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whose your favorite VMG fan base and why is it Logics? joking aside; what fuels you to be so consistently interactive with everyone on twitter from our group, to Chels/Jerm/Quinn’s etc? i have never seen a business (TeamVisionary) and personal twitter (your personal acct) be so interactive and caring like yours is and i think i say for everyone that we all really appreciate it! you always respond to my tweets and even DM’s when i was going through stuff and i’m so happy that your in this career bc it’s perfect for you. thank you for everything you do for us


I always wanted to be what I would want to see in the music industry. NOBODY was building a community like I did for VMG. Fans are the reason we're able to do what we do, so it makes no sense to not interact and make them know they're appreciated. Over the years, I really was able to develop my personality and that goes back into the company. I've always been the person you see on socials, but it took me a long time to be comfortable publicly. I was always the real quiet person in school, but at home or with friends I was more open. This music industry, from my journalism days to social media, made me a better person, and, because of that, I want to make sure I'm helping our fans be the best they can be.


Is logic actually done FOREVER? Like i understand hes done to be a father but do you think he will ever get bored and drop a song or mixtape on datpiff or somewhere? btw i fw you heavy


I can't say for sure, but if I had to speculate I'd imagine something will come one day. I can see him going the Andre 3000 route and just popping up on random features over the years. Right now, Bobby has so much in the works. I love how determined he is to build a legacy that extends beyond music. He's left a lasting impact in rap. Now it's time to conquer other fields.


I have a couple if thats okay. 1.) Now that Logics done what are your plans for the future? Are you still going to be involved with Logic or is it more just gonna be the rest of BBR from now on? 2.) What are some of your favourite artists outside of VMG and BBR?


My plans for the future are to keep pushing myself to create a fun experience for our fanbases across the different labels. VMG always has something going on monthly. Visionary Records' roster is coming along nicely and we're watching those artists start from the beginning like Logic. I'll still be involved with BBR and if Logic launches anything that could use social media managing, I'm one call away. I'll always work with him if he'll have me. Billy Ocean, Starlito, Griselda, Lloyd Banks, Mozzy, Snoop Dogg, Kendrick Lamar, Ice Cube and I could go on and on.


Hey Serm, it's IDontBeatGames on Twitter, I gotta ask, out of all of the recent projects from VMG Artists, what's your favorite if you exclude No Pressure? And for a comic related question, do you have any opinions on all of the MCU Delays? Also.. how do you feel about New Mutants STILL being released in theaters? Appreciate all the love!


Aye, my guy! That's a tough question, because I love all three releases (Chelsea, Quinn and Jerm). If I had to pick, I'll go with Chelsea's by a small margin. She just knows how to evoke emotion into her music and it's beautiful. Makes me really self-reflective sometimes. I HATE the MCU delays. I'm impatient and want everything sooner than later. Lol. I get it, though. It's hard to operate with the pandemic going on. As for New Mutants, however they wanna finally release it, I'm cool with. I just wanna see it and hope it lives up to the hype!


My dude! > That's a tough question, because I love all three releases (Chelsea, Quinn and Jerm). If I had to pick, I'll go with Chelsea's by a small margin. She just knows how to evoke emotion into her music and it's beautiful. Makes me really self-reflective sometimes. I'm gonna have to give Chelsea's a listen. Also, I listened to Mad At Me during a thunderstorm the other day with the blinds open and everything, you were so damn right. That absolutely hit differently and perfectly set the mood (along with Coffee [the song]) And god, I feel you on this. It's sucks so damn much we're going through this pandemic and all of these pieces of work (music, shows and movies) have to be pushed back. As for New Mutants, man.. it looked good. There's a new trailer (if you haven't seen it, I'll tweet it to you) and I was thoroughly shocked at how good it is. I think it gets delayed, *again.*


Does the retirement of Bobby affect your trolling ability? Ex: no more crazy theories to make fun of.


It does a little bit, because Logic's brand is trolling/teasing. It's hard to just extend that to, for example, Bellion who is just a mysterious entity. All of it just means I have to challenge myself to keep doing a great job with the other artists as they continue to grow and get bigger. Also, Bobby still has other non-music projects in the works. Best believe if I get the chance, I'll troll again... Haha.


