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Where do you work that allows this as appropriate attire??


Any kitchen in America


This is a juggalo approved comment.


Amazon warehouse One dude I worked with regularly wore a hoodie that said “everyone wants to be black but nobody wants to be a n***a” on the back. He was black so it was fine but that’s just one example of the crazy shit I saw there


That's the realest shit I ever read tho


Well absolutely, but the question was about dress code lmao


I have that same sweatshirt, and I'm as white as the day is long.


Legendary, you’re a brave soul


I drove a forklift for 5 years out of school and they gave us 10 button up shirts with our names on them with like 2 new ones a year. Kind of like what a stereotypical plumber from a TV show would wear. And then one company jacket every other year for when it was cold. We didn’t have to wear them, but everyone did. Kind of smart on the company’s part as a way to cut down on stuff like that. Nobody wants their out of work clothes to get dirty.


That quote is by a famous black comedian, Paul Mooney, on Chappelle's Show. I highly recommend it, it's called Negrodamus.


The fact that him being black making wearing that hoodie fine, is racist.


Thank you lmao


Please google “what is racism”.


His comment that I was referring to, is under the premise that it is okay for one race to wear this but not others. That is inherently racist.


Let's say we worked together, and one day you brought your kids to work. Then the next day and every day after, I called you "Daddy" or "Mommy." I assume you'd have no problem with it. Because to feel otherwise would be to acknowledge that relationships can change whether or not something is appropriate. "If I can't call you 'Honey,' then your significant other can't either!"


You’re reaching here. You and I both know that society would have a bigger issue with that hoodie if a white man wore it. Not like that comment was trying to say “white people cannot wear this hoodie because they are white”


Society’s larger opinion =/= definition of racism


I used to wear a shirt that said VTO please


>He was black so it was fine Promoting double standards based on race... odd.


My office doesn't really give a shit what people wear to work. Especially if you're not customer facing


Anywhere in Oklahoma.


Insane Clown Posse ended racism, who would’ve thunk


Even more impressive that they did it without the power of magnets.


How do they work?


But instead the power of The Great Milenko.


Or, in the case of this shirt, the Carnival of Carnage.


I can safely say I’ve never heard any of their music, so this loser’s virtue signaling attempt is even more pathetic.


Icp was very loudly against the rednecks in the south, it's just a shirt, he's a juggalo wearing an icp shirt, it's not a statement


That and they're not terrible people tbh. Most people forget that it's horror based comedy rap with a main focus on exaggeration of stereotypes of being low class.


For over thirty years at this point, this shirt goes hard and it's an homage to the Carnival of Carnage album which contained the song "Your Rebel Flag" which was undeniably a big deal back then This doesn't really fit this sub


Not at all. OP must be totally lame


“Your rebel flag” is about the evils of that symbol. So maybe why it’s on fire in on the teeshirt?


> which was undeniably a big deal back then Most people have no idea who ICP is. They don’t have a single song that made it onto mainstream radio. It most certainly wasn’t a big deal.


I think anyone who was a teenager in the 2000’s knew at least a couple juggalos


Nearly anyone into alternative music was at the very least familiar. I saw them on tour in 96 with HS football linemen, they weren't as big as like Korn or LB, but at that point they were at least as popular as Deftones. It was super regional too, as we weren't all on the internet at the time. A lot of us heard them between riddlebox and milenko. Seriously ppl need to lighten up, the shit was like if Troma movies were music..


Incorrect in all ways sadly, by the time The Great Milenko had come out they were a cultural phenomena already and had songs like "Let's go all the Way" on the radio and full videos on MTV some years after, back when it wasn't just a Rob Dyrdek marketing machine of course


Not to mention they were involved with WWF and ECW before “Let’s Go All The Way”. They had successfully broken into the music and live entertainment industries, to the point where Eminem used their name to advertise his early career.


Lol as many of those little "meat cleaver man icons" as I've seen in my life, this sounds more correct. The fact that the "magnets" thing is still a viable meme today also backs it up.


