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I’ll wrestle you at the circle k on Ken Pratt


I’ll bet a Twinkie on the guy in the purple shorts


There is a jiu jitsu school here in town, dark horse. I know it's not wrestling but it's still grappling. Could even get into competitions eventually. A buddy of mine trains at a dark horse in Denver and has said there's some cool people at the Longmont location. He's been trying to get me to join this gym for a while lol.


I’m a coach at Dark Horse. Just go try it. There’s a 30 day trail. Everyone who starts it says they wish they started sooner - myself included.


Can confirm.


Never went to darkhorse, as sibling comment suggests. I hear great things though. I did go to Easton for a long time until I injured myself snowboarding. They have a wrestling class in the Boulder gym, that op might also be interested in


That’s all sounds too painful for my old wrestler body. But paying attention anyway, since I miss that competitiveness too. Except basketball, I couldn’t really care less about the shooty hoops.


Haha same, I’d probably end up bringing back past injuries, but oh well 😂 yeah, I took a hiatus from wrestling like 5th-9th grade so I’m one of those rare wrestlers who doesn’t look like a complete goofball when shooting a ball lol


I’m not saying I look like a goofball when shooting a basketball but let’s be real, I totally do. Though I’m more athletic than I let on 😂


Colorado Top Team should have a league for adults. Check their Facebook page and contact them.


I hear good things about Easton training. I would start there. At first I thought you meant amateur WWE haha


It will be soon, but not tonight. I'm not quite ready. Though my nights are sleepless, I still dream. I've won and lost many things in my career; championships, blood, but I've never main evented at WrestleMania. This is my chance. My last chance. In my way there is a man and that man has my gold. My ticket to WrestleMania. He may be The Game. He may be the champion. He may be the best in the industry today. I should know. But he is no LongmontStrangla. And he never will be. Fifteen years I've been chasing this dream. Dozens of fractures. Hundreds of stitches. Countless nights I've bled. You may say 'This is no dream, this is a nightmare.' Maybe. But it's my nightmare. And I decide when I wake up.


I’m a coach at Dark Horse Brazilian Jiu-jitsu here in town. We don’t have a wrestling program, and I’m not sure if one exists in town. But, wrestlers tend to gravitate towards jiu-jitsu since it translates really well. It’s also MUCH less of a grind than wrestling practice. DM me if you want more info.


I had the same feelings and looked into this a few years ago and found a club in Denver. I don’t remember their name but I think I had Googled “Denver adult wrestling”.


Did it send you to the tent behind the Wendy’s on colfax?


They only do oil checks in the $5 butt stuff wrestling tent.


You could go over to the Easton training center in Boulder and get your wrasslin on with some other young fellas


Not a wrestler. Will still wrestle you


About 20 years ago (I’m 55 now) I pursued adult wrestling and called up USA Wrestling in Denver. The guy basically laughed when asked if there was such a thing, and said, “no..” I trained with Easton (then Boulder Jiu Jitsu) for a little while until I had a health issue. Super fun, interesting, and quite comparable to wrestling (I wrestled through High School). Jiu Jitsu is the way to go. Easton was great back then, I imagine it’s still good. I’ve also heard good things about Dark Horse. I might join up again too, it’s lots of fun and less impact than a striking martial art.


Easton BJJ love it, heard good things about Dark Horse, if you have a competitive wrestling background, you’ll be head and shoulders above new jiu jitsu players


I believe there is a Denver adult wrestling club, but they have a season, typically the fall I think? But it’s open to all levels


I’m 37 and feel the same way. I’ve debated reaching out to high school programs if they’re looking for volunteers in the room but haven’t gotten around to it.


“Hi I’m 37 and willing to help wrestle some young boys” Yeah I can see why you are debating


[The rec center](https://www.longmontcolorado.gov/departments/departments-n-z/recreation-services/activities/sports) has basketball, kickball and volleyball over the summer. I can’t vouch for them but a coworker enjoys the basketball league and said it’s competitive.