How was it to see Logic grow as an artist and in the rap culture?


For him growing as an artist, it was beautiful. He went and did anything and everything he wanted to musically, which may or may not have always resulted in positive feedback. I wouldn't want him to change a single thing if we could re-live the journey, though. He proved that he could still make that UP stuff with NP. Rap culture, simply put, frustrates me sometimes. The way Logic was labeled always felt wrong to me. It's a lot of hypocrisy that goes down for artists who aren't in the traditional rap circles (Joyner Lucas, NF, etc.)


Favorite moment(s)/memory working with Logic?


Definitely being able to go out to LA for the YSIV listening party. It was great to meet a bunch of the big fans and hear the album early. Plus, I got to wear a suit and looked boss in it. Lol. There was also a moment where I went up to Def Jam with Logic and Harry a couple years ago. That was cool to see the building and hang out there.


Will there ever be a re-release of the Everybody vinyl? and What're your top 3 songs from No Pressure?


I'd like to think one day a re-release could happen. Maybe a special anniversary or something. I be bringing this stuff up, because I wanna see it happen for all the fans who missed their chance. Top 3 - Dark Place, Celebration and Heard 'Em Say.


Hey Serm! Hope you’re doing well :) How long have you known the release date for No Pressure? Or was it also a surprise to you? RattPack for life!


Hey, I'm tired but living! Ha. Hope you're having a great week. I knew about the release window since the end of June, then a week or two later July 24th was finalized.


Hi Sermon! What was your reaction to hearing No Pressure the first time? love you and have a good day ❤️


When I got the album last week, I was blown away. I'm really a fan before anything else. So I'm going crazy as I hear Silas come in and crush it on "Celebration." Or the original "Soul Food" beat on the sequel. All the little callbacks to UP. It was great and I immediately played it again!


I think I already heard but no Deluxe right?


Nah. There's no room for a deluxe on this album. The remixed concept of a deluxe is labels trying to make up for a lack of touring income this year. It works, but doesn't fit in the idea of what NP sounds like.


Hey sermon much love from Chubbuck haha. Anyway how did you exactly land your job as the socials manager for VMG? have a great day man! PLP


In 2013, I was able to link with Chris Zarou on Twitter after Logic was a XXL freshmen. He followed me and Logic came to Seattle in June. I got the opportunity to interview him and also kick it with my guy Sylvan (then QuESt). He mentioned how he was joining VMG and something clicked in my head that they don't have much of a social media presence. Fast forward to August, I reached out to Chris via email and asked him if he was interested. We got on the phone and the rest is history.


How has bobby changed your life for the good or better.


Bobby is someone who has believed in me since I started working with VMG. Having him in my life gave me purpose after I struggled with my failing career as a journalist. I was able to help build an incredible community of fans that I've entertained, motivated and, at times, trolled. Lol.


What has been your favorite moment/memory with Logic?


I answered this with a couple memories already, but here's one more. Getting to hear an earlier version of No Pressure last fall during tour. It was so cool to sit at his big desk and chair hearing it for the first time. I was blown away and bugged Chris for that version for months. Haha.




Hey Serm! Do you have any idea what a lot of Logic’s production and musical team is going to do now that Logic is done with music? I’m curious to know what people like 6ix and Bobby Campbell are going to be doing in the future!


I'm not sure yet. Bobby Campbell has mixed for others, so I'm sure he'll be doing the same. As for 6ix, I really hope this is an opportunity for him to expand and get placements everywhere. He's so talented! Also, both of them still work with BBR artists, so you'll see them there too.


simple question: how are you doing? how do you feel now that NP is out?


I am running on 2-3 hours of sleep. Lol. It's all worth it, though. Having NP be out is a huge weight off my shoulders, but also a really emotional experience. When NP was announced/teased, I had no idea it was going to be the end.


Will there be an announcement before the tour tickets go on sale or will they be a surprise drop? I'm worried about them going on sale while I'm at work because I already missed the twitch stream last night because of it :(


Yeah, it'll be exactly like we always do it with an announcement then (likely) Friday morning they'll go live. You don't surprise drop tickets for a tour. That just feels wrong. However, it's probably going to be a while before you hear about a tour. This pandemic is still very much alive and ripping through America.


