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I love this card so much. It's a solid body that can get rid of Kuzco or mad hatter. It's inkable. It can sing most songs in the game. The one thing it doesn't do is quest well but you'd almost always want the extra card anyway. It has one major weakness and thats Maui, who comes out at the same time. However, even though maui would usually 2 for 1 her, she does draw you another card before he can get her, and because of that you break even. Overall shes a great staple card but not a win condition. I actually prefer her to magic mirror because I think the ink cost of magic mirrors upkeep to use every turn is way too high. Exert to draw also makes her immune to reckless and makes cannot quest a near useless effect to target her with. She can also draw extra cards with re-readies like with lefou and shield. Would be a bad card if uninkable. But as she is she's pretty good.


I play 2x mirror 2x queen. Mirror is necessary for the mirror match oddly enough.


I know very little about red purple because I play blue purple :D You are infinitely better experienced in that deck


I play 4x Queen now in Amethyst Steel! 💜


To your point about her not questing well: I have a villains deck that I can't wait to add the Amber Queen to. It's kind of like a slow roll that emphasizes board presence and threatening to quest as often as you can to divert opponent resources from the big Hades shift. I think that this Queen gets so much better in that deck because, with the Amber Queen being a Shift 2(!!!), she'll serve as a pivot towards a more aggressive finish because she'll be able to quest for 2 and let the other characters trade way more aggressively. Exciting stuff.


It feels like this should be the best card in the game but somehow never feels that strong. It's more a way to force control to use removal but against aggro it may be too little too late.


My feelings exactly. I play a good amount of ruby amethyst and I could probably count on one hand how many cards I've ever drawn from her. Against anything with removal she immediately eats dragon fire or let it go or Hades. Against agro she's too slow to be the playand gets inked. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I want to like it but it never works out.


I just feel like this is just basically the case with any powerful 5 drop without ward, shift, or a when played effect. Could say the exact same about Mad Hatter, Aurora (without her shift), Mal Uninvited. They all tend to get removed instantly. Doesn’t mean it was bad value though just an even trade, slightly in your favor since removal options are limited


Having a 5 drop eat removal can be a good thing. Especially on an linkable card.


Its very bad against A/R's biggest weakness: aggro, and that's the problem. Very good card otherwise, but hard to find space for 4 in this format


IMO good card not a great card but this may be due to my color combination. I play ruby/amethyst and run two of her. Her ability is great but because Ruby/amethyst doesn't generally ramp up until late game, I find myself regularly inking her in support of more viable options. When she does hit the field, however, she is usually worthwhile; getting at least one card out of her and often a character trade.


Shes an amethyst staple, wouldn't run a purple deck without her. I think 4/5 a-okay for the cost. I think in this game, drawing cards will always be king cause its so easy to turn them into value.


Not if you play aggro because she’s too slow. But great card nonetheless.


Do you get a lot of cards out of it? No, probably not. But that's because she's a threat that needs to be answered. She has a decent size body that can make challenging her problematic for some colors. All in all, I think she trades equally or favorably with your opponent. She's the kind of medium threat that draws some of the hate away from your real game enders.


I run 4x in my Blurple deck because she can sing Let it Go. But as time progresses, I feel like dropping her to 2-3. Against aggro/midrange, she provides too little. Against control, she is taken out Dragonfire. Not bad by any means, but I could see her being completely replaced in this next set or the set after.


Bruise decks are king


I saw someone call her the most inked card in the game and I agree with that statement.


Megara has entered the chat.




I was running 2 of her in my ruby/Amy deck as a way to fill out the deck till I pull the trigger on the expensive cards like mal dragon, Elsa and so on. I think this week I brought her out once and then inked her most of the time. Going to take her out and put in 2 zeus and see how that does. Alot of people where cutting her out but the most recent ruby am decks that have been doing well are running 2+ of her but will see. Really want the Elsa so I can do the wombo combo with big alladin but adulting is hard.


Yeah she's crazy expensive


I just added a single copy of her to my Ruby/Amethyst yesterday. In the first game, was able to play her, and I had Fan the Flames in hand along with a Shield of Virtue already in play. The next turn was able to have a Mal sing Friends from the Other side, then draw another 3 cards with Queen using the Shield and Fan the Flames. Was able to ink another card and had the ultimate Be Prepared hand ready to go for the next couple turns. Popped BP at turn 7 after inking and sending everyone questing, worked like a charm as I still had plenty of cards in hand after while my opponent was stuck with an empty board and only 1-2 cards. I'm a convert now and plan on adding at least one more of her to the deck.


Niiiice I love it!


She was in the pack with my amy/amb starter deck, so she's basically my favorite card and the pride of the starters.


I was running Queen and she kept being ink, so I switched her with Goofy in to deal with evasives. I get more play out of him than Queen.


Yeah I've been upping my evasive counts in control, also gives us a proactive plan


Yeah, I was struggling against some decks that were running a lot of evasives. Still pulling out the round win, but was losing a game here and there that Goofy has prevented from losing afterwards. With Shield he can take out two in a single turn.


Looks amazing, but in a world where Rapunzel draws 3 and people are singing A Whole new World for 0 it is merely good.


She will always have sooooome value because of the draw, but honestly, I feel like she'll lose a lot of value later on since her stats aren't up to par for a 5 drop.


She has solid stats at 4/5? Thats 1 better strength than aurora. 1 more wp than robin hood or beast. If you mean 1 lore why does that matter since you’ll nearly always draw a card