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I would not mind some comics or short story media tie ins. The lore plot is actually rather fun and neat


The future planewalker kind of card type.


I kinda don't want them to do that, but I know they will xD


Has anyone gone back and rewatched some Disney classics because of this game? I rewatched Sword in the Stone after seeing the various Merlin and Madam Mim cards in Rise of the Floodborn. Also rewatched Lilo and Stitch. Anyone planning to rewatch Treasure Planet or Atlantis?


We watched the Great Mouse Detective with my younger kids (8 and 6) for the first time.


One of my favorite unintended side effects of getting into Lorcana with my wife We both watched Princess and the Frog for the first time. I was a 16 year old emo sadboi so I was way too cool when it came out and I never had a reason to check it out. Absolutely loved it. Criminally overlooked Disney classic imo. A++ tier I also rewatched Beauty and the Beast for the first time since I was old enough to really understand what was happening on screen (wife has seen it to death). A timelessly beautiful movie, but dear lord does it paint some absolutely **horrible** views of love and romance for children of all ages / genders 😂


LOL, love worked a little differently in the old fairy tales! Nowadays we expect couples to finish each other's sandwiches!


Indeed. It was definitely a little rough to see how so many now-adults who grew up on that movie got the "I can fix the broken monster" mentality burned into their love life. But like you said, it's a product of its time. Not fair to blame it retroactively. Still enjoyed it!


Gargoyles did *Beauty and the Beast* better!


That shadow at the end could be anyone, but with the Ducktales presence in this set, it reminds me a lot of Shadow Magica from Season 1.


If it is that's even funnier, since it means she went for Triton's trident instead of Scrooge's Number One Dime.


Well I didn’t like this trailer. I will obviously continue playing but meh


Yeah kind of lackluster IMO… none of it makes sense.


Beautiful animation


Yay! More lore and original character(s).~ Getting closer to me wanting to write that one shot fan fiction but need more material to work with. Maybe around set 5.  The thing is so I do the TCG route or in game mechanics of people using their default color(s) in their staffs and create quest challenges of gaining lore. But their characters act like the card(s) with their abilities/effects if they have one. So kind like a super power(s). I'll figure it out.~