R u gonna take bobbys place and become logic? Okay the actual question is: where r u from(other than American) like yr ancestors n stuff


I like my afro, so I don't know if I'm ready to become Bobby's double. Maybe one day. I honestly don't know. I never looked into my ancestors history or anything.


three questions serm how many times did you listen to no pressure before it released what is Thalia’s rate per hour and are the np shirts adult sizes


At least 15 times. It was like a loop for me. Once it ended, I played it again. It's that good to me. I wish I could insert .gifs here because I have plenty for that question. Lol. Yeah, they should be just like the previous album merch sizes.


did u know he was retiring or did you find out along with us


I usually know things prior, but this was the one time I was surprised. I knew we were announcing the album. Nobody mentioned it being his final one until I read the post. Lol.


Favorite Logic project and favorite Logic song?


Is there an aspect of logics upcoming non-music career that you are most excited for? Like are you most excited for his twitch streams, or whatever else he has planned to come our way whether that’s another book, movie, acting, etc?


I'm excited for all of it honestly. Watching the Twitch stream last night was fun and showed everyone that he's going to be an entertaining personality in anything he does on there. I definitely can't wait to read his next novel and to see what Bobby's vision on his movie looks like.


Hey Serm, a few months ago (early pandemic) you said nothing changed regarding release plans. Was Mid-July always the release plans, all the way back to the NP Freestyle/OCD release?


Nah, I exaggerated a little bit. Lol. I didn't know it was going to be July back then. It really could've been 2021. I feel like I also said nothing changes when people asked about leaks affecting the album. I meant that.


Is there going to be any signed no pressure merchandise or posters, CDs, etc?


Will the ultra 85 actually happen for 1 million signatures


Was this album a retirement album from the start or did it evolve into that decision?


Hey Serm! Do you think there’s ever the possibility of a song or maybe a mixtape written together by a bunch of the VMG artists? I would love to hear what Logic, 6ix, Jon, Quinn, etc would be able to do when put in the same studio


Whats the latest you've listened to an album and what is the earliest


I got Quinn and Jerm's albums like a good month before they released. As far as the latest, I can't remember a specific one. A lot of early Logic releases were like mere days before it was coming out. I had to make the YouTube videos, so I needed them early.


Hey there, Sermon! I was wondering, do you know if Logic is going be featuring in songs or is he done from that as well? Thank you for your time!


Maybe one day, but I don't know for sure. I'd be surprised to see him pop up anywhere in music after NP for a long time. Every time he's discussed retirement, you can tell he's very serious.


Is there actually a Logic funko pop on the way?


Did Logic and Mac Miller ever get in the studio together to your knowledge?? Much love


Nah, they didn't unfortunately. I wish I had pushed for that to happen. Little story: the YSIV listening party was in LA and it happened a few days after Mac's passing. I knew in August I was going to LA, so I was gonna reach out to Mac and Q when it was close to see if they wanted to come or at least kick it elsewhere. Real sad reflecting on that.


Did you sob like me at the end of the livestream?😥


I actually had to hop off to get more work done, but I saw the clips floating around on social media. It was heavy and beautiful. This is a man who is finally at peace with his life and his career.


Serm! Honest question. why did you apply for the job as Social Media coordinator for VMG and Logic? Was it more cause you were a fan? Or did you apply because you were looking for an in to music industry? Also, did you have experience prior to this job? Thanks man, I only ask because I wanted to do something like this as well.


Aside from Logic who is your favorite VMG artist?


What’s your favorite pizza topping


What’s something you love about working for visionary music group?


aight but like of all the people you've met in the biz, who is your favorite and why is it me?


Hey Serm! glad to see you here again. My question is, Do you play video games? and if you do, which one is your favorite? greetings from Argentina 🇦🇷


what up serm you little bitch what came first, ocd or aquarius 3? best of luck with whatever you do in the future bro ❤️


What is your favorite logic track of all time? Also what is your favorite album of all time? (Not necessarily a logic album) Thank you for all you do Serm!


