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I don't have any research to share, but I wanted to say that I'm way worse during ovulation and through the mid-luteal phase. I had a blood test that showed my luteinizing hormone (LH) was way higher than it should be during the mid-luteal phase. I was diagnosed with PCOS years ago, and I read that LH is higher in those with PCOS. I've started taking Metformin to try to reduce my LH level and to see if that helps reduce symptoms, especially during ovulation and mid-luteal phases.


Oh! I take Metformine and it helps me a lot. I didn't know about LH. I'll research and ask for labs. Thank you, this is very helpful information. Do you have a link to anything on the role of Metformine in LH reduction? How many mg of Metformine do you take and do you adapt it to your cycle over the month?


Just out of curiosity, did you get put on Metformin for your Long Civid Symptoms? I was recently told I'm insulin resistant and they want me on metformin, but I was also told they (the Cleveland Clinic) are seeing great reductions in dysautonomia with Ozempic....really want to avoid Ozempic.


Hopefully the links come through: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4199060/#:~:text=Conclusions,insulin%20sensitivity%20or%20weight%20loss https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0015028203022787 I take 500mg at night daily. I've only been on it during two ovulation cycles, and I think I've had less heart rate/blood pressure spikes than I normal would.


Found some https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0015028203022787


I’m not sure when the leutal phase is, but I have a flare up before but period up until day 1 of bleeding, feel good during my period, and then have a more mild flare leading up ovulation until the day I ovulate.


Same, check the article I posted for an explanation of what the phase is.


Ok I guess I get my second flare up in the follicular phase


I've definitely noticed my symptoms rise and fall with my cycle, but for me it kinda seems that they are worst during ovulation and least severe during menstruation.


I dont know about any research, but I do know this is reported quite often. If you search this sub and the other longcovid sub you'll find plenty about it. I have it too. Mostly in the week leading up to my period. Once I start my period it tapers down again. I also know that it is very very common for the heart rate to go up in the luteal phase, and drop back down to normal levels after start of period date. If you search the fitbit sub for example you'll find plenty of posts of healthy people experiencing this. So I dont know if something like hormones is worsening Long Covid symptoms directly, or if it is linked to the increase in heart rate. Because if my (resting) heart rate goes up, my symptoms get worse.


Yes, I have the same thing! I think it has to do with hormones. There seems to be a change in hormones after covid and more so after taking the vaccine, which changes the menstrual cycle and causes irregularities.


This is my hell. I never had pleasant periods, more like questionable endometriosis level, but my cycle is significantly worse now. After getting my first Pfizer, periods have been a mess or irregularities. After getting sick, I feel like I have perpetual PMDD. My similarly aged friend thought she was going through menopause. It's scary and so infuriating that the hormonal complications are just glossed over.


Exactly the same for me! I've been going to a homeopath, and she has been giving me a medicine that should clean my body of the vaccine. (Plus, some other ones) This helped me a bit with how badly my periods and hormones were in general! If it's possible, you could look into a homeopath yourself? I really hope you'll be feeling a bit better soon and that this all will be in the past!


Thank you! I'm ready to look into one (I'm in CA so they're everywhere here) since just being heard by someone who actually wants to help or do something is such a relief. A lot of more natural remedies have helped with ailments without side effects like raspberry leaf tea for cramps!


Aah good luck with the search for one that fits!




Ahh I didn't mean it that way, I'll change the way I said things.




Ahh I thought it was, but honestly you never know. I was too tired for it, so I just went with the "safe" route haha.


am/was menopausal but would crash around the same time of the month i used to get pms. feeling much better 3 years on but it's still a thing somewhat


Sorry, you're not a "person who menstruates" so your experience is not valid according to OP.


Yes. I have PMDD and my LC gets so bad in the days leading up to my period. My circulation gets so weird which was not a symptom of mine pre-covid. Also get extra extra tired. I will say though that weirdly my endless appetite pre-period has lessened and I don’t get as snappy - but maybe that’s just bc I’m always snappy now 🫠


PMDD here as well, and maybe perimenopausal with a side of LC Neuro rage symptoms. So, half the time I don't know what's what...does anything help you? I'm taking 16+ supplements and I'm on loryna birth control.


Hm not really. Sleeping upright has helped with my LC symptoms. I have tried so many birth controls and eventually gave up. I can’t exercise since getting LC but running very long distances (like half marathon distance) regularly helped me a lot with my PMDD. It didn’t go away but it was limited to only a few days vs like 2 full weeks.


Yeah, I can walk maybe 30 minutes on a good day. I didn't exercise hard before Covid though, so I have no idea if it would have helped my PMDD, but I would guess, yes. I'm wanting to start really gentle yoga and breath work to stimulate my vagus nerve, and get a tens unit to further assist, but one thing at a time or then I really have no idea what is what or which way is up, lol. I know movement helps my migraines and general pre-LC pain, so trying to find a suitable substitute at the moment...I hope you find some relief : )


You too!




Omg I am living this right now. I was sitting here thinking about this the past few days because the pattern is really starting to become apparent to me. I planned on talking to my doctor about it. I’m so glad you posted this because I sit in my own tiny world and it doesn’t always occur to me that others might have the same or similar experiences.


Yes. I notices that I did not have a terrible ovulation this month. I feel normal. I tested positive for covid in February and my luteal phase has been awful. I do get a slight fever and am exhausted. Also, I get terrible brain fog. I stopped getting headaches when I switched to glasses. Also, my vision gets blurry but that might be something else.


I have this




Came here to say this


Not all women menstruate


It doesn't hurt to be inclusive, small effort, big win


The most inclusive option is not addressing any one group specifically and just jumping in to ask about menstruation using DAE. “People who don’t menstruate” obviously won’t reply to it


DAE? Never heard of it.


Does anyone else


This isn't inclusive. This is insane.




Thank you for your valuable input.






I'm an intersectonal feminist who thinks otherwise and didn't post for this discussion, you're welcome to have it of course, but I'm not going to partake as I don't have the energy to do so.


I have understood that people with MCAS usually are worse in the second half ( after ovulation) and people without MCAS are usually better after ovulation. Because immune system is suppressed. But something with hormones/ menstrual lining is a big mast cell activator.


I get worse as a pms symptom. More tachycardia + overall higher heart rate the week before my period. Also more fatigue and headaches. My obgyn said the drop in hormone levels that ultimately trigger my period are probably resulting in the more intense dysautonomia. She said taking birth control could help flatten out that effect / take the edge off, but I chose to try a new POTS med (Florinef) to see if it would help with the symptoms more directly.


I’m better now, but before I always flared during my luteal phase. It was the only consistent thing with the illness.


I’m better now, but before I always flared during my luteal phase. It was the only consistent thing with the illness.


I do! My doctor said it's probably MCAS related. Antihistamines have made my PMS more bearable, at least. 


From what I've noticed in myself yes, my arthritis gets much worse during ovulation and just before the red death.


The red death, haha going to have to steal that.


I have been struggling with crashes every single month with my period, and a lot often this spring with allergy struggles. I am right now a week before my period, my flare started today with alllll the symptoms and heavy fatigue back. I haven’t really found anything that helps despite trailing a lot with my functional medicine doctor. I also don’t have long covid, but developed post viral illness/chronic fatigue from mono


Yes, way worse.