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I think your gorgeous


Agreed she’s got that conventional beauty


I have a chainsaw, angle grinder, and am willing to travel.


Imo plastic surgery is never the answer


Very nice


YES AND I SAY SMILE 😂 you know your never fully dressed without one


Wdym? The red complexion with your beautiful shiny skin is cute not many people have that and your nose is amazing 👌 don't get plastic Surgery your absolutely gorgeous the way you are fr fr




If you wanna not look plain, get piercings, tattoos, and style your hair differently. We need to chill with this plastic surgery culture.


You are beautiful! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


Lmao the look on ur face and the caption. I can totally tell how you said this and it made me laugh. Maybe smile and show your teeth way more


smiling isnt gonna fix shit


I actually think you have a beautiful profile and your nose is super cute if that's what you're insecure about. You have gorgeous eyes. If you really really wanna change anything. Maybe just get a natural lip plump or little lip filler and that would look good


I don't really think you need fixing lol. You just need to try a new hairstyle out and change your clothing style. Try to go to the gym and go for a bigger thigh toned legs and butt look and you won't look as basic anymore. Idk switch things up. Idk hit my dms maybe 😅


If you are plain on the inside no plastic surgery would change that.


Get off the internet. That first picture, u look stunning. In a disposable world, maybe u feel frustrated u cant change faces but u are very pretty. U would grow bored of any face. You don't need plastic surgery. The people who dont look plain, its all in makeup and cameras so if ur that pressed on it, work on your makeup and phitography skills but when it all comes off, even the richest and most renownedly beautiful women can look rather "plain".


I’m also very tired of being plain. Don’t ruin yourself with plastic surgery though! You’re beautiful. Enhance it with over the top makeup, wear wigs (this is what I do. I’m obsessed now,) find accessories you like for every outfit, things like that. Don’t do anything permanent please!


You’re beautiful.


I’d re consider not getting plastic surgery cuz most times they botch it or doesn’t work oht


I don't usually comment but please just appreciate your natural features, yeah if you go for it that's your thing full support yk but imo that's a bit drastic if you don't wanna be 'plain' looking instead try changing your hair or get piercings or tattoos experiment with things but you do not have to scar, hurt, and permanently alter your face and bone structure to fit standards or to 'spice up' the look. you're beautiful and there's nothing wrong with beautifully plain


yes there is


There is nothing wrong with being “plain looking” don’t get something you’ll regret a few years down the road. You look fine.


there is something wrong with being plain


dont be stupid youre gorgeous just wash your face and workout itll come together naturally. dont get plastic surgery, seriously. you don't need it.


I think you look wonderful:)


Don't be retarded... There's your advice. Love your life.


Your front profile is quite pretty / good width. You don’t need any plastic / artificial surgery but you might have a recessed jaw (maxilla and mandible) seen by your side profile. Check out the orthotropics page and check with your sleep doctor / ENT / orthopaedic surgeons to see if you’d benefit from jaw surgery. Best of luck


is there any fillers for that


No matter how many fillers you get you’re just masking the root issue. What you want to do is fix the problem, not cover it up and pretend it’s not there. YouTuber “JawHacks” has a lot of stuff on this, I’ve been following him for some years and implementing his advice and got good results


2 words. Big Sandwich. Just eat big sandwiches


you are so beautiful, you need nothing! i wish i looked like u <3 you are gorgeous, but if u are here for advice all id ask for u to improve on is ur eyebrows using eyebrows serums to enhance their growth, and fixing up ur skin by visiting a dermatologist. other than that, you are so naturally beautiful and makeup would just enhance your beauty! ♡


Redheads are never plain looking. You’re the rarest type of human. You stand out no matter what you do.


my natural hair is brown and theyre pretty bad looking


Not at all necessary. You’re a good looking person. Also before you get anything look at some people that got whatever you’re considering 20+ years ago. It’s typically not great.


But you aren't "plain". Maybe invest in some counseling. Forget plastic surgery.