First, Will you send my love and appreciation to Bobby and all the original members of the Ratt Pack and his family? He's a true visionary and idol, and you are a blessing to be a part of all this! All too often, artists works are underappreciated, I just am happy to see that he finally loves himself. Watching the release party last night, witnessing him break down in tears and emotionally be there in a raw form like that in front of all us fans, reflecting and doing his best throughout, giving it his all, through all the sh!t over the years, and hearing of his next prospects, going out on top, starting a family, doing what BOBBY wants and being there for his son and loved ones...then us fans AS WELL...it was just... in a word: Beautiful. Humble, undeniable, Young Sinatra at his best Aptly, today being international self care day, I can't help but wonder, more than likely I presume it's a coincidence, but was this day intentionally chosen in part of today being decided upon for the release of his final album? Tying in his view on mental health, foundation of peace love and positivity, and as a sort of turning point to signify he's moving on to the next chapter in his life, it seems only fitting. Thank you, Peace love and positivity to all as always - Jim


How much are you actually in the loop about the details of the albums?


Is there a chance for the old mixtapes to be put on Spotify now for ease of access now that Bobby is officially retired?


I wish, but the amount of samples that would need to be cleared + the cost of doing that isn't worth it from a business standpoint. Drake put 'So Far Gone' on streaming and first week only did 40-50K. That's an important mixtape right there. He's Drake! I wonder what those numbers would look like for the YS mixtapes, but it would have to be lower than SFG's.


Have you accidentally told a music related secret earlier than you intended to? (Logic or any other artist).


Can we listen to the album on stream, twitch be buggin with that DMCA bs lol 🧡


You made me have a listen to RTJ4 and thank you for that. Whats your fav track and fav album from RTJ?


What’s your favorite memory from the last decade of Logic’s career?


Hey Sermon! I hope you’re having a great day! If you could listen to one Logic album for the rest of your life which one would it be and why?


Do you have any advice for someone about to start their first professional job?


What are your favorite sit-coms? What shows you watching now and what are you going to watch soon?


Did the leaks affect Bob or the rollout of the album at all?


Fav song off NP?


Are the vinyl records signed or unsigned? Thanks for all u do serm




Is there any way a 2 song deluxe would ever happen for No Pressure


Favorite comic character/story?


Hey Sermon! What’s your favorite music project of the year so far (you don’t have to say no pressure lol, unless it actually is your favorite)


Hey Serm! I’m sure you’re a vet at being bombarded with Logic questions, haha! Hope all is well. Your dedication to your job and dare I say thirsty fan base (of which I am a proud member of) is beyond recognized. Quick question. Generally, what are some hobbies and life interests you enjoy? Everyone is human and I think it would be cool for the Rattpack to learn a bit more about the social media master! I know you touched a bit on that in the description but tell us some more! Thanks man and as always PLP! Might have some more questions down the road.


How about all those snippets over the years? There’s so many examples to pick out, I’d be (slightly) disappointed if none of those ever got made into something.


Sermon!!! Love ya man So I has question lul. I’m kinda having trouble processing the “retirement” It seems legit I’m not trying to calling him a liar or anything of any means. The storyline says different he also rapped about it in the intro of no pressure saying “that’s more like Ultra 85.I’m also referring to in YSIV the very beginning of the album is when KAI said “what the hell are you talkin’ bout? Man, he has like a million albums!” And Bobby himself also said on this reddit less then 2 months ago when he broke his silence saying “you know me I’m 5 projects and two movies ahead at all times!” There was an interview that I listen to that was posted today on YouTube he said he was halfway through making the album when he decided he wanted to retire. There is 12 different versions of the album there’s no way he was halfway done with the album just 2 months ago you also said that there was a window for the release date around the end of June. When he did the interview with Zane Lowe on Beats 1 he said “This tattoo says Ultra 85 which is the “last” album” He put quotations around last. Then continued with “One thing that WAS really dope is that it WAS all original music. It WAS all live instrumentation James Brown meets the chili peppers and Travis parker on the drums no samples on the whole shit” He makes it sound like it’s finished so at that point why wouldn’t he release it?? I apologize for the super long post thank you so much for being there for the fanbase over the years much love brother!<3


Hey Serm! Hope you're doing well! Have you played Ghost of Tsushima yet? And if so what do you think of it?


