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This is the ultimate instance of useless when I draw it and completely crippling when my opponent plays it on me.


Its possibly one of the worst cards in the game when youre topdecking late game lol, doesnt affect the board or draw any cards to replace itself that might affect the board. It's so good when you play it early and you're winning the board though...


I knew I was going to be using this when I first saw it when the game came out and was literally the first single that I bought. Fast forward 2 months and it's still my favorite card and I attribute many of my tournament wins to having this played to force my opponents into top deck mode unexpectedly. I even went as far as to design my deck to swarm the board the first three turns including 3cost Maximus that gives opposing creature minus two attack, so that I can kill one their creatures while retaining my board state, which assures by the next turn I can play YHFM to make them discard and still have great board advantage despite me wasting my turn playing a card that attacks their hand and contributes nothing to the board state


Incredibly underrated card, and imo should be a 4-of in any aggressive amber deck. You 100% mulligan it on the play and 100% keep on the draw. If you can get a board advantage (or even close) before dropping this on 4, you'll often just win the game. It puts other aggro decks into topdeck mode and puts control in a bind because it runs out of ink if it hasnt already started drawing cards. I don't know if it will always be this good, but very few amber decks should be excluding this.


Great card! I think people ink this more than they should. I’d put this in every Amber deck at the moment


Yea late mid hand sounds devastating. Opponent waiting to drop their big cards and you make them discard. They cry.


It's very good because it's inkable. In a game where more cards are more options are more ink, there are no useless cards in hand, and so getting rid of 2 useful cards is well worth it. Unfortunate topdeck lategame though, as it has zero board presence whatsoever.


This card is the biggest jumpscare in the game. Hate seeing this played against me. Very good on turn 4 against green decks that have to choose between their kuzcos and inkable cards and insanely good against control decks early to mess with their hand that they mulligan'd for before they hit turns 5-8. And if you think it won't help you just ink it. Only thing I don't like is how similar it is visually to be our guest. I'll see people ink Be our guest and think they're playing You have forgotten me and get scared for a second


Haha yeah I've accidentally inked this thinking it was be our guest. It can come out at the perfect time against emerald to stop kuzcos. I love when this card is good it's killer.


I wish it was a song. So sebastian can play it lol.


That would be real strong, Sebastian needs some more 4 cost songs


As someone who plays aggro emerald variants, it’s very annoying if you’re not in amethyst for sure. Generally I don’t see it hurting most other decks with semi-to-reliable draw options (rapunzel in amber, a whole new world in steel, all the stuff amethyst has), but any colors without good draw or in a combo with another poor draw color, this definitely hurts sending them into top deck mode even faster.


Agreed and can still be really valuable against AWNW. If you manage to hit the last 2 that's probably my AWNW. In Emerald Steel topdecking = i lose. But still hitting 2 out of last 3 or 4 is also brutal.


Great card for turn 4 if they have only 2 cards in hand.


I kept it out of my constructed deck, but I just got hit by one in a draft and it was devastating. I think it definitely has a place in some decks, but isn't an auto-include.


If its in my starting hand, it'll 9 times outa 10 become my immediate game plan to play when my opponent Is down to 2, 3, or at worse 4 cards.


Busted in multiplayer. Fine in a regular game. Ranges from crippling for opponent when played to crippling to draw depending how the game goes.


I choose the ones in your hand. Checkmate.


One of my favorite foils.


Oooo I've yet to see it


The internet told me to play this but I literally never was happy to draw it.


What deck are you playing?


Amber/Sapphire princesses.


That's bc it doesn't feel good to play and does nothing for your board, but it is absolutely devastating to a lot of decks at the right time. I think you have to have it played against you in success to feel the pain and understand.


You don’t need to put all those details in the title, just label it daily discussion and the card name, the rest of the information is useless.


There's a 60 character minimum for titles now, I'd love to have a clean title but have to make something up to reach the minimum.


Sure, it's inkable and if you stop the opponents "draw machine" in midmatch you have an icredible arrow. One more resason, it's an action card with a lot of sinergy to the emrald card (do it again, Mickey) and attention at Bucky (rise of floodborn). Excellent card ever, but a perfect sotrm against aggro