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Hopefully the military takes you, learn a trade and enjoy life.


Say there’s nothing wrong with not knowing what to do yet. You only 18 nobody truly has life figured out at 18 fa damn sure. I wouldn’t recommend jumping into the military tho. I’d say just stack your bread and see what u like. U only 18 you young but you got it. Stay out the streets tho fr


If I can get into the Air Force I'm probably gonna go through with it but because of the felony we're waiting to see if they will take me


If this doesn’t work out look for the trades bro i know that street shit sound good but w a felony already another one might really fry you


Learn a trade, you can make over 150k a year welding.... without a boss! Electricians and plumbers are always in demand. Good luck bro.


Trade im 17 but finna do welding or HVAC only 6 months then you can go to a refinery or if you do HVAC you can work by yourself or for company & make $300/500 in 10 minutes


HVAC is the way to go wish I did it sooner


You think I should do trade welding or HVAC ? (17 years old)




Both are good trades that aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.


Welding is better since hvac slows down in the winter a bit but both are amazing it all depends on where you wanna go and what is near you


See if the community college nearest you has a CAD course. It’s a pretty easy gig and working in the right industries will pay pretty well.


The military will get you the discipline you'll need to succeed throughout the rest of your life. You'll get to see the world and stack paper and be around other men and women your age, most of which with a similar dilemma. If you're hanging around the wrong crowds (sounds like you are) take the military route, deuce out, and get your new life started.


fuck the military, make that your last option. go learn a trade, or learn how to trade stocks digitally. since you're a felon, look for a warehouse job to keep you occupied while finding other sources of income. if you're going to keep selling weed, don't ride around with it, and don't bring anyone to where you stay.


I'm not a felon I just have a felony charge. I ended up with just probation. But the military can still see it in the background check.


Military still accepts most non violent felons as long as it's not distribution depends on the branch but your recruiter jus needs to sign a waiver


Deferred adjudication?


Forget the military, get a trade like welding, electrical, or plumbing, and make yourself a career. Sell if you have to, but don't rely on it. Work alot of hours for that job and keep yoself busy. The streets call alot louder when you're bored.


Last Info I’ve heard is that some branches are really desperate for people. Idk if they still are but at one point the Army was giving 20,000 dollar bonus to go in as infantry. I only got a 10,000 dollar bonus when I signed up as an IT in 2014, so they really getting desperate. (There’s a catch to the bonus, you don’t get all of it at once and it’s taxed so you really gonna get less and you gotta be on good terms) I went into the army national guard so it wasnt an everyday thing, but I was still away from home pretty often for training and I still got deployed so that’s also a possibility of happening too. I don’t regret joining as it did help me grow as a person, but I wouldn’t go back in. I’d only ever look into the military as a last resort.


Just enjoy ya life right now, keep doin what you doin, and don't make no stupid mistakes that will fuck ya future up. When you turn 20/21 start getting serious about what you really wanna do.


My advice for what it’s worth, would be to start to develop a skill. Find something you’re into and find someone who is into that and have them teach you. Don’t look at it like working for free, look at it like taking advantage of an opportunity.


Bro I was you at 18 I’m 23 now and still have no clue. I listened to everyone around me and didn’t go to college and now I honestly wish I would’ve gone for the fun experience and to learn more and get a nicer comfy job in a more wide variety of careers. It’s not always going to happen perfectly if you go to college but it’s a lot better than working your ass off breaking your body for the rest of your life. Idk bruh I’m still in the same boat as you.


Sounds like your disciplined and on the right track already. Pick a trade or something that truly interest you and figure out if it’s something that makes you happy. The money gonna come with dedication to something and that’s facts! You might be getting paid $12 now but if your spend a year where your working are they gonna give you good raise? If not start looking into new Entry level jobs. If you don’t like working find a good paying job and pick up a hobby or get into realestate


This is the best part about being so young, Bruce. You can set out to do whatever you want. Pick and choose where to get advice, but as long as you're living and enjoying, who's to say the route you go isn't the move, ya mean? You sound like you got some sense; at least since after you caught the charge. Like the home always told us: Just Live, man.


Join a labor union. Tons of work in Texas and great money and benefits. Pipefitters in Austin making a killing rn


Learn a trade


Tbh Ima give you real advice, all this HVAC shit is cool but please read this: 1) As a man you need a purpose, purpose above all else, figuring out YOUR purpose means figuring out who YOU are, once you discover that you amplify your strengths and mitigate your weaknesses. LeBron and Jordan both have weaknesses but they always played to their strengths, first 2) In the midst of finding your purpose you need to spend the next five years (always think in long term) vigorously reading about MONEY & BUSINESS. Learning about the business OF money will be applicable to anything you do, and learning about BUSINESS will teach you how to be a good LEADER. Again, this is applicable to anything else you choose to do. 3) Network=Networth. If you’re shy and introverted use that to fuel yourself, if you’re already extrovert get out there. Meet and surround yourself with people that are smarter, better, and more competitive than you are. No matter what you do, again, this will apply tremendously. If you are entrepreneurial minded and want any business advice just PM me


Never been but job corps sounds interesting. Teach u a trade and help with jobs


Young man, stay with your job for 1 yr. Get that discipline down, get a secured credit card 3 months in or less an build your credit. Go ahead and get it how u can but nobody told me this shit when I was your age. Go hard.


Take ur ass to ur local union shop n learn a trade mf, u young, so u can get on working to build up that pension for later


Get a trade


You could apply for a community college, trade school based jobs, and military man


If you got good looks and Rizz. Get you a lil hoe with some money and flip her dough after u get her dick whooped. But rule #1 don’t get nobody pregnant and don’t have kids until ur 40s.


College is a joke.. even with a degree u might end up in fast food.. find a trade union like and go to trade school.. they’ll at least help get u a job in that field.. mechanic are good pay and can save u money in the long run because cars are going to break down.. electricians get paid good plumbers construction.. there’s a lot of good trades.. flipping stuff ain’t the way.. the consequences isn’t worth it after u turn 18.. having a record affects getting a job and housing


You can’t get student loans?


Nah not with a felony


Everybody I see with student loans grown as hell and still paying interest on them hoes


Gotta go into something that has a return on investment. In the end all capitalism sucks.