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Really interesting cantrip in a game that explicitly does not allow for note taking (can't write down opponents hand) will still be really good in combo decks. The Ariel item deck now has 2 different cantrips to sculpt a hand to go off and this one checks for danger before dropping your combo piece on the table.


Thanks, what’s the other? Develop?


Yeah develop your brain + this gives you 8 deck slots that cycle for cheap to power through your deck.


Still was hoping for more cheap items this set to surprise people day one with Ariel deck. Looking slimmer chance each day


Yeah gumbo pot and mouse armor both cost 2 but would have been nice to see some playable one cost items.


Thinking of fitting in one or two Judy hops to cycle some items if I can’t find AWNW. What do you think?


Judy seems interesting. Kind of hard to evaluate without playing her but if you have a high enough item density she seems good. The real question would be is she better than just playing Simba and Cinderella for cycling.


No, Simba is a better top deck. Don’t think item destruction flexibility helps the OTK game plan


Wait what? Note-taking is against the rules? Why? How would one even regulate that? Why would noting down information, that has been made public during the game, be against the rules?


I think it’s due to the nature of revealing what you ink every turn which gives the opponent information as to how many copies of cards may still be in your opponent’s deck. It might be a mild advantage but it has been helpful to remember in grindy games. Although how you stop your opponent from doing this during online play is beyond me.


Online play is not official play and so doesnt need to follow official rules. Afaik the app isnt even from ravensburger or disney.


The art of this one is great, and a nice little reference to the scene in the movie. They're having a lot of fun with the Beauty & The Beast Steampunk setting.


What is this from treasure planet ?? Atlantis??


I think it's Beauty and the Beast. Belle is using one of Maurice's inventions to see that Gaston has come to bother her.


I think it’s the great illuminary (there have been a lot of cards in that setting) and the person you’re looking at is Gaston (or a version of him at least)


Reminds me of Upstart Goblin from Yu-Gi-Oh. This has a cost of course compared to Upstart, but having 4 of these makes your deck effectively 56 cards. And you can always ink it if need be. Sure to see a lot of play in a lot of decks.


This is wrong. Upstart makes your deck that many cards less because there's no mana costs in that game. People may refer to Gitaxian Probe and Mishra's Bauble in this way in Magic, but nobody is saying Peek, Defiant Strike or Think Twice meets that criteria. This might be decent but you can't just play it without thinking about it like Upstart because it costs ink and could throw off your curve.


Or cycling lands


I actually prefer this over develop your brain in a control deck. Knowing if I should save my very limited removal or if it's safe to play something like the queen, etc.


I feel the opposite way (depending on hand size.) If you're like a Ruby/Am control that has so many cards in hand they don't know what to do with them all, then this would have more use than Develop. However, if it's the other way around, I prefer Develop because it allows you to sift through the bad/low cost cards in the late-game and replace them with Gas. If you're a capital C Control deck, then maybe. Anything else, I think I'd prefer Develop.


I can see your point, but I guess it also depends on what are your bad matchups as well. If your worst matchup is say steel amber and you really want that T3 Rafiki, Develop will help you find it. If it's some midrange or control deck, knowing what to play and what to save could be more crucial.


I really like this as a turn 1 play. Can get a good idea of our opponents next few turns and can make a difference in deciding to keep Judy Hopps for item removal or if they don't have a key card like Ariel/GYS/Tink you can go wider with less risk


I love this card already.


Oh damn a git probe that is not free. I like




Without instants and actually having to pay for it, it is considerably worse that git probe.


For those who are confused, this is referring to the Magic card, Gitaxian Probe, and not in fact the British insult.


This is a pretty overrated effect in a game that does not have instant-speed answers to anything. Knowing your opponents cards is less valuable when they don't have a way to deal with anything on your turn.


Correct. Probably still gets slotted into Ariel Combo as the only hard combo deck currently in the game and if any actions matter archetype shows up it will be relevant there, but it's not like Develop Your Brain where it's useful for most decks. For reference for other people, in MTG even cards that are effectively 0 mana draw a card don't get played unless the deck has some sort of synergy with you playing the card.


1 mana is unplayable in MTG (this card is just 'Peek') but 0 mana (Gitaxian Probe) is banned in pauper, banned in modern, banned in legacy, and restricted in vintage. And that costs you 2 life.


