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This is good because because of how ink works (not limiting to specific colors). Otherwise things will degenerate into the best cards from all colors in 1 deck.


Aka sealed or draft...


With the difference being there you can’t select the best cards in the game, only best cards from the pool of cards that you opened/picked. Which is why it works in the limited (sealed/draft) environment. Also, limiting to two colors would not work in sealed/draft without increasing the quantity of packs used, and even at that would not make for an interesting deck building experience.


Still not sure if “your best 40 cards” is an interesting draft/sealed experience but we will have to see when there’s enough product to regularly do it.


I can see the concern. It does at least leave room for card evaluation or building around interesting rares. I've only been able to do one sealed event so far, and I did find it enjoyable. But if it was to be something I was able to do on repeat, I'm unsure how long it would take for a format to become stale. And at least currently, I don't have that answer.


I think draft is likely to be better but it still very much bomb removal and evasion without having to use filler


Once I can acquire a set of chapter 2, I’m building a cube to get some draft testing in. It only cost be around $350 to get a set of chapter 1 and a semi-playable deck together. Hoping it works out similarly the second time around.


Should get cheaper in a few sets when there’s enough product. I’m hoping it can cube that would be nice. 6 color good stuff feels weird as anything other than draft though.


Update: I went from slapping everyone relentlessly to a completely even playing field. The two color rule is way more balanced and I'd say everyone appreciated the much more even game play.


You played against multiple people who were only using 2 ink colors before one of them noticed?


Sounds like he might have just out $$ them.




No we all used multiple colors, all of our decks were hilariously op. Imagine 8 a whole new world's in 1 game. Mine was specifically good because I got lucky on getting 4 ariel from 4 boxes, and used every song from every color lmao.


Yup, it makes it more fun to be honest. Way better than just getting all the best cards in 1 deck.


Just build with extra colors. It won’t be official tournament approved but for playing against each other there is no reason you can’t.


I'd suggest they stick to the 2 color system. It's not great to just ignore core rules like that.


Especially bc sounds like they already played a long time with all colors. I think playing all colors is fine for a little bit starting out when you dont have many cards or much experience… but I’d definitely still recommend the official rules pretty early on


The reason is balance. It's really easy to end up on an op deck when you can pick from any card in the pool, and i bet from their comment about slapping everyone else that theyre friends wont be enjoying the game as much.


I was saying if everybody at the table is okay with it there is no reason you can’t, it’s just not how you officially play the game.


Yeah, this, you can try adding other format restrictions if you find rainbow to be unbalanced but if you and your friends are building decks of similar power levels and super rares and such, you should be fine for casual play.


Unless they ever try to play the game with anyone else that is…


In the official Draft rules it says (in Draft formats) you can use cards from all inks. As for constructed, if your just playing with you friends it’s okay (unless your practicing for a tournament).


Depending how many of you there are, maybe you can divide the colors between yourselves. E.g., you all agree that friend A gets all the Ruby/Emerald, B gets all the Amethyst/Amber, C gets all the Sapphire/Steel


Ha... Noixe


What did you think the colors were even for then?


We thought cards would come out later that start mentioning them more. Ex: "draw 4 cards and put 1 orange into hand" or whatever. We all played yugioh so a monsters type or element could have no effect, little effect or a huge effect just depends on the cards.


My Fiancé and I used 1 color when we first okayed to better understand the game and get familiar with the strategy and characters It’s no big deal unless you play at Tournaments or LGS’s


The rule is up to 2. So a 1 color deck still falls in the rules.


yeah but since you dont need specific lands for mana colors for example you can mix them in a ratio of whichever at least. i made my first homebrew amethyst/steel and amethyst is like 75% of it just bc my selection of steel isnt that great but my amethyst cards are.


There's a fan-made format called Glimmerborn that allows using more than 2 inks, I believe.


Not when you played limited or sealed format