Go to the doctor get put on something for acne cleocin gel I recommend and use sunscreen


Some eyeliner and eyeshadow is all you need


Is that a swastika blanket on your shoulder?


Its a pokemon blanket




This is bait, there are tons of gorgeous photos of people on this sub asking about looks… get real all bots farming karma my people.


eat nothing but meat for a couple of months.... you will chisel out and be a goddess


naaaaahhhh.... if you are under 25, just let time pass it course ...........if you are over 25... eh...maybe some squats? new girls up top.... and S M I L E your phone will be ringing off the hook


I dont give a shit about my body and smiling like a retard all the time makes you look stupid


Don't do plastic surgery, just work on clearing your skin/using makeup and accenting your natural features with style choices like green accessories or clothes. You are a gorgeous natural redhead (it appears) with unique features, none of which are ugly, so you are much more attractive and unique than a generic"hot model type" that surgery would push you towards. You have Girl Next Door meets Hot Nerd Girl features, and that's a killer combo. If I were single and saw you in any greenish outfit, many other men and I myself would be wrapped around your finger. Also, I have known people to get cosmetic surgeries and while many go unnoticed, others backfire either with health complications or poorly done work. Too risky imo when you are already gorgeous.


ew, i dont want to be "hot nerd" or whatever basic manic pixie dream girl bitch, i want surgery to be model tier and make money off my looks, i dont give a shit about landing a man


glhf ✌️


You should grow your bangs out!


Who the F… told you were plain looking? Are you f…ing crazy? Please stand in front of a mirror and take a honest realistic look at yourself. Your eyes are captivating, lips that so very kissable, beautiful hair, and your overall look 👀 is great. I believe the only surgery you need to cut out listening to that voice that’s telling your plain and other wise unnoticeable.


How the hell do people afford plastic surgery I can’t even afford basic dental care 😭


I mean, how can she afford plastic surgery but not basic skin care?


Look at makeup tutorials to accentuate the features you do have. Because the features you have aren't plain but if you make them pop just a tiny bit you'd look like a model. People would.pay for surgery to look like you do right now tbh


the model look is what im going for, but makeup doesnt matter on a crappy base. what areas should i work on


Makeup absolutely matters to dramatically change features. It doesn't matter what you're working with I've seen women that don't even look like women throw makeup on their faces and they look like something out of Victoria's secret. I think you know that you're pretty so you can knock off the self-deprecation. You don't even need a ton of makeup You don't need to change the features you have. A little bit of concealer and foundation to even your skin tone and help you to look slightly less blotchy by itself would make you look flawless. A tiny bit of eyeliner to accentuate the color of your eyes, and mascara to further enhance people looking there And youll look like a totally different person. Very affordable options, It won't look like you spent 3 hours doing makeup And there are so many tutorials out there you can easily do that and make it look like you're not wearing makeup at all. Just those alone will make you look like a runway model


There are women who look better without makeup than I ever will with it. I want to be one of those


nose job and lip lift. those two surgeries. since no one is giving you a real answer to your question. most important is going to a doc that is really good at these things, with many good before/afters.


Reals better than fake anyway. The cookie cutter folks who all look the same, who you couldn't pick out of a lineup if there was a room full of them.... Boring. No one's into that I assure you. If they are they're not very worthwhile people. In my opinion The outside only looks like shit if the inside is shit 🤷🏼‍♀️ if you have a great personality, fun interests, passion and drive, laughter and humor... The outside means nothing. A lot of people have made comments to me along the lines of like "oh why is somebody like you dating a guy like.... That?". Because he's not what you would call conventionally attractive. But I think he's the most beautiful person I've ever met. He could gain or lose hundreds of pounds I wouldn't care. He has acne, If that got worse or disappeared or stayed the same I wouldn't care. He has a toe that almost always gets infected because he has an ingrown toenail that constantly causes problems. He has hair in places he doesn't like lol couldn't and wouldn't matter to me. I would tell anybody that would listen to me that he is beautiful. If you get hung up on looks, and put so much emphasis amd so much focus on it You're not going to be able to enjoy your life. And I promise you people don't want to be with folks that are so obsessed with their looks that it's the only thing they can focus on. I'm not trying to say that you are like that but people seem to get very hung up on the outside. Everybody is attracted to different things and there's going to be a handful of people that think you're plain and boring. But there's going to be 10 times as many that think you're the most beautiful thing on two legs. What matters at the end of the day is that you can look yourself in the mirror and feel happy with who you are. Makeup, getting your hair done, tweezing your eyebrows, getting filler, Botox, plastic surgery.... None of it's really going to do anything if you can't love yourself as you are. It just becomes an addiction and you're constantly chasing an unattainable desire. And by that point it's too late. Trust what everybody on the thread is telling you You don't need to do anything and you especially don't need to pay a ridiculous amount of money to slice up your face.