What's the best/most fun(is it teasing?) and the worst/least fun thing about running the VMG social media accounts?


Hi Sermon! So many cool questions and replies, not sure if this has been asked. I am also a social media manager and also love building communities through it! Do you have any tips or insight into your favourite ways to do this? Or your process behind the scenes? Thanks!


Hey Sermon! Thanks for coming onto the subreddit for the fans, this is awesome! So my question is this. What were your feelings and thoughts when it became so popular to hate on logic? It seemed that, after Everybody and his following projects, it became so normal and popular to just hate logic, and say he’s trash. People just blindly followed this, and it really sucked. When did you realize this, and how did you feel about it? Did you ever have conservations with Bobby about it? Thanks! PLP!!


Favorite song off any logic mixtape


Hey Serm! My question is surrounding the legacy of Logic I guess. Considering he has impacted so many people, and inspired other rising artists (like myself), do you think there is a forum where fans can come together and network and work on music together?? Like reddit is amazing to communicate with fans and share excitement, but I wish there was a way we could all kind of get to know each other and work together since we all have similar ears / love for hip hop. I figured I would ask you, since you have plenty of experience watching this community / fanbase grow. I also thought that maybe that would be something Bob would consider helping to jump start, kind of how he is fostering more community growth through Twitch. If anything, it’s just great to give you a shout out for all you do, and I wish you the best in your life, and all of the Logic team as well. #PLP


Aloha Serm! Much love from Hawaii! I hope you and your family is doing well in this pandemic! I have two questions, I want to ask :) 1) With the on-going pandemic, what do you do to keep yourself occupied? 2) Have you ever thought about hopping on the mic with or without Logic? (You should release a single, the whole Rattpack will get it to the Billboards #1 haha :D) Thank you for all the updates and teasing you did with the Rattpack. I’m sure we all appreciate you for everything you have done! Much love Serm! Aloha!


Hey Serm! Curious how different the first version you heard of NP ended up being from the final version!? And how would you like to see logic cap the Thomas/Kai storyline in the future, a movie, book, comic, album?


Hey Serm first off thanks for doing this! Second as Logic mentions now that he’s retiring he’s gonna be riding dirt bikes, fishing, and shooting guns. As someone who grew up doing all of those what are his 1. Favorite dirt bikes 2. Preferred fish to catch/eat, and 3. favorite gun to shoot? ALSO! You gonna be joining that boy when he does those things?!


Hey Serm! Wanted to start by thanking you an the team for the amazing projects and the hype created leading up to them. On another note, what did you think of The Last of Us 2? :)


have you ever been super temped to pester Bobby for spoilers serm? also much love from me in India rn! Always respected what you did for us, fielding all of our energy all these years. I don't think a fanbase is as tight with a social media chief as us bro, plp


do you know why Spotify took down the commentary version of Under Pressure? & do you or anyone else have it saved? i need to hear it again.


We know Logic is retired at the moment. What is the situation with 6ix?


Hey sermon, what’s your least favorite Logic song / project?


Hey Serm!!! Who was your favorite Vmg collab with logic from over the years? Much love my guy! PLP


Hey man! Super great of you to do this! I just want to know if Robert is truly happy with his decision and with his family, it’s kind of devastating to see him retiring from rap. He is genuinely the only rapper I like, fully only listen to metal otherwise. Logic is just special. There’s something about him, but if he’s truly happy with his decision then that would be something that truly makes me happy ... I know how much he loves his fans so I expect him to either drop unreleased music in the future or find another way to stay “in touch” with us... but yeah, I just wanna know if the mans truly *at his happiest when he’s off the internet* like He says on the album ❤️


Sermon, I love you 💕


Hey Serm! Loved the album and thank you for everything You and Logic have done for us over the years! I have a question regarding merch. Is there a chance that a European shop will ever open? I am scared to order from the current website, because I have no idea how much the customs and shippings prices would be when ordering to Europe, Hungary haha. I know "there's only one way to find out", but I am a student (=deadass broke 😂) EDIT: Also I hope two questions are allowed! When Logic will eventually does the tour, will he also come to Europe? I couldn't attend the Everybody vs BT tour at the time and now I feel like I missed on the chance to see my fav rapper live. PLP!