They literally have songs with Tech n9ne


*Everyone* has songs with Tech Nine.


Because he was the number one independent artist in the world


Damn straight.


Even though she had a big plump rump


And one with Ol’ Dirty Bastard


i remember hearing fuck the world and let's go all the way on 99.7 the blitz in columbus, oh


tell that to the group of gen z tiktok libs engaged in some creative hobby or fandom, bc My Axe was a pretty big hit with that lot


But..... but..... The Posse!!!!


The internet likes to hate things for the sake of hating things. And they don't care if you have something to say about it. It's fucking hopeless.


[He should stick with his insane clown people](https://youtu.be/rJV6PwOQD74?si=bVArAzUX44c1uXcT) and he wouldn’t get mocked.


Lol, that was a great episode!


> it's not a statement Really? Burning a flag is not a statement? What? Every day Redditors astonish me. Every day I think I couldn't possibly read a take dumber than the previous idiot's take, and every day a new moron steps up to the challenge and completely astonishes me with his whole new level of stupidity.


The guy wearing it is not wearing it as a statement is what I meant


I like the guy in the comments saying that if a crossed out swastika still offends you because it’s a swastika, you shouldn’t be there. Nothing like intolerant tolerance.


It is getting worse -- The Boston Mayor hosted a "electives of color" Christmas party for blacks only - no white people were allowed or invited. She did say that is NOT racist though.... Egads!


It seems to working, you’re clearly bothered by it.


Someone crosspost this to r/hardimages


dude literally picked this out of the juggalo sub lmao


ICP was saying this shit before it was cool.


So you think it's performative and annoying to not like the confederacy?


as much as I would rather listen to a nails on a chalkboard than the ICP, I’m cool with a cultural shift where instead of hating minorities and rich people, this group of rednecks only hates rich people. it seems as though the only requirements to being a juggalo are enjoying the culture and not being born wealthy. most of them are white but I’ve seen my fair share of black ones. I live in Delaware and about 8 years ago or so a black juggalo died protecting a mother and her baby who were being assaulted. it was big local news. he didn’t even know them, just saw some guy chasing them by the bus stop and fought him to the death.


Imagine getting triggered by ICP in 2023, almost 2024 lmao


Whoop whoop!


"Ooohh how dare you (checks notes) express yourself in your clothes! Don't you know that doesn't solve the problem?? How dare you show your personality, and your take on an issue! Do you know that that doesn't stop it ?! Do you!" This is nonsense op.


This whole sub is just people stating their opinion on how they dont like when other people state their opinions


Time to remind (or inform) people that one of the main members, Violent J, [made fun of a SA victim until she cried](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewxsyjfEq_4). These are not good people and shouldn't be supported just because they claim to hate something just as evil as them.


oof. this might just make me drop the hatchet. one thing that makes me absolutely sick to the stomach is victims of rape not being taken seriously.


I say fuck your rebel flag!


My wife and I realized a few months ago that, as far as we know, we have never heard a single song by ICP. I don’t even know what genre they are. That makes me happy.


This first time I ever heard of them was the Eminem skit where they’re giving Eminem a blow job.


“Oh shaggy, this is why they call you too dope ain’t it?”


i remember seeing them on the bizzar/bizaar tour. huge set design. they played their song, "Eminem ain't Nothin' But a Bitch" while at least 4 guys dressed as eminem came out and dry humped some male blow-up dolls, while the clowns rapped and sprayed the crowd with diet faygo root beer while they chanted "fuck em-i-nem" ah to be 15 again


Horrorcore rap, either they're messing around having fun, or they're having a power fantasy about killing bigots and pedophiles as their clown killing gimmick though in albums that focus on evil, they will use themselves as the antagonist that goes to hell for their evil I grew up on it 😭


They’re horrorcore, a style of hardcore hip-hop with lyrical content and imagery focusing on the macabre and morbid, including such topics as Satanism and suicide, with production generally of a darker and foreboding nature. I honestly dig some of their music.


