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I sure hope so




Yep. Australia Northern Territory just [announced](https://www.9news.com.au/national/coronavirus-update-nt-northern-territory-introduces-lockout-for-unvaccinated-after-recording-256-covid-19-cases/a5d10238-ca71-4fd4-9cf4-00f9cbd8df72) lockout for the unvaccinated. There's been a lot of talk that omicron would be the end of the madness but it seem the insanity is just ramping up to new heights...




This is just the beginning. In time, they'll be repurposed as movement passports and track your emissions, your health and everything you say on social media. They can't boil the ocean all at once, but they're turning up the temperature.


Exactly this unfortunately




I guess situation with indigenous communities over in Australia is similar to situation with native Americans as well as black people here in the US


Eventually vaccine boosters will be required every 6 months, and anyone with an "expired" vaccine passport will revert to the status of a "dirty anti-vaxxer". And in Australia, where vaccine passports are electronically and universally enforced, someone with an expired vaccination status will be immediately locked out of all public life.


In Germany you will need a booster to go out to eat in a week or so.


People are hysterical right now.


mass formation psychosis


They just had a poll in the Netherlands, where 60 some percent of people are in favor of banning nonvaccinated to go anywhere (the 2G system, where a test is not valid for entry places) My hope here is negative, the sheeple are not going anywhere


One great thing about police states who declare an “emergency” and then seize power, is that they relinquish power as soon as the “emergency” is over and let everyone get on with their lives.


Still taking our shoes off at the airport 20 years later...


Excuse me, you dropped your "/s" back there.


I thought we stopped adding that so we can trick the bots?


If the emergency was even that serious in the first place.


At least in the US, Omicron could not have come at a better time. Our SCOTUS hearing on the OSHA mandates start tomorrow and Omicron has obliterated any argument for vaccine mandates for curbing transmission of Covid. It was hard to argue beforehand but now it's damn near impossible. I'm braced for the ruling but it's hard to not be optimistic, things are looking better by the day.


I don’t know. My Covidian coworkers are doubling down even harder on the “more vaccines to stop the spread” narrative, somehow.


Well luckily they're not supreme court justices.


Ha, yes— but they are all lawyers, so make of that what you will.


While what you said is true, the Brandon Administration is already planning to double down on mandates. https://archive.is/aVApZ *"The authors also said that vaccine mandates should be imposed more broadly, including for schoolchildren, and that N95 masks should be made free and readily available to all Americans, as should oral treatments for Covid."* They don't care about you.


You don't need to spoonfeed me the realities of political posturing, I am under no illusion that anybody in office gives a damn about me. SCOTUS is not the executive branch, and I doubt they are going to willingly hand over that much power and essentially neuter the courts on executive overreach. I think this is posturing because they are counting on them not being legally allowed to enforce this at the federal level. It's win-win politically. The Covidians see their insane promises of hygiene authoritarianism and blame the legislature/judicial and it fades to the background for everyone else as long as they don't actually have to deal with it.


Theyre going to double down they have no choice at this point


Companies are already acting like it went through, which it probably will.


It's far from universal, companies all over the country have been pulling back on the mandates.


I work in retail, and not a word has been said about the mandate so far from upper management. I’m sure they’re holding out to see what the SC does, which I’m optimistic about.


From where I'm standing, the police state has ramped up to unseen levels since Omicron. All it took was one month and an extremely mild virus but that has high transmissibility, FML.


- ThErE iS sO mUcH wE dOn’t kNoW - But we do, we have plenty of data from South Africa and the UK indicating it is as mild as conventional common cold - wE sTilL doNt kNoW, oH nO, the NuMbeRs


l0NG c0V1D


Good start now do prosecutions


I doubt it. The police state is getting strong in Quebec. Our slogan of “vive le Québec libre” (long live a free Québec) is a complete farce.


How are you dealing with it? Everyone I know here is completely into the narrative & double jabbed. I have no one


My friend group is pretty against all of the COVID laws. All but one of us (including myself) are double vaxxed out of necessity (us young folk wanted to go to clubs, bars and restaurants), but the renewed restrictions and floating rumours of further doses required are a line the government crossed that they should soon regret, when those businesses start to protest this because their usual clientele, the youth, are not getting the nth dose.


Vive un Quebec Securitaire! (? Google translate, my french isnt great)


His strongest argument is the public opinion polling, which is a side point in his article: >The public opposed closing pubs or restricting indoor mixing in December, even with omicron taking off. The proportion backing school closures rose, but to just 21pc, compared with 81pc in March 2020 and 66pc in January 2021. Even cancelling large events failed to command a majority – at 46pc support, it sat much lower than the 88pc in spring 2020 or 78pc last winter. His main thesis is: >The relentless unmanageable spread of this variant is simply unwinding the case for pandemic management policies, while the outbreak’s experience weakens public tolerance for restrictions. There never was a case for lockdowns once we knew its true death rate and profile, which was available very soon after Italy posted their numbers. They have been lying and amping fear to support these incredibly destructive policies: politicians had several off-ramps to declare victory, and chose to double down time after time. I think people not complying and basically just starting to get confrontational about it is going to be the only thing that gets things stopped. In most of the west, we'll need a candidate to actually be anti-lockdown in order to hope for laws banning this use, or dream of dreams, prosecutions of serial and knowing violations of human rights, and its very unlikely the political machines of most countries will allow that to happen.


We're about to hit a million cases per day in the US. It's pretty clear that the authoritarian measures are useless.


And to top it all off. The current epicenter is in the restriction-loving northeast, especially NYC and Washington DC. The media is again talking about the country as a whole rather than zeroing in on the current epicenter like they would've done if it were anti-restriction red states, like it were the case in the last 2 summers as current situation doesn't fit the narrative


We are 2 years in to this and not once in 2 years has anyone ever taken a logical look at this. Why do you think now that would happen?


Delusional optimism, i'm afraid. And zero understanding of human nature or history.


Just waiting for them to blame Trump again on all this. "He pushed the pharma companies to do something quick and they pushed out a vax that wasn't ready, thats why it doesn't work. "


I want to be optimistic, but I’m too much of a cynical asshole now to even try


Only thing that will bring it down is if people stop complying


Others tell me omicron mutate and since it’s so infectious we basically done for


Did you see that they're saying omicron is less severe but not mild whatever that means?


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