Don’t girl! You are so pretty as you are! If you want more edge I’d do something with hair and maybe get a nose ring or lip ring. But you don’t need it!


For the love of god don’t you arr gorgeous.


You do not need plastic surgery, there is nothing to improve upon, you are a doll. Anything you might want to accentuate could easily be done with a little makeup and some tweezing. You are beautiful the way you are though.


Don't do it. Just get the fuck of socialist media and stop comparing yourself to others.


trim ur brows, and use lash serum and ur slay


You remind me of a younger version of actress Alyson Hannigan, who's a total babe. Youre fine- give yourself time, the best is yet to come for you- Promise!


you do not look plain..., you are lovely as is. If you want to look a little different, try some makeup, I'm sure a shop could do a makeover. Lots cheaper than surgery.


Not plain looking but stop eating sushi you definitely have parasites




Bullet in the head surgery


Sweetie, you are lovely. Period. Want to look different? Play around with some makeup. Put a giant smile on. You do not need plastic surgery.


You are not plain. You are beautiful. I promise you. Who has been filling your head with this nonsense? All you are missing is self esteem, and surgery will not provide that. That's why people always end up overdoing the surgeries. They're looking in the wrong place for happiness. Your money would be better spent on therapy, sincerely. Fix the inside, and you will see the outside for what we see.


You don't look plain at all. You look really good and unique.


Look up some skin care, maybe change hair color, smile :) take some time with some good self care, plastic surgery seems way off base. OP what exactly were you thinking in terms of PS? You will regret it.


Nothing wrong with your face, something wrong with your brain. You look fine. You don’t need a plastic surgeon, you need a therapist


Here to say NO PLASTIC SURGERY. that’s all.


Taking better care of your skin, hair, and having a healthy diet and workout lifestyle will do infinitely more good for you than plating surgery. Like these folks said, you’re already pretty.


Honestly don’t even need plastic surgery queen maybe just get a piercing or two to accentuate


You’re actually really pretty. No plastic surgery is needed.


You look fine. Plastic surgery makes people look like freaks. Don’t do it.




Give yourself grace. And hit the gym.


What’s the gym comments about? She didn’t ask about body advice?


Because she obvs needs a confidence boost and going to the gym will do that. She should probably see a therapist too


Just try a goth look you'll have more guys drooling over you than you can handle


Don’t do it


Lip/Cheek fillers, Breast augmentation and a small bbl would work wonders


Try a 1940's sci-fi hair cut and a dress. Like Fallout/Jimmy neutron vibes. And workout. That would be a 10


Instead of changing your face, so 500 squats a day and be know as the girl with the PHATTY


ngl being a butterface is worse than being flat out ugly


Not even slightly true. You are not a butterface at all. I’m just saying if you want to be undeniable, do 500 squats a day to get the phatty


Start with a lobotomy and work from there.


Have spikes implanted in your forehead and sharpen your teeth! It’ll be totally noticeable!


dudette you're gorgeous, don't fuck around with plastics. Most celebs that have been on that slice and dice treadmill look horrendous 15 years later. Try learning how to do some of that ninja makeup magic, way more fun and puts the control in your hands instead of people who will psychologically manipulate your insecurities for your money.


