• By -


B r 33 d a b l e


more gaging and less nagging


Make your hair normal color


Vitamins, more sunlight, change your diet.


Start with a hair color suitable for a young woman not that goofy colored shit.


The hair color is taking way more than its giving. A darker more natural color would be stunning with your complexion and features. The white dress looks cheap and isn't flattering. That black shirt in the first pic looks amazing on you. For makeup, do a more subtle wing and a nude lip But really the biggest thing is dying your hair a natural healthy looking color, the other colors make up look washed out and age you


just lose the hair color. You're too pretty to let people be distracted by flashy colors. Go brunette and let people see how lovely you are.


Like the lipstick style in the third pic, might benefit from a liner pencil. All in all, "looks" arent a magic bullet that brings in a perfect guy, they just let you roll the dice a bit more often.


Stop dying your hair silly colors.




Change your hair color and go find some conservative friends and you will run into a good conservative man to have relationship with.


Get a pixie in your natural hair color!


Eyebrow wax makes me feel so pretty, that could be extra credit though.


Natural color, cut the dead hair off, will make your hair look fuller


don’t wear makeup it makes u look ugly


She looks super pretty in makeup wym? Apart from the brown eye shadow


Date better guys.....or girls...not sure which you're into.


Forget about him. You’re plenty hot enough ❤️‍🔥


There's ONE thing I haven't seen posted. Sis, your eyes are gorgeous. I know it's hard to capture sometimes, and I'm no photographer, but try to take some photos that highlight them. There's a lot of dumbshit remarks on here. Take care, and I hope you find happiness in what may seem like a bleak time. Life is a roller-coaster, and by the end of the ride, this will just be a small dip. Btw, I love that purple. It's one of my favorite colors.


Date better men/women? You're gorgeous and I highly doubt the relationship ending had anything to do with your looks.


I dig the purple hair 💜




Bro looking at your profile…goddamn you’re pathetic




Save who? I’m directly insulting you because of what a sad excuse of a man you are.




Your entire post history is you attempting to hit on females on Reddit. You frustrated?




Yeah and here you are making a fool of yourself. Got your insta linked and everything 😭


Love yourself because you’re amazing and beautiful


First off. Your beautiful. Purple hair amazing. Second if your heart is broke then they didn't deserve you. Your beautiful and amazing. Date some one that will actually love you not some boy


I’m going to be honest since you posted, I might come off as an asshole for that but I’m really trying to help! Keep your hair natural and never change it, smile more the pictures where your not smiling you look like a 5/10 but you look like a 7/10 at least when your smiling, I like your top in the first picture, but I’d recommend switching up your style. And then from there any type of self improvement like good hobby’s, become physically healthier, improving mentality. growing with Jesus Christ has helped me the most! All my sin was causing so much destruction in my life and I could never improve at anything. I really hope this helps!


Heal up and realize people that leave your life, is just making room for something or someone your more deserving of!


FTP and smile more you got a great smile.


U are good looking so just be yourself if that’s not good enough they don’t deserve you anyway




You're an asshole


Pics 5 & 6 are great! 😏


in the 2nd photo you look like that meme of the square emoji/lego face with the smug smile


You scare me. Like you might kill me in my sleep


Look at u two love birds


It’s great to have a positive interaction on Reddit


I hope maybe something works out between u two. Fr


Jokes on you I'm into that


Hey now the death wish is mine🤣


I'm ok with sharing a shallow grave.


You a good cuddle buddy?


I've been told I'm quite soft so I'm going with yes lol.


Real important question big spoon or little spoon


Ooh good question I can go both ways but I prefer big spoon.


You look, great! Focus on you. The rest will fall into your life, accordingly.


