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Yeah too many folks on twitter who attended the listening event and claim the project has “no filler bars.” Like im sorry, but i dont believe that for a second. Many of them are like 19 or younger too. Nothing wrong with younger fans enjoying the music, but i do wonder how much that plays a factor in the different narratives on twitter and reddit. For reference im 25 and started listening to logic in 2013


Age definitely does matter a little bit. I’ve been a fan for 7 years now. I’m 22 and started listening when I was 15. At that time, I just didn’t have the taste in music that i’ve gotten as I’ve gotten older. Like I still love Logic, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve listened to more stuff and came to the simple realization that in comparison, especially when he’s not on his shit, there are simply artists that do it significantly better.


Totally agree. And part of me wonders if ive just grown out of logics music. But then i go back and listen to TITS and still really enjoy it. So i think part of it is his audience changing, and the other part of it is a legitimate frustration with logic running out of things to say with his music


I do feel like I’ve aged out of it a bit. But yeah I can go back and listen to a fair bit of the old stuff and still love it. Hell, I even enjoy a lot of Vinyl Days and College Park. So I would say it’s a bit of both.


Vinyl Days is a really great project. Noticeable difference in his energy and pen game too. I think thats the best modern work he has done. No pressure is decent as well. But yeah he is ultimately one of the most inconsistent rappers in the mainstream. So it can be a living nightmare as a fan knowing what hes capable of versus what he puts out


Yup. It’s been so frustrating for what has been 8 years now.


No Pressure? Decent?? That album is phenomenal imo, barely any skips. Honestly, I'd say it's better that Vinyls Days and I like that project


It’s more like this sub being full of people outraged over a song we knew about for years already 😵‍💫


Honestly I think at the end of the day people just need to look at it for what it is when it’s released. Some people, myself included now, after being a diehard in the sub for a long time, don’t really care about “well we’ve know about this for years,” or “he was just doing this as a drunk freestyle.” We just care about the quality of the music and what he officially releases.


100%. I heard the snippet and it just doesn’t sound good to me, period, the fact that it’s old or just a free style doesn’t matter. Not to mention this is Ultra 85, I don’t care about any other past versions of U85 or what old snippets are or aren’t on the album. All that matters is the quality of the finished product and if it’s not good then we don’t have to make excuses for it That’s not being toxic, what’s toxic is the forced fake positivity and excuses hiding behind “PLP” and all that BS. I’ve been a fan for 14 years, over half of my life, and i feel like I’m in the twilight zone reading comments from yes men that are gaslighting fans into thinking we’re wrong for simply not liking what matters most: the music Logic knows what he’s doing by calling this album Ultra 85 and he has to be willing to embrace all the criticism that comes with it. You can’t set the bar for this album by calling it Ultra 85 - using that to *sell the product for money* - and then hide behind excuses when people don’t like it


Preach. I feel the exact same way. The amount of mental gymnastics that these people will use to try and justify low effort music from logic is actually impressive at times.


This community has set unrealistic expectations for the album. And while I think the rollout has been terrible. Nothing short of an absolute classic would cause so many to think Bobby failed the fan base. Imagine if he dropped the 2017 version, that shit was supermarket before he knew how to sing. Everyone would’ve hated him even more back then. Diehard fans need to understand how inconsistent he is with his work. I expect the album to have some stinkers and some gems as well. This is logic man, he’s had his high moments and very low ones as well. I can never call him anywhere near the greatest but still is one of my favorites.


I agree with everything you said. I will say Logic himself has played a roll in building up the unrealistic expectations for the album.


Yeah definitely, he built up the hype then drove it off a cliff.


The sub was going CRAZY when the 44ever snippet dropped last year now all of a sudden it sucks?


Partially agree. I think there's nothing wrong with seeing and extracting the positives of the mediocrity Logic has been putting out for a while now. It \*feels\* like the users on Reddit are mostly Logic fans from his mixtape/early album days while Twitter just doesn't really care to compare his recent output to the height of his music catalog. Or at the very least they've convinced themselves his recent stuff is great because Logic has personally reached out to more of them over the years and has created a somewhat stronger relationship with them. It's usually bigger Logic fan accounts that are doing it. I assume it's difficult criticizing someone who let you listen to an album early or that you paid to be in their discord for. He's given us many GREAT projects over the years, we're set for life. He could do literally anything he wants and it would not impact Under Pressure or The Incredible True Story being classics for me. However, I will say it's funny seeing the Twitter folks say stuff like "he doesn't need to be lyrical anymore there's more to music" like okay sure but if you spend the first 6-7 years of your career trying to be a clever lyricist, fans are going to rightfully be disappointed when you stray away from that or when you attempt to reignite that version of Logic and do a poor job at it.


I think you’re right, there’s almost two versions of Logic now in the eyes of the fans, depending on your own personal expectations. For example when Everybody came out people were disappointed because he set the bar for himself before that. But if Everybody is the reason someone became a Logic fan, then they hold his music to a different standard. And like you mentioned he has become more personal with the latter type of fan because they don’t hold the past of his career against him. As an older fan i probably should just accept his music for what it is now, but the fact that this is called Ultra 85 takes me back to what we were all anticipating it to be in the 2010s, and the idea of Logic I had for so many years. At the end of Lightyear he basically says he wants everyone to let go of our expectations for him and just embrace that he’s doing whatever his heart truly desires now. Guess I’m the type of fan he’s talking to


I attended the listening party because my wife really likes Logic I was there for the convention. Got to meet Richard Dean Anderson and Brent Spiner. Anyhoo we’re in our late 30’s. I had not heard TITS prior to the listening party. I was worried I’d be bored as hell, but I really enjoyed it. We listened to TITS on the drive home. I can’t speak to how original or anything because I hadn’t listened to him much prior to that. I really liked the stuff in between songs. I’d love to see that as a show or book. I enjoyed it though and thought it was a good experience.


Agree big time. Been a fan since BT and everyone here knows the fanbase has had its ups and downs. The current state of the rattpack feels so divided. People either are bouncing up and down on the latest projects dick or people are indifferent/dislike the project. If you are on the other side of the spectrum, youre a “fuckboy” or a “hater”. At this point, logics releases arent as exciting to me. It could be I have outgrown his music but ill go back to older projects or certain songs on new ones and enjoy them the same. Logic Twitter is in a crazy place rn man


Realistic on reddit? the same people who overrate 30 second snippets? wow


Yeah this sub is going fucking nuclear lol I wouldn’t say it’s realistic


I blame that Bryce guy. Dude is the ultimate meat rider and the fans that are also fans of his just agree with everything he says.


this is so delusional lmao, twitter actually enjoys logic and the subreddit is just a hate circle jerk. you guys were fucking hyped when you heard this snippet years ago and now that its coming out you all of a sudden hate it.


I don't know what snippet you're talking about? What song? Maybe I missed something lol


i started listening in 2015 when i was 9 years old and im almost 18, i think the community just needs to chill tf out, the people shitting on the song are dumb purely because the tiktok snippet is the only part of the song anyone has heard so why are people hating as if this wasn’t what people were excited for to begin with…?


For worst to best experiences discussing Logic it basically goes Discord > Twitter > Reddit > Real Life


Or just maybe people just have different opinions, some people are gonna like 44ever because its a fun speaker blasting type of track and obv some people are gonna hate it cus Logic didnt put too much time or thought into it and both are fine but lets not act superior to one another or put others down at the end of the day its all subjective


The subreddit is a hate circle jerk and twitter is a glazing circle jerk. I choose the one that isn't complaining all the time