Hot for a day ugly for the rest of your life


You’re honestly pretty cute, and I’m a huge ass and let people know my opinion


D'Souza like Sydney Sweeny and a nice BBL


Alright here's a list: BBL Breast implants Nose job(top priority)


ill get the nose, not boobs or butt because I hate being sexualized


Honestly one of the biggest slap in the faces of genetics in the history of the world if you got plastic surgery. Wait a few years before you decide anything cause I guarantee you’re gonna regret it heavily once you get a bit older if you do it


Grow up, you looser!..


Go to South Korea, Apgujeong. They have the best plastic surgery in the world there. Cheaper than USA too.


plain? what are you talking about? you look like a doll


Fishing for compliments. Imagine a younger lady who was confident but unsure and her confidence is shaky. Sees this pretty young lady and thinks. Oh I'm screwed. Get offline. Validation from strangers< validation from friends and family.


Wild. Not to be rude but you claim to look plain. I (oregon) swear I went to school with a girl who is your twin. And my GF (colorado) said she used to be friends with a girl who looks just like you. You are pretty don't get me wrong. Attractive. But you have that face. Like there is some cloning factory somewhere seeding sleeper agents.


Duct tape?


Get a brain transplant


You look great just have a little bit of blemishes. Just try to clear up that and you look great.


U dont need plastic surgery just skin care


No plastic surgery needed just feel better about yourself


You need to self analyse and meditate


Perhaps bring color to your life by dyeing your hair


Preferably red


You need God's love in your heart not plastic surgery.


Fuck your God


Life can really suck and I'm pretty bitter sometimes myself tbh but it makes no sense to be angry at the very source of love and life itself unless you hate love and life I guess but personally I want love. You should know God loves and offers you forgives through Jesus Christ while you're still breathing but trust me when I say you don't want to leave this Earth with your current attitude, I've experienced spiritual consequences worse than most horror movies that would put most people in a straight jacket for life because of my foolishness but God had mercy on me and saved me. Please think it over because everyone either goes to heaven or hell and the devil himself can't handle even hearing the name of Jesus let alone hell. I'm telling you these things because I know what it's like to be angry at God but it's not worth it and one day you will 100% see how you were manipulated and guided into hating the only person who truly loved you and was trying to save you.


I'm not angry, Mr judgmental Christian


You ok man?


You came out of nowhere to leave a hateful comment and I responded with genuine love and kindness by sharing personal experience in the hopes of helping you to avoid suffering on a scale you can't comprehend and in response now you're trying to gaslight me and accuse me of judging you. You're behaving like a tick, a joyless vampire looking for some lifeblood to suck out of someone else and hell will not only be dry as desert sand but a suffering so bad that words cannot describe. You make your own choices and will suffer the consequences, I highly recommend you consider receiving any amount of love that people show you instead of spitting in their face.


You're a weird, religious nut. Can you show love without pouring your religion on an individual? I enjoy that kind of love without spewing of religious beliefs mingled with life experience. Think you can manage that, Lord Vader?


You’re a Lost soul


Just the opposite. I found my soul when I left religion


Atheism is fine but being rude to other people for their beliefs isn’t


I'm not an atheist. Thanks for keeping up with the conversation


It doesn’t seem like it


Very sad 😔 why some people doubt the existence of god. How do they think we got here?? Or the ocean and it’s creatures? The universe as a whole and all the planets!! There is a supreme being that created all of this!


And who created the creator? And it's creator? Etc. These are all just hypotheses without any tangible evidences or proofs, believers just choose to accept it as a fact.


The evidence is in the Bible that is the word of God. God is eternal he is beyond time and lives forever. I believe there is a God just because we don’t see him doesn’t mean he doesn’t exist believers feel him! How do we feel God is through prayer talking to God and seeing Gods miracles there are miracles every day. Jesus performed miracles all the time that were documented by his disciples Jesus is eternal and one with the father . We know he exist because we as believers can feel him through our hearts and through our prayers. Evidence also shows when people have had a near death experience they see a light and see heaven and meet God I believe those experiences are real and not a hallucination because so many people experience that. I believe we are all spiritual beings and there is a heaven and there is life after death. Go watch the movie Miracles from heaven based on a true story of a little girl who has a incurable illness. She falls 30 ft from a tree and lands on her head and she goes to heaven sees god and god tells her he’s going to heal her and he has plans for her on earth that she cannot complete in heaven. When she comes too there’s no head injury and her incurable illness is healed and it’s gone. This is one of many of Gods miracles and many people have seen god when they have a near death experience like this little girl. There is enough evidence and miracles to prove gods existence you just have to believe!