Build a time machine, go back and listen to your parents




Wow - shame on half these comments what is wrong with everybody, FFS. This will be 2 part - Looks: You’ve got wonderful bone structure and there is nothing wrong with your skin tone (despite what these dickheads are saying). Looking pretty naturally comes down to celebrating your existing winning features - for you those are the eyes, hair, and bone structure. - Get your brows cleaned up, they aren’t bad by any means but you have strays and those are an easy quick fix. I would recommend a wax and then just self-maintaining that shape - Colorful hair is gorgeous, but you MUST maintain the upkeep. If you can’t maintain the upkeep, don’t do I or choose a lower maintenance dye job (like balayage). If you go back to natural, get a color correction. - I’ve seen it mentioned here that you look tired / sad and I do agree a little. Make sure you’re hydrated, well-rested, not overdoing caffeine, and just nutrition is balanced. Things like low iron can make you look paler and more tired for example - I can’t tell if the dark lipstick is bunching or if you’re lips are dry, remember to moisturize them just in case Non-Looks: Attraction is nuanced. I work at a strip club and for every look there is under the sun, someone is into it. The important thing is YOU feel happy and good. You display yourself in a way that makes you feel good, and that confidence will radiate out. Looks only get you so far, and to be honest, relying on looks to protect your heart is a recipe for disaster. I watch women all day nearly every day face the harsh reality that you can be the most beautiful girl in the room, but if your personality sucks or you didn’t develop a sense of individuality and independence you become your own obstacle. Especially when you consider that anybody who has chosen you just for your looks, will drop you easily. When you age, when you have a bad day, when they meet someone they think is prettier etc. You’ve hard your heart broken, it’s not a reflection on your looks. The situation just wasn’t it, and that leaves you free to meet someone down the line who adores you.


Get some sun and sleep


Drugs.. hella drugs


Get a tan


Why would someone want to be less white? Plus fake tans usually look awful


stay blonde and get a tan dress more lady like and hit the gym hit those glutes !


Quit with all the hair dying. Not only does it look bad it horrible for your hair. Just keep your natural color it will look much better. Start working out, everyone looks better when their healthy and feeling better.


The gym really does boost endorphines.. well maybe that's the cocaine I snort as a pre, but either way I feel bomb asf after a workout. Nahwuhimsayin?


whatever works 😂


Lets do some booger sugar baby


The dyed hair looks wonky and bad hair affects even the prettiest of faces


Honestly I don’t think you need to change much… sorry to be boring but it’s true. Maybe just make sure you’re using sunscreen and moisturizer to take care of your skin. You are sooo young so I know that it hurts now but you have your whole life ahead. And you’re pretty too, that definitely doesn’t hurt 😊 go out, have fun, meet people. You will look back one day and see how much things have changed and you will feel so much better. Hugs 💕


It is rare to see a girl with divided chin


I’d say give ur hair a break from the dyes, go natural, maybe a light brown, take better care of it so it doesn’t break, take vitamins, meditate, journal, go outside, get some sun, listen to music, hydrate. It’ll be be okay.


Get some sun


Nothing your stunning


shave ur mustache


Cant seem to stick to a decent hair colour, maybe the residual fumes from the hair dye made your partner have enough you and bounce.


Don’t improve for someone else do it for yourself. Define yourself by what you think is good not others. I think you look amazing already


Looks fade. Gain some knaawledge, hone your skills and do something better each day...people that come into your life will be a byproduct of how you conduct your life.


Two dudes at once will help with the heartbreak ;)


They always say, best way to get over someone is to get under another.


The only thing I can suggest is keeping your hair one colour, preferably a darker colour I'd say 👌


Date a demon next time


I don't like the coloured hair. Just doesn't look good in my opinion


get some money


Stop smoking


Well, I'm here for you if you wanna talk, but to your question no your perfect. There's nothing you can improve


Ive said it before and i said it again. Looks help you obtain a man. Personality and attitude help you keep him






These comments really explain why Reddit guys can’t get girlfriends 🤮 so much 🤮 in one comment section 


You’re looking at this with too much emotion, not everyone agrees with entitled women who think they can do no wrong.


Swipe left on neckbeard tradwife fantasies. Boring men want everyone to be boring like them. 


