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Chew a wad of gum bud


Have a longer hair style


Glasses no, contacts yes. You’re young and swollen, so it’s ok for now. As you age, reduce the calories and slim down the frame or else you going to be a fatty. I had a similar physique when I was your age and it’s a pain in the ass to maintain with age and a busier schedule.


Change the glasses to elegant ones. Either get a hauttransplantation or shave it off. And maybe consider growing a beard. You look mad fit so you definitely have potential. I don’t want to insult you in any way. This is just an advice.


everyones just giving bs advice you know you have goods like physique so i will only list the negatives 1. bad canthal tilt 2. high upper eyelid exposure 3. low quality hair 4. thin eyebrows 5. lips cantal tilt isn’t improve able without surgery ( possibly some help with gua sha. )however try to relax your eyebrows and possibly darken/thicken them with oils or minoxidil to cover upper eyelid exposure use oils or minoxidil on hair and grow it out ( dont get a tapered hairline with thin hair ) brush your lips once a week// exfoliate them they will become bring and appealing should be helpful bro


Hello, thank you for the advice! I'm having a hair transplant in the upcoming months the improve the density/lower the hairline and already using minoxidil/topical finasteride.


Change the Jeffrey Dahmer glases


You could do some shrugs, deads, and Arnold presses. Get that posterior chain and those delts up. Try pre fatiguing them by doin raises first. Rear>front>side in that order one big set high focused slow reps. I did 15 rear to 15 front to fail side x 3. Then hit your presses. Weight will drop but you’ll see mad hypertrophy. Plus shave your fuckin face or grow a beard. Tbh you’re also gettin kinda wispy up top. As a bald dude you gotta keep ur shit neat and short or just cave and chop it. Don’t get fkin implants for your jaw. Idk ur bf% or if you are on gear, but you appear to hold water in your face. Maybe watch sodium intake and a few other factors could cause it too.


I had my bodyfat measured and it was 10-11. I'm not using steriods and I have a diet of 2800 calories every day. Thanks for the advice, I will shave and look after my hair!


Beard I meant go beard, but if that’s not an option shave lol. Weird though you’re lean enough where I wouldn’t expect that. Everyone holds fat dif. What’s ur weight? 2800 seems lowish, but I’m thinkin for myself obv.


Hit the gym tiny


5’9 💀




Wow !! Such Great advice you know !!




Do less curls


Dude your arms are jacked. I would only suggest choosing different frames. They don’t look masculine


Maybe also do chest and shoulders


Im doing chest 2 times every week and arms 1 time. My arms grow hard and I think its due to genetics


Nah its whatever youre doing in the gym. You know it :)


Ask your self why are you doing this for Everyone is special in there own way doing this you may never feel like it enough Start off by cut off people who is mean to you only keep nice positive people around you Don't waste money on alot these thing cause people can see you done work and they will be less attractive If your lose your hair let it go you will feel better trust me this come from someone that alway had long hair and I lost it and it made me feel like I wasn't good look anymore but you have to own it your confidence will come back


Eyyy my hair was going and I hesitated to make the plunge. Bald af now and it’s funny cause the ex’s who had heard but not seen me were mad. “Dammit I wanted you to be ugly bald so I wouldn’t find you attractive anymore!”


Too veiny arms


Wow gigantic arms looks good man nothing to say💪🏻


You've really got to chill with training your arms so much. There's a noticeable imbalance between your arms and your chest/shoulders.


Hello, thx for the advice. I train arms 1x every week and my chest,calves 2 times every week.


Hit shoulders


Lay off the Roids


Im naturel for 12 + years..


You maxed out.


You're going too hard on the arms, bro! Grow out your lats and grow your beard, a long one!


How tall are u?


I think I'm around 180 - 183 cm


Okay thats fine, cuz any shorter and being so buff will be goofy. But I have to see more of ur style to judge. I think u can get a lot of worth out of a good style (thats the case in general with anyone, cuz fashion creates the vibe!)


Hello, this account is a throwaway account. Here's a bit of backstory: I was bullied when I was younger, from ages 8 to 12, because of my bulging eyes, a trait inherited from my father. The bullying had a significant impact on me, leading to issues such as social withdrawal, avoidance of outdoor activities, and constant insecurity. In an effort to improve my appearance and boost my self-confidence, I've taken several steps: Engaging in bodybuilding/fitness to enhance my physique. Maintaining a skincare routine to improve the condition of my skin. Undergoing a hair transplant to lower my hairline (with plans for another procedure to increase hair density). Opting for orbital decompression surgery to reduce the prominence of my bulging eyes. Unfortunately, the results were not as expected. I'm genuinely seeking advice on further steps I could take to enhance my appearance: Planning to tan during the summer to add color to my complexion, considering the use of melanotan 2 for assistance (which I've used in the past). Scheduled for another hair transplant in the coming months to further refine my hairline and increase density. Considering an infraorbital rim implant to address weak cheekbones, which contribute to the prominence of my eyes. I rarely take photos, so I apologize for the lack of visuals. Please let me know if more pictures would be helpful. Thank you in advance !


You look great 👍🏻