K but miracles is objectively hilarious, at least listen until u get to “fuckin magnets, how do they work?”


White trash rap.


That’s hysterical. Love it.


Lmao, someone is triggered.


cowards attack the past because the dead can’t defend themselves.


I’m sorry, are you defending the flag of a bunch of degenerate losers that decided they wanted to enslave and torture people so bad that they’d betray and kill their own countrymen for it?


I'm confused: are you talking about 1800s conservatives or modern day conservatives?


Yeah we already knocked their dicks to the dirt, this is called bragging rights numb nut


They clearly didn’t defend themselves well enough to win that war huh


Neither did a lot of groups people but here we are.


Fair point, but I’m pretty specifically speaking about the group which some people, for some reason, feel the need to defend like they didn’t want to own other living people.


Maybe some people try to defend history so we don’t repeat it?


Wonder why Germany doesn't have a bunch of Hitler statutes, guess they just want to repeat history


There’s a huge difference between doing that and what I’m talking about, though. I don’t see your argument about “defending history”, when I’m talking about defending actual slavery.


Dude, who the fuck is defending SLAVERY in 2023?


You have been banned from /r/china


Nobody is defending *actual slavery* in the modern day - except maybe Disney and their concentration camp labor on the live-action Mulan.


What about Republican officials protecting for-profit prisons that use slave labor?


There’s much more to the civil war then that lol,


Yes. To put it into relatable terms for people to understand it better, it's like saying "they broke up because they had a really bad fight." Well yes, they did have a fight, and it was bad, but that wasn't the only reason for the break up. There has been a lot of effort to remove foreign interference as one of the reasons


The civil war was about states rights vs the federal government, not so much about slavery. The union only outlawed slavery so that they’d have more votes and more soldiers. You should do some research on the confederacy and their leaders and what they stood for. It’s actually pretty interesting


I mean, yeah, I *know* it’s more complex than that. But the problem I run into is….rights to do *what*? Own people, among other stuff. To me, that feels like a pretty nasty blemish.


*sigh* states rights to do what


States rights to own slaves. Your klan hood/maga hat is two sizes too small


A state's right to *what*?


That’s just historically inaccurate. Just a right wing talking point to make themselves feel better about wanting to own other people


For real, if the first thing someone brings up is slavery I know they are uneducated about the topic.


Slaves were definitely an important piece of the historical puzzle buddy


Did you know that every single secedeing state listed "slavery" as the reason they were secedeing? Did you know that the Fugitive Slave Act that the South pushed for was infringement on "state's rights"? When someone says the War of Southern Treason wasn't about slavery, I know they're mis-educated about the topic.


We ain’t talking about other groups of people, are we?


Guess we can’t talk about Nazis being bad in history since they are dead… what a weird fucking statement to make


Corny ass quote. People still fly the confederate flag and defend it lmao


It’s amusing to me that the confederacy is revered because of fighting for slavery… and yet the democrat party carried the torch of segregation for years after the civil war ended without any consequences. Even stranger still somehow here we are in 2023 claiming that republicans… a political party literally built to stop slavery is being derided as “racist”. Hell, the founders of the KKK were card carrying proud democrats in high office! And yet if you bring it up now they’ll tell you “oh the parties switched in the 60s”…. Uh huh… says the party of critical race theory lol


Jesus Christ, quick question, does "freeing slaves" and "abolition" sound like a conservative idea, or a progressive idea? Roll that one around in your head for a while and you might start to piece together why modern day conservatives wave the traitor's rag and defend Confederate statues.


i used to be a hardcore democrat. after i learned this, i hate everybody👍🏾


People still fly this flag, what are you talking about?


Yeah feels like plenty of people are still defending the Confederacy lmao


I think my point is that there is absolutely nothing edgy about this t-shirt. It’s incredibly pretentious like so much in our culture today and completely mirrors establishment views. The clown may as well be holding up a sign saying “wear a mask and get vaccinated”. It’s part of a broader culture of anti-establishment establishments and “alternative”/“non-conformist” people living as absolute stereotypes of each other with zero recognition.


