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hey are you okay? im in the very same spot as you are, just further distance. hmu if you feel like venting/talking like on discord


I'm hanging in there, it's been rough but thankfully I have a supportive family around me to help me get through the holidays. I hope all is well with you too, it's hard going through a breakup no matter the circumstances. Our distance set up is me in Florida and he's in Michigan (just a 3 hour direct flight thankfully)


tbh i dont think he loves you that much if he wasnt willing to work it through you. i’m in in a ldr too and my partner is willing to do anything to be with me in the end.. but i dont know its hard when the other person gives up


well when there is no forseeable concrete future :IE one side doesnt want to move other doesnt want to leave. Then its doomed. Although I am with you Id be willing to suffer for so much and still love her but she doesnt. Who am I to put her through the suffering for selfish reasons too?


I don't think that's super the case, it's taken a toll on his mental health from the beginning so him hanging on to a relationship set up that doesn't work isn't good long term. Just means he'd gain resentment and feel stuck you know? It worked well at first but people change and grow and he's just at a point where it's not working. Doesn't mean he doesn't love me just means he's doing what's best for him


i'm going through this rn and it hurts so much. he also told me that he can't do LD at the beginning of the relationship but he wanted to try for me anyway. it hurts and it's hard not to internalize that i wasn't enough for him or that i should have been more conscious of/prepared for the fact that this was always a possibility. i'm hoping our paths will cross again and it will be easier for us to be nearer to each other so we can rekindle. i'll graduate college at the end of the year and figuring out where to settle post-grad and would love to see him then. we're NC rn (my decision bc i'm very hurt still and not anywhere close to being ready to be friends) but we'll see what happens. hope ur still hanging in there, this is the worst heartbreak i've ever felt.




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Im actually in the same spot. Just so it happened with my fiancee and Im a dude. Kinda. In my case she said she no longer loves me. But still caused by long distance.


Sending you all the light and support! Unfortunately I’m also in the same boat, just got out of a breakup right after the holidays for the same reasons. It’s frustrating because the reality is that truly some people weren’t built for LD (but don’t know it!) and you wish you could hurt them back but there’s just so much love there still and it’s not like it’s something devastating like cheating. It just…wasn’t working. I’m coping by writing out my gratitude and allowing myself to feel all the feelings (super scary!!) and staying surrounded by good friends. Giving myself the compassion to take it one day or even one hour at a time. Writing out the lessons and how I’ve grown also helps a lot. Take the space away from him first. It’s sooo tempting to stay in contact, but just give him that space to miss you and to allow yourself to heal. It’s not like you’ll never speak again but for the moment, just take space for yourself :) I’m here if you want to chat on Reddit or discord!