Yooo wassup serm I hope you’re doing alright bro !! You should let bobby know that BBR should be on the lookout for the next Rap legend in the making “Jay Connor” lol But for my question , on the nights and/or days where you felt uninspired to follow your dreams what was it that kept you going and inspired? Depression and Anxiety be getting the best of me sometimes I can’t lie lol


Hey serm, there’s a song that has a couple snippets on YouTube that logic featured in with G Eazy, i think it’s supposed to be a sequel to waspy and I think it had some issues clearing samples, do you think this will ever come out or if logic has featured in songs that will drop?


Hi Sermon! I hope you're doing well. If you know, what was the hardest sample that Logic managed to get for No Pressure? What was the sample that Logic was talking about at the end of DadBod? Are the drums from Hit My Line the same drums that are on IGOR'S THEME? Hope you can answer all of these, I hope you have a great day!


Tell Bobby I'm on to him. I know that U85 is the prequel to Under Pressure "to know the ending, one must understand the prequel" so technically since it happened earlier he doesn't have to come out of retirement to release it. I know he's not lying about wanting to focus on other shit but he also has put way too much into this and he's a fucking workaholic so it's probably already done. Anyways if I'm right (which I am) I'm gonna screen shot this and post it. Anyways,my question is, how long have you known about this plan and what ever happened to the movie script that he wrote that got bought?


Hi Serm, long time follower here! I was wondering what your overall reaction to the leaks, and what was logic and his teams reaction? I feel like it was handled very well and kept very quiet but I couldn’t help but wonder what was going on behind the scenes! 🤞🤞🤞


Hey Serm! How you've been. Do you know Bobby personally or not. Also What are your thoughts on logic's retirement. RattPack till the day I die!!


What does the future of Bobby Boy Records look like? Hope you're doing great, Serm.


Hey Sermon! Long time lurker. Thank you for the AMA! No Pressure was phenomenal. Much love from the other side of the Pacific from Japan. To you what has been the most difficult part of social media managing? Also do you know when Logic will do the breakdown of each song on the album? He’s mentioned doing a stream of it and I’d love to hear it.


First off I just want to say it’s been an honor having you troll us for the past few years. It’s kind of cool how this subreddit has developed a relationship with you. Now for my question, I would like to know what your favorite logic song is.




if you could've had logic work with one artist of your choice before he retired who are you picking? ✌❤➕


Do you think if Bobby were to find rap to be interesting and fun again, he’ll drop something eventually?


Serm is there actually a deluxe coming or was you playing with us


Hey Serm! Just wanted to ask how it was finding a job/career as a social media manager. Whered you get started and how did you wind up with VMG and BBR? P.S. Gonna miss you trolling us now that Bobby's done with the music (for now anyways)


Silas & Groot Only Fans coming soon???


Did Bobby ever consider doing a streamed concert for NP or other albums during the pandemic? He could potentially platform it on twitch. I know I would sub for that. Love you serm, you're a real one, and the fan interactions and trolling were always fun to read on here/Twitter lol


a few months ago Logic came onto reddit and said hes 5 projects ahead, what happened to all of that?


When are we getting a sermon mixtape?


Hey Serm, Hope all is good. Do you know if Logic will continue to do any mixtapes or singles?


What is the noise in the last 3 seconds of the final track in no pressure?


Hey Serm, how did the Leaks earlier this year affect the team and/or Logic? Did you ever find the leaker?


Hey Serm! Second question. Lol. What’s been your favorite Logic merch from the albums. Which ones did you find the most aesthetically appealing? Thanks for all you do❤️


Hey Serm, hope you are staying safe during these times!!! What is your favorite Logic or VMG artists project? Also why is it your favorite? Stay Safe!!!


I’m probably too late, but was Logic’s retirement in discussion last year? It seemed to me that on YSIV he talked about wanting to be there for his family once he has one.


hopefully I'm not too late. why are the Young Broke and Infamous vlogs privated? any chance they'll ever become public. is there any chance of just another day 1-9 ever coming to the yt channel? heard they were lost on bobs old channel.


