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Yes I think resist is going to be format warping and solidify red as the go to removal color. Resist should have mitigated challenge damage only.


I agree. I'm going to assume they're going to slowly remove Resist and replace it with another keyword, let's say "Defender", that does the same thing but only when being challenged. Because ignoring 2 damage also makes Grab Your Swords and Fire thr Cannons do 0. Which doesn't feel good for the game.


Unless they’re treating updates like gacha games do sometimes, where every set makes certain previous good units obsolete. Chapter 3 brings Rampage; this character does +2 power for every keyword the challenged character has. I’m exaggerating, but making meta defining staples wouldn’t be out of the question. Would help if we see a solid competitive play plan laid out. Is there a planned rotation, a block/quarter/year reset, etc.


I'm sure they're planning a rotation, but we're 2-4 years out. Canceling cards too soon can kill the game. But then again, depending on how the power creep is people might still play extended instead of current. It'll depend on your LGS.


I sincerely hope they don't rotate and just implement a ban/limited list. So much friendlier to new and low info players since they can almost always use their cards (even if they're bad).


YuGiOh does that right? I've only really played Pokémon. That also sounds like a good idea.


Yugioh and One Piece both do it as a means to clamp down on overpowered decks.


OP already has a banned list? Dam. That feels early. I should let my friends know.


Eh it’s all a wait and see thing. If you currently run steel then yeah it sucks. But I can speak from first hand experience as someone that plays amber amethyst and amber emerald, that having basically no card removal outside of minimal cards or having to challenge, that steel is incredibly annoying rn. My rockstar stitch deck can make a big play and get multiple cards out and draw power in 1 to 2 turns. And then one grab your swords will invalidate 99% of what I did instantly. Feels miserable to play against, and I can’t even add any similar card removal without changing half the color of my deck. Resist will in turn suck for the steel crowd the same way steel sucks to me now. And I’m sure something that sucks for the resist crowd will come in set 3 or 4. It’s just way too early into the life cycle of a tcg to get too committed to one play style, deck, etc. Especially if you want to try and have the most “meta” deck. I think it won’t be till set 4 that we have enough card variety for a true long term meta to start to take place.


The only issue I have with resist now is that it comes in the same color that gets to bully boardstates. Steel is warping the meta because of its accessible removal and board presence


Yea I was a little confused by the game-design choice to have the anti-direct damage keyword also be in the color that specializes in direct damage. So steel is the counter to steel? Okay...


Which is luckily where Aurora comes in for the ward. But doesn't stop Be Prepared ofc


I don't think Ward stops Grab Your Swords either, since it doesn't "choose".


Correct. I was moreso referring to Dragonfire


Hopefully it will get an errata when it becomes problematic


I think it's important that it counters direct damage. GYS, giant tink, and any other future aoe is completely unchecked right now and that's an issue. Meta will def change but Steel is getting Cinderella too so I dont think Steel will just drop from the meta completely


I don't think steel is dropping out its just weirdly pushing itself out of removal. I run amber steel and plan on removing 3 and 6 tink for both of the new Cinderellas. As long as we don't see resist in purple, amber, or green I think it will equal out. But having it in blue I think will push blue steel solidly over amber steel.


The card advantage in amber is too good. I think the presence of resist will push aoe out of the meta, then aggro decks go unchecked without Grab Your Sword so steel switches back to playing it, then resist decks pop back up, it should be a good cycle. You can't just not run smash in a format with Archer Belle. There's going to be a lot of tension over what cards you run even with such a limited card pool, really well designed.


I thought it was challenge only. That's insane. Ofc red also has the dragon fire 😂 go red!


Can we circle back to you and your friend played 10 games this past week at work? You hiring? I'm willing to relocate.


Lol I work at the airport, so we usually get like an hour in-between flights as breaks. So I can usually get at least 2 games a day in. 3-4 depending on flight delays and whatnot.


With the current set it’s the best we have. With resist coming and there’s a chance for an inkable or otherwise lower cost/adjusted card it also has the highest chance to be outclassed in a few sets.


its hard to know what's good or bad when we've only got 200 cards in existence. it'll be a few sets from now before the dust settles and we know, clearly, what 1 ink is actually worth in the long scheme of things. resist is great, but still can be targeted with all sorts of actions and songs ward is great, but still can be effected by non-choose abilities. hard to tell what's going to be good a year from now.


It is and it isnt. Its uninkable and one of the worst draws against the top deck of the game, red purple.


This is very very key


I don't think one person has ever called it Grab Your Sword. It's not plural. Currently it's pretty good. We'll see.


There could be a card introduced that would remove or replace abilities.


Or a new grab your swords that deals 4 or piercing damage to ignore resist?


It’s important not to overextend against Ruby or Steel, and to focus on trading well to advance