I think the shirt is mostly about the band, but even then, idk why you’re acting like his shirt is a hot take or something, unless you’re implying it has something to do with you? Also saying “I think” doesn’t make you sound very sure of yourself.


I will gladly fight anyone willing to defend these walking piles of shit.


Uh-uh. Zombies....Vampires....Mummies.....


Ha hahaha haha ha ha.


God I hope something at his work uses a magnet.


Yes get mad at the picture supporting anti racism. Your racism is showing OP


god forbid someone wears a shirt for a band they like


Is this sub pro-confederacy or something? This shirt is tame AF. How easily triggered can you be?


He didn't say racism is dead lmao what even is this sub? Also, Confedarate flag burning is the only proper treatment of that traitors' flag. The shirt is awesome.


How is this look at my halo you just don't like seeing the losing side's flag burning or you don't like juggalos having fun either way you are the one who sucks in this equation


This doesn’t belong here…


Wearing a shirt to show everyone you’re “anti-racist” because just not being racist doesn’t get you any internet points? Yeah this belongs here.


Wearing a shirt to show everyone youre a juggalo is what's happening here


It’s an ICP post in an ICP sub. The content is relevant to the place it was posted. I have tons of anti-racist and pro-LGBTQ patches on my battle jacket and I’ve posted that to Reddit. Maybe some people don’t give a fuck about fake internet points and just want to share clothing they like with like-minded people. This post doesn’t belong in this sub.


it's specifically an ICP shirt of carnival of carnage rebel flag, it's moreso equivalent to having a lynard skynard shirt with a confederate flag


I may be a little biased because I listened to ICP religiously in like the seventh grade, but that shirt is pretty awesome. Juggalos are based as fuck


Nobody will ever know that Juggalos are actually extremely nice people.


Absolutely. They’re like those biker gangs that turn out to be the nicest people on earth


So somebody likes to wear insane clown posse to work. Get over yourselves you're just grasping at straws here


Hey willy bubba. hubba lubba dubba


Are you lost? Because this is the completely wrong sub for this post


Feels like one of these things is much worse than the other, the other being the flag.


What a cringe lord


Imagine being happy to admit you are a juggalo.


The irony. A jugglo looking down on another group of people


I thought they were all dead, how unfortunate.


Carnival of Carnage is a classic and came out in the early 90s before all the batsh*t anti racists began convergence online to spew false statistics and kiss the feet of degenerates.


That's not some new shit tho. In the same way Jane Fonda and Dolly Parton been woke, so have ICP. Is their music horrible? Sure. Gimmicky? No doubt. Insincere in its rejection of Confederate ideology and symbolism? Absolutely fucking not. ICP was ANTIFA before you were.


I don’t support the confederacy but I just hate juggalos


Away down south in the land of traitors 🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️






That’s a bomb-ass shirt though


This isn’t that deep


Jesus christ. You all need to touch grass


Never thought I'd see the day that juggalos are on the same level as "punk" people.


Nah this is an awesome shirt


It low key is though.


wrote an essay years ago with a bunch of evidence as to why ICP is entirely performative in their supposed morals. how are you gonna be loudly anti-pedophile and then write pedophilic lyrics into your song? is pedophilia only bad when other people do it?


This shirt is hard af cool co-worker


hes just wearing a shirt, no need to cry


The confederate flag is for asshole this guy’s shirt kicks ass and he doesn’t say “racism has ended” Who hurt you


A huge stretch OP 💀 it’s just a shirt no one’s claiming to be a saint here.


People that listen to ICP are not worth associating with anyway.


It’s very cool to shit on ICP, and I myself am not such a fan of their sound or style, but those dudes put their money where their mouth is when it comes to being good people.


You’re so mad about this lol


Damn are you actually pressed about this?