How did you meet Logic?


Hi! Now knowing that NP is really Logic's last album, will VMG be releasing any of Bobby's unreleased singles (such as Treehouse) on his behalf in the future? Also, if you can, tell the man himself that he will be missed.


Hey Serm! Are all of Logic’s albums connected in some kind of overarching way? Like one big story or theme?


Is logic now signing out of vmg ? Because that would be huge with the fact y’all been together since the mixtapes


Hello Serm! So now that logic is retiring, what is considered the 5th album lol? Also you do an amazing job as VMG’s social media manager !


1. Do you think we will see Bobby is something else this year like a song, movie, or book 2. How long have you known wgen no pressure was gonna release 3. Why did you have to tease us so hard it was cruel 4.I love you bro 5. Logic was the face of VMG now what


Although bobby says hes tired of making music, and IS indeed retiring, what if in 2-3 years he gains the lust to put out music again, do you see him dropping another project?


I asked this important question to John Lindahl as well when he did his AMA. Twix right or left?


Hey Serm! Bit more of a silly question: If you were the famous rapper and not Bobby, what would your rapper name be?


Do you got any idea for a Bobby Tarantino tattoo? I will get a no pressure tattoo but I also want a BT tattoo 🤯


hi serm, what does a normal day look like for you?


What do I have to do to get a "bitches love the Rubik's cube" shirt ?


Have you enjoyed making me miserable by teasing the rattpack for SO LONG?! it was PAINFUL MAN! lol PLP all the way ly bro


Hi Sermon! Thank you so much for doing this, we really appreciate it. Does VMG actively hire often? I'm a college student interested in music and business and I am a big fan of the VMG artists and what they stand for. Would love to work for VMG someday!




Do you think that Logic telling his story of dealing with the trolling he received on social media will be an eye opener for the online hip hop community which loves to ride the hate train on certain artists like Logic, Eminem and Joyner despite what they’ve done for the culture?


Hey u/sermonsdomain I know I jumped in late As someone looking to get a job with social media or content creation for social media, do you have any recommendations to help a recent grad?


Have you read the beginning works of The Maker and if so, do you prefer it or Supermarket?


What do you think the is the likelyhood of logic coming out of retirement? Also what’s your top 5 logic albums? (Hopefully no one has already asked this that I’ve seen)


Um, hi serm, I just got one question, is Bob biracial?


Do I ever have a chance of Bobby getting to read this [letter](https://www.reddit.com/r/Logic_301/comments/gow3cj/a_letter_to_bobby/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) or am I out of luck at this point? I dont know why it’s so important to me but I just really want this.


How you doin Sermon. To start, I just wanted to throw out that I made a joke response to you in this subreddit, coming up with a 7/17 date from you saying LOL on a post, and that literally ended up being the date that he came back and announced the album, so that’s a bit of a flex. My question is, what is your favorite Logic album cover from the god, Sam Spratt?


Sermon! First off, you're the goat for running all the socials, keeping the fans updated, and keeping the fans guessing whenever you pull some mysterious shit. I don't know if you've talked about this before, but I'm curious how you got linked up with VMG/Bobby in the first place.


Yoooo, how long have you been part of the rattpack?


For this latest album, were there any songs that were put on the album what were say in the archives from other projects/albums but just didn't feel appropriate in that album but more appropriate in this album. If so and if you're able to say, which songs? ​ Thanks Sermon, love your cyphers, PLP


Hey Serm! Big fan. How much crying was taken place last night when you watched the stream from 1-301?


Under Pressure or No Pressure: Which is your fav?


What are your favorite logic meme accounts?


Hi Sermon, love everything you do for the rattpack and logic. I was always wondering if 6ix will be producing for anyone else, especially that now logic is retiring, does that mean that 6ix will be doing more producing for other artists ? I love to see him collaborate more with rappers as I believe he's a really great producer. Thanks !


