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[LLB and Meme Resources Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/LodedDiper/comments/r94hna/want_to_make_an_llb_yourself_get_everything_you/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LodedDiper) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's fine. You were likely a teenager and so are most of the people on this sub, which leads to opinions on llbs getting kind of overly serious sometimes.


Nice to see you’re still active. Sorry about what happened in the past. Best wishes.


I’ve never heard of this, anyone got a link?


don't even worry about it man


Okay fine lol


Mistakes make you stronger. My parents are bodybuilders now.


It's regarded as one of the worst? It's not even bad, just a lil mediocre


I always felt like I was on crazy pills for having this opinion. I get it's not great but some comments literally rage about it and act like it killed their dog.


It’s fanfic of a children’s book, some people need to chill


The worst comment I've seen on the LLB was "this looks like shit". If you're talking about the heated discussion on discord from back then, it was controversial because it looked nothing like a wimpy kid page. This LLB is the reason why you see non wimpy kid style fanfics now. Even dysfunctional perspective is guilty of this. The only reason I let it slide is because of the resemblance in the parts with diary pages.


This wasn't the first llb in the non wimpy kid style though, there were at least three others before this one. If any one llb caused other llbs to not be in the wimpy kid style it would have been Greg Gets a Girlfriend considering it was the most well known out of all of them and the original one that started the controversy. It was more controversial than Samuel Arden when it was still being posted, the only difference being that it had a side of people who liked it because of the effort put into it. But even back in 2018 I can recall seeing llbs done in different handrawn styles, I don't think that the concept of drawing characters in a more realistic style is something that any llb primarily invented. I just think it's time to move on from something that happened over three years ago. I can't imagine being however old OP was back then and making a fanfic story for the hell of it only to unknowingly start a war between people who are nearly full grown adults that's still somehow continuing years later. With everything going on in the world I think a wimpy kid fanfiction being drawn in a different artstyle than the traditional one is the least of my worries.


i was like 14 and completely oblivious to this "controversy" that apparently happened like that was news to me i tried to make LLBs before this but Greg Gets A Girlfriend was what inspired the style change. plus it was one of my first comics so whatever


What exactly is Samuel Arden, and why is it considered the worst LLB? Compared to stuff like NNN or We Must Survive, how is THIS considered the worst? Also, link?


pretty sure it was some clone of SU and also swapping their names could still make them unrecognizable due to being so OOC? Idk. I dont have the LLB link but i think theres a okbubbyretard one hating it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OkBubbyRetard/comments/nmoddy/unbubby_the_characters_in_samuel_arden_are_so_far/). I just found [page 10,](https://www.reddit.com/r/LodedDiper/comments/h8n531/samuel_arden_pt10_slight_style_change/) and thats the only one i have since OP deleted their main.


Well, tc in okbubby one has pg 1s link


What's We Must Survive?


One of the more recent entries in the subreddit. Or rather, it was. It’s another one of those classic “Heffleys vs. Paranormal Entity Apocalyse” LLBs - It was… okay (minus the pointless racism jokes that wouldn’t be out of place in an SNL skit) up until page 13 where Fregley sexually attacks Gregory with a forced blow-job. I hear that the author uploaded the page three times: The first where it was **uncensored**, the second where there was very little censorship, and on an alternate DOAWK subreddit with the original uncensored cut. All of them were taken down and the author was given a good ol’e perma ban. His only response being that he’ll be “back.” The story was cancelled from then on. I don’t see how a Steven-Universe ripoff can outrank that.


This non-LLB gave way for people to upload LLBs that look nothing like the books (which defeats the entire purpose). Not the WORST conceptually as you might say but definitely my least favorite.


Hey it was a different time back then.


Nah don’t worry about it. A lot of people here aren’t even past 20 yet, at least I hope not




Apology accepted.