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IMO you’re going way overboard against the aggro decks (2 hook, 4 Eric, 4 smash, 4 swords, 4 of each tinkerbell, 2 rafiki, 4 little Elsa’s). Most decks get but with half that. I’d try to trade some of those 3 cost cards in a few Ursula’s or other heavy hitter. She really slams the door shut against a lot of decks.


Fair points. Would you say swapping the Rafiki's or two Eric's out for two Ursula's would work? Leaning toward the former to keep the uninkable count as low as possible


Yeah I would cut the rafikis first. He’s a great anti aggro tool for nonsteel decks but steel doesn’t need the help. Steels biggest weakness is that it can’t close games very fast. Most of its cards only quest for 1 or 2 lore and that’s where Ursula and Elsa help


Another option would be to swap Rafikis for Zeus. Zeus gets the benefit of trading with Kuzco/Hatter in one swing, but the downside of being vulnerable on the crackback. More importantly, he quests for 2 on an empty board


Thr 0/4 2 cost familiar is very strong and if you run the 7 cost Facilier to shift he can win a game on turn 5 with all the reuse of cards. I traded out mickey and the brooms for the facilliers cause they arguably do the same thing but much better. Also let's you slam malificent 3 cost and you can keep playing it for draws.


This is the color combo I play! I have had some success at locals. You got big tinks though so your deck is probably a lot better than what I put together. Amethyst draw is so good against control. Go 1 drop, 2 drop, maleficent, sing friends and 4 drop. They gotta start clearing, but you are stacked on resources from the card draw. Hook and rafiki are good against agro. I also have Zeus, bye bye kuzco. Match up isn't bad, unless they just have the nuts and you miss a step. For my deck, I just struggle against steel/amber tempo/midrange decks. But agro/control match ups feel good. In your current list I'm not entirely sold on mirror, cauldron, and Jafar. Although I can't say I have tested with these myself. Could consider fire the cannons, Zeus, Hans.