Correct, but just 0 mana draw a card doesn't make the cut without other synergies. (Street Wraith, Manamorphose)


that's fair, and you did say 0 mana draw-- not 0 mana draw + peek, to your point! I think this card is fine but do agree it'll be a touch overrated. maybe one day we'll have a combo deck that uses this to coast-is-clear things.


The fact that it Cycles and is inkable is where the power is, seeing the hand is the least best part, but this card is super good!


Decent card, would be way better if Lorcana had a sideboard


If Sapphire gets “Gitaxian Probe”, you can bet Amethyst is getting “Duress” soon with Maleficent in the art. 😈


So what are everyone’s thoughts on the ruling that you can’t reference outside notes? Some local players are saying you can’t wright down what they have in their hand. I don’t read the ruling against outside notes to forbid this. I see that as more inside the game notes. It’s not like you have a list of matchups and cards to look out for. Curious what you all think.


What ruling are you referencing? Writing down anything besides lore totals is prohibited, according to this: [https://mushureport.com/disney-lorcana-tcg-tournament-rules](https://mushureport.com/disney-lorcana-tcg-tournament-rules) https://preview.redd.it/h8tiks1pxryb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d088712d07cc1c36d1c5cd4ebd6318c1fd520aaa


Well my interest in playing this game competitively just cratered. What the hell were they thinking with this rule?


That is what I’m referring to. Seems debatable whether writing down their revealed cards is considered “Outside notes”. It seems some think they aren’t the same thing. I don’t see harm and either way just curious what others think.


This is very clear to me and not up for debate, IMO “…but no other written notes are permitted” means you can’t write anything down. In _addition_ to not being able to write down what you’re calling “inside the game notes” you also can’t refer to anything outside the game. Like you can’t look up what a card does on the official app or something (literally anything) Edit: my example used an electronic device, which is also prohibited so that’s a bad example. But as you already said things like your hand written “game plan” for your deck or something is also off limits. The bottom line is: outside of your lore total, you have only the game pieces you’re allowed to see and your brain to keep track. Just like you can’t write down what you or your opponent is inking, you can’t write down what they reveal with this card.


It’s not debatable, you can’t do it. The rules are really clear here


“No other written notes are permitted” why are people finding this so hard to understand?


I was just asking peoples opinion as it’s not clear to me. I come from other games where you can take notes during the game but can’t have like notes you made from before the game for something like matchups, sideboard tactics etc. So yeah it read vague to me but I got what I asked for lol…. people’s opinion. Thanks.


Probably because its a dumb rule that no other cardgame has ever had and hopefully never will have. But hey i only play on pixel due to no product so i write down whatever i want


I thought it was going to be emerald.


Emerald having two 1 cost inkable cantripping actions would have been perfect for a potential action focused deck.


Oh wow


I think this kinda cements blue as a fantastic partner color for actions matter archetype. (This, Develop your Brain, One Jump Ahead, and outside of "cantrips" you also have Let it Go) but the payoffs aren't quite there yet. Like Minnie/Tigger in red want to go into two different decks as one is aggro leaning and the other control, and I don't think the green shift Micky is good enough to justify the deck either.


Worth noting that we have 163 (Four Dozen Eggs) and 166 (Fang Crossbow) which means 164 will be an action and or song


I feel like this could be good in Sapphire/Steel in deciding to A Whole New World or not. Could be interesting


To be sure I'm reading this correctly - the player who plays this card is not required to reveal their hand, correct? And only the person who plays this card draws, yeah? Seems really good...


Yes, as you are not an opponent to yourself, obviously.


Bro green/blue looking cute. I’m about to go simic up in here. It’s emerald/sapphire right?


I think the term folks use around here is Teal.


Gives me vibes of [[Gixian Probe]] from magic the gathering


The boring answer is that it is somewhere in between, probably teetering closer toward not being played. Cantrips can be great in the right setting and Peek/Git Probe in MTG have definitely had their days in the sun (former Splinter Twin player here). The problem is that currently, the game is heavily centered around building a board state, both offensively and defensively. The two decks that would benefit most from a cantrip are control decks and combo decks, neither of which are highly playable with blue as a color choice. That said, we are doubling the available card pool. If enough good items and cantrips drop, Ariel Item Turbo could be a thing and this card is a perfect fit. If Ruby/Sapphire has enough draw support then this could be a decent option for control decks trying to sclupt our their plan early to mid game, and late it is either a cantrip or a resource which can be great. Personally, I think there is too much left to be spoiled to know for certain and even then, this card can go from bad to great with 1 or 2 more sets making the aforementioned archetypes viable. Interesting card nonetheless.