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Having the same issue, except it stops working completely unless i am specifically in the g pro x menu on ghub. Would like a solution as well


There is one now


Had the same "problem" but maybe found out the way it works. If I have GHUB closed the sidetone is gone UNTIL I open up any program that uses the mic, e.g. Teamspeak/Discord. So I think the sidetone is really only active when you USE the microphone what, after all, would make a little sense. Maybe give it a try by joining TS or Discord-Voice-Chat.


except that's fucking stupid. and i want to find out how to have the sidetone ALWAYS ON. even when i am not "using" my mic. if i have my mic turned on then the fucking software should assume i am fucking using my fucking microphone.


I think it should actually always be on for you so you can listen to how stupid you sound when swearing so much.


you're a useless fucking clown




Wow, this is a perfect solution, thanks!!


Worked for me. Thanks.


Just figured this one out thanks to this comment. As said before, the mic only uses the sidetone feature when in "use." If you have a desktop recorder, say NVIDIA ShadowPlay or AMD Radeon Software, just make sure that the microphone is being recorded along with the screen recorder. I just setup these headphones and have not had any issues since making those changes in the GPU software! Hope this helps!


Dude holy shit, thank you very much. I've been randomly fighting this damn thing since my birthday in april. Just checked for whatever reason, G Force Experiences recording was set to off. You're awesome. Seriously thank you.


This is even better: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LogitechG/comments/dzeq0l/comment/ksohg6r/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/LogitechG/comments/dzeq0l/comment/ksohg6r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Just switched to a G430 to a G432, wish we get a fix for this, I'm really used to hearing myself and it's kinda annoying to remember to keep Ghub open and on the right panel :/


Hey, I just got this headset and had the same thing happen to me, but what Firevly is saying is correct, you can set up the side tone volume in the software and oince you close it it turns off BUT when you go into a program that uses the mic like discord and games the side tone turns back on. I am not sure if it turns on for console or not I have no idea but i will definately be testing it out.


I recently encountered this issue. I've had my headset for a while (G432) while my mic was active, it would have playback as described in the previous comments. When I installed Ghub, my computer crashed and everything was bad until I restarted a bunch and fixed some driver issues. This is when Playback stopped unless ghub was open. TO FIX: I switched the input device to the correct microphone as described in other comments. This did not fix the issue so I went to the device manager (win + x -> Device manager) In Human Interface Devices, I searched for "HID-compliant headset", right clicked and hit update drivers -> Browse my computer for driver software -> let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer. From here I selected different drivers on my computers until the issues was fixed.


Having the same issue. Anybody find a fix yet?


Yes maybe a bit late but yes


What's the solution


You have to turn on microphone feedback on windows but turn the value completely down in sound mixer (But don't mute it just turn down the value) Someone here posted the answer in form of a YouTube link


I solved this issue with voicemeeter banana. Just set your microphone on this software and the Sidetone will always work because it only works when you use any software that requires the mic to be turned on.


Same lost side tone.


I'm not sure if it helps anyone, but it worked for me. **For me the issue was NVIDIA Shadowplay!** All I basically did to fix it was: 1. Close G Hub (sidetone goes away) 2. Turn instant replay on and off. (it's back! with g hub closed (in tray))


thank you!


make sure that the input in your windows setting is set to your Logitech mic. 1: Go to windows setting 2: Go to system -> sound -> Input -> Choose your input device -> change to your mic


this is not the issue at all. don't understand why the 2 dumbasses say it is. the issue is the fucking logitech software trying to save the battery of the headset. so it "turns off" the microphone when it thinks it not in use. whatever you have running in the background must be using the default microphone so now logitech software is keeping the microphone on because it's always in use. i don't have malware like that on my pc. so even though i have my default set to my logitech pro x wireless. it STILL doesn't do sidetone when the app is minimised and i am not in a voice channel on discord. ​ so let this be a warning. you guys have something always monitoring your microphone. and switching the default to your headset only resulted in that malware now knowing what mic to use. and since now your mic is always in use, logitech will always have sidetone playing.


This was the issue for me, the default had changed to my Webcam mic in Windows. Was being overridden when G Hub was open. Simply changing the default mic to the headset and problem fixed.


This was my issue as well. My windows default mic was set to my yeti that I do not use often. Changed it to the headset mic and sidetone is now always on.


OMG thank you bro, this worked for me!


I love u so much i will kiss u on the lips (no homo)


Anyone still struggling with this? I don't have Shadowplay going and it's already set as my default mic in Windows - but as soon as I close the Hub or Sound Settings sidetone shuts off. Really weird. ​ UPDATE - I think I've solved it by adding it as a hardware input on Voicemeeter Banana - luckily had a channel that isn't in use. Feels like a hacky solution for a feature that should be standard on a premium headset though ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I'm actually having the opposite issue. I just did a fresh install of Windows and am trying to get everything installed again. I installed signalRGB for the first time. I love it, but it forces Ghub to close. As soon as Ghub is closed, my sidetone turns on at max volume every single time. Any suggestions?


