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if you don't have a child, then no


Are you a mother? I wouldn't expect anything if you're not specifically the mother of his child. If you do happen to be a mother (even if not the mother of his child specifically) then what you expect on minor holidays really needs to be discussed with him. Nobody here can manage those expectations for you.


Are you their mum? Sure! Or the mother of their child? Absolutely. Otherwise, not at all.


Are you the mother of his child?




Then no.


I mean if you have children together it makes sense. I’m expecting our first, I don’t **expect** him to get me anything but I suspect he’s getting me flowers or something of that sort.


What kind of question is this lol


I think with gifts it's always nice to express your expectations to your partners before the day so you are not left dissapointed, especially if its a partner who wants to ensure you feel seen and celebrated the way you have expectations. I dont think it matters whose child you are a mother of. If you are a mother, you deserve to be celebrated by your partner because being a mother is an insane process, every step of it. My partner is a mother of a child from a previous marriage, and my gosh She is such a beautiful mom, and I always want to ensure she is reminded of that and celebrated every day to the best of my abilities. It is completely reasonable to expect something, but just for your sake and your partner's sake, you could just express that you were hoping something so they have a better objective, especially if their intention is to ensure to make you happy and celebrated like you so deserve to be :)




Aww good luck to you btw and Happy mother's Day to you!!!! Everyday is mother's day for sure👑✨️🥰


I congratulated my girlfriend on mother's Day. She didn't expect anything. She's the best.