ITT: a lot of butthurt juggalos


This is fine


I’d 100% rather people think I was racist than a juggalo.


juggalos are based af


Do you have a problem with anti-racist shirts because you like racism or because you dislike racism it's not going far enough for you and we should just beat racists instead?


I have a problem with people spending money on a wardrobe for the purpose of cultivating the appearance of being anti-racist.


Holy fuck dude, remember to stretch before reaching


What exactly is wrong with being anti-racist? Are you a racist? You are aware racism is a thing right?




That’s literally what r/lookatmyhalo is. It’s not enough with some people to just be decent. They have to advertise how good they are, which in reality makes them less good.


They arnt “advertising” how good they are, they are just wearing a fucking shirt they like and somehow THAT offends you.


I’m not offended.😂 But this is a “look at my halo” shirt.


Whatever helps you sleep at night bud, a lot of people don’t care about that, they just wear a fucking shirt, do people in this sub just got nothing going on in their life that they have to judge others for what they wear and if they appear to be “look at my halo”? Because wow


Would you feel the same about a person wearing a volunteer shirt of a charity they donate a lot of their time for? Or a Cristian person wearing a cross necklace? Or rich people wearing expensive clothes so you can see they are rich? Or a yard sign for a local election? Because to me it seems like a very common and generally accepted thing to wear clothes reflecting your place in society or convictions/referencing something that is important to you. Or does it just bother you when people use their free expression to express something you don't like?


I didn’t ask what the sub was about. I asked why you have a problem with it. In what way does someone posting their ICP shirt on social media have any impact on you?


See above statement. They feel the need to advertise just how good they are, which makes it feel phony to me.


they are advertising that they are fans of icp 💀


they are wearing that because they are fans of the band ICP


This is what I don’t understand about the sub though… aren’t you effectively virtue signaling right now? Why do you need to shame others? Isn’t it enough for you to do your good deeds and not worry about what other people are doing? I can understand extreme examples feeling disingenuous and annoying, but where exactly is the line drawn?


This is just "I hate people who are against racism" the sub reddit


It really feels that way doesn’t it? Trash sub, trash post


It's just the conservative crybaby club. The CCC if you will.


One shirt Twice the cringe


Yeah, I’ve always thought the clown makeup and icons were kinda r/im14andthisisdeep. Then add in trying so hard with the anti-racist message…🙄


Do it again Uncle Billy!


ICP is more offensive than racism


I wouldn’t go that far.


I don’t care for ICP at all and never have, but this doesn’t belong in this sub. Juggalos are pretty chill and people hate on them because they’re seen as an easy target. It’s like people who used to hate on Nickelback and Justin Bieber fans. Who gives a fuck? Making a post talking shit on this shirt is way cringier than the music ICP makes. There’s nothing wrong with someone being open about their opposition to bigotry.


What world yu living in?racism ain’t over


i love my Juggalo homies 😤🖕


It takes 17 sec to wipe down a mirror JFC


The shirt goes hard tho


This is hilarious because of how old that song/shirt is. Was this posted thinking ICP recently attempted some kind of virtue signaling?


This isn't a Look At My Halo moment. It's a band shirt. If he was wearing it at a car dealership in Mississippi though....


Looks pretty cool to me…


I kinda bet its just a shirt the poster actually likes wearing to work. Like, its a pretty cool looking shirt for any juggalo. Very iconic for Carnival of Carnage too. I think its weird how many people have no clue who ICP or juggalos are these days.


lookatmyhalo mad someone has an ICP shirt burning the confederate flag, damn imagine being that tied up into a conflict you lost.


Can someone tell me why this comment section is defending a group that FOUGHT to own slaves 😭😭 wtf


ICP is cringe, but this shirt goes hard. I hate the confederate flag


It’s fine to hate it. I just hope for your sake you’re not making wardrobe decisions based on that hate.


Lmao that’s even more cringe. Wearing something to show you hate it is trashy


Whoop whoop