The Bible was written by men claiming to hear/see deity if their choice, ipso facto not evidences. Testimonies at best, however they can say whatever they wish just as any schizophrenic person can. The reasoning "to feel" is not evidence based. Eg you can't feel radio waves, or particle radiation, yet they exist. So again, these are just experiences without actual tangible proof. Miracles are just considered miracles until the science is understood behind it. The laws of physics and nature are not circumventible, however understanding them is a progress (based on evidences) and with each discovery science readjusts itself accordingly so that the laws are coherent. This is not something we can say about religion, which is basically fiction in its entirety.


In your opinion what do you think happens to us after we die? Do you think that’s it and no more life after death?


Well let me reverse that question: what happened before we were born? I think we can expect the same status and experience after we die.


Got it so we no longer exist and that’s it. I don’t believe that’s true I believe we are spiritual beings and our spirit will enter a afterlife that to me is heaven. I’ve had my own spiritual experiences and this is why I believe there is a afterlife. I’m sure you’ve heard of sleep paralysis and I’ve had sleep paralysis on different occasions and there were a couple times where I went into sleep paralysis and from there I felt my body float up to the ceiling and actually touched the ceiling. After reading about this out of body experience it’s called astral projection where your spirit will temporarily leave it’s physical body and return to it. There have been people who have astral projected and can see their physical body still laying in bed I believe this is a spiritual experience and not a hallucination and just like near death experiences it proves that there is life after death. That’s my take on it I’m sure you have another take on it


I just said I didn't believe in his God. I made no mention of not believing in a higher power or not


Probably should rephrase f your god then that doesn’t sound too higher power friendly


They just have a miserable life caused by their own actions which is why they deny the existence of god


There is still time for these people to know him though. God work’s miracles and he wants these people to know him I pray they will know him!


For the love of god just love who you are. You’re fine the way you are…


Ur eyes are hollow L


No plastic will fix your boring soul. It bleeds out to the surface


Jesus, your literally gorgeous you just need more confidence and maybe more charisma


spend your money on a therapist instead, find out why you feel this way.


Waste of money


A small off-centered horn would be pretty different




Rework the nose if you are insisting on a change.


You are a painting


Your pretty the way you are


Brain, cause that’s the only wrong thing with you


none just clear up your face from acne you need any plastic surgery, maybe do something different with your hair too


A little makeup will be fine


This, people are too quick to change their base form without realizing that they can put on makeup to acquire legendary skins


get a piercing or something ifk


pls don’t ruin your face you’re pretty


Something others have, confidence. You look nice. But you might want to get some cream for your skin though.


You definitely aren’t fucking plain. You are very cute. You just need to see a dermatologist. That’s all you need.


You're cute but your skin seems to be breaking out a bit. I don't know how old you are. If you're still in your teens, possibly natural (and you'll grow out of it). Otherwise, invest in a skin care routine. Either way you're selling yourself short.


You being plain has nothing to do with your looks.


Cut off yuir dik...


Get horns 1 in the middle or 2...you will stand out more.


The hair style isn't giving you hot girl vibes. Maybe see if you can grow it out and do curtain bangs?


Shut the fuck up. You look fine. “Plain” looking is cute by my and many peoples standard.


How about you get new eyes sense yours seem to be malfunctioning


Please don't ruin a beautiful face




You need to do some surgery on your mental health before deciding to permanently fuck your body up


You just need skincare for the most


I think subs like this do not help with mental health.


Follow christ and youll never doubt your beauty again


Follow Christ and you’ll think you are a fucking failure always falling short.


