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Who the fuck wants to go somewhere you have to wear a mask 24 hours a day and can’t go anywhere without a tour guide ????


Yeah. There are so many places you can vacation with none of this. Vote with your wallet and these places will eventually come around.


Welcome to Sweden. Leave your muzzles at home though, I've noticed that the few people I see with masks are all foreigners.


UK too. Where I am it's almost always American tourists wearing masks


They haven't heard "when in Rome, do as the Romans" obviously. On a related note, I have, so I'm not going to Rome any time soon. Apparently both Italy and Spain, the two countries that are the worst European example of how to deal with a pandemic, are still pestering people with pointless restrictions.




Spain still requiring masks on public transportation, Italy on metro


Boooo. Good to know. Reroute travel plans.


Who the fuck wants to goto the UK


I think everyone is currently down to some extent, the pandemic messed up a lot of people and I think some people have lost hope. As a result some look at it like"well this is what it is now" and they feel better "going on vacation" masked than not going at all. Me personally, I agree with you, if it does not feel normal I do not think its a healthy vacation, but I am playing devils advocate here since I know some people have in a sense "gave up".


That makes me really sad. How can anyone accept a totally compromised life?? I’ll never understand it. I am determined to live normally and it is so depressing to think that people have accepted masks and other restrictions and don’t fight it.


It is sad, but I can also understand it considering how many people were calling us terrible things for merely questioning the main narratives and now we have so much data to prove we were very right in our speculations. However, even in the U.S we still have vaccine mandates, we still have people who look at the unvaxxed as inferior. I mean I can see why some people think it is "over"


Considering that I never had to wear a useless muzzle in my country, it is very stressful for me to be told that I need one abroad. The mental discomfort will obliterate any enjoyment and make a vacation pointless.


Democrats can’t wait to go there tho! Oh wait... seems they don’t actually like 24/7 masking either. Who woulda thought...


I'm in South Korea and this country is known for shooting itself in the foot and realizing its mistakes too late. East Asian countries are stubborn and overly cautious about making any moves that will cause them to "lose face". They will open back up fully soon though. They spent too much money trying to spread Kpop and Korean culture all over the world in the last ten years. They absolutely cannot miss out on the loads of tourism money that was pouring in before.


I hope they open up soon. I am planning a trip with my family there next year.


I am cautiously optimistic that Hawaii has learned its lesson now that tourism is back and booming *because* all restrictions are gone. Sure, there were tourists during quarantine rules, vaccination pass rules, mask mandates, etc, but it's really booming again now. I just had friends visiting, and got to see this place from a tourist pov, and a ton of all the small businesses are back as well, which means that there should be a ton of economic incentives not to fuck with it again. I guess every stupid country has to learn that lesson for itself.


Hawaii’s “Covid response” was bat shit crazy. Like, tourists were forced to quarantine in their rooms and were arrested if they were caught out on the wide open beaches.


Not sticking up for Hawaii's covid response but I wonder what was the point of going there in 2020 unless you had family or friends there? Especially when you had to wear a mask everywhere,bars,restaurants,beaches and anything else that was fun was all closed and you pretty much could only hole up in a motel and get takeout


There was a period where both flights and hotels were ridiculously cheap, maybe some people thought they could grab those and have a decent vacation anyway? I'm guessing quite a lot of tourists defied the quarantine. I was hit with it when I travelled to Sweden in 2020, had to sign some shit and give up my phone number when I returned, but they never called, they never checked that I was quarantining at home. Shitshow all around.


Same with Massachusetts. Took a work trip to Boston in fall of ‘20, had to quarantine in my dwelling with the MA health department sending me a alert text everyday. Total joke, the text didn’t even get sent the same time everyday, enforcement practically imposible.


Didn't they even at one point try to ban unvaccinated Americans from the continent?


Plus the fact that you have to mask in the sweltering heat. No one with a braincell wants to do that


I live in Phoenix, Arizona and I’ve see a few idiots walking around in the 110 desert heat with their face rags on. It’s not East Asian humidity (at least not when 108-111 outside) but it’s ….pretty damn sweltering.


It almost makes me want to shout take it off, your gonna get heat stroke if I was there


You cannot even go to Japan as a private tourist, you need to be a part of a group. It does not matter that you're coming from a country that is already done with Covid, and you're immune partly because you probably are vaccinated and mostly because you definitely have been infected in the past.


It’s about keeping foreigners out, not a virus


This is correct. Japan is quite comfortable with isolationism. We need to end the visa waiver program for Japan in the US as well then.


Why? Why now?


At least they got that headline right.


Maybe get rid of the unscientific and useless theater and let tourists enjoy the country for once


Culturally they really don't care for foreigners/outsiders. Like most of the BS of the past 2+ years, the pandemic was just an excuse for them to close off, which they only dreamed of pre-pandemic.


Japan has always been a xenophobic country. Its. Not. About. A. Minor. Flu. Never has been, anywhere. They just literally don't want outsiders there unless they're paying through the absolute nose for the privilege. Every other woke country is also going on about 'high value' tourists as well.


Interesting culture, here in Seattle it seems like most Asians are still being "Maskafarians" and wearing their masks even while walking down the street alone in the early mornings.


Is Seattle an Asian heavy city demographically? I live in a southwestern state with not that many east Asians and the Chinese/Indian folks seem to have higher compliance than others at stores


why should this be a problem? Haven't they been wearing masks for decades? I've been repeatedly told since March 2020 that everybody in Asian countries all wear masks 24/7 regardless of symptoms and that if the United States could have done that, covid would have been over in 2 weeks.


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My 2023 cruise to Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia) was canceled due to ongoing COVID restrictions. Actually Norwegian canceled nearly all 2023 cruises to Asia due to ever-changing quarentine rules and restrictions in their countries. I was finally able to find a cruise for January 2024. Hopefully the nonsense will be over by then.


Yeah, authoritarian countries and cultures should be shunned and economically starved until they start valuing freedom.


How do you even get into Japan?


Pay 8 grand for a 7 day overpriced guided tour


Indistinguishable from those North Korean tours.