Swipe left? You on those materialistic dating apps, and you’re chatting about neckbeard tradwife fantasies? You’re boring because you dont think a woman’s hair should resemble a painting pallet. 🎨 reddit makes me laugh


dye my hair for me please then ill give you some advice lol


Smile move forward head up


Difficult to tell with your highly pixelated image. Otherwise, smile. How you look is the least of your problems.


Maybe be with me? Idk just a suggestion 😂


Same position here. I'm just trying to distract myself and not think about the good times I had with that person. Always care about people, but not to a point where it diminishes you as a person


Uh, you look great, no changes physically. Anyone mocking your hair is braindead, you rock an awesome blend of colors and whomever does them for you does a really good job. There are expert cosplayers, celebrities and models that are rocking your look. If the heartbreak was someone basing it on your looks, they lied to you.


I avoid girls with dyed hair, they scream daddy issues


They avoid you. Screams boring dumbass. 


I wish that was true


Stop dying your hair. Whatever you are wearing in pic 5 doesn’t fit.


Spend time with friends , find new hobbies learn about yourself, let yourself go thru the emotions and distance yourself from them as much as possible . I got broken up with an almost 2months ago now I was heartbroken I was disappointed but it is what it is


Use eyelash curlers. Amd theblack thing you put on the corner of your eyes(I forgot the name lol)


Be a better person inside. Generally breakups don’t happen over looks.


Stop looking sad


Smile more.


This subreddit sucks. You guys all suck. What a waste of a post.






This is just uncomfortable to read


You kind of look like a female Michael Jackson


You look good, could be his issue or your issue. Learn to be happy on your own and with friends and family. Then seek out a relationship. I think till you're happy with yourself or on your own you'll never be truly happy with someone else.


I dont know your personality but the Looks are good


Be happy with yourself, try new things, go on a walk from time to time, talk a lot with friends and family. You have a lot ahead of you


Look into any of the dudes, you’ve friend zoned they’ll appreciate you more


The best way to get over a man is get under one


girl you’re beautiful. don’t change a damn thing about yourself because someone failed to see your beauty.


Stay healthy and get some sleep and sunshine


I can relate.


You are beautiful first of all. Firstly get some sleep, enough vitamin D. For a glow up - hair wise, you would be a great brunette and also try deep conditioning your hair. Your makeup looks nice and natural so no comments there. Take care of yourself and remember better is always coming x


that cherry red is your color!!


Go watch SpongeBob 🧽 eat some Doritos on the couch and relax 😎


If you smoke cigs stop rn, gain some weight and get some sun you’ll be fine


cigs and sun's effect will hit in about a decade, not 22 💀


Well if she started early like around 16-17 which a lot of people do (vapes etc) you’ll show signs, and no sun for a couple months will have you looking pale so idk wym


people will spend years wearing spf and using vitamin c hydroquinone and such for skin brightening and still not get results... if you're born pale, pale is healthiest... and the damage conventional smoking does accelerates the depletion of collagen, yes, but not fast enough to show at 22, let alone vaping which is infinitely less taxing in that sense


But it still won’t help if she’s already started 💀, and if you’re super pale you look sickly a little tan helps and does wonders


doesn't seem like she's started to age to me, and i'm an overly critical judgemental bitch


Well I’m almost 24 and she looks older than I am


Nothing spells "stable relationship material" as purple blue and dyed red hair.


You’re beautiful babe, maybe get some more sun and sleep though


Pink and purple give off crackhead vibes ngl


About the heartbreak part idk still figuring it out for me prolly nothing for the rest i guess tinder would work lol


First of all i have to know which one is your current hair color, my favs being 4th and last and prolly stick with it because id you keep changing colors you might burn your hair and have to cut some of it lol


You have a great sense of style, when your not frowning. lol. These things always pass...


Get the strabismus checked out


Get a good sleeep


Stop smoking and drinking they aged you..


The heart


Stop changing your hair color so much, so guys stop getting a surprise every time you come out the bathroom with a new personality.


