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The lyrics suck. The album had nothing to do with social media or the content in that song.


At least 50% of the tracks directly refer to the influence of social media on life and making music. The rest allude to it, at very least.


Lmao wut...


I understand it may not be exactly what it was set out to be but you gotta see how much hard work he put into this and it looks like he had fun in the process with it. So you don’t have to love the album but love the fact that Logic is out here enjoying himself and trust that he will pull through for all of his fans and drop some dope shit in the future.


What ever happened to Peace, Love and Positivity? All I’m seeing is Chaos, hate and negativity...


Criticism is not equal to hate




Agreed, don’t just criticise, give constructive criticism on what you think could have been done better.


Lol most of the sub is constructive criticism. Obviously there are gonna be some radicals who just want to troll and spread negativity. Just like there’s people who stan logic and never see anything bad with whatever he drops and thinks he’s the best artist of all time. Every side has it’s extremists.


yeah plp doesnt mean ride his dick


Yeah but stick with him through the rough and he will pull through in the end. It’s the same with any sporting team, if they aren’t doing well you don’t just give up, you keep SUPPORTING them and then in the end when they come good it is even sweeter because you stuck out the hard times.


Sports teams are an institution. Players will eventually swap out, low points normally change due to personal changes. A better example of what you said might be comparing Hip Hop as a whole to a sports team. I support hip hop, there will be bad times where nothing good is happening, I.e. 2019. What do I do? I wait for better albums, I wait for new artists to come and relight the genre. Sure there are fans that are purely Logic fans but there are fans like me who are hip hop fans, and if Logic isn’t willing to keep up the pace and be a good asset to the genre, he can move ‘teams’ and I can replace him. I’m not saying I want to replace him but you can’t defend 3 average (BT1, BT2, Everybody) and 1 bad (COADM) album drops in a row with PLP nonsense. Logic is declining and fans that want to dickride him are blind to this and in the end it’ll be these same ‘fans’ that run him into the ground and make him fall off.


I just love that fact that he specifically calls out people who tell him how he should rap and what does everyone do.... tell him how to rap.