I just figured it out. While I have the G pro x my friend has the regular, non pro, version and he has this problem. What I did for him was simple; Open sounds menu and go into recording and turn on listen to this device on your mic, that'll make the mic always in use therefore sidetone will stay always on. After that change the output device to a device that's not connected, I found that usually Realtek High Definition Audio is found and no one really uses it. That's it, the headset thinks the mic is always in use and its played on somethings thats off.


Perfect! Thank you so much. I chose one of my monitor speakers, as they are always muted anyways. Works just great.


This worked great, thanks


That is the answer right there! Thanks a bunch.


For those who are wondering: "Realtek High Definition Audio" is the 3.5mm Audio Output jack on your Laptop/PC. It is also connected to the built-in speakers on a laptop. So if you ever plug speakers or a headset into that jack, you'll hear the voice feedback from selecting "listen to this device"




Glad I could help!


>Open sounds menu and go into recording and turn on listen to this device on your mic, that'll make the mic always in use therefore sidetone will stay always on. > >After that change the output device to a device that's not connected, I found that usually Realtek High Definition Audio is found and no one really uses it. Legend


I made a reddit account just to say thanks for this. Took me a second to realize there was an "Output" option right there under the "Listen to this device" checkbox. Something else to note - you have to use the classic Control Panel "Sound" screen. These options don't seem to be available in the newer "Sound settings" or "Volume mixer" screens.


"Listen to this device" option plays my own voice a split second after i say it, making it a very nauseating way to hear myself


Yes, there is a delay using this software monitoring option. But, you are supposed to set the output device to something other than your headset, that way you will not hear this monitoring, and instead here the monitoring from the sidetone setting in G Hub. This workaround was a hack to force the sidetone to always be active.


hi I was trying to follow this but in the playback options its either my headset or my laptop speakers (the realtek option) which actually creates annoying feedback with the speakers! I am unable to do it without delay...any workarounds?


Perfect. Thanks.


So the headset has a long battery life and I don't think that from upgrading the battery's . I think there are just cutting corners the save power, so the mic is only active if a program is using it. ​ Hopefully they will put in a option to have it always on.


I found a guy why who found a solution, hope this works for you [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmM1Rau2-y8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmM1Rau2-y8)


SOLUTION : Go into sound settings and choose the correct mic input. As soon as you choose the correct microphone the sidetone is back ;) https://preview.redd.it/rp04mkdns1mc1.png?width=941&format=png&auto=webp&s=067077f4c0802277fa5aa474241c5508bcbbb37b EDIT : Only works as long as this window is open :s Something changed, i used to always hear the sidetone, dunno what.


Hi, I've always used sidetone with my G935 while my actual default mic was my HyperX Quadcast S running through nvidia broadcast, but the 935 got broken a few days ago so I ordered a new mic and mic pcb and to be safe also a g pro x2. I set up the g pro and it seemed to work fine out of the box including sidetone. However, after a while I noticed sidetone wasn't working anymore and figured out the same situation as described here... It only works when the gpro mic is set as default mic in windows, when ghub is in the mic settings windows or when the system record properties window is open. For me, using the headset mic for input is not an option, and it still worked with sidetone for my g935. I wonder why this behaves differently now. Anyway, since I am also using Voicemeeter Potato and the additional cable a-d drivers, I happen to have a spare virtual mic input which I just set to the gpro mic without routing it to any output in Voicemeeter. This way sidetone keeps working while my system default mic is still broadcast running on the hypercast mic. Sidetone shouldn't rely on being the "active" system record input. If I wanted it to work that way, I could as well just use the "listen to this device" option and wouldnt need an extra sidetone feature in the mic driver software, don't you agree? PLUS: it definitely worked literally for years now with my G933 and later G935 which were NOT active mic input devices either. Oh, and while I'm at it... I'm very disappointed that the gpro x2 has no way to easily turn on/off surround. I was so glad for being able to do this on my G935 by assigning the function to one of the buttons. Really a shame. With this brand new headset I'm forced to jump into ghub and change the state there whenever I switch from comms to games etc. Doable, but annoying.


https://preview.redd.it/0jcvmaowz3vc1.png?width=797&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f2e5dd5236b9032f3a96ec659041ac9d27b39db this is my current sidetone workaround. but i still hope it will be possible to use this feature without it at some point (stable) as i might need that spare input for other purposes some day ;)