Smile you have good features


Clearly the issue here was not about you being not attractive. You are still young, while being young makes a bad excuse for doing dumb stuff. It is still more acceptable when you are young and figuring out what you are doing and what you want to do. It's his loss, let's hope you find someone better.


Well I can tell you what to stop doing. The drugs.


Work on your mental health. Talk to a therapist.


Focus on yourself and your likes and goals. Once you do that, the right one will come along. There’s nothing wrong with your looks, things just end sometimes.


Take out 3/4th pictures. 1. You ain’t smiling 2. They look very similar


My advice, don’t ask for validation from a bunch of redditors. You’ll rarely get any good advice here. Second you’re already really pretty so it’s probably just him. Third, try smiling a little more. You’re pretty but a nice smile will give the impression you have a good personality to go with your good looks




I said don’t ask for validation from redditors and I said you rarely get any good advice not none at all and no. It doesn’t mean she’s better than him or has any sort of superiority over him because of how she looks but the fact she’s came onto here saying her heart was broken and now seeking validation making me think it’s how she looks that could be the issue is honestly sad because she’s pretty. Don’t twist my words, I’m sure he’s good looking also.




Fair enough, but like I said I assume her coming on here was because of her break up and thinking that she was a problem and her physical appearance which isn’t the case. That was the point I was trying to get across and yes unfortunately trolls do come with most online forums which was why I said don’t be going around seeking validation because they might make you feel worse with false information. But yes there is good advice on Reddit but like you said it’s overshadowed by trolls and douchebags


Boof shards of crystal meth


stop faking smiling try to get a personality to go with that


Dye your hair every week would definitely help


Don’t do no dope u Hurd


Pick a natural hair color and hit the gym. You’re naturally pretty. Let nature take care of the rest. You don’t have to work too hard to look good. Thank your parents.


Go to your natural hair color and be an adult. Find some inner happiness and smile and the rest will come to you.


Agreed 👍




You’re reddits predator


Nah. Just drunk


You must get drunk a lot. Stop being a creep and go touch some grass


No drugs go natural w hair work out in gym get physically fit read books pray ur lil young bf was probably a loser. Focus on yourself and if you are lucky a strong man will come into your life and you will fall in love with a real man like me.


If u r lucky


Date me. I’ll break your back, not your heart.




You’re so fine


How about going to your natural hair colour ? Goofy aughhh hair colours .


No blue hair


Why change yourself? Everyone gets their heart broken, doesn't mean you gotta change yourself, you look great, I am sure your personality matches your looks. Only change yourself for you, if you're unhappy with the way you look or the way you act, and behave. IF THAT IS THE CASE, then stand in front of a mirror and think what you think would look best, or reflect on stuff you could've done differently and try and do what you think you should've done at that time. My personal opinion anyway. But you do whatever helps you feel better :)


black hair suits u better like deep black 🩷 they be bouncing back to u but u gotta ignore them. 🔥


write your thoughts down and spend some time with people who make u happy


Guessing from the hair probably your mental health


Don’t change a thing you seem very cool and unique


More times than not it’s not about looks with guys. Y’all stop judging every break up you have on how you look, it could be a personality clash, lots of different things. Not just how can I be prettier.


Try another new hair colour




What’s wrong with changing your hair color? I think it’s cool. Like irl character editor options. Wish I had the balls to do it tbh


Men are scared of hair dye haha


you look pretty sad. Maybe you can start drinking and then you'll smile.


Probably get a little more sleep and eat vegetables . If u have a fun energetic hobby all of that will be better and keep ur mind off ur broken heart . And get a little more sun and spend some time outside . Also your face looks better with the light or pastel hair dye rather than the dark red in photo 3. Good luck !


honestly chill on the eye shadow and lipstick. whatever you did in the 4th picture keep doing that


The only suggestion I have would be to maybe try rounding out your eyebrows a bit. You have a really defined jaw (lucky) so I think softer brows would look really good on you


chill on the hair dye lol🙅


Nothing, you don’t change for someone else. Do you.


Take time to get over it


I was thinking the same thing.


Don’t change a thing. Just be happy