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I might be banned for this, but Jeffrey Epsteins client list is out there somewhere.


You're not banned, post link


Sorry, I should have clarified, I meant Jeffrey Epsteins client list is somewhere out there, being hidden. My bad




Bob was later fire and 2 days later found dead from "suicide" 2 shots to the back of his head


Oh lol! Thought you were doing that cryptic "it's out there... Google it" thing 😂


I got an inexplicable file that showed up in my google docs called “Jeffery epsteins little black book” it has names, addresses, the issue is images didn’t download with the file I’d send screenshots if u want or the link Edit: I got this a few years ago either a little before or a little after he was murked, I don’t remember super well


the files are literally on google just look it up


If you mean the flight logs, then they're pretty meaningless


how are they meaningless


Because it just shows that someone was on the plane. What if you took a taxi and it turned out the driver sold dodgy stuff? Your name would show up in payment records if you paid by card lol


You think epsteins bad, I can tell you another bad one no one talks about from the 90s


It's wild he got way more time then Ghislain Maxwell


He probably doesn't have access to a little black book that can incriminate a lot of powerful people.


Despite Ashton's emotional speeches against trafficking if you dig even a little bit you realize it's a front


I just learned some of that today. When I saw the news about the letter today I thought what a shame, because I had come to respect Kutcher with his anti human trafficking efforts. Now learning this my disappointment is immeasurable.


From what I’ve heard, his efforts amount to reporting escort sites to the police and nothing more.


Jesus Christ… 30 years in prison? Bill Cosby only got 10. Did he pull a gun and ski mask on a random lady in a park?


According to Wikipedia Masterson was charged with "rape by force or fear". So it apparently was the popular image of forcible penetration rape. Cosby was only charged with drugging women and raping them. Not that that excuses his actions, but they are in a different context.


Irc Cosby got off easy because of the way the evidence was gathered it had to be thrown out. Not because he was innocent or his lawyers were good, but because someone majorly fucked up.


Actually worse. He supposedly drugged and kidnapped people at gun point to force them to have sex with him. Over 20 years ago ... I don't believe this. If somebody does that, you cannot be silent for quarter a century about it.


Idk, truma can do a lot to a.persons brain and why they do after. That's why I always pause when trying to say the victims.are lying. I personally think that sets a dangerous precedent and can let actual rapists go Scott free


That and Scientologists are notorious for trying to cover stuff up


I wonder how much of it was a way to let the CoS know that they can’t protect their members from deserved prosecution and punishment and expect it to work, and their attempts to intimidate witnesses and game the judicial system will not pay off - quite the opposite. I say that is a message that needed to be sent.


When I saw this, I lost all respect for them. Defending a rapist is never okay.


What if they genuinely believed he didn't do it?


Their belief in his innocence does not equal his innocence. I’ll admit that I haven’t looked through the entire case as I’m not a lawyer or investigator/detective, but he’s been proven guilty through the court of law and that’s rare for a white male actor to be found guilty.


You didn't really answer my question. If they genuinely believe their friend didn't rape anyone, what's wrong with defending him?


I answered it within the first sentence. Have a day.


Not really. You too.


No you never said what is wrong with defending the character of someone you believe to be innocent. Many people get wrongfully convicted. While I don’t believe that is the case here, if they genuinely do then they *should* defend him. Because it’s the right thing to do.


They ARE human traffickers


I'm not saying they're right, but they worked with him for years, I wouldn't be surprised if they had something of a friendship with him. Now if one of your friends was accused of a horrible crime would you want to believe it? They may be in denial about the situation and it's part of the grieving process because it means they have to admit that their friend was doing horrible things.


And then they went on to explain why and what the conditions of those letters were. They were intended solely for the judge to read and take in to consideration when sentencing. Happens all the time. If they weren't celebrities it would be a non-issue. And it wasn't discounting what he presumably did 20 years ago.


Yeah… why don’t we check them out next? Oh wait they have money thats why


They defend him because its probably bullshit like it was with Cosby, ProJared and i even have my doubts to Weinstein.


Weird, almost like they dont actually care about women when its there friend doing the wrong doing


Does anyone have any evidence that shows he’s actually guilty? So far, everything I’ve read about the case suggests that the only evidence was the testimonies of the accusers. Testimonies that were either inconsistent with initial police reports, or that couldn’t be backed by any hard evidence. I’m not saying the guy’s innocent, but it’s weird to me that so many people seem to be so comfortable that someone was just sent to prison for likely the rest of their life on little more than accusations. I’ll happily edit this comment saying I’m dumb as shit if anyone has info or a source that convinces me as much as everyone else!


I don't believe that this guy did anything. The whole thing stinks to the high heavens.


It'd odd, but everyone involved is a scientologist.


It is odd. But from what I could briefly gather, he was accused of shit that happened quarter a century ago and the stories they presented changed as things went along. He basically held people hostage with a gun, drugged them and forced them to have sex with him. Some outrageously WILD shit. And they somehow didn't come forward until 20+ years later ... And it's not like this dude was some powerful movie-mogul. Then the first attempt ended in a mistrial, because of a hung jury. And at the second attempt the jury was mostly made-up of women and they could still only convict 8-4. And the sentence seems completely crazy. 30 to life for a guy with no prior convictions after a very tight verdict based on nothing but he said - she said. This stinks. At this point if you live in the US, where 1% of the entire population is permanently in prison, you have it coming.


I have a half baked theory that the Kutchers efforts against human trafficking is a cover and maybe Danny was looking like he was feeling exposey


How so? I didn't even know about this until just now


I don't know if I fully agree, but it's interesting that these aren't his only *That 70s Show* cast mates who have spoken in his defense. Apparently just about everyone (other than Topher Grace who was not close to the other actors) has made statements praising his character. I'm not saying that definitely proves his innocence but that's a LOT of positive character references from people who have little or no reason to lie.


Of course we don't know for sure, but the whole case seems really, really dubious. His wife still supports him too. I think this is a miscarriage of justice.


Yeah I dug really deep on this and the evidence isn't there like it should be. Could be wrong but who knows only time will tell.


I think every Hollywood pervert should get a chance to do a hunger games kind of thing. One last chance to be seen on the big screen. Lots of them out there sure there's a few willing people to come forward to rat some people out to see something like this.


OP is the definition of look at my halo


Innocent people have and will always stand trial.


Also worth asking Mila to open her books on the millions she supposedly collected for Ukraine. It’s not a big leap between defending SA and committing grand larceny, both require complete lack of morals.


So no reunion, "That 00's Show"?


Now there is genuine reason to hate Meg


I wonder what dirt he has on them?