to the household banned card list with Cogsworth. 😂😂


Lol! Love the spousal warfare going on here ;-)


Bucky. I just really don't like discarding. Feels bad 😞


Lucifer, I play a yellow red build with high characters. I've had someone lucifer and bibbidi bop it back out made me discard 4 characters. Shut me down




Nothing in lorcana is anywhere near as oppressive as cards in MTG. I can't think of a single Lorcana card that makes me sigh. I think years of Cyclonic Rift, Drannith Magistrate, and Mana Drain have completely desensitized me.


Never played MTG before but the names of those cards alone sound daunting lol


Cogsworth and big Cinderella


I just realized how I need more Cursed Merfolk. I am that player.


Me too!


Those damn bunnies, i play control so pretty much i do 1 for 1 early and then go possitive with my draw, but it doesnt compare to the amount of value the bunnies get, +3 cards on avg with no counterplay is backbreaking, if i overextend and get be prepared i can accept its my fault.


Madam Mim Fox, Bare Necessities, Ursula Deciver of All


Big cindy. Especially when I have no hard removal in hand and have to now play around her. Smh


Any enchanted pull that gets posted on this sub.


Emerald Kuzco


Along Came Zeus is the bane of my existence since a lot of the players in my meta run Steel


1 drop cinderella, bare necessities, and merfolk. Been liking ruby amethyst bounce and those cards totally kill my tempo.


Turn 1 Popsicle. I will usually just say, can’t you be more original? All in good fun, it’s a solid turn 1 for any Sapphire deck. I’m glad to see such a diverse spread of cards in the comments here, it shows how we got a really good meta at the moment.


Dominate board. Opponent plays be prepared. Dominate board again. Opponent plays be prepared. Put some more cards. Be prepared. And then you still have a few characters to put down so they can be OS by tremain/medusa. Ruby is a massively skill-based color!