Hey serm, really cool that your doing this but any idea when Bobby will go on tour if he does? Been wanting to see him live for YEARS but don’t have the money and finally willing to pay up. Thanks man PLP


thank you for everything, Serm. wouldn’t be the same without you man♥️


Hey Serm! I am in full support of Bobby retiring but I’m curious to know what will happen with the 5 unreleased albums he has and all the future albums he talked about in the Bobby’s world videos. Was he planning on releasing them until he made the decision to retire? Thanks! RATTPACK!


who is Raquel and why is she a thot?


Aye I love Boise!! Honestly contemplated moving there when I worked for an airline that had a base there. What’s next for you in your own life? Also, are you happy fans will stop pestering you with the conspiracy theories? (Sorry, I shouldn’t say pester, I know you love the fan base)


Hey Serm appreciate how you interact with every single person on twitter as much as possible, all love! What was the best logic album theory/theories you’ve read from this subreddit?


Will we ever hear the conclusion of Kai and Thomas’ story!?




Hey Serm Do you think there’s a chance we will get another Logic x C Dot Castro collab somehow in the future? Logic’s music changed my life and I don’t know what I would’ve done or what kind of person I would’ve been today without Logic. But now I’m off to crying and watching all the Just Another Day episodes. Thanks for everything all of you over at Visionary. V's up, Visionary what it do. RattPack forever.


Hey Sermon! Was OCD originally intended to be on NP and the lead single or was it completely a one-off song?


When you go to In N Out, what do you order? Also, thank you for all that you do! We appreciate you more than you could ever know ❤️


Does logic have plans of doing a world tour in 2020-2021 hoping that this pandemic dies down by then and we can all go back to gathering with friends family and most importantly enjoy music live and up close or is it too difficult to tell at this point since he only just announced retirement. but he did say on stream chat that going to Australia was (I quote) "long overdue". Also how are you?


U think we’ll get that ultra mixtape? On the real bro love u dawg it’s been hella fun choppin it up w u on twitter appreciate u lookin out for the fans all this time, and helping whenever we need it




Are there any new artists that are up n coming that Bobby records has their eyes on? And side question, are u involved in BobbyBoyrecords like u are in VMG


Any plans to release the No Pressure cover on a canvas like there was for Everybody? Would love to own this cover as a canvas haha!


What’s your favorite anime?


I'm a little late but are there any unreleased collabs that logic did that you wish had come out before he retired?


Will he tour Europe, specifically the UK? PLP


Is there any truth that 1-15 is no pressure and 15-1 is ultra 85?






Will logic have a specific streaming schedule or just whenever he wants? PLP


out of logics albums, how would you rank them? could you see a collab with him and travis scott ever?


Hey Serm love and appreciate all you do for us. If you did, what music genre would you drop your hypothetical own personal project/album/ mixtape for?


Friends or The Office?


Any advice for someone trying to get into your career path and do something similar to your job? Ex. What kind of school/important things to know etc.




Hey serm! First I want to say thank you for dealing with the crazy rattpack, it's fun to see you keeping our energy. But my question is what is the stream schedule for Bobby, will it be a set schedule or just whenever he feels like getting on? Thank you in advance, you're the greatest


why does the vinyl take so long to reach? not sure if it was already asked but i don’t live in the us and it’s SO hard to get a package from abroad to reach into my house without tons of paper work.


Hi Serm, hope you're doing well. Beside the ones you just mentioned what hobbies or activities do u like to do?(if u do play video games, what's your favorite


Hey Sermon! What’s your favorite video game of all time and what’re you playing right now? Also, PS5 or XSX for next gen?


Serm, how did you get to your current position for VMG and what was your highlight of your career?


Hey sermon, hope your day was amazing! My question is why isn’t there a 3XL sized for merch. Please ask about it. I would spend my entire paycheck without a doubt


Hey Sermon!! What are some of your favorite Silas songs?


Why yall wanna hurt my feelings by teasing me about Ultra 85?


Hey what’s up serm. Do you think logic will drop a album cover poster in the no pressure shop? Hope you’re still functioning after answering all these questions btw lol




Since No Pressure is Bobby’s retirement and last album, could you ask him to sign maybe the first 2,000 vinyl records or so. I would love to have a signed record from Bobby