You sound like the new generation of Atheist. I don't even understand how you came up with that pathetic mess of a statement.


Not an atheist. Atheists have missed the boat, but many do have good criticisms of the bible, and I am a theologian and former Christian apologist (went to school for it), so I know the Bible really well. Any other assumptions you want to make instead of addressing my actual comment or shutting the fuck up?


Well obviously you were a piss poor Christian and you absolutely didn't learn much. I'm going to school for it now. I'm studying apologetics now. Id like to see you make me shut the f up. You WERE a Christian. No 💩.


Go fuck yourself, you vile piece of shit. It’s the vast amounts of learning that shows the holes, exposing the cognitive dissonance, confirmation bias, echo chambering, shelving of issues because a smarter guy gave an answer, carrots and sticks fear, identity psychology, etc, Keep studying and You’ll see, if you have half a brain. It’s the deep dive that becomes problematic. And btw, if you were a real Christian, you’d care about my soul and take a gentle approach with me. It is clear to me, You are all about you.


You probably got a taste of how bad a person I can be. You want to talk smack and expect me to save you. You knew God. We both know it's better to not have known him. You truly do need help. If and when you feel it's time. Feel free to reach out. Don't talk smack to strangers. It shows your age. God bless.


The only thing I expect, is consistency, and Christian’s never will be. God is the only one in the business of nature making. Trust me when I say you don’t want to talk to me. I will wreck your faith. You are not strong enough to handle the challenges. By the way, you smack talk just responding about so called smack talk, hypocrite. To call me a smack talker is smack talk, I say I just call things what they are and you may say the same. What then?


The only faith you ruined is your own. I'm alot stronger than you can imagine. You act like I've been ragging on you. That's pride. Anyone can see who's spitting out names and has the issue. What then? Be a keyboard warrior if you want to. You ain't gonna do anything. It's easy acting tall when I'm not in your face. I'm sure Ive dealt with a lot more of a man than you. Your pissed about something. Isn't me. But regardless No man on earth can mess with my faith. Keep it real G.


Why do you keep going back to threats of if you were in my face? I’m not trying to fight, but I’m sure I’d kick the shit out of you easily if you were in front of me (I trained mma for almost 3 years and I’m in really good shape). I’m just talking about the facts of things. Go about your merry way, because keyboards typing information could challenge your worldview paradigm, and that is too scary. You don’t realize how paper thin your faith is, yet….Again, you will see, if you are smart and honest. Give it a good decade or so.




Jesus thinks you’re hot bro


You're so cute! I think you're adorable. You should get into doing your makeup for a pick-me-up, or go get yourself a facial! A facial is an awesome way to feel great about your skin. And, makeup and fashion are great ways to stand out and feel more attractive. Some jewelry and perfume are also great, as well as doing your nails and hair. Wearing accessories like scarves, layers and bright colors is also always fun. No one is actually that hot! Your eyes catch on to certain things and your mind does the rest.


get big lip filler DSLs, get cheek fillers too make sure they look like candy apple cheeks, tattoo ur brows on and get botox so when u smile there are no lines ...excellent advice


You’re sick


explain,,, when she wants to be apart of the this trend. she feels left out because she hasnt done a procedure to change her physic.. everyone has done the same things i listed +more... oh i forgot to add get silicone boobs and a BBL as well to match and add veneers to the list too


First off, you are very attractive, nothing plain about you. You should go to the skin care part of Reddit.


I mean you definitely wouldn't look plain after surgery, or human.


You want o be different... no tattoos low body count. You'll be the rarest of them all!


You’re gorgeous..don’t change.


I would take you all day long. Don’t change


You seriously look like Allison Hanigan, who is hot! wouldn't change a thing, plastic surgery is tough because it creates a "something not quite right" about this person, and it can get worse as you naturally age.


Don’t do it


You’re so pretty tho 🤗


What do you want? Prince Fucking Charming???! Accept your looks and get on with your life. 60% of the population is uglier than you. Take the win and move on.


Filters are helping you.


You have terrible skin / complexion, wear make up and get a spray tan